I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 163 163 Rabbits and vines, Ice Demon Island

Chapter 163 163. Rabbits and vines, Ice Magic Plant Island

The lotus in front of him was small and exquisite, at most it could only be said to be a bud, with petals that looked like glass carvings closed together, as exquisite as a work of art.

Its astral body... is very special.

It is the astral body of the petals that surrounds the lotus pod in the center, and inside the lotus pod there is a very strange magic or consciousness.

What can be confirmed is that this thing has definitely been modified, otherwise there would not be such a strange magic inside, which is similar to its own power but not exactly the same.

Kloya tried to communicate with the consciousness of this lotus. It stands to reason that the third-level magic plant should have self-awareness, but unfortunately, it does not.

It only has instincts, not its own consciousness.

Even in its astral body, Kloya could not feel the fresh vitality. It really is like a manufactured tool, without its own consciousness and spirituality.

This is very strange.

Even the lowest level of magic plants would have their own spirituality and consciousness, but this thing didn't.

That means... it didn't have desire, so the Astral Body Imprinting Technique couldn't work - because the Astral Body Imprinting Technique was based on the desire for things.

A real "plant" lotus like it naturally didn't have desire, so there was no way to talk about it.

"... This is really true."

He sighed softly, thinking of the desire in the description.

He knew that "Fu Shi" was to curb desire, as he had some understanding of the three souls and seven spirits.

The real desire was "Que Yin". When Que Yin flew, it meant that the desire was released, and Fu Shi could no longer suppress it.

Could it be that the birth of its self-consciousness was also a desire, so it was suppressed tightly.

If it was really as he thought, then this was really a very ingenious design. Only when there was no desire could the desire be curbed, and curbing the desire suppressed its desire, forming a perfect closed loop.

Kloya decided to test it.

He performed his own symphony - a three-color band of light surrounding him, with various notes flowing and jumping inside.

There was joy, happiness, happiness, as well as pain, sadness, helplessness, and of course desire, all kinds of desires.

For example, the desire for money, the desire for children, the desire for a better life...

These were all collected in his symphony, and now he could mobilize them at will, and he could also record a variety of magic in it.

It was one of his most powerful magics.

"Let me see, this is it."

He picked out a jumping orange note, which contained a sick child's desire to live after he recovered.

It was naturally a kind of desire.

Speaking of which, this thing was passed to him by Semir. The owner of the rock note who was resurrected by him had no idea that he had actually died once.

Because of the rock note in his body and the body transformed by magic, he was extremely powerful. He was not even satisfied with staying in Hanjiao Town, but wanted to go out and make achievements.

This time he left with the baron.

It is estimated that no one in the team knows how terrifying this guy's power is. It can be regarded as a small surprise prepared by Cloya.

If things really develop in a bad direction, he will directly increase the power of the other party and transform into a powerful fourth-level warrior on the spot.

After he took out the orange note, it stayed in his palm obediently. What burned in it was like the fire of life, full of tenacity and determination.

"The desire for life like a flame."

Cloya extracted the desire in the note and stuffed it into the lotus.

Just as he thought, the orange power was wrapped in the lotus as soon as it entered, and the endless cold air compressed and suppressed the orange flame.

A dead silence and "nothing" consciousness tightly suppressed the orange flame, forcing it to extinguish the desire.

There seemed to be a very strange sound, like chanting.

'Is this thing still a Buddhist thing? ' Cloya kept muttering in his heart.

He tried to understand, but he couldn't hear any word clearly, and let those sounds "buzz" in his ears.

It even had a tendency to affect his consciousness.

However, it was easily dispelled by him. With his current mental strength, it was still easy to resist some mental impacts.

However, the orange flame was not so lucky. Even the consciousness strengthened by his notes could not resist the cold and the suppression of the chanting.

It is estimated that it will soon disappear.

So after he confirmed it, he waved his hand without any hesitation.


The orange flame was like a child summoned by his parents. It directly broke away from the power in the lotus and returned to his symphony.

"Hmph, this little desire is not good. I wonder if you can hold on to the devil's desire."

He actually had an idea in his mind: use a stronger desire to awaken its desire for the birth of spirituality. As long as there is a little desire, he can use the Star Body Imprinting Technique to intervene.

At that time, he really looks forward to what the demon plant with desire but able to suppress desire will look like.

But it cannot be realized for the time being. It needs to wait until the apprentices bring Git back. His desire is what Cloya needs.

He temporarily found a place to plant the lotus and made a small magic circle to wrap it in to prevent people or magic beasts from approaching.

After dealing with the lotus, he began to prepare to plant the magic plants he had just bought.

Ice watermelon vines and blue tulips can be planted in the nest of ice magic rabbits and taken care of by them.

But snow walnuts and ice windmill chrysanthemums are not good. These two magic plants need a sufficiently open environment. Especially the latter, they also need a place with strong winds, the stronger the better.

