The shredded potato is so delicious that it is hard to eat.

This time, Lu Tianqi picked up a chopstick of potato shreds. It felt like it was just one potato, and the portion was too small to taste the specific taste, so this time he picked up a little more.

When a chopstick of potato shreds was put into his mouth, Lu Tianqi felt the same as before, just the right amount of spiciness, and some slight sourness blended the spiciness, and the sour and spicy feeling made people enjoy it.

It doesn't make people feel uncomfortable because of the spiciness, or frown because of the sourness.

This shows that during the stir-frying process, the flavors are blended very evenly, and the perfect heat makes Lu Tianqi really unable to find fault.

Lu Tianqi continued to chew and taste.

When a chopstick of potato shreds was put into his mouth, the crispy taste was even more obvious.

Lu Tianqi tasted it with the most critical attitude, but still couldn't find any problems.

When Lu Tianqi swallowed it, he was sure that only salt was used for seasoning.

"Only salt was added to make the potato shreds so delicious. Isn't this cooking too outrageous?"

Lu Tianqi's expression became more solemn, and he felt that he might have misunderstood Qin Shuyang before.

This is not a store that has become popular simply by relying on traffic.

When he smelled the fragrance just now, Lu Tianqi felt that Qin Shuyang might have something.

Now Lu Tianqi thinks that Qin Shuyang is probably very good.

Lu Tianqi immediately opened another box of stir-fried vegetables.

Generally speaking, after stir-fried vegetables are fried and put in a takeaway box, the color of the leaves of the whole vegetable will basically become darker.

But when this stir-fried vegetable was opened, it was still green and the oil on the leaves was very transparent.

And each leaf is not the soft feeling of normal stir-fried vegetables after being fried.

Of course, it is impossible for the leaves to be as stiff as raw green vegetables.

But when it is picked up, the leaf seems to have some toughness.

Lu Tianqi picked up a leaf of green vegetables and put it in his mouth.

When stir-frying green vegetables, Qin Shuyang only used simple salt and a little sugar to season.

So when the stir-fried green vegetables are eaten, there will not be much taste change.

But compared with potatoes, the sweet taste of green vegetables is incomparable to potatoes.

There is no complicated seasoning, just the simplest seasoning, so that when the green vegetables are eaten, the juice of the green vegetables themselves makes the mouth feel very refreshing.

It's like when people live in the city, the air doesn't feel good.

But when you walk into the forest far away from the city, the fresh air will give people a spiritual enjoyment.

When chewing the green vegetables, the stems of the green vegetables are very crisp, just like the feeling of breaking the green vegetables when they are raw.

It was obviously put into the oil pan for stir-frying, but the hot oil seemed to only fry the stems of the vegetables, but still retained the freshness of the vegetables to a great extent.

"Damn, this vegetable is a little too fresh and refreshing, how did you do it?"

After cursing verbally, Lu Tianqi fell into silence.

Although Lu Tianqi didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that whether it was hot and sour potato shreds or this stir-fried vegetable, they were the best hot and sour potato shreds and stir-fried vegetables that Lu Tianqi had ever eaten.

Lu Tianqi went through the list of chefs in his hotel in his mind.

Lu Tianqi couldn't think of anyone who could make such hot and sour potato shreds and stir-fried vegetables.

And the most terrible thing is that Qin Shuyang's hot and sour potato shreds and stir-fried vegetables are not made in small pots, but in large pots.

In this case, Qin Shuyang can perfectly control the heat, so how high is Qin Shuyang's cooking skills.

"How can he cook so well at such a young age?"

"He can cook stir-fried vegetables and spicy and sour potato shreds so well, so his Australian dragon must be amazing, so it is sought after by rich people."

Lu Tianqi figured out everything in an instant, knowing that he was killed by the stereotype.

When Qin Shuyang's [No Worries Restaurant] first became popular, Qin Shuyang was just a takeaway after all, and the price was only 300 yuan, which had no big impact on Lu Tianqi's high-end hotel.

So Lu Tianqi didn't take it to heart, and simply regarded Qin Shuyang as the owner of a small restaurant who embraced Douyin short videos.

It was not until Qin Shuyang's recent Australian dragon explosion that Lu Tianqi really became interested in it.

At the same time, he also saw the terribleness of short videos. He didn't expect that high-end restaurants could also rely on the power of short videos to attract customers.

But because some fans of Qin Shuyang's appearance exposed Qin Shuyang's photos before, Lu Tianqi felt that such a young chef's cooking skills must be average and could not be better than so many senior chefs in his family.

But now after eating this stir-fried greens and spicy and sour potato shreds, Lu Tianqi felt that none of his chefs seemed to be able to beat him.

Then the trouble came.

Why shoot short videos?

If you can't make the dishes better than Qin Shuyang's restaurant, it's useless to shoot short videos!

Lu Tianqi immediately picked up the phone on the table and called the hotel manager Qi Xiaoyue.

After the call was connected, Lu Tianqi heard Qi Xiaoyue's voice: "Boss Lu, do you have any instructions?"

"Manager Qi, please notify the video shooting team and ask them to stop shooting videos for the time being, and then tell the company's employees to grab a business set meal from [No Worries Restaurant] at 12:30."

Lu Tianqi must now taste the business set meal of Qin Shuyang's store and understand the taste of Australian lobster, braised chicken, crayfish and pickled fish.

Only then can he have a deeper understanding of the opponent who is about to become a huge trouble.

Lu Tianqi's order made Qi Xiaoyue very strange.

"Boss Lu, may I ask why?"

"Manager Qi, that's because I found that the reason why our short videos are not effective is not because we didn't shoot them well, but because our cooking skills are not as good as his."

"Anyway, you give the order, and if you get the takeaway and it's delivered, you can send it directly to the kitchen of the Chinese restaurant."


After Qi Xiaoyue agreed, Lu Tianqi hung up the phone, then put the lids of the takeaway boxes of spicy and sour potato shreds and stir-fried vegetables on the table back on, put them in a plastic bag, and walked towards the kitchen.

Lu Tianqi must let the chefs of the hotel taste the taste of these two takeaways and study how Qin Shuyang made them.

As long as they are not worse than Qin Shuyang, Lu Tianqi will have the confidence to turn the tide again.

After all, for the same price, if the taste of both sides is similar, rich people should be more willing to come to their luxurious hotel for socializing.

As a high-end hotel, Lu Tianqi is still proud and will definitely not engage in a price war with Qin Shuyang.

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