I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 330 The more I thought about it, the more angry I became!

"Fang Bai, how are you?"

Kaiming looked at Fang Bai anxiously. He wanted to prepare a magical healing spell, but then he remembered that his magical healing spell had no effect on Fang Bai.

Fang Bai didn't reply. The gold element in his body surged, fixing and correcting the wound, and then the mental power that penetrated into the microscopic realm directly guided the gold element to repair the broken cells and promote their healing.

At the same time, the body quickly absorbs the gold stored in the body, promoting the healing of physical injuries in the same way as the body was previously tempered.

After a while, Fang Bai took a long breath, opened his eyes, looked at Kai Ming and shook his head slightly.

"I was a little injured just now, but I'm fine now."

Fang Bai's body is completely made of elemental metal, and it is not an ordinary elemental metal, but a living elemental metal.

So for Fang Bai, as long as he has enough metal and his mental power can still function normally, all kinds of injuries can be healed in a very short time.

High defense and fast healing speed.

This is Fang Bai's current body.

After helping Kai Ming take care of his injuries again, Fang Bai's face always looked ugly.

As a person who experienced it himself, Kai Ming almost died twice, so he was very clear about this situation. He also understood Fang Bai's mood very well, and even felt the same way.

After pondering for a moment, Kai Ming spoke up.

"I can understand how you feel now, but there is nothing you can do, the other party has a complete plan.

And with legendary level combat power, there is nothing we can do against them.

We are not afraid of death, but there is no need to die in vain until we gain strength later.

We are slowly causing trouble for them. As for now, we must bear with it for a while. "


Fang Bai nodded, his face not pretty.

Bear with it. Bear with it.

Endure the calm for a while, endure.

"Hold on, the more I think about it, the angrier I get!"

When Fang Bai saw that Kai Ming still wanted to persuade him, he immediately spoke in advance.

"You don't need to persuade me, I know it in my heart and I can't bear it.

There is no such thing as sending someone to death. It doesn't matter if I die.

You can't be impulsive, impulsiveness can easily lead to death, but I'm different.

I can't die. I can be resurrected even if I die. I can't bear it at all.

I can't bear to play a game, but I have to kill them. "

Fang Bai punched and a huge boulder next to him was instantly shattered.

Kaiming originally wanted to persuade him, but when he thought about it, it was true, and he was also angry!

Seeing that Kai Ming didn't persuade him any more, Fang Bai heard the news immediately.

"Kaiming, do you know the specific location and purpose of these cultists' sacrifices?"

"I know the place, it's right here"

Kaiming said immediately.

On a high mountain at the ruins of the ancient battlefield, Wu Muli looked at the blood bear gloomily.

"You let them escape, you let the Paladin escape!"

The Blood Bear, who had returned to his normal human form, heard Wu Muli's accusation as soon as he went up the mountain. A trace of displeasure flashed across his face, and he said angrily.

"Run away, just run away, just two master-level combatants.

Under the power of my Lord, I am nothing, so what if I run away! "

After the blood bear finished speaking, he was also very annoyed and punched the boulder next to him.


The boulder exploded into pieces, and the Blood Bear cursed.

"They would have been dead on the first hit, it was so slippery."

After hearing this, Wu Muli thought about it and said nothing more.

At the same time, he was also somewhat disapproving.

Indeed, with the gaze of gods, let alone two masters, so what if they are two legends?

Die or die!

Anyway, when it breaks out in full force and enters the instinctive state where the gods are watching, it is this brute bear whose brain is full of muscles who dies, and the final contribution is his own!

Wu Muli didn't want to enter the Kingdom of God to serve the gods.

He hasn't enjoyed enough in this world yet!

He wants to gain great power, and he wants to get everything she wants!

He also wants to take revenge and enjoy the glory and wealth of this world!

Thinking of this, Wu Muli secretly glanced at the blood bear with contempt.

Only this brainless bear

“Guard the altar and kill anyone who comes near.

Don’t let anyone interfere with the ceremony! "

Ebony said sharply, and the blood bear showed a ferocious smile.

"No problem, as long as someone dares to come close, I will grab his two feet and tear them in half bit by bit!"

None of them took Fang Bai and Kai Ming seriously.

If he ran away, he just ran away. The reason why they kept it secret was just because they didn't want to cause trouble, but it didn't mean that they were afraid of trouble.

So what if it spreads?

Even if all the trialists in the Broken Love Space join forces and come, so what?

Can legends be challenged only by quantity?

Even if all the trialists come, it will only add another sacrifice to the ceremony and make it more luxurious.

So they really weren't worried about Fang Bai and Kaiming coming again, and they were even looking forward to it.


This is an infinitely high and infinitely large area. There is no light here, only the flow of extremely violent breath that can dissolve everything.

From time to time there are storms.

A being hidden in the darkness twisted its body, eyes of different shapes opened, and the surroundings instantly became extremely distorted.

There is a huge rocky land at the bottom of the behemoth, on which various twisted plants and ferocious beasts are fighting in chaos.

The awakening of the behemoth caused chaos in the area, and a massacre unfolded on the rocky land.

At the same time as the massacre, countless chaotic creatures awakened on the earth, and then participated in the massacre, died, or became stronger.

And outside the membrane that wraps this space, there is endless emptiness. It seems that there is no matter in the outside world, and only a faint starlight shines.

Looking forward, a completely transparent wall stretching to the sky is blocking the front, and nothing can leave a mark on it.

This wall has a curvature

No, this is not a wall, this is an extremely huge sphere!

At this moment, the huge thing hidden in the film opened its eyes and looked at the transparent sphere that occupied the entire world and the entire field of vision.

After a moment, the giant creature twisted its body uneasily, as if it felt something.

It seems like something bad is happening

"In addition, Fang Bai, you must be aware that once the ritual is formed, it will create an environment favorable to cultists.

Cultists can use ritual rules to exploit your strengths and avoid weaknesses, or even lock you forcibly. Once you fail to abide by the ritual rules, it is extremely easy to cause evil lock contamination.

Because the ceremony that directly connects the gods is one of the places closest to the gods, the larger the scale and the higher the level of the ceremony, the more so. "

Fang Bai recalled the time when he faced the cultists in Red Maple City and nodded immediately.

"Yeah, I'm familiar with this."

Kaiming was stunned when he heard this, and then he remembered that Fang Bai had already gone through an evil god's ritual, so he felt relieved.

It's not that you don't worry about Evil God, but you don't worry about Fang Bai.

If you can't die even if you do this, then you definitely can't die.

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