I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [034] Bright Side and Dark Side

[Successful identification]

[Nightingale Lantern: Holding it can conceal one's own breath, smell, and information. Injecting the Dark Mist can evolve into a Ghost Lantern. ]

In the toilet, Zhang Ping used the identification on the lantern emitting green light. While seeing the attributes, he saw the production method of the secret lantern.

The lantern is made of the bones of the cadaver dog, and the internal flame comes from a mutant beast called the 'carrion nightingale'.

When the carrion nightingale grows up, a special organ will form in the chest cavity to accommodate the ghost fire. This ghost fire needs to use corpse oil as fuel and has the ability to avoid detection by predators.

Generally speaking, the more corpses there are, the more carrion nightingales there are.

After watching the production process, Zhang Ping's face looked a little better.

He was actually mentally prepared to see some cruel scenes during the identification.

Luckily, this time he saw the treatment method of the mutant beast. According to the steps in the picture, he felt that he could also make a nightingale lantern.

"Can it evolve by injecting the Dark Mist?"

Zhang Ping thought about it, and then injected the Dark Mist into the nightingale lantern.

He found that the dark fog and the ghost fire in the lantern produced some strange chemical reaction. The dark fog became a new fuel, and the flame quickly changed from green to gray.

The whole toilet suddenly lost its color, like a black and white movie.

Is this evolution?

Zhang Ping quickly used the identification technique on the lantern.

[Identification successful]

[Phantom Lantern: The owner can block his own existence when he is within the range of the light, and most of the detection and identification abilities are prohibited. It is effective below the king. ]

Good stuff!

In other words, as long as you hold the Phantom Lantern, even Situ Shibai can't think of identifying his attributes, and blocking your own existence means invisibility, which is a higher level of invisibility than the assassination ring and the dark fog night walker.

Moreover, these three abilities do not conflict. The abilities are superimposed together. When he walks outside at night, Prince Yue may not be able to find him.

However, the fuel of the Phantom Lantern has changed from corpse oil to dark fog, which also means that his dark fog has another big consumer.

"It would be great if I could open a haunted house."

Zhang Ping carefully felt the consumption of the dark fog by the Phantom Lantern, and finally sighed.

In fact, the consumption of the Phantom Lantern was not particularly large. The problem was that he still had too little Dark Mist. Last night, the masked man attracted thunder, and he also consumed some Dark Mist to resist the impact. Although he later absorbed it back from the red-haired man, he still felt that it was not enough.

After calculating the burning time of a ball of Dark Mist, he put the Phantom Lantern into the gold treasury and then took out the copper ring.

He first washed the blood on the copper ring with water, and then launched the identification spell on the copper ring.

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed +1]

[Identification failed +10]

[Identification failed +100]

[Identification successful]

[Crown of Guilt: The wearer is sunk into sin and will be immune to spiritual abilities such as purity and purification. 】

The next moment, Zhang Ping saw little girls being forced to drink green liquid, and then died in pain. They were cruelly dismembered by an old man with sores all over his face...

Zhang Ping couldn't bear it anymore. He gritted his teeth and wanted to rush into the picture to kill the old man on the spot and cut him into pieces.

But the picture continued...

After the picture ended, Zhang Ping looked at the copper ring for a long time with a gloomy look.

In his previous life, he had been saving people. Even until his death, he never regretted this decision. The people he wanted to save in this life were irreversible, but he still had a lot to do.

"Beast Tamer... Zhu Family, Tianchang Fox..."

Zhang Ping whispered to himself, then put the copper ring into the gold treasure house, and then he took out another ring.

This ring came from the telekinetic man.

Zhang Ping prepared himself and started the identification technique again.

[Successful identification]

[Strong Mind Ring: The wearer's spiritual power will be amplified, the ratio of blessing increase for primary awakeners is 50%, the ratio of blessing increase for intermediate awakeners is 35%, the ratio of blessing increase for advanced awakeners is 25%, and the ratio of blessing increase for top awakeners is 10%. ]

Then, the picture slowly unfolded.

On the big square, countless men in black injected their spiritual power into a girl's body through props. The girl's veins bulged all over her body and she screamed in pain.

But no one cared about her pain, but continued to transmit spiritual power.

The girl's seven orifices bled, and when she was about to die, a long sword pierced her forehead, and the gem inlaid on the long sword immediately emitted precious light, and the girl's extremely unstable spirit was directly sucked into the gem.

"Is that a soul?"

Zhang Ping's face was not very good after seeing it, but what he cared more about was the spirit he saw at the end.

If there really is a soul in this world, then will all the dead people have reincarnated?

"If there is reincarnation... that would be great."

Zhang Ping looked at the gem on the Qiang Nian ring with mixed feelings. A miserable soul was sealed in this gem, but he had no idea how to release her.

He put the ring away, thinking that he might ask Situ Shibai when he saw him next time.

"Zhang Ping, are you pulling diamonds? Why is it taking so long?" Qiu Qiang's voice came from outside the toilet.

Zhang Ping quickly responded: "Wait, I'll be fine soon."

As he said that, he got up and opened the door.


Clean-up team headquarters, meeting room.

Situ Shibai glanced at the wilting Jin Bo and said calmly: "Sisi will be the leader of the fighting team for the time being. After you recover from your injury, you will be a combatant for a period of time. This year's annual salary will be reduced by half, and you will receive various benefits. Do you have any opinions on cutting it by 50%?”

"No." Jin Bo said with a bleak expression.

