Hei Yang snorted coldly, raised his hands, holding two adventure cards!

"Hongli, I order you to quickly put on a short skirt and black stockings, and then practice to the golden elixir stage! Hair..."

Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"What the hell..."

Hongli was about to speak but stopped.

"you are vicious……"

The corners of Hei Yang's mouth twitched.

Hongli: "That..."

Hei Yang: "I think..."

Hongli and Heiyang: “Brother, spare my life/Sister, don’t!

do not move! I mean don't start it! "

"I said……"

Hongli looked nervously at the trump card in Hei Yang's hand and whispered, "How about we talk?"


Hei Yang pretended to be calm: "Negotiations require capital!"

"A weak leg will make you feel as uncomfortable as being ripped off..."

Hong Li asked in a cold voice: "Is it enough?"

"Not enough, I can also make you dance until your legs are weak!"

"The bloating card can make you scream..."

Hongli continued to test: "Is the capital enough?"

"That's not enough. I can use the Adventure Card to make you scream!"

"The stomach is bloated, the tooth hurts, and the legs are weak!"

Cold sweat dripped from Hong Li's forehead: "Do you have enough capital to negotiate?"


Hei Yang and Hong Li stared at each other closely, thinking that the fist they punched in the past would eventually come back in another way.

That feeling will definitely not be too pleasant...

"Okay, negotiate!"*2

"Since we both want to solve the problem sincerely, then some conspiracy calculations will not be on the table."

Hei Yang snorted softly and looked at Hong Li: "Then I'll make it clear first. Before the golden elixir stage, you won't be able to survive this life, right?"

"Hmm, you said your parents are not young anymore. Seeing them getting older day by day, can you be stable?!"

Hongli jumped on the bed, sat down cross-legged, crossed her arms, and asked Black Yang's soul.

"As I get older, if I get sick again, fall or something, what do you think I will do?

When the time comes that we have a child, and the child ends up dying of old age before us, so what... ahem..."

After Hongli finished speaking, she realized something was wrong. She was silent for a moment, lowered her head, her face slowly turned red, and whispered: "So what should I do..."

"No more kids!"

"good idea!"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Ahem, the baby is still far away, we will talk about it when the time comes, just let nature take its course..."

Hei Yang's face became slightly hot, and he brought the topic back on track: "Let's continue talking about practice!"

"Okay, let nature take its course!"

Hongli nodded heavily, selectively forgetting what happened just now: "Talk about practice!"

"Well, tell the truth and be reasonable."

Hei Yang stretched out his finger: "Now we are on the second level of the Foundation Establishment. To reach the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment, we need to break through seven small realms, and then break through again, which is the Golden Core Realm. Is it okay for me to say this?"

"Uh-huh, please continue."

"Let's not mention the big realm breakthrough for now. After all, the difficulty is another heavyweight. We will talk about it when the time comes."

Hei Yang continued: "So, it's okay for the two of us to separate these seven small realms first, right?"

"Why can't you be the one to solve it?"

Hongli opened her mouth and came.

"big Adventure……"

"Because we are one!"

Hong Li speaks righteously!


Hongli asked curiously: "How are you going to distribute these seven? One for me, one for you, one for you... Ahem, if you have something to say, please say it, don't touch the card!"


Hei Yang sighed and ignored Hong Li's interruption: "I think there are groups of four from the third floor to the sixth floor, and groups of three from the seventh floor to the ninth floor.

Because the first four are definitely less difficult to practice than the last three, I’ve allocated them this way. What do you think? "

"Well, it's interesting. It's quite reasonable."

Hongli nodded thoughtfully: "Are you going to be in the front or behind?"

"I'm free to do it."

Hei Yang spread his hands: "You decide not to push the problem back to me again."

"Then I'll be in front."

Hongli thought for a while and said, "You stay behind me."

"So neat? It's not like you!"

"It's sealed and I can't get out anyway."

Hongli curled her lips: "If I choose the latter option, maybe the mountain won't be closed by then. Wouldn't that be a big loss for me?"

"well said."

Hei Yang gave a thumbs up: "Let's get started!"

"Ah? Now?"

"if not?"

Hei Yang asked back: "Don't give me any trouble tomorrow after tomorrow!"

"Hey, how is it possible that I would be that kind of person?"

Hong Li was exposed and couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Don't think that everyone is as lazy as you, okay? I always finish things today, and practice immediately when I say practice, and I won't delay it at all!"

