I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [058] The general trend of people’s hearts

Feng Laixian's roar stopped as Zuo Xiangming left.

He stood up and quickly returned to the city wall, looking towards the west of the city. Sure enough, the gate of the west wall was wide open. At the same time, a mixed army of living zombies and awakened people were occupying key places in the city. Even some areas with a large number of residents were heavily surrounded by them. .

A team of awakened people, led by Wu Ruoyu, was like a sharp knife, charging towards the south wall with great force. Some awakened people who stood in the way were mercilessly killed.

"Everyone, follow me!" Feng Laixian stood at the front, looked at Wu Ruoyu, and gritted her teeth.

Wu Ruoyu rushed forward and said with a smile: "Everyone is ready to fight."

There is always a twenty-meter buffer zone between the city wall and the residential area.

At this time, the two groups of people were fighting hand to hand in this 20-meter open space.

However, the fight did not start immediately. Instead, the two sides confronted each other first, and both looked at Wu Ruoyu and Feng Laixian.

"Master Wu, why?" Feng Laixian stared at Wu Ruoyu and asked word by word.

Wu Ruoyu asked: "Master Feng, what do you think of Pearl City?"

Without waiting for Feng Laixian to answer, he turned back to look at the lights in the residential area behind him, sighed, and said, "Look, those lights are bright but fragile. Every year in Pearl City, more than two hundred people die from alienated beasts. It seems that we can only stick to this three-thirds of an acre of land due to the attack. Have you ever thought that we might be able to change our ways of living? "

"I see, the student who preached the theory of human king supremacy in our library was one of yours." Feng Laixian narrowed his eyes and continued.

He had heard this before from a student who came to learn Beast King Fist.

Wu Ruoyu nodded and said: "Yes, it's a pity that you expelled him, otherwise you could have become one of us."

"Haha, become one of you? And then... bury the entire Pearl City?" Feng Laixian lowered his head and smiled, then suddenly stopped smiling, his eyes suddenly opened angrily, and he roared at Wu Ruoyu.

Wu Ruoyu sighed and shouted: "If you don't talk a lot, then only my subordinates will see the real chapter, kill him!"

He suddenly rose up and struck Feng Laixian with a palm.

Feng Laixian's face was gloomy, and he did not hide or dodge. Only when the palm was about to hit his face did he reach out his hand to catch it.

He gritted his teeth and punched Wu Ruoyu's head with his other hand, but Wu Ruoyu also caught it.

The two glared at each other and launched attacks almost simultaneously.

The Lieyang Fire Dragon Palm taught by the Lieyang Martial Arts School is itself a strong and domineering palm technique. In the end, you can even shoot out flames with one palm. The secret "Fire Dragon Rigid Body" is known as the first in attack speed.

Wu Ruoyu struck out quickly with both palms, and Feng Laixian also used various moves to fight against her, her energy and blood were hot.

Under the impact of the waves, they seemed to be fighting in a volcano.

Centered on the two of them, a terrifying high temperature gradually spread.

Monument Square.

Situ Shibai sat next to the monument, rubbing the monument with some disappointment.

He knew the entire situation in Pearl City very well.

"So it turns out that it's the change of people's minds that creates a rolling trend. I can stop the Zhu family, I can stop the wild beasts, but how can I stop the trend of people's minds?" He said to himself.

It was not just the martial arts schools that rebelled, but also many farmers.

These farmers quickly provided water sources to the Marine People's army after they entered, ensuring that the Marine People's combat effectiveness would not be greatly reduced when they landed on land.

Situ Shibai did not blame these people because he understood their pain.

"Failure, you should understand that you have failed." Li Aoxue seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, with an ethereal figure, looking at Situ Shibai, and said with a winner's smile.

Situ Shibai looked at Li Aoxue and asked, "Then have you ever thought about what will happen to the human race if you fail?"

"I will not fail!" Li Aoxue looked at Situ Shibai and said confidently.

