I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 164 164 Sunflower's Faith, Two Mineral Veins

Chapter 164 164. Sunflower’s faith, two veins

"It's really beautiful."

Although this thing is indeed beautiful enough to make Croya feel in a trance, and he is willing to sink in and take a closer look, but only if he is willing.

When he wanted to wake up, even the evolved Narcissus couldn't stop him for even a second.

But after a brief period of indulgence, he also learned about the purpose of this plant called "Nassos of Beauty" - spiritual magic.

It possesses extremely powerful spiritual magic, and according to Croya's estimation, it should be able to affect level four mages.

Those affected will be seduced by its beauty. If they cannot break away, they will naturally sink in. If they are really mentally unable to leave... then they will probably die in the beauty.

This is actually a very powerful force. If used well, such a plant can be used to support many people.

However, it is limited to its "transformed form". If it were restored to its original state, it would be greatly compromised and even a little funny.

"How long can you last?"

He stared at the daffodils that were wandering happily, as if showing off their beauty, and called the astral crystal turtle to have it translate on his behalf:

"Why are you like this, and why is there so much magic in your body?"

The magic power in this guy's body has far exceeded what a third-level magic plant should have, which is obviously very abnormal.

"Okay, I'll ask right now."

The astral crystal turtle danced towards the rainbow-colored daffodils. I don’t know how they communicated. Anyway, the communication was completed.

Anyway, Croya replied: "Master, it said it can last for about ten minutes.

Its power comes from a powerful magic device in the small plane where it lives. It grew like this with the help of the magic device. "

"Small plane... It seems that this teacher Esterna is not ordinary." Croya nodded.

"Being able to own a small plane."

To be honest, he really wanted to have a small plane where he could plant and breed his favorite magic plants and monsters.

A small plane that can be controlled by a mage, as long as you are willing to invest enough energy and time, you can become the god of the small plane.

"Strange..." There is no memory of Teacher Estner in my memory.

He tried to think back but found nothing.

He actually had no idea who Estner's mentor was. It seems that this has always been a secret. The other party did not take the initiative to tell it, and the original owner did not ask.

This is indeed a very strange thing.

The original owner didn't have much communication. He had chatted with many people, but he had never heard from any source who the teacher of Estner was. He only knew that he was a great mage.

I didn't think much of it before, but now that I think about it carefully, I guess my status is very high, otherwise this situation wouldn't have happened.

He thought about it and didn't pay much attention to it. When his strength improved, there would always be a chance to see it.

The other party gave him such a big gift, so he should give something in return, both emotionally and logically.

"You go and play. After a while, you will transform back and then enter the magic pool."

Instruct the narcissus, which can already run and jump, to run and play on the upper level of the castle, and not to just leave it alone after casting mental magic on people.

This thing is indeed useful, and he plans to... give Stein's mentor a big surprise.

Doesn't the other party look down on his farming, so he will use magic plants to besiege the other party.

I just used a fourth-level mage to test whether my magic planting tactics can be successful.

Anyway, Estner's mentor has already spoken, so there is no need to worry about the reaction of the Mage Association. As long as the other party comes to Hanjiao Island, they will be crushed by him.

After watching the narcissus leave, Croya glanced at the crystal on the back of the astral crystal turtle: "Can you think of a way to connect the tower spirit to the bottle?"

"How do you shape your crystal?"

The structure of this astral crystal is extremely stable. He has tried it more than once before, but failed every time.

The stable structure means that it is difficult for magic to have an effect, and it cannot even change the shape of the crystal bottle. The ones he is using now are still left over from before the secret room.

I didn’t ask too much about things I didn’t use before, but now that I want to use them, I definitely have to ask clearly.

When the star crystal turtle heard this, he immediately shook the crystal on his back, and a piece of it fell off.

It picked up the crystal with its tortoise claws, put it in front of Croya, and then replied: "Master, you have been using the wrong method. The astral crystal must be shaped with mental power."

"Psychic power?" Croya was stunned.

This...he really hadn't thought of it. He had tried it with magic power before, because the magic crystal was infused with magic power and then made to change.

In the end, does this thing actually require mental power?

Suddenly going against the grain, no wonder he never figured out how to deal with it.

"Yes, you have to use your own mental power as magic power to soak the entire crystal, so that you can transform the crystal's form.

You can create a tube and connect it to the crystal bottle for the Shark Tallin to crawl into. "Crystal Turtle added.

"Let me try."

Croya extended his spiritual power and headed towards the astral crystal.

His mental power was like orange water, quickly enveloping the palm-sized astral crystal.

Threads of spiritual power penetrated into the crystal, gradually impregnating it completely.

Sure enough, just as the Crystal Turtle said, a change has really taken place.

It gradually melts and flows like a liquid under the wrap of spiritual power. At first glance, it looks like flowing starlight, clear and mysterious.

