I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 856: 【Bravo! 】

On Weibo.

Many people in the cross talk world are still scolding Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai, especially some old artists in the cross talk world and Tang Dazhang’s cross talk club. This wave of people scolds the most.

An old cross talk actor: "The cross talk world will never recognize him!"

People who like Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai's cross talk also scolded them.

Suddenly, someone called.

"Ah, recording!"

"What recording?"

"What's wrong?"

"Someone posted a recording! Beijing TV station's Spring Festival Gala rehearsal!"

"Really! I rely on it, it's Teacher Zhang and Teacher Yao's cross talk!"

"Oh, which hero did it?"

"Too awesome! I'm going to listen first!"

"Give me a link! Where is it?"

"Hahaha, I saw it too, listen again!"


The people at the rehearsal site did not know.

The cross talk continues.

Zhang Ye said lightly: "So, people's cross talk cures all diseases, especially for prostate patients."

Yao Jiancai: "Hi."

Zhang Ye: "But friends who want to go to the scene to listen to it have to be careful. For all the cross talk sessions of Teacher Tang, there is usually a sign at the door with a line of red letters: Non-swimming association members enter cautiously."

Yao Jiancai said: "I just knew that you have to learn to swim before you listen to cross talk!"

Zhang Ye nodded earnestly and said, "Yes, there is a high threshold for this business, and there are also thresholds for listening to cross talk. This is a very dangerous art." For some paragraphs, Zhang Ye uses memory to search capsules to recollect, some paragraphs, it is. He edited it by himself on the spot, and revised it now.

People in the audience laughed!


Yao Jiancai shook his head and said, "Your mouth is too wicked."

Zhang Ye said, "But they are also famous."

Yao Jiancai said, "What kind of fame is there at this level?"

Zhang Ye: "Yes, there was a prostate patient who was recovering from cross talk last time. That eldest sister sent a banner to Teacher Tang."

Yao Jiancai: "Eldest sister? Where is the female? (Illness!"

Zhang Ye: "No?"

Yao Jiancai: "Women don't have this disease."

Zhang Ye: "Anyway, I gave Teacher Tang a pennant."

Yao Jiancai: "What pennant?"

Zhang Ye: "There are four big characters written on it-wonderful-hand-kinky-heart!"

Laugh below!

Yao Jiancai hurriedly stopped, "That's a good hand and kindness!"

Zhang Ye let out a long cry, "That might be because I remembered it wrong, I'm sorry, my knowledge is limited, anyway, I just envy people."

Yao Jiancai: "Yes?"

Zhang Ye: "Talking about cross talk really makes money."

Yao Jiancai: "Really?"

Zhang Ye yearned: "Moreover, this industry is also good, especially united!"

Unity in the cross talk world?

When the people below heard it, they all started booing!




Although it was a dress rehearsal, the on-site staff and the members of the review group Spring Festival Gala program group were very face-saving, and they were very excited to listen to it. When they came to the mouth, they naturally shouted out, and then they all laughed!


outside world.

Tang Dazhang family.

Tang Dazhang is rehearsing the program these days, and he is very busy. Many people come in and out at home every day, all of whom are doing the final sprint for the Spring Festival Gala.

At this time, a colleague from the cross talk industry called.

"Old Tang!"

"Haha, old grandson."

"You go online!"

"I'm taking my apprentice to rehearse, what's wrong?"

"Zhang Ye's cross talk at the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing was exposed!"


"This grandson is cursing again!"


After Tang Dazhang hung up the phone, his apprentices and some of his colleagues also heard them. They all looked down on the Internet, and they wanted to see what Zhang Ye would say and curse on the Spring Night in Beijing? Does he dare to curse at live shows like Spring Festival Gala?

how is this possible!

?the other side.

The homes of several seniors in the cross talk industry also thought of the telephone ringing.

"Xu, Master Xu, Zhang Ye is in trouble!"

"What's up with him?"

"Hurry up and watch it online!"


on site.

Yao Jian just smiled, "Hey."

Zhang Ye: "This industry is also kind-hearted, go out to do good deeds every day!"

Yao Jiancai: "What good do you do?"

Zhang Ye raised his hand, "For example, the year before yesterday, during the earthquake, the cross talk community went to donate money. Several old cross talk artists took their apprentice Sun Xixi and more than 100 people went to the Red Cross. The first old artist said. : We say that although cross talk comes fast and easy, but the conditions are also limited, not comparable to the big bosses with tens of billions of assets."

