I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 813: Innate Supernatural Powers Appeared After Burning Incense and Prayer

Before dying, the huge black nightmare creature saw the ray of light made by Zhou Yehua.

It was so dazzling that I almost went blind.

This made the black nightmare creature close its eyes subconsciously, and some wanted to cry.

This alien creature is too much, it can't be killed, it can be resurrected after being killed, and it explodes when it dies.

It, or they, had never seen such a creature.


A huge explosion occurred in the Immortal Immortal Picture.

The 20,000 Black Nightmare Vanguards who had just entered were also affected, and their faces full of fear turned into a strong nightmare, filling the world.

Imprisonment map outside.

Lei Yan didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart, but he could feel that Zhou Ye died again.

"Tsk, I really envy this innate supernatural power." The head of the Holy Demon Sect smiled and shook his head.

They didn't pay much attention to Zhou Ye's situation, they continued to lead troops to attack.


in a minute.

Demon Realm, on a mountain peak not far from the Holy Demon Gate.

Zhou Ye was resurrected from a black weed.

The status of all aspects has been refreshed, which makes Zhou Ye feel more comfortable.


Zhou Ye called softly, unable to hold back the excitement in his heart.

【Version】: 2.0.

[Owner]: Zhou Ye.

[Type]: Vegetation - Odd Species - Immortal Plant - Immortal Level Life and Death Reincarnation Leaf.

[Rank]: Immortal-medium grade (+).

[Innate supernatural powers]: Healing; transformation; staying alive; burning incense; you die and we die.


[Spirit point]: 324758.

After absorbing the attack of the huge dead creature, the spiritual point increased a lot.

Zhou Ye calculated that after raising the bloodline rank, there should be a few more deaths.

Taking advantage of these few times of death to absorb some spiritual points, Zhou Ye felt that it was becoming more and more impossible for him to truly die.

"Hey, hanging on the wall one day, I'm really lonely and helpless."

Zhou Ye shook his head helplessly, who could understand the pain of death.


"Wash your hands first, no, you have to shout and brush your teeth for promotion."

Zhou Ye disappeared, found a relatively clear river, grabbed a handful of river sand, threw it into his mouth, and then turned into a real body and lay in the river for a while, washing it off.

"It's fine to burn incense and pray..."

Zhou Ye returned to the mountain peak, rubbed out two sticks of incense, and aimed at the sky.

Zhou Ye knelt down slowly.


In the sky, thunder and lightning flashed.

The sky is warning Zhou Ye not to do something that makes everyone sad.

"Don't panic, I just burned incense and prayed. I didn't mean to threaten you. After all, we are buddies, right," Zhou Ye comforted.

The dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

Zhou Ye didn't use the skill of burning incense, so he burned incense and bowed to the sky three times in an ordinary way.

"It's over, just watch me, Obu-Ou, and it's over."

Zhou Ye rubbed his hands together, full of anticipation.

He shouted loudly: "Ascension."

In an instant, 200,000 spirit points were consumed.

[Rank]: Immortal-Top Grade!


The moment Zhou Ye raised his bloodline, black and white power emerged from his body, turning into a beam of light and rushing straight into the sky.

At this moment, the entire world turned into black and white, and no living creature could see the existence of other colors.

The sky in the demon world was already extremely dark, but now it directly turned gray and white.

Countless weak demon cultivators who did not participate in the battle turned pale with fright, they had no idea what happened.

next moment.

This black and white beam of light clears away the clouds and fog, allowing the sunny sky to reappear.

The negative energy in the sky of the entire demon world was swept away, and the entire demon world ushered in the normal golden sunshine.

At this moment, the demon world has color.

It is colorful, making the Demon Realm less dark and appearing as bright as other places.

Countless demons are boiling.

Living in the devil world, the dark environment makes them feel like a mouse.

And now, the demon world has light again!

Moxiu was relatively close to the mountain peak, and after seeing Zhou Ye, he shouted: "Thank you, Emperor Ling, for bestowing light on the demon world!"

At the foot of the mountain, a sea of ​​people shouted.

"Thank you Spirit Emperor for bestowing light on the Demon Realm!"

"Thank you Spirit Emperor for bestowing light on the Demon Realm!"

The negative energies in the sky did not disappear, but sank into the ground without affecting them.

Their own interests have not been lost, and they have ushered in the long-lost light, which is why they thank Zhou Ye.

on the mountain peak.

Zhou Ye's breathing was short, and he was looking forward to it.


Calling out the panel, Zhou Ye held back and looked down line by line.

【Version】: 2.0.

[Owner]: Zhou Ye.

[Type]: Vegetation - Eternal Rare Treasure - Immortal Level Life and Death Reincarnation Leaf.

[Rank]: Immortal-Top Grade.

[Innate supernatural powers]: Healing; transformation; living; burning incense;


Zhou Ye exclaimed.

Sure enough, he just said it.

As long as you wash your hands, burn incense and pray, the chances of developing supernatural powers will definitely increase!

This newly emerging 'samsara of life and death' is the proof.

"My name is Life and Death Reincarnation Ye, and now I have a talent for life and death reincarnation... Hehe, it's worthy of the name."

Zhou Ye smiled, and then began to check the usage method and detailed introduction of the new talent.

[Name]: Reincarnation of life and death.

[Type]: Exclusive talent supernatural power.

[Consumption]: Basic 1 spirit point.

