I Got Reincarnated as a Weed (My New Life As A Plant In A Cultivation World)

Chapter 814 This may be the most arrogant thing Qingdi said in his life

After trying the new talent, Zhou Ye secretly nodded inwardly.

This gifted supernatural power is really great for him, and it is as effective as described.

He had observed it, and after being resurrected, he was still the original Black Nightmare, but he was very afraid of himself.

If it is a hard-headed one, it may be more ruthless when hitting yourself.

Thinking about it, Zhou Ye felt that it was a wonderful thing to have an enemy with a high level of cultivation. At least he would not need to practice in the future, and he could just resist being beaten every day.

Although my behavior seemed strange to others and seemed a bit masochistic, but in my own eyes, it simply opened the door to a new world, and my inspirations continued to flow.

So, how can ordinary people understand Zhou's thoughts?

"Next time, I can ask Brother Heart Demon for help." Zhou Ye muttered.

The heart demon has long wanted to hammer him, but the heart demon has never had this opportunity, nor has the courage.

Zhou Ye felt that he had to have a good discussion with the demon, let the demon beat himself crazily, and vent the unfair treatment these days.

In this way, the heart demon felt relieved, and Zhou Ye got a lot of spiritual points again, which was so beautiful.

"I have to hurry up and revive the friendly army."

Zhou Ye scanned the battlefield with his eyes.

He is looking for purpose.

It's easy to revive anyone.

However, after understanding how to use 'Reincarnation of Life and Death', Zhou Ye found that he had to lock the opponent with his divine sense, or cover an area, only in this way could he succeed in the single resurrection and group resurrection.

If not, maybe only the cheating father would know what things Zhou Ye would resurrect and come out.

At the same time, Zhou Ye can be screened, because there will be a message to confirm the resurrection status when revived.

This is to screen enemy and friendly troops.

Therefore, group resurrection, or in other words, widespread resurrection is promising.

"Try the single one first.


Zhou Ye's gaze carried a malicious look.

He believed that when he revived his allies, the allies would definitely look at him in bewilderment.



Finally, Lei Yan punched and killed a Black Nightmare Wanfu who was in the early stage of Zizai Immortal.

Panting and tired like a dog.

Xianli has already consumed more than half of it, and after taking a few pills, he has not recovered much.

This gave Lei Yan a headache.


Zhou Ye appeared beside Lei Yan, patted Lei Yan on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Do you believe me?"

Lei Yan was taken aback.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden? I don't seem to trust you that much?"

"That's not true. What I'm going to say next is a bit scary." Zhou Ye shook his head.

Suddenly asked Lei Yan to die, Lei Yan would definitely not agree.

One's own life is one's own, no matter how good the relationship is, one has to think about it carefully, after all, being alive is a very happy thing.

"You say, I can accept how horrible it is." Lei Yan nodded, not caring.

Back then, when the dog's skin was being skinned, Lei Yan couldn't hold back and didn't feel terrified.

Except for being scared to cry by Haixian when he was young, Lei Yan has never been scared again.

"I miss you dead." Zhou Ye looked serious.


Lei Yan's face turned green.

He looked wary, looking at Zhou Ye's expression full of questioning, as if he was asking if we are not brothers, why do you want me to die.

"Don't get me wrong, I have realized another innate supernatural power, which can revive others. I have tried it just now, and it is 100% successful." Zhou Ye whispered.

Lei Yan widened his eyes, unable to believe it.

"Didn't you just realize your innate supernatural powers, why did you realize this again?"

Hearing this, Zhou Ye said as a matter of course: "Isn't it normal for a genius like me to comprehend innate supernatural powers every now and then?"

The corners of Lei Yan's mouth and eyelids twitched.

He always felt that Zhou Ye was boasting, but he also felt that what Zhou Ye said was justified.

"Are you serious?"

Lei Yan pondered for a while.

He still trusted Zhou Ye, but it was definitely impossible to take action immediately.

Because it's really great to be alive, to experience the ups and downs.

Who can know what will happen after death?

"Let me show you."

With a casual move by Zhou Ye, a supreme-level black nightmare creature appeared in his hand, and it was directly crushed to death.

Afterwards, Zhou Ye's divine sense locked onto the mass of nightmare energy and used resurrection.

But in an instant, a complete black nightmare creature was condensed in Zhou Ye's hands, and his small eyes were filled with great bewilderment.

Then, it was pinched to death by Zhou Ye, a miserable black nightmare creature.

"Do you believe me?" Zhou Ye asked.

Lei Yan's pupils constricted, and after taking a deep breath, he said to Zhou Ye: "I have always believed in you, but life is a thing, I have to hesitate a bit, now I don't hesitate, just tell me what I want to do?"

"Just go ahead and do it. Unleash your strongest strength. There will be great terror between life and death. What if you realize something that will lead to a surge in combat power?" Zhou Ye said with a smile.


Lei Yan nodded, turned around and rushed towards the depths of the Black Nightmare army.

Xuan Gui and Tian Yuan in the distance couldn't understand Lei Yan's meaning.

Xuangui shouted loudly: "Heavenly King, you will die!"

"Don't panic, I'll die first!"

Lei Yan responded, and then he had entered the Black Nightmare camp with a fiery red spear.


Xuan Gui was a little dumbfounded.

What does this mean.

The corner of Tian Yuan's mouth twitched, and he said hastily: "Hurry up and ask Mr. Cao, maybe only Mr. Cao knows why this happened."