Yao Jiancai nodded, "This is the truth."

Zhang Ye: "Let us donate 350 million to 500 million, and we can't get it out."

Yao Jiancai shook his hand: "It doesn't need to be so much.

Zhang Ye: "Yes, three or five dollars is a heart, not comparable to others."

Yao Jiancai said, "Yes, it doesn't need to be compared."

Zhang Ye: "Come on, take it, here are my three pieces, and then an old artist from behind follows up: "And me, here are my three pieces", one by one."

Yao Jiancai was dumbfounded: "Really donate three yuan?"

It's the cross talk world again!

Started to scold the cross talk world again!

Many people in the audience were refreshed, especially Xiao Lu Dafei and Hou brothers who were the most vigorous and laughed the most!

Zhang Ye grabbed a false hand in his hand: "After donating the money, these people took a dozen candles from others, lit them, and held them in their hands. Everyone came over and fisted with them and shouted, "Strong." '."

Yao Jiancai: "Well, donate three dollars to light a dozen candles? And how can one person get a dozen candles?"

Zhang Ye looked at him strangely, "Not all of them are lit, just lit one, and the remaining ten candles are taken away in the plug pocket."

Yao Jiancai: "Huh? Did you bring it? Then they made money this trip!"

One after another laughter!

At this time, a staff member came to the chief director Chang Xiaoliang to talk about the arrangements for a show on the main stage.

"Director Chang, over there..."

Before saying anything, Chang Xiaoliang interrupted. Without even looking at him, he raised his hand and said, "I'll talk about it later, after reading this!" He stared at the stage without blinking.

The man stood there and listened.

Zhang Ye: "After a while, a group of migrant workers came and donated one thousand."

Yao Jiancai: "Oh, so many?"

Zhang Ye: "People in the cross talk world clenched a fist to others:'Strong'!"

Yao Jiancai: "Hi."

Zhang Ye: "Next, a class teacher came with a group of elementary school students, and one donated five thousand!"

Yao Jiancai: "All primary school students donate five thousand?"

Zhang Ye: "People in the cross talk world stand on both sides of them holding candles:'Strong'!"

Yao Jiancai rolled his eyes, "No need for them to say."

Zhang Ye: "In the end, a bunch of women came here. They were staff members in the special service profession of the karaoke bar. They all called them pretty."

Yao Jiancai: "What kind of profession is this!"

Zhang Ye: "They donated 50,000 yuan each!"

Yao Jiancai said, "Donate so much?"

Zhang Ye: "But the staff of the Red Cross showed an expression of disgust. They said at the time:'Take it back, your money is not clean'!"

Everyone in the audience listened with wide-eyed eyes, not knowing what was going on.

Zhang Ye immediately said: "As a result, the old artists in the cross talk world were all anxious, blushing and shouting roughly to others: "Why is it not clean! That's all our hard-earned money"!"

As soon as this word came out, the next moment I laughed crazy!


"Hard-earned money?"


"Oh! It's angry! It's angry!"


No matter what Yao Jiancai asked, "Oh, they donated the big head over there!" Three points teasing seven points to cheer, this old saying in the cross talk world actually does not mean that it is more important to play actors than to play actors. It’s not to say that it’s harder to hold an actor than to play an actor, but to see whether a stalk can achieve the best results. The “support” of a squad actor occupies a large proportion. The effect will be greater!

Everyone burst into tears upon hearing the sound!

There are a few Beijing TV station staff who are not watching the show in the audience at all, but can hear the show. They can’t even laugh while holding their stomachs, and put down their work. All looked at the stage here, listening to Zhang Ye cursing.

Dong Shanshan and the male host were also full of smiles!

There are poker players below, and their show has five minutes left.

Zhang Ye actually watched the countdown all the time, he would adjust his jokes according to the time at any time, "So, later I also went to learn cross talk."

Yao Jiancai smiled and said, "You also said cross talk?"

Zhang Ye said depressed: "But when I came, I realized that cross talk is too hard to say. The competition in this industry is too fierce, so you can talk to the two people on the stage.

Yao Jiancai said strangely: "Why?"

Zhang Ye: "Everyone has new tricks. Some cross talk actors have invited a group of women who talk about Dagushu to accompany them on the platform and score the music."

Yao Jiancai: "Huh? Is there such a cross-talk?"

