Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 806: Inquiring for Information

After counting the account books and confirming that there were no omissions, Zhang Zhixuan and Liu Yixiu completed the handover, took back the talisman in Liu Yixiu's hand, came out of Tongbao Pavilion directly, and quietly sent a message to Qingchan.

In order to know Zhang Zhixuan's situation at any time so that he could help immediately, Qingchan specially refined a heart-to-heart talisman.

This talisman is of the fifth-grade upper grade. It has no attack or defense capabilities, but it can allow a couple in love to pass messages at any time.

This talisman is divided into two pieces. As long as you write words on any one piece, you can see it clearly on the other piece.

A heart-to-heart talisman can communicate about a hundred times.

This talisman is very secretive and will not emit any spiritual light. Even a Yuanying cultivator will find it difficult to detect this talisman.

However, the heart-to-heart talisman has a big flaw, that is, the communication distance is relatively short. If the distance between the two exceeds ten thousand miles, the heart-to-heart talisman will be useless.

Because of this flaw, under normal circumstances, this item is not used at all.

After all, using a medium-distance teleportation array once only costs 100 spirit stones, and the teleportation distance is about 10,000 miles.

And a heart-to-heart talisman costs 60,000 to 70,000 spirit stones, which is very useless for transmitting messages. The cost is almost 6 or 7 times that of a teleportation array.

Moreover, this kind of talisman can only be used by lovers who love each other, and there are very few cases in the world of immortal cultivation where this kind of talisman can be used.

Because it has few uses, this kind of talisman is rarely refined in the world of immortal cultivation. Even in the market of Da Zhou, it is difficult to see this talisman.

Qing Chan can refine this talisman by chance.

In his previous life, Liu Xuanyan had a good opportunity and entered an ancient cultivator's cave. Not only did he get two Duchen Pills, but he also got a high-level talisman-making technique.

With the heart-to-heart talisman, Zhang Zhixuan and Qing Chan can communicate at any time, and they can cooperate more easily.

After entering Wuyun Sect, Zhang Zhixuan first went to the Merit Hall to receive the good deeds, and then returned directly to Gu Hengzhou's cave, choosing to practice in seclusion.

This wait lasted for nine years.

During the nine years, Zhang Zhixuan could not breathe in spiritual energy at all. His cultivation level had reached the Nascent Soul stage, and the amount of spiritual energy he breathed in and out every day was about a hundred times that of Gu Hengzhou. Once the restrictions were lifted, it would become known to everyone and could not be hidden at all.

During the nine years, the only thing Zhang Zhixuan could practice was the Qi Condensation Technique.

The Qi Condensation Technique refines the innate purple qi, which is different from the spiritual energy and is much quieter. Moreover, Zhang Zhixuan was very careful when practicing this magic and never showed it in front of others.

One day, Zhang Zhixuan was reading a miscellaneous book when a sound transmission talisman was suddenly sent from the cave.

Zhang Zhixuan scanned the cave with his spiritual sense and found a male cultivator smiling at the entrance of the cave.

This man had fair skin and delicate features, and looked very handsome and gentle. Although Zhang Zhixuan had never met this man, he had a special relationship with Gu Hengzhou. He was the person in the dozens of portraits that Gu Hengzhou left for him.

This man was Gu Xuanzhou's junior brother Li Jingyou.

Li Jingyou is over a hundred years old, and his cultivation is only at the third level of foundation building. This person is not particular about details. Although his spiritual roots are as good as Gu Xuanzhou, he doesn't like to work hard on cultivation. After barely building the foundation, this person spent all his energy on eating, drinking and having fun. He has been building the foundation for almost a decade, but his cultivation is still in the early stage of foundation building. Before their master passed away, the one he was most worried about was this disciple.

Gu Xuanzhou's master was an old purple mansion who had been in the cave for forty years. His master accepted sixteen disciples successively, and now only seven are still here. Gu Xuanzhou has the highest cultivation and the furthest journey.

Seeing his fellow disciples coming to visit, Zhang Zhixuan quickly opened the ban and let this person enter the cave.

"Seventh Senior Brother is really hardworking. He just came back from the mountain and has been in seclusion for nine years. If I hadn't come to disturb you today, I don't know if you would have delayed the time and missed the true teaching competition that takes place once every thirty years?

Seventh Senior Brother, you are almost old. If you don't participate in the competition this time, your life span will exceed 200 years next time, and you will completely lose the opportunity to comprehend the ancestors' relics. You must not make mistakes in this matter."

Zhang Zhixuan already knew Gu Xuanzhou's character, and of course he knew that he would not miss this opportunity.

Zhang Zhixuan smiled and said, "I am not like you, who likes to flirt with women and seek pleasure. Although the master is gone, as a senior brother, I can also take care of your path. You are not young anymore. If you focus on cultivation in the future, you may be able to reach a higher level."

Li Jingyou said, "Seventh Senior Brother, don't comfort me. I am lucky to be able to build a foundation. Even if I practice hard every day and cultivate to the ninth level of foundation building, what's the benefit? I can't add a point to my life span. I think I have a good life, and the good deeds issued by the sect are enough. Instead of working hard and eventually turning into a pile of yellow earth, it is better to enjoy life in time and make myself happy and worry-free."

"You are open-minded, but it's a pity that I am not as open-minded as you. I will naturally participate in this competition, and strive to win a good ranking. I will take advantage of the opportunity of comprehending the relics of the ancestors to gain enlightenment and take my cultivation to a higher level. "

Li Jingyou said with a smile: "Seventh Senior Brother is still ambitious. We can live freely in the sect because of the care of the master in the past. In the future, we can only rely on the care of senior brothers.

Although I am not a big shot, I am well-informed. There are as many as 167 true disciples participating in the competition this time, which is the largest number in the past hundred years. Although senior brother has opened up the purple mansion for more than 50 years, his cultivation is not outstanding, only in the upper middle level.

During the competition, you must be careful and cautious. If you meet an invincible master, you must admit defeat as soon as possible. "

"I have been down the mountain for thirty years, and I have been in seclusion for nine years after I came back. I am not very familiar with the new purple palaces of the sect. Are there any masters among the true disciples in these years?"

Li Jingyou replied: "Of course there are. In the third year after you went down the mountain, Ji Yanran successfully opened up the purple palace. This person's cultivation is now far superior to that of you. Although she is not very old, she is already a master among the true disciples."

In seclusion for nine years, although Zhang Zhixuan did not leave the cave, he was sharp-eyed and still found out a lot of information in nine years.

Although Gu Hengzhou and Ji Yanran had only met once, they were not familiar with each other.

However, Yanran was very famous in Wuyun Sect at this age. Zhang Zhixuan had heard people talking about her many times and was familiar with her background.

"Is it the heavenly spiritual root cultivator Ji Yanran?"

Li Jingyou said: "It is this person. This person has opened up the Purple Mansion for less than 50 years. Now he has reached the sixth level of the Purple Mansion. His cultivation is far superior to that of my senior brother."

"I have been down the mountain for many years and am not very familiar with the situation of the sect. I wonder if my junior brother has time? Please help me collect some information about the true disciples. It is best to know yourself and the enemy, so as not to catch people off guard."

"Senior brother is still as cautious as ever, but it is good to be careful. Leave this matter to me. Although I am not diligent in cultivation, I have a good relationship in the sect and have many friends. I have a good grasp of collecting some general information, but what kind of skills do the true disciples practice and what kind of magic tools do they use? It is probably difficult for us, the foundation-building cultivators, to find out clearly."

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