[Effect 1]: A single resurrection; you can spend spirit points to resurrect the opponent, and you can choose the state (for example: since the early days of immortality, if you have 30% of the state after resurrection, you will be charged 30% of the price of the perfect state of resurrection, and 50% of the state after resurrection, you will be charged 50% of the price of the perfect state, for example : 100 soul points for a perfect resurrection, 30 soul points for a 30% state after resurrection, 50 soul points for a 50% state...)

[Effect 2]: Group resurrection; group resurrection has 50% state and perfect state to choose from, and the total spirit point consumption is reduced by 30% after the resurrection state is selected.

[Effect 3]: Active field, the base radius of the circle is ten miles, consumes 1 spirit point to increase one mile, consumes 1 spirit point per second during operation (no charge within the basic range), and consumes 100% of the life force of all creatures within the range for one second One (cannot be screened, both friends and foes will die).

[Remark 1]: You are already a mature reincarnation leaf, you should be even stronger.

【Remark 2】: Consume your money to revive your teammates and enemies!

[Remark 3]: Open the field and kill all your enemies and teammates!

[Remark 4]: You get a new title 'Lord of Reincarnation'.

[Remark 5]: Since the previous master of reincarnation fell, the land of reincarnation has been barren for hundreds of millions of years. As the new master of reincarnation, you should make the land of reincarnation your home, so go and take over your kennel!

"Oh my God."

Zhou Ye was startled.

There is such a magic skill?

"Go ahead and try it."

As he said that, Zhou Ye's body and mind flickered, and he directly entered the starry sky.

He didn't say hello to anyone, Zhou Ye was very busy and excited.

After reading the new innate magical power, Zhou Ye also understood how to use it.

He can't wait to try this innate supernatural power now.

Zhou Ye's eyes fell on a Black Nightmare Wanfu.

"What do you want?"

Chief Black Nightmare was really panicked, he had seen Zhou Ye's divine power before, and it was simply too strong.

"I'll just take a look at you."

Zhou Ye shrugged, and the Beihan Shizhan Dao suddenly appeared in his hand, and he slashed down.

The Black Nightmare Wanfu was caught off guard, and was torn to pieces with a single knife, turning into a dense nightmare and floating in the starry sky.


Zhou Ye's divine sense locked onto the strong nightmare, and he muttered silently in his heart.

[Current target perfect resurrection needs: 1000 soul points, 50% state resurrection needs: 500 soul points, 30% state resurrection needs: 300 soul points, please choose. 】

"Perfect resurrection."

Zhou Ye made a choice.

Just made a decision, the spiritual point on the panel consumes 1,000 points.

Afterwards, Zhou Ye saw that the nightmare air floating in the starry sky quickly returned to the original place, and with just two breaths, the black nightmare master Wanfu was resurrected.

Mrs. Heiyan Wan looked at Zhou Ye blankly, his lips trembling slightly, not knowing what to say.

"I brought you back to life, hit me quickly," Zhou Ye urged.

Chief Black Nightmare: "..."

Suddenly there was a kind of fear in my heart.

This guy is so ruthless, it's enough to kill him with a single knife, but he actually resurrected himself to let him beat him, what kind of hatred and resentment are there.

Chief Black Nightmare really wanted to yell if you were sick.

"Don't stand still, hit me quickly."

Zhou Ye slapped Chief Heima Wan on the back of the head.

One thousand spiritual points is also money, and it must be doubled to earn back, otherwise it will be a loss.

"Is it really going to be like this?" Chief Black Nightmare Wan was not angry, but his tone was a little weak.

Weak, pitiful, and helpless.

"Don't hesitate, just hit me. If you don't do anything else, I will touch you." Zhou Ye nodded seriously.

"Then, that's fine."

The Black Nightmare Wanfu died once, and now he is a little afraid of death.

Since Zhou Ye said so, let's hit Zhou Ye.


Mrs. Black Nightmare mustered up his courage, and slapped Zhou Ye lightly on the face.

Zhou Ye looked at it expressionlessly.

"Isn't it heavy enough...?" Captain Black Nightmare took two steps back, a little scared.

"I asked you to hit me with your strongest ultimate move, not to slap me." Zhou Ye's mouth twitched.

What's going on, this guy is not strong enough to understand.

"All right."

Mrs. Black Nightmare breathed a sigh of relief, and then used his strongest killer move to hit Zhou Ye.


"Spirit point +813."

"It's a bit weak." Zhou Ye was a little helpless, "Go ahead and beat me until it hurts."


Chief Black Nightmare Wan agreed, and then frantically attacked Zhou Ye.

If it wasn't for the bitterness on his face, he would have thought there was some deep hatred between them.

The Black Nightmare Wanfu is really afraid of Zhou Ye.

Who can stand up to being resurrected by the other party for mental torture after death.

Zhou Ye silently endured the attack of the Black Nightmare, and slowly, there are three thousand spiritual points, and it is still increasing...

Zhou Ye found the gate to the new world.

When someone is resurrected in the future, let him pay the money.

After all, resurrection is easy for me, but from an objective point of view, some creatures are even willing to give their all to resurrect themselves or so-and-so.

So, charging a little fee is not too much, right?

Zhou Ye thought happily.

"Okay, you can go to die."

Zhou Ye harvested 4,000 spiritual points, and after excluding the basic resurrection flower spiritual points, he earned 3,000.

"Can you not die?" The black nightmare creature was very scared.

"Undead?" Zhou Ye stroked his chin and began to ponder. After pondering for a while, he drew his knife and chopped it off.

Since it is an enemy, what's the use of keeping it.


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