Xuangui and Tianyuan immediately came to Zhou Ye's side, and asked anxiously: "Master Cao, what kind of madness is the king of heaven, there are seven or eight ten thousand commanders in the Black Nightmare camp, his life was in danger in the past. !"

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll watch." Zhou Ye waved his hand.

He is ready to revive Lei Yan at any time.

In the Black Nightmare camp.

The three chiefs fought together, and they were evenly matched with Lei Yan.

They are a little strange, Lei Yan's style of play is completely reckless, overdrawing his own immortal power.

This doesn't work at all.

Not to mention the three of them, even if only two of them work together, they can easily kill Lei Yan.

With doubts, the chiefs of the Black Nightmare drew three sharp claws across Lei Yan's neck, chest, and abdomen, causing Lei Yan to fall instantly.

far away.

Qingdi and Grandpa Shu looked at each other, and they didn't understand what happened at all.

Moreover, Zhou Ye was by Lei Yan's side, why didn't Zhou Ye save Lei Yan?

This made them feel at a loss.

Xuan Gui and Tian Yuan fell into silence, looking at Zhou Ye with great suspicion in their eyes.

Didn't you just look at it...

Two black nightmare creatures brought Lei Yan's body over.

Zhou Ye didn't pay attention to these two black nightmare creatures. Instead, his divine sense locked Lei Yan's body.


Zhou Ye muttered silently.

[Perfect state to revive the current target requires spiritual points: 2000, please select the resurrection state...]

Zhou Ye was a little surprised.

Lei Yan is in the middle stage of Dao Slashing Realm, and only two thousand spirit points are available for resurrection in a perfect state.

"Confirm the resurrection in perfect condition."

Zhou Ye made a decision in his heart.

Afterwards, Lei Yan's body returned to its original state in the blink of an eye, and opened his eyes at the same time.

"How do you feel?" Zhou Ye asked.

"It's very cool. There is indeed a great horror between life and death. I have realized something, but it doesn't add much to the combat power. Can I die again? I want to find inspiration." Lei Yan asked seriously.

"The resurrection service depends on your cultivation level. For you, it's two million times." Zhou Ye showed a smile on his face.

"It's totally acceptable. This is 20 million. I'll die ten times first."

Lei Yan took out a ball of light and stuffed it into Zhou Ye's arms, turned around and rushed into the Black Nightmare camp.

Seeing Lei Yan's figure entering again, Xuan Gui and Tian Yuan were at a loss.

"what happened?"

The Emperor of Heaven leaned over, a little puzzled.

Zhou Ye still said the same thing.

"Resurrection is consuming. One million training resources in the early days of Zizai Immortal, within the realm of Zizai Immortal, and one million growth for each higher realm."

Zhou Ye looked serious.

These are their own people, and logically speaking, they should be resurrected for free.

But Zhou Ye is also poor.

Resurrecting allies for free a few times, his spirit points will be bottomed out, and the cost must be recovered, otherwise how will he play.

What if Haixian, Wuji Tianmo or Gorefiend suddenly burps, and there is no resurrection?

So, the problem is huge.

Because of this, Zhou Ye must ensure that he earns his own blood.

"This is 20 million, please resurrect me."

The Emperor of Heaven went all out.

Since Lei Yan can be resurrected intact, as long as Zhou Ye doesn't have any opinions on his Heavenly Emperor, it will definitely be fine.

Moreover, the Emperor of Heaven believes that Zhou Ye should not have a big opinion of him, and he will definitely resurrect himself.

"Don't worry, we're all friendly troops, we promise to get it done." Zhou Ye nodded.

"Okay, thank you, I'm going!"

The Heavenly Emperor closely followed Lei Yan's pace and plunged headlong into the Black Nightmare camp.

"Master Cao, our fee should be lower, right?" Xuangui rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

"Starting at 100,000." Zhou Ye nodded.

Under the fairyland, there are very few spiritual points needed for resurrection, and Zhou Ye is completely fearless.

Only at the level of a free immortal can he be hurt a little bit, and at the level of a true immortal, let alone, he may not be able to be resurrected.

Therefore, I can only feel wronged that True Immortal Tianxing will continue to sleep in the coffin for a while.

"Okay, deal."

Xuan Gui and Tian Yuan immediately gave the money, and then rushed into the Black Nightmare camp.

But two breaths and they were both gone.

Zhou Ye thoughtfully resurrected them in perfect condition, and then they resurrected on the spot, slashing at the black nightmare creatures with hideous faces.


Emperor Qing and Grandpa Shu appeared beside Zhou Ye.

Emperor Qing patted Zhou Ye's shoulder with a kind face.

"Master, don't talk about it, you are free, I will save you no matter how many times you die." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

Emperor Qing's expression froze.

I was just about to make a long speech to stimulate Zhou Ye's filial piety, but I didn't expect Zhou Ye to be so sensible.

It seemed that Emperor Qing was a little stingy.

"My Emperor Qing, I'm not short of money!"

Emperor Qing took out one billion training resources and stuffed them into Zhou Ye's arms, and then went to the Black Nightmare camp to lead him to death with a calm face.

Grandpa Shu looked at Qingdi's back, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

"This may be the most arrogant thing Qingdi has ever said in his life."

Grandpa Shu said with emotion.

"Grandpa Shu, do you want to go? There is no charge." Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

Grandpa Shu thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

"I'm old, and they must have been consumed when you revive them. Otherwise, with your personality, you wouldn't need so many cultivation resources. I, an old man, won't cause trouble, hahaha." Grandpa Shu shook his head with a smile.

Who can understand the bitterness in my heart.

Poverty hit him hard.

Although outwardly unharmed, he suffered internal injuries.

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