I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [048] Synchronicity

Feng Laixian is undoubtedly a strong man.

Therefore, if you want to deal with him, you must use some strategies.

The old man smiled happily, and all the living corpses around him locked their eyes on Feng Laixian, and invisible forces were like shackles on Feng Laixian.

This invisible power is actually the power of thought.

As a universal ability, telekinesis has extremely high upper and lower limits, and it has a strong advantage in frontal combat.

It can be said that ordinary people have no power to resist when facing a telepathic person, and their necks may be broken by invisible telekinesis in just one encounter.

Feng Laixian's body was so powerful that even though he was entangled and strangled by countless telepathic forces, he still gritted his teeth and slowly inserted his hands into his body to tear open the parts infected with corpse poison.

But the corpse poison spread too fast.

Dense green threads appeared on the surface of his skin, and these threads quickly spread towards his head.

Once the corpse poison enters his brain, he will become a new living corpse.

"What a terrifying telepathic force field. Master Feng's situation is not good."

"We're going down to help. We can't let Master Feng fight alone."

"Don't add to the chaos. That old ghost is obviously a top-level awakener, and he can create puppets through some means. If you go down now and get poisoned, you will become his accomplice."

"Attack the living corpses around and break the telekinesis field first."

"Is there anyone who can heal Master Feng from a distance? Master Feng needs treatment."

"Don't be stupid. Master Feng has a strong healing ability. He doesn't need treatment at all. What he needs is detoxification."

On the city wall, the awakened people saw this scene and started discussing one after another. For a while, no one was convinced by the other, and they could not come up with a feasible plan.

Just as the old man said, Feng Laixian made a bad move.

He is too far away from the city wall, a full four to five hundred meters. Although some of the awakened ones can attack that far, they will be blocked by the living corpses, which basically has no effect.

As for going down the city wall to engage in hand-to-hand combat with living corpses, no awakened person with any brain would consider it.

The main reason is that the mysterious old man's ability is so disgusting that once he is poisoned, he will become his puppet, and the puppet can also use the abilities he had during his lifetime.

If the Awakened ones who are not strong enough go to support them, they will become the opponent's thugs in a short time, which will be a disservice.

When everyone was at a loss, Zhang Ping's will was transferred to the female awakener again. As soon as he transferred over, the female awakener noticed his presence.

"Is it you?" the female awakener asked uncertainly.

Zhang Ping responded: "Well, I was a little worried about this, so I shifted my consciousness to take a look at the situation."

Identifying the categorical imperative prevents you from getting confused

After losing and sinking, he breathed a huge sigh of relief, and then he happened to hear the conversation of the awakened ones here through the wind whisperer.

He knew very well that once something happened to Feng Laixian, the southern wall would probably not be able to hold, so his consciousness shifted to the Blood Snake's side, intending to see the situation first. (It is worth mentioning that he has turned into a pure-blood form again, and his true body is currently residing in Liu Sishan's body.)

The female awakener knew what he was worried about, so she took two steps forward and looked outside the city wall.

With Feng Laixian at the center, the air was constantly twisting, as if countless arms were holding Feng Laixian tightly, preventing him from making any movements.

Feng Laixian's body had completely turned green. He laboriously and continuously tore open the flesh and blood containing corpse poison, but it had little effect.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that what he is doing is completely in vain.

However, Zhang Ping had identified Feng Laixian's attributes, so he knew what Feng Laixian was doing. Feng Laixian was injuring herself and accumulating serious enough injuries.

Once Feng Laixian falls into a near-death state, he can release the Red Emperor Flame and instantly recover all injuries.

Zhang Ping estimated that this Red Emperor Flame should have a miraculous effect on corpse poison.

"Little hero, does Master Feng still have a chance?" the female awakener asked worriedly.

In fact, all the awakened people present are worried. The problem is that they are not strong enough, and they can only watch. The result may be trouble for Feng Laixian. There are several living corpses equivalent to top awakened people around the mysterious old man, and even just now Someone figured out the identity of these living corpses.

