Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 805 Handover Task

Gu Hengzhou has been practicing Taoism for more than a hundred years. Although he has never left the mountain gate, he has a lot of experience.

After listening to Zhang Zhixuan's words, Gu Hengzhou thought to himself: "To be able to break into the strict prohibition and catch me without alerting the masters in Wuyun City, the two people who did it must be masters, most likely Yuanying ancestors. Since they are Yuanying ancestors, they must be able to use soul-searching techniques. If I don't appreciate it, I'm afraid I will suffer."

After thinking about it, he still didn't want to go to a dead end, so he decided to cooperate a little and told Zhang Zhixuan his deepest memory.

The current situation has reached the point where others are the knife and I am the fish.

In this situation, Gu Hengzhou did not dare not to cooperate.

Although Zhang Zhixuan was unwilling to hurt people and use magic that would damage his sea of ​​consciousness.

However, seeing Qingchan's eagerness to try, he might not be able to help but use the soul-searching secret technique on him.

So Gu Hengzhou could only secretly pray that Zhang Zhixuan would get the job done without anyone noticing and not affect his path.

For this purpose, he personally wrote down a lot of portraits of the sect's high-level officials to prevent Zhang Zhixuan from mistaking the wrong person and exposing his identity.

Once Zhang Zhixuan was exposed and something unexpected happened, he would fall into Qingchan's hands and there would be no way for him to survive.

Gu Hengzhou thought about this very clearly.

The reason why Zhang Zhixuan and his wife chose to impersonate this person to sneak into Wuyun Sect was also carefully selected. Knowing that this person is quite flexible, not a blindly loyal person to the sect, and timid and afraid of death, he will not easily go to extremes and seek death.

Zhang Zhixuan pretended to be Gu Hengzhou and stayed in Tongbao Pavilion.

The real Gu Hengzhou was controlled by Qingchan and imprisoned in a desolate cave outside Wuyun City.

Qingchan arranged a large number of forbidden methods outside the cave. Unless it is a sixth-level formation master, even a Yuanying cultivator cannot break it.

Relying on Gu Hengzhou's cultivation, he can't break the ban at all.

In order to prevent Gu Hengzhou from regressing in his cultivation, Qing Chan left him tens of thousands of spirit stones, a book on the Dao of Golden Elixir, and a sufficient number of Bigu Pills in the cave, almost forcing him to practice in seclusion.

After catching Gu Hengzhou, Zhang Zhixuan immediately used the art of disguise to change his appearance to that of Gu Hengzhou.

The art of disguise is just a relatively uncomplicated spell. It changes the appearance by adjusting the facial muscles. Most foundation-building cultivators can learn this spell.

However, the superficial use of the art of disguise cannot deceive a careful master. The memory of a cultivator is far superior to that of an ordinary person. A high-level cultivator can remember your voice and body shape even after decades or hundreds of years after seeing you once.

More importantly, the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator is almost unique, and it is difficult to deceive a real master.

If you want to disguise yourself perfectly, you also need to use the art of bone change and the art of onomatopoeia to change your appearance, temperament, height, body shape, voice and tone.

For example, Zhang Zhixuan had been monitoring Gu Hengzhou for three and a half years while disguising himself as Gu Hengzhou. He already knew his personality, temperament and behavior very well, and he was very confident in his disguise.

The most critical part was to simulate the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator, which would test his real skills.

A Yuanying cultivator like Zhang Zhixuan could only use the Concentration Technique to simulate the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Core. If he aroused suspicion from the Yuanying cultivators of the Wuyun Sect, he would probably not be able to withstand investigation.

After changing into Gu Hengzhou's appearance, Zhang Zhixuan began to contact a large number of cultivators from the Tongbao Pavilion.

These people were quite familiar with Gu Hengzhou, and some of them had been dealing with him for decades. In front of these old acquaintances, Zhang Zhixuan did not show any suspicious places that would expose his identity.

One day, Zhang Zhixuan was meditating on the seventh floor of the Tongbao Pavilion. Suddenly, his spiritual consciousness moved, and he found that a cultivator from the first floor of the Purple Mansion had actually walked into the outside of the Tongbao Pavilion.