"Master! You have to hurry up and shape it." The astral crystal turtle hurriedly reminded: "After the first change, it will be finalized quickly."


The astral crystal liquid flew towards the tower spirit cultivation pool under the double wrapping of Croya's mental power and magic power, and gradually turned into a curved pipe and funnel-shaped cover in mid-air according to Croya's thoughts.

Although it is very thin, it will probably break if touched, but this is a laboratory after all, so this will not happen.

He will also strengthen it later.

The cover slowly fell down, covering the tower spirit training pool. At the same time, the pipe extended to the astral crystal bottle where the Void Moon Divine Tree was placed, and slowly connected with the mouth of the bottle.

It's half done now. Next, you only need to open the astral crystal bottle where the Void Moon Divine Tree is placed to link it.

But in order to prevent the contents inside from escaping, Croya made an entrance and exit valve on the Shark Tower Spirit.

When it swims over, the valve opens, and when it leaves, it closes.

By the time the valve is finished, it is considered complete.

The shark tower spirit seemed to know that something interesting was going to happen, and he couldn't wait to swim along the pipe in that direction.

Logically speaking, tower spirits should be able to roam and appear anywhere in the magic tower at will. This is the fundamental reason why they help mages take care of the magic tower.

Now it can leave the cultivation pool for a while, but it just can't stay away for too long.

"You have to be honest and obedient. You have to go back in half an hour at most."

After Croya explained this, he let it stuff his huge body into the small pipe, and followed the pipe into the astral crystal bottle.

Just like a fish entering the sea, it swims happily in the ocean blessed by magic and moonlight as soon as it enters.

The silver little dragon discovered this new friend, swam over curiously, and said "ouch" to it a few times.

Of course, sharks have no vocal organs, but they are ordinary sharks. What does they have to do with my Shark Taling?

It soon made an "ouch" sound through magical vibrations.

One fish and one dragon were like children chatting, "oohing" while swimming in the ocean, chasing each other, and soon other fish joined them.

These guys are very smart. They feel that the shark has the spiritual power left by Croya, and they all know that it was raised by Croya and are very friendly to it.

When has Shark Talling ever seen so many friends?

I was so happy that I wanted to fly and follow them to play in the sea water.

However, it still remembered half an hour's time, and after playing for half an hour, it returned to the training tank honestly.

Croya had been paying attention to it during this period. After seeing this scene, he nodded with satisfaction and just obeyed.

He looked at the Shark Tower Spirit, and suddenly felt that the other person's body seemed to be much more solidified. It was originally translucent, but now it looked more and more like a real shark.

"Is it the function of this ocean?" Croya thought it should be like this. After all, it belongs to the mermaid, and the mermaid is the overlord in the sea.

Their things have a bit of magical power, and it makes perfect sense that they have an effect on shark tower spirits, which are originally marine creatures.

"It seems that I really need to let you go inside more in the future."

He decided to give the Talling Shark half an hour of free time every day. When it grew up and was able to get out of the pool, he would let it play as it pleased.

Anyway, as long as you don’t forget what you need to learn, it doesn’t matter if you play.

After the matter with the Shark Tower Spirit was resolved, Croya returned to his sofa, lying lazily and saying out of boredom:

"Show me what's going on over there at Sunflower."


The screen changes immediately——

I saw the sunflower elf and the clock golem commanding the serfs to plant sunflower seeds one by one. Three thousand sunflower seeds were enough to plant all around the castle.

The attitude of the farm servants toward the Sunflower Elf seems to be not only respect, but also worship and...belief.

This is because the sunflower elf usually wanders around the sunflower field when it has nothing to do. If it sees someone or something that makes it happy, it will give each other a sunflower seed.

It was very generous and stingy, and all it gave me were sunflower seeds that looked malnourished and contained very little magic power.

But it just so happens that this kind of magic power is not particularly sufficient, so it is just right for the farm servants.

If there is too much magic power in it, you may not be able to get enough of it if you eat it.

After living at the seaside for a long time, going out to fish, and staying in a cold and humid environment for a long time, the farm servants are more or less susceptible to diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis.

Of course they don't have money to buy medicine or ask priests to perform healing spells, so they can only endure it.

But after ingesting the sunflower seeds, the pure magic of sunlight within them will gradually drive away their ailments.

When a person has been suffering from a certain disease for a long time and is suddenly solved... he will naturally develop great trust and dependence on the person who solves his problem.

The Sunflower Elf is what it is now.

It even had a tendency to begin to absorb faith, and Croya did not stop this situation.

He does not need faith, but it is not impossible for the Sunflower Elf to draw a little power of faith.

"Just see what changes the power of faith will have on you."

After looking at it for a few times, he looked away and observed the white cloud sunflowers.

At this time, they have been planted on a high slope surrounded by sunflowers, emitting white mist facing the sun.