Big drum book?


Everyone thought for the first time, isn't this Tang Dazhang's cross talk for the Spring Festival Gala!

Zhang Ye: "All the women are all wearing cheongsams." He compared his armpits with his hands, "The cheongsam is open to the armpits!"

Yao Jiancai said in surprise: "Good fellow, didn't it come out after the two curtains were approved?"

Zhang Ye sighed, and pointed in wonder, "I don't know why, the tickets on both sides are selling very well!"




Everyone laughed again!

Yao Jiancai smacked his lips and said, "Hey, I don't know if it's the drum or the thigh!"



Some people are tired from laughing, but they can't stop at all!

Zhang Ye sighed and said, "Later, a friend of mine told me that you can't do this. If you want to be popular, if you want to be famous, you have to be on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala! You are on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala!

CCTV Spring Festival Gala?

Hu Fei was shocked!

Yao Jiancai: "This is true."

Zhang Ye: "He came to know the director of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and introduced me to me. The director looked at me and said that the arrangements are already full here. There is no place for you. You can go ahead and do it. Hygiene, give me lunch, come and walk the dog! Look, he has to walk the dog, how wicked!"

Yao Jiancai: "This is a drama."

Zhang Ye: "Give him a dog walk every day. Just this broken dog. Walk one step at a time and stop one step at a time. I went to the watch shop. I said, Master, take a look at this. What's the matter? The master said it doesn’t matter, just wipe the sludge."

Yao Jiancai: "Hi! Is it about sludge?"

Zhang Ye: "If it's fixed, the director's music is broken, heh, this dog hasn't been fixed for so long. If you fix it, you are my confidant. Just stay here."

Yao Jiancai: "Then dare to love it."

Zhang Ye: "Waiting every day, I can come to any job, and I can come to any job. Hey, there is a cross talk of four hundred people at the Spring Festival Gala, I can come."

Yao Jiancai: "What? Four hundred people?"

This is obviously a cross talk about Tang Dazhang's coming to the Spring Festival Gala!

For a while, the people underneath looked more energetically!

Xiao Lu clapped his thigh and laughed!

Dafei shouted again and again: "It's so exciting! It's so exciting! Hahahaha!"

Zhang Ye said, "That's four hundred people."

Yao Jiancai shook his head, "Impossible, there is no such cross talk."

Zhang Ye glanced at him, "Why not? What did a person say?"

Yao Jiancai: "Stand-up comedy."

Zhang Ye: "What about the two?"

Yao Jiancai: "A cross talk."

Zhang Ye: "Three people?"

Yao Jiancai: "A cross talk."

Zhang Ye said, "So, what is the name of the four hundred people?"

Yao Jiancai asked: "What is it called?"

Zhang Ye replied: "Called the cross talk of the Spring Festival Gala!"

Yao Jiancai: "Yes?"

Zhang Ye: "Only CCTV Spring Festival Gala has this kind of show."

Yao Jiancai: "Hi."

Cross talk for the Spring Festival Gala? ?

Everyone laughed stiffly, hey, this is the CCTV Spring Festival Gala also blacked out!

Zhang Ye said: "A crowd of four hundred people talked to each other. People from all over the country who talked about cross talk gathered there. The platform was built. This side is a rockery, this side is a mountain stream, and this side is a swimming pool. The next 100 people who talked about cross talk, all carrying parachutes, stood up and waved at the audience. A hundred came out of the water. Finally, they took a foreign car and pulled them up and said something like "Audience friend" Let's meet again'!"

Isn't this what Tang Dazhang said?

Hu Fei smiled bitterly, he didn't know what to say, he just knew that if you offend anyone, don't offend Zhang Ye, this kid, the mouth of this guy is simply too dark!

Zhang Ye: "The show officially started. Everyone was standing in line. This teasingly said,'I say a word, you have to turn it over for me, I'm very happy for New Year's greetings to everyone', and everyone said,'I'm very happy for everyone. Happy New Year! With a bow, the cross talk is over."

Yao Jiancai was stunned: "Is it over?"

Zhang Ye slapped his thigh with excitement, "I said this show is good, and all the lackeys can come!"

Yao Jiancai said: "Yes."


"Anyone who lacks the heart can come? Poof!"

"Killing me!"