After disguising himself as Gu Hengzhou, Zhang Zhixuan's spiritual consciousness also converged to about the second floor of the Purple Mansion.

If he doesn't change this habit now, he will definitely get used to exploring with his spiritual sense after entering Wuyun Sect. Although his spiritual sense is not weaker than that of a third-level Yuanying cultivator, and ranks in the middle and lower reaches among the nine Yuanying cultivators in Wuyun Sect, there is a ninth-level Yuanying cultivator in Wuyun Sect, whose spiritual sense cultivation is far superior to his. If he is not careful, he may cause trouble.

Zhang Zhixuan's face changed slightly when he realized that the person had entered Tongbao Pavilion, and he was a little worried.

"This person must be the Zifu sent by Wuyun Sect to take over Tongbao Pavilion, but unfortunately I don't know how to call him that. Gu Hengzhou drew dozens of portraits for me, but there is no such person in them. It seems that this person is not familiar with Gu Hengzhou."

Seeing that this person was about to go up to the second floor, Zhang Zhixuan immediately shook his head, showing a warm smile on his face, ready to wait for this person to speak first.

"Senior Brother Liu, no, it should be Uncle Liu. Congratulations to Uncle Liu for opening up the Purple Palace! Uncle, are you here today to replace Uncle Gu?"

The Purple Palace that came to replace Gu Hengzhou is called Liu Yixiu. This person is not very familiar with Gu Hengzhou. The two are more than 40 years apart in age and are not considered to be in the same batch of disciples. During the Qi training period, it is impossible to have contact

There are more than 8,000 foundation-building cultivators in Wuyun Sect, and it is impossible for everyone to know each other.

Soon after Gu Hengzhou opened up the Purple Palace, he went down the mountain to take charge of Tongbao Pavilion.

Although the two are cultivators from the same sect, they may have only met once and are not familiar with each other at all.

Liu Yixiu pondered for a while, and suddenly realized: "Are you Senior Brother Wang Jingshan?"

Wang Jingshan is a foundation-building disciple of Tongbao Pavilion and has served here for about ten years. This person is older and has been building his foundation longer than Liu Yixiu. Unfortunately, due to an accident in his early years, this person has broken his path.

Managing a shop in Wuyun City is a pretty good job for a monk like Wang Jingshan who has given up his path. Seeing that Liu Yixiu could still remember him, Wang Jingshan nodded quickly and said, "I didn't expect that we haven't seen each other for more than thirty years, Master Liu." I can still remember the juniors.”

"Senior Brother Wang, please don't show off to others like this. You have more seniority than me, so let's call ourselves senior brothers. I just came here and I don't know the details of Tongbao Pavilion. I wonder which floor Senior Brother Gu is on?"

Wang Jingshan quickly shook his head and said: "Uncle Liu, please don't embarrass me. You are shortening my life by opening the Zi Mansion and calling me Senior Brother. Uncle Gu has been living on the sixth floor for the past few decades."

Zhang Zhixuan was in a dilemma when he suddenly heard the two talking. After all, his physical body has been tempered by thunder and lightning, and his five senses are far sharper than those of low-level monks. Ten miles away, the sound of crawling insects and ants could not escape his ears.

"It turns out this person's surname is Liu, so it's easy to handle."

In less than a moment, Liu Yixiu climbed to the sixth floor.

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan, Liu Yixiu was the first to speak: "Senior Brother Gu, the sect has sent me to take over the Tongbao Pavilion from senior brother. This is the sect's command talisman. Please check it and accept it."

Zhang Zhixuan calmly checked the Wuyun Sect's command talisman, nodded and took out an account book and said: "Tongbao Pavilion's account books are counted every three years by the sect. When you and I hand over the account books, we must carefully check them. Confirmed. If there are any omissions in the future, I will not admit it.”

There was a power outage today, so I didn’t call until seven o’clock. I don’t know if I can finish the second update. If I don’t, I’ll make up for the third update tomorrow.

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