H2410 I thought it was a joke, but you are really playing? [1/3]

Chen Sansheng’s actions were very fast. After being reminded by Yang Maoyi, Chen Sansheng immediately led two service staff and his son Chen Houxing to clean the kitchen together.

Yang Maoyi has informed Chunlan and Qiu Ju, as well as the work team, when it comes to work, Yang Maoyi prefers to act resolutely and handle things in an orderly manner.

Near 5 o’clock in the afternoon, Chunlan led the photography team to set up the scene, and Chen Sansheng also handled the cleaning of the back kitchen.

Chen Sansheng also took a shower in advance and changed into a clean white chef’s uniform. He deliberately wore a tall chef’s hat.

“Master Chen, let me ask you out of curiosity, is your family’s three nonsticks really related to the imperial chef of the Daqing Dynasty?” Yang Maoyi asked.

Before Chen Sansheng responded, Yang Maoyi continued, “This question is just my personal curiosity and will not appear in the documentary, please rest assured.”

Chen Sansheng responded calmly, “I guess Ms. Yang shouldn’t believe it.

Yang Maoyi 537 didn’t hide it either, “Yes, I don’t believe it.”

“Actually, I don’t believe it myself!” Chen Sansheng sighed, “However, the truth is indeed the truth. My grandfather’s grandfather was indeed the imperial chef of the Qing Dynasty.”

Chen Sansheng continued to speak, but then “so what?”

In fact, it doesn’t have any other meaning except “being able to make this three non-stick and some palace dishes.” Chen Sansheng sighed.

“The royal chef of the palace is different from the royal chef of the palace. I know that there is a Li family dish in the emperor. They have developed very well with the reputation of the royal chef and the court cuisine.” Chen Sansheng’s expression was a little lonely.

“Although our family also inherits court dishes, our ancestors returned home and settled in Shanfeng County, which is naturally limited in terms of geographical conditions.” Chen Sansheng felt a little complaining.

If his grandfather’s grandfather stayed in the big city, I’m afraid there would be one more ‘(addy) Chen Jiacai?

An Liang sighed on the side, “Actually, I thought before that you just made up a story to make your restaurant more authentic, but it turned out to be true!”

Yang Maoyi directly attacked the essence of the inquiry, “I take the liberty to ask, Master Chen, is there any evidence for what you just said?”

Originally, Yang Maoyi wanted to use “story” to describe it, but her emotional intelligence was quite high, so she replaced “story with things”.

In the face of Yang Maoyi’s straightforward inquiry, Chen Sansheng thought about it for a while before responding, “There is no way to prove it 100% for something so old.”

After all, after hundreds of years, there are no relevant witnesses, and even if you walk around the streets, you can’t ask too many things.

“However, I can provide two supporting evidence.” Chen Sansheng added.

“The first proof is that our old Chen family has a complete genealogy, and there is a document to return home from the imperial kitchen.” Chen Sansheng said the first proof.

Second, “As evidence, I can cook a table of court dishes myself!” Chen Sansheng said confidently, “I’m a chef, I don’t like telling stories, I just want to prove myself with my cooking skills!”

There’s nothing wrong with that!

Chefs naturally have to prove themselves with cooking skills!

You can’t blow it all the time, but the things you make are garbage, right?

Who can’t talk on paper?

Liu Ling also boasted that cooking by herself is pretty good, but the truth is how miserable it is. It’s not that An Liang has never eaten the dark dishes she made.

“Master Chen can actually cook court dishes!” Yang Maoyi was surprised.

Chen Sansheng smiled and nodded, “Of course!”

“Let’s record the three non-sticks first today. As for the court dishes, we will discuss them later.” Yang Maoyi felt a little surprised.

If Chen Sansheng’s ancestors really have palace inheritance, and Chen Sansheng also inherits palace dishes, then Yang Maoyi can make a food documentary series.

Especially in such a small and remote place to find a pearl from the sea, it is simply a huge topic. This series of food documentaries should usher in an explosion, right?

However, these are all speculations at present. Although Chen Sanxing’s rhetoric is very reasonable and has formed a closed-loop story with a beginning and a tail, the real situation still needs to be verified.

The easiest way to verify is to ask Chen Sansheng to make a table of court dishes.

As Chen Sanxing himself said, chefs don’t tell stories, they speak directly with cooking skills.

An Liang also began to look forward to it, because An Liang had eaten Lijiacai, and he felt that Lijiacai was really ordinary, and even the food rewards of the winner of life system were not triggered.

Although the judging criteria of the winners in life system are based entirely on An Liang’s preferences, but Li Jiacai did not trigger the food reward, doesn’t that mean that An Liang doesn’t like it?

When the photography team was shooting the 3 non-stick documentary, An Liang observed the whole process. It was not that An Liang was curious about the shooting process or was interested in 3 non-stick, he was just accompanying the little fox.

An Liang cannot guarantee to accompany Yang Maoyi all the time, but An Liang can guarantee that he will do his best to accompany Yang Maoyi.

Under the central scheduling of Yang Maoyi, the shooting process was very smooth. The production process of the three non-sticks was completely filmed in two and a half hours.

After the filming, Yang Maoyi asked Chen Sansheng again, “Master Chen, if you want to cook a table of court dishes, how much preparation time do you need?”


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