I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [035] Mission


Beast King Boxing Gym.

Bai De put his hands behind his back, glanced at all the students, and said, "Phoenix Claw Style, practice requires special secret medicine, Zhang Ping, you come up and distribute the secret medicine to everyone."

Hearing this, Zhang Ping stepped forward and distributed the secret medicine on the table one by one.

This is a paste-like secret medicine. The materials required for preparation are not expensive, but the price sold by the Beast King Boxing Gym is very black. A can of secret medicine that costs 5 pearl coins is sold for 200 pearl coins.

If it is not public money consumption, Zhang Ping will never touch it.

"These secret medicines are applied to the fingers once every morning. After applying, you are not allowed to touch water within one hour. Okay, now we will start to explain the moves of the Phoenix Claw Style. Look carefully." Bai De saw Zhang Ping finish distributing the secret medicine, so he said.

Next, he explained in detail the moves and force methods of the Phoenix Claw Style, and personally demonstrated the training and fighting methods.

The Phoenix Claw is a bit like the Nine Yin White Bone Claw in martial arts novels. After getting started, the finger force is amazing and can easily penetrate the enemy's skull. Even the hardest frontal bone can't withstand the fatal finger of the Phoenix Claw.

If you can practice it to perfection, the Phoenix Claw will undergo a transformation, and ordinary rocks and steel can be easily grasped.

"Do you understand the training and fighting methods?"

Bai De spoke for half an hour this time. After finishing, he glanced at everyone and asked.

Most people said they understood, only Wang Jieming looked bitter, he hadn't even started the Giant Crocodile Style.

These days, Zhang Ping was not in Mingzhu City, so he had to practice the Ape King Style constantly, and now he was waiting for Zhang Ping to help him disassemble the Giant Crocodile Style's moves.

The content of the Phoenix Claw was too advanced for him.

"Okay, now you can practice freely."

Bai De saw that most of the students understood, so he simply sat on the chair, picked up a cup of tea and took a break.

During this time, the students also got familiar with each other, and they all looked for familiar partners to communicate and practice with each other one-on-one.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to find Zhou Jielin to practice with, but he didn't see Zhou Jielin after looking around. He had no choice but to walk up to Wang Jieming and said, "Let's practice with each other."

"Zhang Ping, I don't understand the Phoenix Claw Style at all, I'm afraid I can't help you." Wang Jieming said embarrassedly.

Zhang Ping had expected it, he smiled and said, "I know, I will help you disassemble the Giant Crocodile Style later. After practicing the Giant Crocodile Style, you should be able to get started with the Phoenix Claw Style soon. And we haven't started to apply the secret medicine yet, just try it casually."

"Well, thank you." Wang Jieming said gratefully.

Zhang Ping was not in the Beast King Boxing Gym these days, and he suffered a lot.

After all, few of these adventurers have good tempers. Because he learns slowly, others practicing with him is like feeding him moves, so often when fighting, the opponent will be unhappy that he has become a sparring partner, and then hit hard.

He has accumulated a lot of wounds on his body, and he hasn't healed yet.


After class.

The two left the Beast King Boxing Gym.

Zhang Ping looked up at the stars in the sky and suddenly asked, "Wang Jieming, is your mother at home these days?"

He still remembered that Wang Jieming said that he suspected that his mother had been eaten by the Tianchang Fox.

"My mother is not at home these days. Do you want to come to my house to play?" Wang Jieming realized what Zhang Ping meant, so he asked.

That day he slept in Tiezhihun for one night. He originally wanted to ask Zhang Ping to go home with him the next day to help identify whether his mother was a Tianchang Fox.

Who knew that plans could not keep up with changes.

The next morning, he just walked out of the room and ran into Liu Sishan who was guarding outside Zhang Ping's door. Liu Sishan ordered him to ask for leave for Zhang Ping and to cover for Zhang Ping at the same time.

Under Liu Sishan's sharp eyes, he couldn't say no at all.

However, after eating breakfast in Tiezhihun, he mustered up the courage to go home alone, but his mother was not at home.

At that time, he felt like a punch on cotton, and the courage he had finally mustered was all gone at once.

In the next few days, he was the only one at home.

But he actually knew in his heart that his mother was probably in danger.

Zhang Ping knew what Wang Jieming meant. He sighed and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

"Zhang Ping, can I practice boxing with you?" Wang Jieming was silent for a moment and asked.

He wanted to take revenge.

But he didn't even know where his enemy was.

Zhang Ping said calmly: "It will be very hard to practice boxing with me. I'm worried that you can't bear it, and you are too weak now."

"I'm weak? Practice?" Wang Jieming said unconvinced.

Zhang Ping also wanted to see Wang Jieming's strength, and nodded: "Go to the open space in front?"

"Let's go!" Wang Jieming walked forward quickly.

When the two walked to the open space, Zhang Ping signaled Wang Jieming to take action.

"You have to be careful. Although I learn things slowly, Mingzhu Sanquan is already at the level of great success." Wang Jieming reminded.

Zhang Ping waved his hand and said with a smile: "Come."

If it was before, he might not be able to beat Wang Jieming, but now he is level 9, and Wang Jieming is still level 5, what can Wang Jieming use to fight him?

Wang Jieming took a deep breath and walked around Zhang Ping in small steps.

Running Wolf!

Suddenly, he rushed forward and punched Zhang Ping's spine.

The Running Wolf style in Mingzhu's three punches is specifically for the eyes, ears, spine and other vital points, and it is important to hit the target with one blow.