Situ Shibai's eyes gradually became sharper, and he said angrily: "When you swung the sharp blade at innocent people, when you cooperated with Zuo Xiangming, when you used unscrupulous means, you have already lost. What you did was deceitful, not evil. Kingly way!”

"As the old saying goes, one general can make all the bones dry up. What's more, I want to walk the road of kings. How can I not shed blood? No matter whether it is a deceitful way or a royal way, in the final analysis, only the winner is king." Li Aoxue said disdainfully.

Situ Shibai stood up and said angrily: "Your ambition is too great. You will kill more people and even drag the human race to a place of eternal destruction."

"It seems that the scene today still can't convince you, although I don't expect to convince you. This is your burial place tonight. It just so happens that this is also the resting place of Master. You should die in peace." Li Aoxue had no idea. Heeding Situ Shibai's angry rebuke, he said calmly.

Then Situ Shibai squinted and looked around. Living corpses began to appear one after another, and among the living corpses were many awakened people.

"You actually..." Situ Shibai said in disbelief when he saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

A middle-aged man walked out slowly and said helplessly: "Brother Shi Bai, Tian Changhu is so powerful. Sister Aoxue is right. Humanity needs a king. We should unite together instead of being scattered like now." "

This middle-aged man is the current lord of Pearl City. Apparently his change of mind was due to the invasion of Tian Changhu.

"Li Aoxue is not a wise king, she will not succeed." Situ Shibai looked at the middle-aged man and said painfully.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe, but Aoxue

The eldest sister is right, someone has to start something, no matter the outcome is good or bad. I know I can't persuade you, so...please bring Brother Shibai...on the road! "

"Then come on, let's use this battle to decide the future of Pearl City." Situ Shibai glanced at the awakened people around him. He saw determination and strength in their eyes. He sighed helplessly and spoke slowly. said.

After saying this, the huge light ball hanging high in the sky burst into bright light.

City Lord's Mansion.

Prince Yue was holding Chen Junting and was observing Chen Junting's sleeping face.

Then it couldn't help but stretched out its long tongue and licked Chen Junting's face.

"Xiaobai, stop licking it, it's so itchy."

Chen Junting frowned slightly, subconsciously moved her tongue away with her hand and muttered.

Xiaobai is a puppy she raised. Because of the blood of the Virgin, Xiaobai is particularly obedient.

However, she mumbled a few times, and Xiaobai was still licking her face in her dream, so she opened her eyes in confusion.

What she saw was not Luo Shiyu or Tianchang Fox, but an indescribable and indescribable existence.

"Hello, you look so strange."

Chen Junting sat up, looked at the indescribable thing, and said curiously.

Then that mess of indescribable things kept squirming, as if it was telling something.

Chen Junting tried to understand the other party seriously, nodding from time to time, and then showing doubts in some places.

"You said your master is dead? That's so pitiful."

For a moment, Chen Junting barely understood the meaning of the indescribable thing, and then sympathized.

Then she widened her eyes again and said in surprise: "You said you want to follow me? Well... let me think about it, what do you know?"

The indescribable thing slowly stretched out a messy shadow, and in a blink of an eye it and Chen Junting appeared at the top of the city lord's palace.

"Wow, the sun is so big." Chen Junting looked up at the big ball of light and said in surprise.

Then she looked at the indescribable thing happily and said with a smile: "You are so awesome. How did you do this?"

The indescribable thing was constantly deforming and squirming, as if it was explaining something.

"You mean... you were originally an invisible conceptual ability, but later the master gave you life?" Chen Junting struggled to understand.

The indescribable mass expressed its approval, and then transformed again.

Chen Junting pursed her lips and said: "Well, since no one wants you anymore, I will take you in for the time being, but you have to be obedient, otherwise I won't want you."

As she spoke, she held out her hand.

The indescribable object immediately melted into her hand, and in the blink of an eye she felt something and looked towards Monument Square.

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