I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [071] Fat Escape Technique

Originally, Fenglaixian's self-healing ability was extremely powerful. In the form of the Red Sun Emperor, this self-healing ability was also improved tenfold.

In just a few breaths, the injuries on his body had healed automatically, and there was no trace of previous injuries.

At this time, Yueying was wrapped in a shadow cloak and slowly walked back from outside the wall.

Feng Laixian looked at Yueying, couldn't help but smile, and stretched out her hand to wave to it.

But at this moment, several Tianchang foxes appeared not far away. After a while, more and more Tianchang foxes appeared one after another, surrounding the open space in the blink of an eye.

In fact, the battle between Feng Laixian and Yueying was very short, only five or six minutes to be honest.

Naturally, it is impossible for Changhu to arrive so quickly these days. They were attracted by the loud noise caused by Bai De's previous impact, and they only arrived at this time.

"Boy, can the method of leaving you mentioned be used now?" Feng Laixian looked at the Tianchang Fox around, and then asked in a low voice.

In the form of the Red Sun Emperor, he is indeed not weak.

But there are at least fifty Tianchang foxes here, and even if he runs out of energy, he can't defeat so many Tianchang foxes.

"Okay." Zhang Ping replied.

Feng Laixian slowly stepped back and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"Bring Instructor Bai De with you first, and then we will withdraw immediately!" Zhang Ping immediately replied.

Feng Laixian looked at Bai De, and Bai De immediately understood. The two of them quickly ran together to guard against the Tianchang Fox around them.

In fact, Bai De couldn't tell whether the people around him were human after Zhang Ping's consciousness left, but he only had to observe Feng Laixian's demeanor to confirm that these "people" who suddenly appeared were not human beings, but enemies.

The enemy, those eight percent are Tian Changhu.

At this time, Yueying walked over step by step and said hoarsely: "They are the prey given to me by His Highness, you are not allowed to take action!"

"There is such a good thing!" Zhang Ping couldn't help but muttered.

Feng Laixian shook his head and said: "Don't think too much. Even if it is solved, other foxes will not stand idly by. It is the right way to evacuate quickly while I am still in the state."

"Then I'll return to my body first. Senior, you and Instructor Bai De hold on to each other and don't let go of each other." Zhang Ping said immediately.

Feng Laixian nodded, and then felt Zhang Ping's consciousness leave. At the same time, he also saw the images of the Tianchang foxes around him changing drastically. Each of these Tianchang foxes had changed from foxes with human skin to humans with different looks.

When he thought that all these people had been killed by Tian Changhu, he couldn't help but have a trace of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

But now is not the time to be willful. He can't kill all these Tianchanghu. This matter cannot be rushed.

At this time, Zhang Ping's consciousness returned to Bai De's body, and then a ball of blood seeped out from Bai De's shoulder, and in an instant it turned into an arm. It looked like Bai De had grown a new arm.


As soon as Zhang Ping realized it, the gold treasure bracelet that fell on the ground in the distance instantly flew into his hand, and then he took out a square contract gem.


As soon as he thought, the square contract gem immediately dissipated, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

Then the long sword quickly collapsed and turned into a strange energy.

Zhang Ping had been prepared and immediately used the round contract gem to collect energy. After the energy was absorbed into the round contract gem, it immediately produced a strong pulling force, and this power continued to increase in multiples.


Zhang Ping said to Bai De.

The next moment, he held the beads tightly, Bai De's body was instantly lifted up, and Feng Laixian was also carried up because he held Bai De's hand tightly.

"Don't let... so quickly... ah... it's gone!"

One day Changhu realized what he was doing and was about to stop Bai De and Feng Laixian from escaping, but the next second he realized that the two of them had already flown away.

All the Tianchang foxes were dumbfounded. Only Yueying gritted his teeth and chased in the direction where the two flew away. However, after chasing for a while, he knelt on the ground in despair.

Can't catch up at all.

That speed is not normal at all, it is too fast...

in the air.

Bai De and Feng Laixian held each other's hands tightly, and both of them had a thought in their minds: How to land later?

They were flying too fast at this time, so fast that it was not normal at all. Bai De felt that his hair was being blown away by the wind, and even his clothes were in tatters, making him extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, Zhang Ping's hand was at the front, breaking most of the wind, otherwise he would have been even worse.

Zhang Ping was not having a good time either. He held the contract gem tightly with his hand and only used a small amount of Mist to resist the impact of the wind. However, the Mist was consumed very quickly. One thousandth of it was consumed in the blink of an eye. If it continues to be consumed like this It will be troublesome if you go down.

"Instructor Bai De, we should have left Pearl City, right?" Zhang Ping asked.

Bai De rolled his eyes. Isn't he looking for death when he opens his mouth now?

If wind enters his mouth, his abdomen will be inflated or even exploded in an instant.

There's no way to answer that.

What he wants to ask most now is what Zhang Ping is using.

Damn it, the speed is so exaggerated, and the safety measures are so fucked up.

Seeing that Bai De didn't answer, Zhang Ping simply made some calculations in his mind.

It had been flying for almost half a minute now, and he felt that the distance should be fine.

So, he decisively used the contract gem.

In an instant, the round contract gem exploded in his hand, and the energy quickly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After losing the traction of the contract gem, Bai De and Feng Laixian's speed slowed down rapidly, and the surrounding scenery gradually became visible.

"Is this in the mountains?" Bai De saw the lush forest below and immediately made a judgment.

Feng Laixian narrowed his eyes and said, "Our current speed is still too fast. I am not in big trouble, but if you fall to the ground, Bai De, I am afraid you will be seriously injured if not dead."

"I can treat serious injuries, but I am afraid that Instructor Bai De will fall to his death on the spot!" Zhang Ping's head grew on Bai De's shoulder and spoke.

Bai De said unhappily: "Zhang Ping, what the hell did you just use? It's so fast, it's too exaggerated."

"Hey, it's actually the fat of a new friend."

"His fat can be transformed into various weapons, and I happen to have the ability to collect weapons."

"The weapons transformed from his fat cannot leave his range of 100 meters. Once they leave, they will turn back into energy and return to his body."

"I stored the weapons he made and tested them a little. It just happens to be able to leave the range of 100 meters."

"But the moment the weapon is taken out, the weapon will turn back into energy, and it just happens that I have a way to collect energy. Isn't it a coincidence?"

"So I only need his consent to collect that energy."

"In other words, as long as the reaction is fast enough, the energy can be collected before it flies away."

"Coincidentally, the nature of this energy does not seem to change because of my ability, so it will still automatically return to the direction of my friend, and the speed will be faster and faster."

Zhang Ping crackled and explained in one breath.

Mainly in the air, he had nothing else to do except talking.

Bai De couldn't help but complain after listening to it: "It's so long, I don't understand it at all, can't you explain it more simply?"

"I see, haha, it's really an interesting combination." Feng Laixian and Bai De spoke almost at the same time.

Bai De's face changed slightly, and after coughing, he changed his words and said: "Actually, I understand it too, no need to explain."


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