So, he found a few ice snow rabbits, handed the magic field vines to them, and then communicated with them with mental power, asking them to plant the magic field vines in the center of the ice alfalfa field.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand according to the previous method, using his mental power and exquisite magic control ability to gather the endless ice magic on the sea.

A ball that was slightly larger than the previous one was quickly formed, but this ball had a layer of golden magic shell on the outside - this was to suppress the magic inside from leaking out.

From the outside, it looks like a golden light ball with white mixed in it, which is pretty good.

"Take it to the roots of the grapevine." After Kloya finished making it, he handed it to the magic rabbit next to him.

The three ice magic rabbits carefully surrounded the ball, fearing that it would fall to the ground - they could feel the terrifying magic inside.

If this thing exploded in their cave, the rabbit cave could be changed to a rabbit grave.

So they were really afraid that this thing would explode, and they put it slowly and steadily, spending more than ten minutes to put it under the roots of the magic field vines.

As a result, after the magic field vines felt the magic that could make it grow, they immediately put their roots in it without hesitation.

Then they grew up in a few breaths.

The ice-blue translucent magic field vines slowly spread and expanded, and soon covered the planting area of ​​about two acres.

The rabbits were also busy during this period. Their high IQ allowed them to understand Kloya's instructions. They planted ice watermelon vines and blue tulips.

The former was nothing special, just a blue watermelon seedling; the latter was about half a meter tall, and even in the seedling stage, the flowers were very huge, estimated to be five centimeters wide and ten centimeters long.

Other than that, it looked like a tulip.

This was not difficult for the magic rabbits. They just needed to dig a hole of sufficient depth and bury the roots in it.

The rabbits were busy while looking at them in surprise, their small eyes full of big doubts.

There was no such magic plant in the place where their ancestors had lived for generations.

The rabbits were busy, and the magic field vines did not stop expanding. More vines found the passage of the rabbit hole by themselves, drilled out, and crawled on the snow.

Gradually covering a wider range.

It was obvious that it was trying to cover a larger area, so that it could absorb more ice attribute magic through the leaves.

This was convenient for the ice magic rabbits.

They like cold environments, but the magic field grapevines emit cold magic power, so they chirp and bring the magic field grapevines to their nests.

When they are hungry, they nibble on the grape leaves of the magic field grapevines. The grape leaves formed by pure magic power are probably the same as nibbling magic crystals.

Some rabbits even live directly in the depths of the vines and leaves of the magic field grapevines, and then collapse in the snow, like a pile of rabbit cakes, looking very enjoyable.

Of course, they don’t live there for nothing. When they use the magic field grapevines as a cooler for their nests, they also transfer the magic power they absorb to the magic field grapevines.

A mutually beneficial relationship has been formed.

This makes Kloya think about it. It seems that the magic field grapevines can not only be used as a caregiver for magic plants, but also seem to be good for raising magic beasts.

So far, there are almost magic field grapevines in the rabbit caves. The ice-blue grapevines emit a faint light in the caves, which is then reflected by the snow.

The whole rabbit cave was shining brightly, with ice blue and snow white interweaving, and the figures of vines and rabbits jumping around from time to time, full of magical scenery, very beautiful.

Kloya observed this scene through his mental power and the magic field vines, and decided to let the Wood Yao Qu Teng King extend here as soon as possible.

It is also a good experience to observe the reproduction of rabbits on a daily basis. This is a real documentary.

After the magic plants in the rabbit cave were planted, the planting plan of snow walnut and ice windmill chrysanthemum was also going smoothly.

These need to be planted by Kloya, but... they are planted by the hands of the mage, and he himself found a good place to use magic to shape a chair and sit on it.

Today, the magic power of the fourth-level mage is enough to make him immune to cold and heat, even if he rolls naked in the snow and sleeps.

For ordinary people, the extremely cold and snowy polar region is just a scenic spot for him.

He looked up at the snow drifting all over the sky, the whistling of the cold wind in his ears, and his body was inside the warm magic shield, and he was actually a little drowsy.

Maybe... this was a kind of white noise that helped him sleep.

The hands of the wizards in the distance were still working tirelessly - they dug holes, buried the roots of the windmill and snow walnut in them, and then dripped some magic.

These pure magic powers of the etheric world can ensure that they survive the most difficult period in the early stage, grow successfully, and finally welcome the baptism of cold wind and blizzard.

There was nothing special about the snow walnut after it was planted.

But the translucent petals of the ice windmill turned in the cold wind, gathering the icy magic around the flower with itself as the center.

It formed a shape similar to a whirlwind.

Almost every ice windmill is within a one-meter range around it - this is also something that needs to be paid attention to when planting it.

If two ice windmills are too close, the wind they gather will collide with each other, and in the end both will suffer.

But it's about one meter apart. Although they will gradually increase the power of the cold wind, they will not increase its volume.

Kloya guessed that this might be related to their ability to control magic. If it was farther away, they would not be able to control it.