Many awakeners like to use Running Wolf as a starter, especially when fighting with others, Running Wolf is the most flexible and changeable starter.

Faced with this punch, Zhang Ping turned around and stepped on the monkey step to dodge Wang Jieming's attack. Then his face was almost touching Wang Jieming's arm, and his whole body leaned against Wang Jieming's chest. If this blow was real, it could hit Wang Jieming's chest into his chest cavity.

Zhang Pingyuan thought Wang Jieming would retreat, but Wang Jieming not only did not retreat, but his fist suddenly turned into a sharp hand and pecked directly at his eyes.

He had a pure water body. Even if Wang Jieming really pecked his eyes blind, he could recover quickly as long as he turned into a pure water body. However, Wang Jieming would be seriously injured if he didn't die after being pecked by him. Therefore, he had to give up the offensive and used both hands to block Wang Jieming's sharp hand, and then collided with it and retreated at the touch.

When retreating, he noticed that Wang Jieming's feet were not firmly on the ground, but on the tip of his toes. At this time, retreating could actually quickly release the force.

He simulated it in his mind and found that his leaning just now might not seriously injure Wang Jieming. Wang Jieming was quick to release the force, so he was only slightly injured at most.

"Come again!"

Wang Jieming shouted at this time, stepped forward quickly, and launched an endless attack like a monkey.

Ape King Style!

Zhang Ping immediately became interested and also used the Ape King Style to fight Wang Jieming head-on. The two of them quickly exchanged moves in the open space and countered each other's moves. They fought for more than ten minutes before stopping.

If it was just a boxing competition, the two were actually evenly matched.

Once Wang Jieming learned a boxing style, as long as he practiced it persistently, he would improve too fast.

"Old Wang, do you know what your main attribute is?" Zhang Ping's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he wiped the sweat with his hand and asked.

Wang Jieming was more embarrassed than him, and was already sweating all over. He supported his knees with both hands and answered with a heavy breath: "My main attributes are physical strength, strength and speed."

"Three attributes, that is, balanced type." Zhang Ping nodded.

Mingzhu City has

Scholars have studied that most of the awakened summoners and beastmasters have physical and mental attributes, while the main attribute of pure spellcasting awakened is mental.

The awakened of the physical strengthening system is more varied.

For example, the main attribute is the explosive type of strength, the main attribute is the fierce battle type of strength and physical strength, the main attribute is the balance of strength, physical strength and speed, and the main attribute is the agility type of strength and speed.

There are even some more weird existences.

For example, the main attribute is the big blood cow of physical strength, and the main attribute is the speed of the super-speed assassin.

It is worth mentioning that according to the classification method of Mingzhu City, the awakened who awakened the eagle eye talent also belongs to the awakened of the physical strengthening system, but only the eyes are strengthened.

Zhang Ping is higher than Wang Jieming, and his main attributes are physical strength and mental, so his physical recovery speed is much faster than Wang Jieming.

In just two minutes, he recovered and smiled, "Do you want to try again?"

"No, Zhang Ping, what is your main attribute?" Wang Jieming quickly refused. He just fought with Zhang Ping and was completely holding on. If Zhang Ping didn't stop, he would definitely lose.

Although his boxing skills were comparable to Zhang Ping's, his endurance was too much worse.

"Physical strength and spirit." Zhang Ping replied.

Wang Jieming immediately said in disbelief: "Impossible, your strength and speed are almost the same as mine, how could it be just physical strength and spirit?"

"That's the result of my own hard training. If you get up every morning and do 5,000 push-ups and 2,000 sit-ups, I believe you can do it too." Zhang Ping smiled.

His potential is now as high as six stars, so the training effect is excellent.

During the day, he has been testing his limits, but because his main attributes are physical strength and spirit, not only does he recover his physical strength very quickly, but his mental strength also recovers very quickly.

Every time he gets tired from training, he only needs to rest for a few minutes and then he will be full of energy and can continue to train.

So even he himself doesn't know his limits. .

In fact, if he didn't need to eat, drink, defecate or urinate, he could have trained like crazy all day long.

"Alas, it's late, let's go back." Wang Jieming was silent, and then sighed.

He knew that Zhang Ping still had the ability to release fire. If Zhang Ping used that trick, he would not be Zhang Ping's opponent at all.

"Let's go, what you need to do now is to train well. Sooner or later in the future, you will surprise everyone." Zhang Ping saw that Wang Jieming had given up, so he comforted him.

If it was before, he would have wanted to drag Wang Jieming to fight against Tianchang Fox together.

But now it's different.

Not only did his strength improve by leaps and bounds after leaving the city, but he also had a better understanding of the situation in Mingzhu City.

In addition to Tianchang Fox, there is also a beastmaster Zhu family hiding in the dark in the city, and he will not only not help Wang Jieming, but will harm Wang Jieming.

At the fork in the road, the two parted ways.

Zhang Ping did not return to the Iron Soul, but walked to an inconspicuous corner. After making sure that the tail in the sky had swept past, he quickly put on the assassination ring and then took out the ghost lantern.

The ghost lantern emitted a gray light, and everything where the light shone turned into black and white.

Zhang Ping covered his body with the dark mist, and the dark mist rolled under his long black cloak. In a blink of an eye, he turned from an ordinary student into a two-meter-tall death god.

In fact, he was suspended about 20 centimeters above the ground at this moment, so he looked so tall.

He took out the mirror and took a look at his image, feeling very satisfied.

Then he put away the mirror, sneered, and quickly floated away.


He still has a mission.

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