I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [065] The most beautiful encounter

North of Pearl City, the endless mountains breed countless magical lives.

Under the sun, a group of little wild boars followed their mother across the grass, and then there was a stream as thick as an arm. The mother wild boar strode across the stream, but the first little wild boar was afraid and stopped in front of the stream.

The little wild boar at the back bumped into the butt of the little wild boar at the front. The collision immediately knocked the little wild boar in front into the water. It did a somersault in the water, and suddenly an arm made of water lifted it up. It was frightened. He quickly used all four limbs to run to the other side.

The other young wild boars stared blankly at the stream, and only cautiously crossed the stream when the mother wild boar urged them to do so.

The water in the stream was clear and transparent, still flowing slowly, and eventually merged into a larger water vein. This water vein continued to flow down the mountain, gradually seeping under the rocks and entering the underground river.

This underground river is one of the most important water sources in Pearl City.

The water plant in Pearl City draws water from this underground river and then delivers the water to thousands of households through water pipes.

In the patrol team, several awakened people opened the faucet, filled a pot of water, and then took the water to boil. Several Tianchang Fox watched them walk into the kitchen, then walked to the faucet, opened the faucet and drank directly. .

Originally, there were no survivors in the patrol team, only Tian Changhu.

In order to kill the outstanding ones among humans as soon as possible, Prince Moon specially recruited many awakened ones in the name of the patrol team.

But this time, we can't act too quickly, because if too many awakened people disappear at once, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of those strong human beings, so Prince Yue plans to slowly remove the awakened people in these patrol teams, and then add another batch Another batch of specially recruited awakened people joined and spent a year to deal with these potential threats.

One Tianchang fox finished drinking the water, and the other one came forward to drink water. Suddenly its eyes widened suddenly, its claws kept dancing, and it made a "wow" sound.

The other Tianchang Fox frowned and asked hoarsely: "What's wrong? You can't swallow water, can you?"

The Tianchang fox grabbed his neck with both hands, stood up and looked at the Tianchang fox next to him. Then his eyes suddenly protruded and his body fell down weakly.

"Moon fifty-seven? Stop pretending and get up quickly." Tian Changhu looked at Tian Changhu on the ground and cursed.

But the next moment, an arm made of water stretched out from the eye socket of the Tianchang fox that fell to the ground, and instantly grabbed the other Tianchang fox.

Fox's neck. Then the water slowly flowed out of Tianchanghu's body, forming a vague human shape.

"Where is Su Jingyao?" Zhang Ping stared at the intermediate Tianchang Fox and asked.

Tian Changhu naturally knew who Su Jingyao was. The first thing it thought of was seeking revenge, but this idea was quickly rejected by itself.

Su Jingyao's interpersonal relationships have long been figured out by them, and it is impossible to have such a powerful enemy.

In other words, this awakened person is preparing to avenge Su Jingyao!

"Human, you are seeking death!"

It's eyes suddenly flashed with ferocity, and it immediately scratched Zhang Ping's head with its claws.


A water arrow shot through Tian Changhu's paw, and blood immediately flowed all over the ground.

Zhang Ping said impatiently: "Let me ask for the last time, where is Su Jingyao?"


This Tianchang fox was completely uncooperative and opened its mouth to ask for help.

Zhang Ping activated his ability immediately before it screamed, and the hand holding its neck turned into a sharp water blade. With a strong grip, the Tianchang fox's body and head were separated.

He glanced at the dead fox and slowly fell down, following the water flow into the sewer.

In less than a minute, Prince Yue rushed over quickly. He looked down at the two dead Tianchang Foxes and said in a low voice: "Yueying, don't waste it."

"Yes, Your Highness." Yueying's voice came from its shadow.

After last night, Yueying found that something was very wrong with Prince Yue. He was always in a daze, and the way he looked at all living things seemed to be no different.

‘Don’t waste it. ’

In the past, Prince Yue would only use this sentence for food, but this time he even used it for his clan.

But Moon Shadow doesn't need to think, it only needs to obey the Moon Prince's orders.

In the sewer, Zhang Ping flowed along with the dirty water.

He was a little worried that if the Tianchang fox that killed Su Jingyao had a human skin, he would still be able to recognize it.

"I hope it won't be replaced, otherwise..."

Zhang Ping came back this time to avenge Su Jingyao. As long as he didn't meet the Moon King and the Moon Prince, no one could stop him.

If he couldn't find the Tianchang fox, then he would have to kill all the Tianchang foxes in the entire patrol.

However, doing so is likely to have very bad consequences.

After all, the entire residents of Pearl City are actually equivalent to hostages in the hands of Tian Changhu.

It is not a wise choice to stimulate these foxes too much now. Zhang Ping thought about it and decided to activate the power of connections.

All right.

He has some shitty connections.

Counting the time from time traveling to now, it is actually only a few weeks and a half. The only people who can be considered friends are Wang Jieming and Liu Sishan.

However, Zhang Ping did not intend to contact Wang Jieming. He closed his eyes and his consciousness instantly transferred to Chen Weihua, and then he saw a familiar human skin.

"Ah, I forgot to get you a glass of water, please wait." Chen Weihua's eyes suddenly widened, and then she smiled at the 'girl' in front of her.

She stood up and walked into the tea room. Her hands immediately began to tremble, and her heart beat violently.

"Don't be nervous, why did it appear here, Sister Weihua?" Zhang Ping asked.

He didn't expect that it was such a coincidence that the Tianchang Fox he had been looking for happened to be here with Chen Weihua, and it seemed that Chen Weihua was being targeted by the other party.

"I met him last night, what should I do?" Chen Weihua replied in a low voice.

Last night, the patrol team surrounded all the people who were fighting. Because she was not good at frontal combat, she hid in a corner and happened to encounter the Tianchang Fox that killed Su Jingyao.

But when Zhang Ping's consciousness was not transferred to her side, in her eyes, the Tianchang Fox looked like Su Jingyao, but when Zhang Ping's consciousness was transferred, the picture changed all of a sudden.

"Sister Weihua, be careful and try to delay time. I'll be here soon!" Zhang Ping said immediately.

After speaking, his consciousness left Chen Weihua's body and returned directly to his body.

In the sewer, he opened his eyes and then smiled. If the conditions did not allow it, he would have recited a few lines of poetry.

I searched for him thousands of times in the crowd.

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, in the dim light.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to use Chen Weihua's connections to see if he could find out about the patrol team today, so as to infer where the Tianchang Fox that killed Su Jingyao was.

Who would have thought that he would see the Tianchang Fox he was looking for after his consciousness was transferred.

It was really an accidental success.

Zhang Ping controlled his pure water body and directly turned into a shape similar to that of a hairtail, and quickly moved towards the Mingzhu Hospital where Chen Weihua was.

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