He thought that he could do something about this, such as enhancing their ability to control magic, or simply imprinting them with magic similar to ice storm, which might have a miraculous effect.

As the ice windmill chrysanthemums were planted one by one.

The wind around them was also gathering towards them. The ice and snow whirlwinds were particularly conspicuous in the snow, quite spectacular, and also a very good beauty.

After all the plants were planted, Kloya stretched and woke up, flew up to the sky and took a look at the newly created ice magic plant island, and nodded with satisfaction.

He planned to take a rest and continue to expand the area here, or simply develop upwards and downwards to create an environment specifically for planting ice attribute magic plants.

After looking for a while, he got up and left, returning to his warm castle.

He sat on the comfortable and soft sofa and took out the last magic plant this time.

It was... a daffodil.

It is really very beautiful, with emerald green and slender leaves, layers of petals, and stamens like a beauty. When he saw it, Cloya felt that he saw "beauty".

This is a kind of spiritual suggestion.

Obviously, this thing is an extremely rare magical plant with spiritual magic.

"Nassos Blue Narcissus."

After silently reciting its name in his heart, Cloya went to observe its astral body as usual, but as soon as his consciousness extended into it.

The spirit body of this narcissus immediately sent out thoughts-

"Ah! Don't look!"

"Please, don't look!"

"Really don't look!"

The consciousness came with a very exaggerated resistance, not only did it fail to make the mage curb his curiosity, but it made his curiosity even heavier.

Just look! Just look, just look!

He extended his consciousness in without hesitation. With his fourth-level mage and the spiritual power of a fourth-level mage with spiritual meditation, the mere narcissus had no ability to resist at all.

What he saw was...

A flower stamen in the shape of a beautiful woman.

It stayed alone in the spirit body, surrounded by almost a huge amount of magic power, nothing else.

Or its astral body itself is in this form, without the extra decoration of leaves and petals on the outside.

To be honest, it is still beautiful, but not so exaggerated.

Kloya was speechless.

I thought there was something, but it turned out to be a flower stamen?

"Wait... huh?"

He felt something was wrong. There was no astral body? What about the leaves and petals outside the astral body?

The astral body is the most intuitive and absolutely real situation of magic plants and monsters. If there is no astral body, it means...

"Spiritual magic?"

Kloya stretched out his hand and touched the leaves and petals of the daffodil with a serious expression. The touch was almost the same as the real one.

But please note that it is "almost".

After he invested his magic power, the leaves and petals made of magic power became illusory shadows in his eyes.

The light of the sun is the most effective in breaking the illusion of spiritual magic and magic power.

Without the disguise of these petals and leaves, the poor daffodil became a lonely flower stem with stamens standing pitifully, exactly the same as what the astral body engraving technique saw.

"Such a delicate magic power composition." He sighed, "So you disguised yourself like this for beauty?"


The only response to him was the daffodil's wilted consciousness.

Kroya tempted: "Do you want to really become like this? Become the beautiful appearance you like most?"


"I want to become like this!"

"Please, Master Mage!"

Its consciousness was so urgent that it couldn't wait, and it was filled with pleading and desire.

"Okay then."

Kloya then began to engrave a second engraving magic for it, which is...

[Engraving successful, Nasissus Narcissus (True Transfiguration)]

[This magic plant's endless desire for beauty and special structure can release this magic for a short time. ]

[Find beauty and transform into beauty. ]

[During the Transfiguration, the magic plant's form and level will change. ]

After a brief prompt, the surface of the Nasisos daffodil suddenly shrouded in a very special halo, which was colorful, like a rainbow.

It slowly wrapped it up, like an eggshell, and it was hard to see what was happening inside.

But Cloya could see that it began to change.

The leaves grew, from pure emerald green to colorful colors; the petals were layered, and also became colorful.

Seven different colors intertwined on it, but it didn't look gorgeous at all, but matched very well, it was like a master who was adept at using colors.

After a while, the eggshell slowly broke, and countless colorful lights burst out, illuminating the entire laboratory.

A daffodil surrounded by colorful leaves and petals appeared in front of Cloya.

It was so beautiful that it made people intoxicated, as if it was a goddess of beauty descended from the kingdom of God, emitting gorgeous colorful brilliance.

Even Cloya was briefly immersed in it, admiring this beauty, and his mood became happy.

At the same time, its magic fluctuations and power have undergone earth-shaking changes, from level three to level five!

Even its name has changed——

[Nassos in search of beauty. ]

Thank you for suggesting that I change other nicknames, Nanmu Supporting the Sky, Evolving Reptile, Big Gray Wolf King Who Loves Frying Pans, Ghost*ah, Fire Red Dragon, No Desire, Carcinogenic Salted Fish, Sky Mist Feather, Book Friend 20220711005739202, Once Upon a Starry Night, Book Friend 20190513222650617, Xiu 00, Book Friend 160701144006231, Wenren Qingshan Gui, Frozen Earth Dust, and the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from the big guys, thank you!

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