It's okay for him to be injured himself, but he cannot absolve himself of the blame for causing two team members to die in battle.

In fact, this was the most painful thing for him.

"Captain, I'm afraid I'm not qualified enough to be the leader of the combat team." Liu Sishan sat on Jin Bo's left hand side and said at this time.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Sisi, you have always been calm and steady. Now the situation in Pearl City is treacherous. I can rest assured that you will be the leader of the fighting team."

"Okay, let's discuss what happened last night. Sisi, you are a participant, so you can talk about it first." Then he changed the subject without giving Liu Sishan a chance to refuse.

Liu Sishan knew that Situ Shibai had made up his mind, so he did not refuse the position of leader of the fighting team. She calmed down and said: "At the beginning, I received a contact from Zhang Ping outside the city. He found someone at Chen Xueliang. There were people sneaking around the house, so I contacted Manny, but Manny and the others didn't monitor anyone, so I realized that this matter was not simple. "

"It's indeed not simple. They obviously have props on them that are aimed at our barrier team. This means that the people in the elimination team..." Chen Ming said.

Situ Shibai smiled and said, "It's not necessarily a ghost. The illusion of light is not perfect."

Every ability has its own means, and there is no absolutely invincible ability. No matter how powerful the Magic Light Sky Curtain is, it will still have flaws.

Liu Sishan continued to say that in fact she didn't have much information. When it came to being sent into the black secret room by Manny, she stopped and continued: "That's all I know."

"Who is Chen Xueli, the kidnapped girl?" Chen Ming asked with a frown after hearing this.

Liu Sishan replied: "Looking at her age, she should be her granddaughter."

"Huang An."

Situ Shibai looked at the inconspicuous man next to Chen Ming.

This man is neither fat nor thin, and his hair style is ordinary.

Tong, Chinese character face, facial features are just right, nothing special. As long as he doesn't make a sound, his presence is extremely low, and he can easily be ignored by others.

Only then did Chen Ming think of Huang An, so he looked at Huang An and asked, "Huang An, does Chen Xueli have a granddaughter?"

"There is a granddaughter, but the origin of his granddaughter is a bit strange. According to the investigation, Chen Xueli's son Chen Haowen does not have a wife, and not only does this person not have the idea of ​​inheriting the Hanhai Academy, but he has a soft spot for the profession of adventurer. Probably in Fourteen years ago, Chen Haowen brought a baby back from outside the city and told the public that it was his daughter. He passed away just two years later. From then on, the baby was raised by Chen Xueli," Huang An said unhurriedly. .

Chen Ming frowned and said: "In other words, there may be something wrong with the origin of this baby, and it may not be of the Chen family's blood."

"The question is why did those people kidnap her?" Manny yawned and asked in confusion.

Liu Sishan said calmly: "Zhang Ping should know more information. I will go find him tonight."

"No, Pearl City is very dangerous now. If you enter Pearl City rashly, once you are targeted by Tian Changhu, no one except the captain can save you." Chen Ming objected.

Situ Shibai smiled and said: "Although what happened last night was not perfect, Zhang Ping's contribution cannot be ignored. Let's do this, Sisi, you go to the equipment room and pick two pieces of equipment, one for your own use and one for rewards. Zhang Ping.”


Liu Sishan immediately understood what Situ Shibai meant.

Obviously, Situ Shibai supported her to go find Zhang Ping tonight.

Chen Ming looked at Situ Shibai, and just as he was about to speak to persuade, Situ Shibai smiled and said, "I will personally be responsible for protecting Sisi this time."

All right.

When it comes to this matter, Chen Ming has nothing to say.

Although they all knew that Zhang Ping had a badge that could be used to contact him, no one mentioned using the badge to contact Zhang Ping. The main reason was that they didn't know Zhang Ping's current status, so it was inconvenient for him to be contacted.

Once Zhang Ping is inconvenient now, untimely contact may put him in danger.

City Lord's Mansion.

Zhu Zeming came out of the study, walked through the corridor easily, and happened to see a Tianchang fox eating people not far away.

He walked forward, patted the other party, and said with a smile: "He is eating."

"Huang Zeming, what's the matter with you?" The Tianchang fox spit out a knuckle and asked hoarsely.

Zhu Zeming smiled and said: "Actually, I have a very annoying person. Can you please help me eat him?"

"It's very dangerous outside now. His Highness said we are not allowed to go out." The Tianchang Fox said.

Zhu Zeming chuckled and said: "His Highness is now monitoring the whole city. How dangerous can it be for you to do things under his nose?"

"That makes sense. It's not impossible to help you, but what's the benefit for me?" Tian Chang's eyes rolled, and he continued to ask.

Zhu Zeming took out a tooth and said, "Have you seen enough?"

"Okay, I'll do it tonight!"

Tian Changhu reached out and grabbed the tooth in Zhu Zeming's hand and agreed directly.

This is the canine tooth of a crescent wolf. It is of no use to humans, but it can enhance the 'power' of the alienated beast.

The power of alienated beasts is equivalent to the power of humans.

Humans can improve their momentum by encouraging their hearts and strengthening their beliefs, but alien beasts are animals after all. Once they realize that their opponents are stronger than themselves, their momentum will decline, and they may even lose their courage and run away.

Just like ordinary Tianchang foxes will subconsciously lower their ears and tails when facing the Moon Prince, and even dare not look him in the eye.

Therefore, in addition to fighting and eating meat to improve their own levels, alien beasts also need to improve their prestige in various ways.

This crescent wolf tooth is enough to make this Tianchang fox take risks.

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