“The evil god’s gaze means that the evil god has focused some of his attention on this person.

Every move and every experience of this person is under the gaze of the evil god, and the power of the evil god can be poured down at any time through the connection of faith.

Then different prices are paid depending on the different theories used.

Based on my intelligence and information, once this evil god directly pours out his power regardless of the life of this believer.

That can even directly erupt into legendary strength. "

"Of course, this is not the case under normal circumstances, because cultists are generally very poor, and such believer carriers that can carry power are rare and are a precious resource for gods.

If the evil god hadn't been forced into a hurry, it probably wouldn't have been such a waste.

As long as this evil god is not from the chaotic camp"

Fang Bai didn't hesitate when he heard the words. As soon as the thought came to his mind, Kai Ming immediately floated up and ran away.

You can fight legends, why don't you stay here and not seek death?

Although Fang Bai is not afraid of death, he cannot throw away his life too casually.

While running, Fang Bai still couldn't help but ponder a sentence.

Are qualified believers also a valuable resource to the gods?

Is this because gods cannot easily descend to earth to show their power? Or is it that the struggle for faith can only be between people who are bound to believers?

Even the Evil God must abide by this set of rules. It should not be a covenant, but some rigid conditions.

Thinking of this, Fang Bai couldn't help but recall one thing.

"If nothing else happens, this trial space and my mage tower should belong to the same ancient mage civilization.

After I was locked by the Evil God, the first thing the Mage Tower did was to lock the spatial coordinates of the Evil God and ask me if I should enable teleportation.

To this day, the coordinates of the evil god are still kept in the mage tower.

Then, the materials for making the Territory Development Order are also divine. It can be seen that God is a precious resource and a consumable for this ancient mage civilization.

Is the trial space created by such an offensive mage civilization so easy to get along with?

Don't you even care if the cultists come into the trial space and bring the evil gods in to cause trouble?

Doesn't it taste right? "

Fang Bai muttered.

"What did you say?"

Kai Ming, who was lying on his back and floating behind, asked doubtfully. Fang Bai thought about it and asked.

“Won’t the trial space impose sanctions on things like evil gods’ gaze?

If the evil god dares to enter the trial space, isn't he looking for a fight? "

Kaiming was stunned.

“I haven’t really thought about this issue, maybe.

But we are not in the trial space now. We are in the ruins of the ancient battlefield and have been isolated from the trial space.

Even if there were sanctions in the trial space, they wouldn't be able to end up here. "

"Oh, that makes sense."

Fang Bai was deep in thought, but the next moment he felt something was wrong. Looking back, he saw a figure that looked like a violent bear approaching them at a very fast speed. Every step he took was shattered when he was beaten to death.

As he ran, the figure expanded rapidly. Thick gray bear fur popped out. His hands, feet, head, and chest expanded one by one. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a huge violent bear that was five or six meters tall. The head of the violent bear is not a head, but countless waving tentacles. The scarlet eyes at the top of the tentacles are heart-stopping.

At the same time, the terrifying momentum of the violent bear was fully unleashed, and Fang Bai suddenly felt suffocated.

Behind him, Kai Ming blushed under the terrifying pressure and forced himself to shout.

"Run, run! The evil god's gaze can give believers legendary power, powerful domain-breaking power, and can even forcibly break through the legendary domain and kill the legend.

But it is impossible to give believers a domain!

This may be related to the fact that the basic quality of the believers themselves is too low to master the field.

This is the only flaw in the divine gaze, and this is our only hope of escape.

Before it can easily activate legendary power, run!

Run with all your might! "

While Kaiming was speaking, the tentacled bear suddenly stopped and slapped its huge bear paws hard on the ground.

boom! ! !

Like a stormy sea, the ruthless force rolled up the soil and rocks, rushing towards Fang Bai like a wave.

At the same time, the tentacles on the head twisted, and eyes of different shapes looked at Fang Bai.

One after another magical effects flowed towards Fang Bai silently.

Fang Bai felt his body stiffen, as if he was about to turn to stone. At the same time, his mood suddenly became violent. He looked in all directions and suddenly didn't know where he was heading.

Suddenly, a violent desire surged into his heart, giving Fang Bai the urge to kill back.

The countless changes in this moment left Fang Bai stagnant in place. No matter how Kai Ming screamed, there was no response. No matter how Kai Ming used magic to eliminate it, it was of no use.

It's not that divine magic is weaker than this effect, it's just that the strength of the releaser is very different.

At this moment, a wave of mud came to Fang Bai's feet, exploding like a bomb, and terrifying power poured out on Fang Bai.


The prototype domain integrated into the solid structure was the first to explode, and all the remaining power exploded on Fang Bai.


Fang Bai was instantly knocked into the air, and the terrifying pain made him wake up.

At this time, Kai Ming, who was hit by the aftermath, was dying again, and Fang Bai's body was also chapped every inch. His legs and abdomen were all chapped from the inside to the outside, and none of them were intact. Half of the tail vertebrae were directly crushed or fractured, and severe pain swept through him.

However, Fang Bai, whose pain threshold was greatly increased, did not lose consciousness. He gritted his teeth, filled the cracks with gold to temporarily restore them, and then turned the roulette wheel on his waist.


The dragon wings condensed and formed behind them, but this time they did not flap. Instead, a strong main shaft directly penetrated the entire team of dragon wings. Then one by one, the magic circles took effect, and the thrusters roared. In the end, they did not fall, but transformed at a high speed. , sliding forward!


The violent bear from behind was chasing after him wildly, throwing boulders at Fang Bai, but he was dodged one by one. The violent bear seemed to have no means and could only throw boulders in vain.

After chasing for more than half an hour, the bear chased for who knows how many meters before retreating in a lack of interest.

Fang Bai and Kai Ming ran for another ten minutes before stopping.

The high-speed attack and tense escape made Fang Bai gasp for breath, and Kai Ming, who had barely recovered, said with a face filled with joy.

"I survived, I survived. Fortunately, this cultist is too low-level and his methods are crude and crude.

Fortunately, he couldn't bear to burst out with legendary power.

Fortunately, he did not load the instinct mode, and still kept his sanity in fighting, which limited his instinctive talent and combat effectiveness. Fortunately, okay. Not bad. "

Kai Ming's heart was beating violently. He couldn't believe that he actually escaped with his life at the hands of the Evil God Watcher.

He understands this, which makes him even more incredible.

But he also understood that the cause was entirely due to Fang Bai, and it was entirely Fang Bai who risked his life to save him, otherwise he would definitely die!

At this moment, thinking of the attack Fang Bai had just suffered, he quickly looked at Fang Bai nervously.

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