I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [070] Great Sun Red Emperor Form

"The sun is blazing, the sun is blazing, in the morning it is Dongjun, in the evening it is Chihuang!"

A trace of blood-red flame flowed from the corner of Feng Laixian's eyes, and he recited the ancient ballad that has been sung for generations in Mingzhu City in a low voice.

In the myths and legends of Mingzhu City, the god who holds the power of the sun is called the Sun King. In the morning, the Sun King exists in the form of Dongjun, and in the evening, he will appear in the form of Chihuang.

Dongjun is responsible for life, and Chihuang is responsible for death.

In the myth, Chihuang once burned the sky and boiled the sea at dusk, and killed millions of demons alive. He is a veritable god of war.

At this time, with the sound of the ballad, Feng Laixian's hair turned red, and rolling waves of flames emanated from his body, and in a blink of an eye, a scorched earth formed around him.

"This is..."

Yueying narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that Feng Laixian was getting more and more dazzling.



There is obviously no light, why is it so... dazzling?

Yueying couldn't understand Feng Laixian's changes, but its combat awareness made it understand that it had to interrupt Feng Laixian's transformation.

In an instant, it controlled the invisible telekinesis to form a large net to cover Feng Laixian. Because its telekinesis attribute was sharp, once the prey fell into the net, it was equivalent to being cut into pieces.

Although Feng Laixian couldn't see the telekinesis, he could feel the murderous intent everywhere.

However, he still didn't dodge or evade, but closed his eyes and carefully felt the sun hanging high in the sky.

He needed to resonate with the sun to enter the Great Sun Red Emperor form. Whether it was chanting ancient ballads or looking directly at the sun, they were all means of resonance.

"The blazing sun, the blazing sun, the morning is the Lord of the East, the evening is the Red Emperor!"

When the telekinesis net was about to cut into Feng Laixian's skin, a red flame was born out of thin air, and the telekinesis was burned out in an instant.

Then the red flame formed a flame tornado, spinning wildly around Feng Laixian.

When the flames dispersed, Feng Laixian's image had changed drastically.

His height surged to three meters, and his clothes were all made of blood-red flames. His hair was burning like a flame, and his eyes seemed to hide the sun, emitting a terrifying divine light.

The temperature of the entire open space was rising rapidly. Starting from the bottom of his feet, spider-web-like cracks appeared on the charred land, and the cracks glowed slightly, as if magma was flowing.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting!" He looked at Yueying and spoke slowly.

Yueying's nose moved, and he looked at his beautiful silver fur fiercely. His fur was emitting a burnt smell.

Then he grabbed the ground with both hands and pulled it. The shadows around him were pulled onto his body like flowing water, forming a black cloak that was enough to isolate the high temperature.

It had no interest in talking to its prey.

Prince Yue's order was to kill Feng Laixian and others. All it had to do was fight!

In an instant, both sides started at the same time.

Feng Laixian waved his hand to control the Great Sun True Fire to sprinkle on Yueying, leaving a red sea of ​​fire wherever he passed, but Yueying jumped into the air, then controlled the shadow cloak to rotate, and instantly dived towards Feng Laixian with it.

With a snort!

Yueying's claws landed on Feng Laixian's chest, and his long fingers inserted into Feng Laixian's body.

Where's the heart?

Yueying has killed many people, and he knows the human heart very well.

Just now, he noticed the location where Feng Laixian's heartbeat came from, so he attacked the chest, but he didn't get Feng Laixian's heart.

"In the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor, my physical fitness has been improved in all aspects, including reaction speed, hearing, sense of smell, etc. Your attack intention is too obvious. Didn't the senior teach you not to look at the position you want to attack, but to look at the overall picture!" Feng Laixian took the opportunity to grab Yueying's wrist, and then slowly spoke.

Yueying's speed was too fast. Even if he entered the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor, he still had no advantage in speed.

Therefore, when he saw Yueying swooping down, he judged Yueying's attack target in his mind.

