I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [066] Gentle Talk

Pearl Hospital.

Chen Weihua came out with a cup and said with a smile: "Jingyao, come, drink water."


'Su Jingyao' nodded politely.

Chen Weihua has extremely strong determination. Even though the style of painting in front of her suddenly changed just now, she didn't reveal many flaws. At this moment, her posture was natural, without any clues at all.

She asked curiously: "Jingyao, what happened last night, how is Captain Lin going to deal with it?"

"Feng Laixian has done meritorious service in defending the city. He may be specially recruited into the patrol team as the deputy captain. Other awakened people, including those who killed people during the internal strife, will be temporarily detained until the specific situation is clear before making a decision." 'Su Jingyao' answered road.

Then it stood up, walked slowly to Chen Weihua, lowered his head and sniffed Chen Weihua's hair, and asked: "Did you know? When humans are afraid, the smell is actually different from normal times. Your acting skills are very good. But your body is reeking of fear."

After speaking, it curiously observed Chen Weihua's reaction.

In fact, it is a worshiper of the Moon Prince.

It itself eats any prey, but since the Moon Prince only eats girls, it begins to imitate the Moon Prince and also only eats girls.

However, it soon discovered that most of the girls in Pearl City were in the Pearl Ability Academy, and the Pearl Ability Academy was the hunting ground of Prince Yue, so it had to slightly relax the definition of 'girls', such as targeting young people. woman.

But even so, Su Jingyao is still the most beautiful one it has killed so far, so it has never changed its human skin.

In fact, it doesn't care about the beauty and ugliness of human skin, but since the human skin used by Prince Moon is the top beauty among humans, it should naturally pursue it.

This time it decided to replace the human skin because Chen Weihua was more mature and beautiful compared to the slightly greener Su Jingyao, at least for humans.

Chen Weihua clenched her fist slightly and forced a smile: "Jingyao, what are you talking about, why can't I understand you?"

"Stop pretending, tell me, how did you see through my disguise?" Tian Changhu bent down and looked directly at Chen Weihua, and said coldly.

This is also the reason why it did not take action immediately. At the beginning, it was sure that Chen Weihua had never seen through its identity, but half a minute ago, Chen Weihua suddenly discovered its disguise.

It's so abnormal.

Tian Changhu looked at Chen Weihua, eager to know where his flaws were.

Did humans discover their existence through this flaw?

Fear is a very useful weapon.

The Tianchang Fox simply removed its ability and revealed its true body in front of Chen Weihua. The human skin blood on its forehead had already turned black, and its eye sockets and mouth were hollow, as if it had let out an unwilling cry before it died.

Compared with the huge body of Tianchang Fox, this human skin seems a bit petite, but for Chen Weihua, the human skin is far more terrifying than Tianchang Fox itself. Even though her scheming is far beyond ordinary people, she is still scared to see this scene. trembling all over.

"I investigated your file before coming here. Your ability is erudition and memory. You have photographic memory and ear memory. Maybe you can use your ability to try to resist?" Tian Changhu showed a huge smile. fangs and said with a smile.

Chen Weihua kept praying in her heart, Zhang Ping come quickly, Zhang Ping come quickly.

"There is still hope in your eyes. Let me think about it. You don't want others to save you, do you? Stop dreaming. My ability is now aimed at the outside world. All sounds in this room will not be heard by them. You will be suspicious but not curious, so... no one will come to save you!" Tian Changhu looked at Chen Weihua and said slowly in a hoarse voice.

It wanted to appreciate Chen Weihua's increasingly desperate expression, which was similar to a cat teasing a mouse.

If eating young women is its habit of worshiping the Moon Prince, then teasing its prey before killing it is its real hobby.

Of course, this hobby will only be revealed when facing prey that cannot resist. If the prey is not weakly lethal, it will eat it silently.

"Look, what I found, a lone big yellow-furred fox!"

As soon as Tian Changhu finished speaking, an eerie voice suddenly came from behind. This voice was even more terrifying than the sound it made.

In an instant, Tian Chang turned around fiercely and saw a god of death in a black cloak floating behind it.

Just as it was about to step back and distance itself, a hand made of blood grabbed its neck, and at the same time it could clearly feel something penetrating into its body.


Tian Changhu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he immediately grabbed the heart of the God of Death with one claw, but was blocked by the black mist.


It realized that it could not defeat this god of death, and immediately shouted for help.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, his throat suddenly bulged, and then exploded like a pustule. The blood from the explosion fell to the ground, and all of it quickly returned to the black cloak.

Zhang Ping tore off Su Jingyao's human skin and carefully put it into the gold treasure house bracelet. Then he nodded to Chen Weihua and quickly flew out of the balcony with Tian Changhu.

After killing the Tianchang Fox at Chen Weihua's house, Zhang Ping could of course just pat his butt and leave, but Chen Weihua would be in danger.

So even if you want to kill this Tianchang fox, you can't kill it in Chen Weihua's home.

He flew through the air quickly with the Tianchang Fox, and then landed in an open space. He threw the Tianchang Fox to the ground, and his arm instantly turned into a blood knife to cut off one of the opponent's arms. Then he said to himself: "Death is not that scary. What is really scary is the pain before death. Don't worry, I will treat you well."

As he spoke, his fingers turned into pure blood and spiraled, grabbing the feet of the Tianchang Fox when it wanted to crawl away.


The Tianchang Fox immediately raised its head and screamed miserably. Five blood holes were drilled in its hind legs by Zhang Ping's fingers.

"You know what? Although I didn't know her for a long time, I reluctantly accepted the fact and this identity because of her. It was because of her that I could feel at ease and not be in a state of panic all day long."

"In my memory, I know too much about her, as if we were childhood sweethearts. She was glowing. Compared with a dead salted fish like me, she was like a fairy in the sky, unattainable."

"She just wanted to protect this city and didn't want to see a tragedy like her. Why did you want to hurt her?"

"It's better for you to hurt me than to hurt her."

"You tell me whether what I said is pleasant to hear or not, right?"

As Zhang Ping spoke, he patted Tian Changhu's body with his hands, and even helped Tian Changhu up and hugged his shoulders, just like chatting with friends in the previous life.

But Tian Changhu was a bit of a spoiler.

Every time he patted, he would make a sound to interrupt him, so he patted faster and harder.

In the end, there was only a pool of bloody meat mixed with fox hair on the ground.

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