Zhang Ye excitedly said: "Let me come, let me do this. The director said that it's not possible now. These four hundred people have a history. You can do it for him, you know? I'm staring every day, waiting, who doesn't I'll come when it comes. The scene is busy. Thousands of spectators are sitting there, and I will give them boxes every day. One day at the rehearsal, one of the older sisters gave birth to a child. You said it was a mess and hated me. You all gave birth. So you go home, thousands of people follow here."

Yao Jiancai: "That's right."

Zhang Ye: "I called for a taxi and carried her to the car. I was done with everything when I came back. It was all my business, but the opportunity came that day."

Yao Jiancai: "What opportunity?"

Zhang Ye: "There are four hundred people who talk about cross talk. Didn't a hundred people talk about cross talk on the plane? One person broke his parachute!"

Yao Jiancai was startled: "Ouch!"

Zhang Ye: "Pop! Fortunately!"

Yao Jiancai: "All right?"

Zhang Ye: "...dead!"

Yao Jiancai fainted: "It's lucky to fall to death?"

There was another burst of laughter!

Zhang Ye hurriedly said: "I looked so real, turned my head and went to the director, I'll come, I'll come here! As a result, the director said, "You are too late, and the person has already replaced him." Up!"

Yao Jiancai exclaimed: "This is too cruel!"

Zhang Ye: "You guys, don't give me a chance at all. I asked my friend to complain about it. This is not okay. I am not only doing work every day, but I am responsible for giving birth." I take care of all this, I don’t have a chance! My friend said: You, you just have a thin face. If you want to be famous and want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, you have to learn to be cheeky first, you have to be shameless, you know?"

Yao Jiancai: "Huh?"

On the Spring Festival Gala?



There is another babble! Laughter is still all around!

The director smiled and covered his forehead, "This little Zhang!"

One of the directors also laughed beside him. CCTV's Spring Festival Gala was full of inside stories. This was all well-known. Zhang Ye's words just hit him!

Just listened to Zhang Ye on the stage thinking: "How to learn shamelessly? I thought about it, hey, the eldest sister who gave birth on the scene. Hey, thousands of people watched her give birth. Isn't this cheeky enough?"

Yao Jiancai was startled and smiled, "Ah yes, she has a thick skin."

Zhang Ye clenched a fist, "Yes, go to her! I asked and went straight to the hospital. When she got to the hospital, she sat there and was crying with her face covered in her face. Oh, ooh, thousands of people, there are so many people at the Spring Festival Gala. Watching me give birth!"

Yao Jiancai smiled and said, "Hey, people know that they are ashamed."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "I quickly persuade her, I said it doesn't matter, this is nothing, that year, when the Olympic bid was successful in Tiananmen Square, someone gave birth to more than 20,000 children!"

Yao Jiancai said happily: "Yes."

Zhang Ye: "As a result, the eldest sister cried even harder when she heard it:'Oh, that's me too'!"

Yao Jiancai was dumbfounded, "Ah? It's all her!"


time up!

Just over!

Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai smiled and bowed!

Immediately, the tide of applause and laughter engulfed the scene!

"it is good!"

"well said!"



"Oh, I almost laughed to death!"

"Good scolding!"

The director smiled and shook his head, not knowing whether to applaud him.

Chang Xiaoliang stood up and clap!

Hou Ge Hou Di Xiao Lu screamed even more!

The people who listened to this cross talk didn't have any free time, and the whole process was a laugh!

Zhang Ye exited.

Music, singing and dancing sounded over the main stage, and the stage for language programs was temporarily idle.

When a few people passed by, the male host immediately asked: "Teacher Zhang, Teacher Yao, what is the name of this cross talk?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala!"

The male host immediately gave a thumbs up, "I'm really convinced!"

"Good name!" Dong Shanshan laughed when he heard it, and also gave Zhang Ye a thumbs up, "If your cross talk is broadcast, you must be angry with a few people in the cross talk world!"

Zhang Ye blinked, "Then can I be regarded as killing the people?"

Yao Jiancai pushed him and said with a smile: "What do you kill? In everyone's eyes, your kid is the scourge!"

The show is over.

Everyone is still thinking about it!

Although the people of Beijing TV station knew that this was a dress rehearsal, they couldn’t put this kind of cross talk live on the day of the Spring Festival Gala, but this did not prevent everyone from sending the warmest applause. This applause was for the superb cross talk. Artistic is also the greatest respect for the two teachers, Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai!


It's really exciting!

Zhang Ye gave this art a life! !

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