Zhang Ping said embarrassedly: "Sister, don't call me little hero, just call me Xiao Zhang."

"Okay, brother Xiao Zhang, aren't you worried?" the female awakener asked.

Zhang Ping replied: "Master Feng still has a trump card. As long as he can hold on until dawn, he can reverse the situation."

"That's great." The female awakener breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Ping looked at the old man and tried to use identification. He did not expect that this mysterious old man did not have any equipment to hide his own information. After more than twenty consecutive failures, he actually succeeded in identification.

He immediately checked the old man's attributes.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zuo Xiangming]

[Race: Living Corpse (Lost)]

[Force: Corpse of Living Corpses]

[Potential: None]

[Lifespan: None]

[Level: Top Awakener]

【Level: 39】


[Living Corpse Toxin (Mutation): The body can continuously generate corpse poison. Anyone transformed into a living corpse by the corpse poison will be controlled by the person with the ability. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate level - Corpse poison enhancement (mutation): The toxicity of the living corpse toxin is increased ten times, and the infection speed is increased by 200%. 】

[Advanced-Zombie Awakening (Mutation): All

Even living corpses can use their abilities while alive and retain their combat experience. 】

[Top level - Living Corpse Legion (Mutation): All living zombies become a whole. Only by killing all living zombies can the controller be harmed. 】

"Is this the Necromancer template?"

Zhang Ping looked at Zuo Xiangming's attributes and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Then he heard the female awakened person say in surprise: "Brother Xiao Zhang, how come the attributes of that old man appear in front of me?"

"Hey, you saw it too?" Zhang Ping said in surprise.

The female awakener nodded and said: "Yes, I saw it. Is this also your ability?"

"Well, it's my ability." Zhang Ping nodded. He didn't expect that his host could also see it when he used the appraisal.

The female awakener looked at Zuo Xiangming's attributes and said solemnly: "Brother Xiao Zhang, this old ghost is so strong. Can Master Feng really do it?"

"If you can hold on until dawn, then there will be no problem." Zhang Ping then appraised Feng Laixian again.

This time he specifically identified it for the female awakener.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Feng Laixian]

[Race: Human]

[Force: Beast King Boxing Gym]


【Lifespan: 5000】

[Level: Top Awakener]

【Level: 38】


[Red Emperor Undead Body: The more serious the injury, the faster the healing speed, and the higher the temperature of the body. When dying, the Red Emperor's flames can be released to instantly restore all injuries. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate-Super Speed ​​Regeneration: Wound healing speed increased by 200%]

[Advanced - Red Emperor's Flame Blood: Can control the acceleration of heartbeat, activate the Red Emperor's Flame Blood, erupt into terrifying high temperatures, and at the same time improve overall physical fitness. 】

[Top level - Red Emperor of the Sun: During the day, by resonating with the sun, it enters the form of the Red Emperor of the Sun. All powers are enhanced tenfold. At the same time, the flames of the Red Emperor are sublimated into the True Fire of the Sun, which can be released and manipulated at will. 】

When the female awakener saw Feng Laixian's attributes, she thought for a moment and said, "Then we must find a way to help Master Feng Laixian delay time!"

With that said, she turned and left the south wall. Once she got off the city wall, she asked two of the stronger awakened ones to go with her.

"Sister, what are you going to do?" Zhang Ping couldn't help but ask.

The female awakened person smiled slightly and said: "My name is Chen Weihua, you can call me Sister Chen or Sister Weihua. As for what I want to do... Now for Master Feng, the most troublesome thing is probably those activities that can use telekinesis. Corpses, only by getting rid of those living corpses can Master Feng have a chance to survive until dawn!"

While talking, she came to a warehouse.

When she took out the key and opened the warehouse, Zhang Ping saw a large number of fruits shaped like sea urchins.

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