"Yes, I believe it."

"I don't care if you believe it or not, I'm going to practice now anyway. If there's nothing else, I'll just hang up!"

"No, don't hang up."

Hei Yang stretched out his hand and stopped him calmly: "Just turn on the video and I'll watch you practice. No whispering, no eating, no sleeping, no peeking at comics, no distractions."


Hongli pointed at herself, with a look of displeasure on her face: "Don't you still believe me?"

"I just trust you too much."

Heiyang snorted coldly: "That's why I have to supervise you."

Hongli: "..."

"Don't do that."

Hongli laughed awkwardly: "Well, if you watch me practice, I will be shy!"

Heiyang had no expression on his face and said nothing.

"Tsk, I'll show you, I'll show you, really, there is no trust between lovers."

Hongli muttered softly, sighed helplessly, and began to practice the exercises.

The so-called foundation-building period is a new world compared to the Qi-refining period.

From the Qi-refining period, the cultivators began to consciously and actively inhale and exhale spiritual energy, and their lifespans were extended. They could use their magic power superficially and perform some small magics to attract water and fire. In the eyes of mortals, they were already immortals.

When they reached the foundation-building period, they officially entered the realm of magical powers.

The so-called magical powers are truly extraordinary and beyond common sense.

For example, what a cultivator in the Qi-refining period can do by using magic to summon a scorching flame, ordinary people can also do by striking a match.

As for Hongli using the magical power of the Fire Immortal to build wings for Xiaohuo, mortals can't do it even if they strike hundreds of boxes of matches.

Not to mention, the Fire Immortal has multiple functions such as defense, recovery, and attack, which are far beyond the comparison of those small spells.

The level of magical power ranges from high to low, and even ordinary yellow-level magical power can easily split into many small spells.

But it is extremely difficult to condense magical power with small spells. In this regard, Huang Dou, who is still in prison, is mentioned again. He has more say.

Nine levels of body forging, eat well, drink well, practice martial arts with medicinal baths, grow muscles and bones, and then inhale and exhale spiritual energy, and refine back to the innate into the Tao.

Nine levels of Qi refining, innate spiritual energy, innate true qi, innate Gangqi, and then condense magical power to build the foundation for cultivation.

After the foundation of magical power is laid and the foundation is established, this state can be abstractly regarded as building a nine-story tower.

The first floor of the tower is the foundation, and its importance is higher than other floors. Generally speaking, the more solid the foundation is, the smoother the cultivator can naturally walk, and it determines the lower limit.

For cultivators like Huang Dou who "just build the foundation, and talk about it later", it doesn't matter whether the foundation is good or bad, and they are grateful to be able to build it.

And ambitious young people like Hei Xiaolong usually hold back a high-level magical power as a foundation.

After the foundation is laid, for example, Hei Xiaolong's earth-level magical power, glacial heavy water, can continue to be developed, and the second and third floors can be built on it...

Even if one day Hei Xiaolong can be promoted to the Jindan stage and begin to comprehend the laws, his understanding of the laws is also centered on the magical power of glacial heavy water.

Therefore, there is also a saying that a cultivator's future fighting style can be seen from the foundation-building magical power of the foundation-building stage.

The situation of Hongli and Heiyang is quite special. Their foundational magical power is Nirvana promoted from the earth-level magical power. It is speculated that it is at least a heaven-level magical power.

According to common sense, the subsequent practice should focus on the Nirvana magical power to build the foundation. As a result, the second level of their foundation building is another magical power, the other shore, which is estimated to be at least a heavenly magical power...

So, Hongli was confused. Which magical power should she focus on for the subsequent practice?

Magic power: Nirvana

Quality: Purple

Effect: Condensing a natal fire seed. As long as the fire seed is not extinguished, no matter how serious the injury is, it can consume spiritual energy through burning and heal the injury!

Introduction: Rumor has it that when the life span is exhausted, the life span can be refreshed and reset at the cost of burning the life span, and another life can be free.

However, some people say that it is a rumor, but no one has come out to refute it yet!

Magic power: the other shore

Quality: purple

Effect: Connecting yin and yang, connecting life and death, receiving the dead soul back to the world of the living, and leading the souls of the living to death!

Introduction: Do you want to find the ghosts of those celebrities in history books?

Unfortunately, in the wandering world without reincarnation, their souls may have dissipated between heaven and earth...

Meng Po's message: Do not abuse it to avoid imbalance of yin and yang.

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