The fog has covered an area of ​​about one kilometer in radius.

These white mist rolled and flowed like clouds, absorbing the magic of the sun, and soon became golden.

It wasn't until this moment that Cloya understood the meaning of "Light is the sparkling energy". It was really shining and made people unable to take their eyes away.

"It's really beautiful when spread out. If there were more of them, wouldn't the entire island be covered in them?"

He admired it for a while and felt that he had seen enough, so he asked King Mu Yao Qu Teng:

"Is there anything else interesting? How is the situation over there with the myconids?"

As soon as he asked, Mu Yaoqu Vine King immediately cut out of the screen.

"Look at this."

"Huh? Let me take a look." Croya looked at the screen curiously.

That was... a scene explored by a team led by a female apprentice.

They came to a very strange place now - a sea, but it was a white sea.

Snowflakes were falling in the sky, and there were piles of snow on the ground. The sea, which should not be frozen, was also covered with a layer of white.

Everything you see, everything you look at... is completely white, and even your eyes feel a little stinging and uncomfortable.

"That's seaweed."

Croya's eyesight was pretty good, and he saw densely wriggling seaweed on the sea surface. And the appearance seems to be somewhat similar to that of Sea of ​​Desire fluorescent algae.

"Is it the same kind as the fluorescent algae of Sea of ​​Thirst?"

Croya suddenly became interested. He had been looking for similar species of fluorescent algae in the Thirsty Sea during this period, but he had never been able to find them.

He even looked inside the sea, but couldn't find any clues. Is it actually here?

He glanced at the map beside him and found that the distance between this team and Hanjiao Island was actually only twenty kilometers, which was very close.

"Is there something down here?"

Judging from the previous discovery of fluorescent algae in the Sea of ​​Thirst, with so much algae gathering, there may be something even more wrong under this sea that looks wrong.

He hesitated to send the message through the myconids.

Because there are already people in the picture walking towards the seaside to explore.

Croya once made it clear that if you find any treasure outside, you will be rewarded after you get it back, and the entire team will be rewarded.

Although doing this may cause some team members to be aggressive in searching for treasures, it can also give them more courage to take risks, which can be good or bad.

Although they don't know what these strange algae are - Cloya's Thirsty Sea Fluorescent Algae is very different in color from these algae, which means he can only detect the same type with his good eyes - but they will dare to take risks and explore.

Naturally, you will be rewarded.

For example, now, when they walked through the snow to the beach, pushed aside the white seaweed, they suddenly discovered that under the sea...

There are sparkling crystals!

They sparkle with a blue halo that represents pure magic, mixed with some white ones, like special crystals that have been frozen.

Everyone who saw this scene immediately knew what it was——

Magic crystal!

There should be a magic crystal mine down here!

Croya, who saw this scene through the eyes of the myconids, suddenly felt warm in his heart. Although he now relied on the volcanoes and big-mouthed magic flowers on the seabed, he had a source of magic power.

But how can the magic crystal mine be real?

Magic crystal is a common currency for mages. It is much more dazzling than any gold mine. Even he can't help but feel hot in his heart.

More importantly, this magic crystal mine can be directly exposed to the sea water. Does it mean that the magic power below has accumulated to the point of erupting?

If this is the case, this is estimated to be a medium-sized magic crystal mine, and even small ones will not have such a huge number.

And what are those white crystals?

His mind was spinning, he took a deep breath to calm down, and told the myconid: "Be sure to bring back all these magic crystals, white ores, and Sea of ​​Thirst fluorescent algae!"

"I have a reward!"

The mage's order was immediately spoken through the myconid's mouth.

The apprentices who were exploring immediately jumped for joy. This was Croya's reward. I wonder what reward he would give them?

Lisa, the team leader, couldn't help but be excited.

Magic crystal mines, if you can bring these magic crystal mines back intact, you will definitely be able to beat other teams, right?

Her desire to win is quite strong.

So she immediately ordered: "The mages make an ice cart and take out all their belongings. Tara Jon, I and you guys will go fishing together. Let's bring these things back quickly!"

After saying that, she did not hesitate to go to the water to salvage the magic crystals and white ores scattered on the seabed - she was very careful not to touch them with her hands when salvaging the latter.

Unknown ores carry unknown magical powers. Once touched, something might happen. This is what Kloya had taught them long ago.

Seeing her jump down like this, several other apprentices followed suit. The cold sea water could not stop their burning hearts.

In this way, they worked enthusiastically.

After digging and carrying for a long time, when they collected the scattered magic crystals and tried to dig the sand on the seabed.

More magic crystals appeared below! They were looming in the sand, and there were obviously a lot of them.

And... there was also a magic vein that was constantly gushing out pure magic power and presenting liquid.

The apprentices were stunned, their hearts pounding.

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