If he was alone, it would be difficult to defend against Yueying's attack. The problem was that he had Zhang Ping in his body. Before Yueying attacked, Zhang Ping directly controlled the blood to move his heart away, so Yueying's attack failed.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

Fenglaixian smiled, holding Yueying's wrist tightly with one hand, and punching Yueying's head with the other hand three times in a row.

If it was an ordinary opponent, these three punches would be enough to end the battle.

However, Yueying just felt dizzy, and it immediately kicked its legs towards Fenglaixian's waist, trying to break free from Fenglaixian's restraint, but Fenglaixian grabbed its other hand with its other hand, so the two sides were in a wrestling state, which looked like the word "mutual".

Yueying stepped on Fenglaixian's abdomen with both legs to exert force, but Fenglaixian held its hands tightly to prevent it from escaping from its control.

"Fighting with wild beasts is indeed very different from fighting with humans." Feng Laixian suddenly sighed.

If it were a human, because of the difference in physical fitness, it would not be necessary to go through so much trouble, but the mutant beasts not only have powerful superpowers, but are also stronger than humans physically.

If humans were not intelligent, most mutant beasts could easily prey on humans.

Feng Laixian looked at Yueying, then took a deep breath, and his chest swelled rapidly.

"Not good!"

Yueying sensed the danger, and the muscles in his legs bulged, and the blood vessels bulged violently, but Feng Laixian's hands also bulged, and it was obvious that he was also holding his hands with all his strength.


Feng Laixian opened his mouth and sprayed a cannon directly at Yueying.

This is a real cannon, ten times more powerful than last night's Chaos Qi, and it also comes with the Sun's True Fire, which is extremely lethal.


There was a loud bang.

The wind whistled around the open space, and the red flames mixed with the bursting airflow fell on Yueying's body. Yueying's originally beautiful silver fur was all burnt. It struggled frantically in the flames, and finally a tearing sound suddenly sounded. It flew backwards in an instant, and fell heavily on the wall in the distance, smashing a big hole in the wall.

Feng Laixian raised his head fiercely along the trajectory of Yueying, and the flames swept into the distance, passed through the big hole and fell in the distance. It stopped attacking for a long time.

"Too strong!"

Zhang Ping looked at the smoking ground and the rolling magma around him, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Especially the traces left by Feng Laixian's attack along the trajectory of Yueying's backward flight, which now looked like a three-meter-wide magma river.

If he fought with Feng Laixian, it is estimated that Feng Laixian's normal state would be enough to beat him.

After all, most of his abilities were completely defeated by Feng Laixian, and the only fire-eater who could restrain Feng Laixian had to be in flesh and blood to use them.

But with the physical fitness of both parties, he would be more likely to be beaten by Feng Laixian if he maintained his flesh and blood body.

Zhang Ping pondered for a while and found that his biggest weakness at present was that he could not deal with an opponent like Feng Laixian.

At this time, Feng Laixian threw the fox arm in his hand into the magma, and then strode towards the direction where Yueying flew backwards.

When he walked to the front of the wall, suddenly dense shadows came from both sides. These shadows did not attack him, but the shadows behind him.

In an instant, his shadow was punched through several large holes.

At the same time, his body also had the same blood holes, and blood gushed out immediately.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Ping quickly began to repair the damage to Feng Laixian's body.

"It doesn't matter, this little injury is not a problem!"

Feng Laixian calmed down and slowly retreated to a place with the sun, while using the Great Sun True Fire to disperse the shadows around.

In fact, his ability can just restrain Moon Shadow. He was just careless just now. He didn't expect that Shadow Guard's ability can also be superimposed with Shadow Strike.

Shadow Guard's ability did not mention attack in the attributes identified by Zhang Ping, as if it was just a defensive skill, but in actual use, it is obviously not only used for defense, but also can cooperate with Shadow Strike to produce a strong sneak attack effect.

If he hadn't maintained the Great Sun Red Emperor form, the sneak attack just now would really be enough to kill him.

But in the Great Sun Red Emperor form, this injury can only be regarded as a minor injury.

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