I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [073] Mobile Fortress Ant

Viewed from a high altitude, a black mass of ants surrounded the entire hill.

They are like black tides, gradually marching towards the highest point of the mountain from all directions.

Countless frightened birds flew away, and the wild beasts in the forest fled in panic, but they didn't know that they were already surrounded.

Zhang Ping floated in mid-air, following Feng Laixian and Baide.

Because he could fly, he wasn't particularly nervous, and he even had the guts to use identification techniques on these black ants.

After several consecutive failures, he finally identified the attributes of the black ants.

[Identification successful]

[Alienated beast: Montenegro ant]

[Race: Alienated Ant]


【Lifespan: 5】

[Level: Elementary Altered Beast]

[Level: 5]


[Spiked Carapace: The defense of the carapace is greatly improved. If the carapace is broken, harder spikes will grow at the broken location. 】

[Black formic acid: The body can secrete extremely corrosive formic acid. 】

[Unified Marching: Individuals have an instinctive response to the ant colony and can understand the movement of the ant colony and march together. 】

The individual attributes of these ants are not particularly strong, and can even be said to be very weak.

The problem is there are too many.

At a glance, there is no end in sight.

Whether it is an awakened person or an alienated beast, apart from having one more super power than ordinary creatures, it is actually not much different from ordinary creatures. When you are tired, you still need to rest, when you are hungry, you still need to eat, and when you are thirsty, you still need to drink water.

Any ability requires a price to activate.

For example, Feng Laixian's Red Emperor Immortal Body will consume his physical strength while repairing his body.

Although Zhang Ping has many abilities that do not indicate the required consumption, they are actually consumed when used. Even the identification technique will consume a small amount of his mental energy.

The scariest thing about these Montenegrin ants is their numbers.

Many, many people may die when they attack their prey, but they will definitely be victorious in the end.

"Instructor Bai De, it seems to me that the whole mountain is surrounded." Zhang Ping said as he landed next to Bai De.

Feng Laixian ran at the front and said bluntly: "Then fight your way out and follow me to break through!"

"I'm providing air support!" Zhang Ping said immediately.

He flew to a height of seven or eight meters in the air, looked down from the air, and prepared to guide the two of them to choose a breakout route with the least number of Montenegrin ants.

But soon he discovered that these ants were not

There was no attack on the animals that fled for their lives.

"Aren't these ants hunting?"

He immediately observed the direction of the Montenegrin ants, and then he noticed something strange not far away: there were five Montenegrin ants fighting among themselves, but the few Montenegrin ants that attacked the same kind were quickly overwhelmed by the ant tide. .

"Are you killing each other?"

Zhang Ping landed on a tree and stared at the direction of the ant war in the distance to observe carefully.

Sure enough, after those few ants were dealt with, the ant colony continued to march forward.

Zhang Ping looked along that direction and saw a touch of white hidden among the lush shrubs.

He glanced at the ant colony, then flew to the side of the shrub and carefully pushed aside the leaves...

At this moment, an ant the size of a puppy and as clear as white jade immediately jumped out, opened its mouth and bit his hand.


Zhang Ping quickly stepped back, narrowly avoiding the ant's attack.

Then he observed the white ant curiously. The main reason was that this ant was so good-looking. Not only was it white and fat, but its carapace was like white jade, without any flaws.

It's so perfect, almost like a work of art.

Its eyes are very beautiful, completely different from those of ants, like two rubies.

The next moment, the white ant launched a series of attacks towards Zhang Ping: pounce, bite, pounce, bite, and pounce again!

Zhang Ping's way of coping is very simple: I retreat, I retreat, I retreat, I retreat, I retreat again!

He smiled and said: "Little guy, are those black ants looking for you?"

However, this little guy shook his head and still assumed an offensive posture, but all six legs were shaking, which exposed his lack of confidence.

Zhang Ping simply used appraisal on it.

Who knew that this little guy was quite difficult to identify. After more than twenty consecutive failures, he was able to identify its attributes.

[Identification successful]

[Alienated Beast: Mobile Fortress Ant·Queen]

[Race: Alienated Ant]


【Lifespan: 300】

[Level: Elementary Altered Beast]

【Grade 1】


[Body of Steel: The body is extremely hard, and the larger the body, the higher the defense. 】

[Dimensional belly: The abdomen is a nest space. The space can be expanded as the strength increases. There are six entrances and exits on both sides of the abdomen. 】

[Queen ant reproduction: After adulthood, she can reproduce asexually and continuously lay eggs in the belly of the dimension. There is a very low chance of producing mutant ants. 】

[The Majesty of the Queen Ant: She can completely control her ant colonies, and she also has a strong deterrent effect on foreign ants. The deterrent effect is related to her body size. 】

Zhang Ping's eyes suddenly lit up after reading the attributes, and he felt as if he was randomly drawing a card but got an SSR.

There is no doubt that the little guy in front of him is a unique alienated beast. It is probably an ant from the same nest as the Montenegrin ant, but it has mutated.

Therefore, those Black Mountain Campoback ants encircled and suppressed this heretic.

"Little guy, why don't you follow me in the future."

Zhang Ping looked at the chubby white ant in front of him with a smile, and a contract gem condensed in his hand in an instant.

However, the white ant saw his hand reaching out and immediately bit his hand.

As soon as he retracted his hand, the contract gem was bitten by the white ant.

"Yes, yes, yes, swallow it quickly, dear!"

Zhang Ping looked at the white ant expectantly. From the fact that it was only level one, it could be guessed that it was probably just born not long ago. What if it was easy to deceive!

However, the mobile fortress ant turned its head and spit the contract gem on the ground, then turned back and continued to stare at Zhang Ping, with a stubborn ruby-like eyes.

Zhang Ping picked up the contract gem disappointedly, wiped the saliva on it, and then stuffed it into his mouth to eat.

"Look, it's really delicious, big brother didn't lie to you." He said sincerely after eating.

The mobile fortress ant tilted its head. It didn't want to eat that thing just now. It felt uncomfortable to see it. Why did this human eat it?

It couldn't understand, so it simply pounced on Zhang Ping.

However, at this time, Zhang Ping's body directly turned into a pure blood body, and quickly flowed into its body from its mouth, completing the penetration in an instant.

The little guy was startled, and hurriedly turned around in place, and then looked around blankly.

"Baby, come, eat!"

Suddenly, a hand grew out of its body, and at the same time condensed a contract gem.

In this state, the mobile fortress ant was like the water-eroded bullet rabbit that was parasitized by Zhang Ping at the beginning, and it could understand Zhang Ping's meaning.

But it didn't want to eat the contract gem at all, and even felt annoyed when it saw the contract gem.

It stared at Zhang Ping's hand and shook its head, suddenly pounced forward, wanting to bite Zhang Ping's hand, but the problem was that it couldn't reach it.

It moved forward, and because this one grew on it, the arm also moved forward.

The situation was like hanging a carrot on the head of a lazy donkey. The donkey could see the carrot but couldn't eat it.

So it chased Zhang Ping for a long time but couldn't bite him, so it simply found a low bush to hide, lying on the ground dejected.

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