With the completion of SSC, the first college entrance examination on Paradise Island also slowly kicked off.

Up to 3 million test takers worldwide!

The number of people is 1/4 of the college entrance examination, twice the SAT in the United States, and more than 32.5% of the world’s national population.

Among them, 1.2 million candidates.

There are 800,000 Chinese in Southeast Asia.

400,000 Chinese in Europe and the United States.

There are 600,000 Chinese in other regions, as well as foreign candidates.

However, Nanyang University has only 3,000 students.

It’s a thousand picks!

“Master Su Island, this college entrance examination, a total of 600 large-scale examination rooms have been set up around the world, each accommodating about 5,000 people to take the exam at the same time.”

“In addition, the purchased 3 million domestic Android tablets have arrived, and all candidates will answer random questions from the computer question bank.”

In the principal’s room, Tao Mingmei was dressed in a mature suit and reported to Su Cheng in detail.

Su Cheng bowed slightly.

The scale of the college entrance examination on Paradise Island this time is far beyond his imagination, and the cost is surprisingly high.

Only 3 million tablets.

It spent hundreds of millions of dollars to empty the inventory of the three domestic giants Huawei, Xiaomi and IPPO.

Other venues, personnel, corrections, etc., are a huge expense.


Netizens were puzzled.

Isn’t it a bit of a fuss to make such a big move in order to recruit a university?!

“In ancient times, there was an imperial examination, and the reader jumped over the dragon gate; There is a test today, and students from all countries choose one in a thousand miles. ”

On Weibo, someone wrote a poem about it.

“According to me, this exam should limit the number of places, such as not recruiting in remote areas that cannot afford tuition, and not recruiting in areas with backward education, so that a group of students can be screened out and more trouble.”

Someone commented.

“Upstairs, you probably don’t know what fairness is. Three angry expressions. ”

“In fact, according to statistics, most of the candidates are from remote areas, which is the only chance in their lives to take a fair test. Three crying emojis. ”

“Support the owner of Su Island, you can’t leave behind your backward compatriots!”

** Netizens, most of them are supportive of this, after all, this is equivalent to giving candidates another chance.

And on Twitter.

Netizens, mainly from the United States, were even more amazed by the cohesion of Nanyang University to the Chinese.

“Evenly, I predict that Western civilization will gradually decline. You ask me why, because that ancient oriental nation is united again! ”

One historian commented.

“It’s hard to imagine that 3 million people will take a private college entrance examination with a chance of admission being one in a thousand!”

A president of a U.S. university left a message.

“We marveled at the content of this exam, where every student chooses a question from a question bank instead of a fixed paper, which is an impressive exam reform!”

An educator commented.

“In this exam, there is a lot of ** cultural content, and Paradise Island is expanding the influence of ** culture in the world in such a way.”

A Washington lawmaker was worried.

Most are worried.

Some scholars believe that Nanyang University, and Paradise Island, pose a fundamental challenge to Western civilization.

Amid the discussion.

The Paradise Island College Entrance Examination, also known as the “Heavenly Examination”, is also officially opened in 500 large-scale examination venues around the world.

Countless young people threw themselves into it.

They sweat and strive for this thousandth hope!

Paradise Island.

Nanyang University, Su Cheng personally sat down, and kept abreast of the first trend of the heavenly examination.

Since it is an electronic examination paper.

Candidates’ exam status is aggregated on the big screen at any time.

The first is ** literature.

Score 200.

** Literature, broad and profound, if you want to be proficient, don’t think about it without ten or eight years of hard work.

However, what is surprising is that many literary young people have emerged in this examination, proficient in various ancient books and classics, not to mention, but also write good articles.

“The Chinese pay attention to education and inheritance, although the influence of Western culture is increasing, but the things of the ancestors, we Chinese have not lost!”

Elder Tao said excitedly.

This set of ** literary question bank, from his hand, really screened out a lot of good seedlings, which made Tao Lao very gratified.

“However, it would be nice to have special enrollment, I am afraid that these good seedlings are partial subjects.” After the excitement, Tao Lao was worried again.

A 1 in 1,000 chance.

It’s so slim!

“From princes and princesses to fishmongers and pawns, Nanyang University treats everyone equally, and there is no special admission.”

Su Cheng said seriously.

As soon as the precedent of special enrollment opens, go through the back door and climb the relationship, it will definitely not be eliminated.

At that time, Nanyang University, a university that embodies the hopes of Chinese people around the world, will also be discredited and spurned by the Chinese world.

After this.

No one dares to mention the admissions anymore.

Day exam.

Specifically, the 3+2 model is adopted.

On the first day, three main subjects, ** Literature, ** History, and Mathematics, were scored 200 points respectively.

On the second day, I took sub-subjects such as physics, chemistry, geography, and painting.

Candidates choose two subjects, each with 200 points.

That’s a total of 1,000 points.

In the evening of the first day, all three main exams were completed.

The candidates left.

Their faces are still a little strange, except for the novel electronic exam, the exam questions this time are very different from usual, most of them are divergent thinking questions.

The questions focus more on students’ thinking skills rather than rote memorization.

“Excuse me, this is Douyu TV, what do you think about the first day of the exam?”

Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie sent a huge team of anchors to interview.

“Thanks to this exam, it made me realize the importance of thinking skills, even if I don’t pass the test, I will be grateful.”

“The topics in this exam are very in-depth…”

“It feels good, standing on the same starting line with everyone, making the same roll, and I admit it if I lose!”

“I think this is an examination paper written by a group of big educators, which is much better than the school’s…”

Without exception, they are all words of praise, and it can be said that this exam paper conquered them.

Nanyang University officials also released the big data of the first day of the exam.

Since it is an electronic test paper.

Mathematics scores are directly judged by computer, and the number of people with full scores is about 8,000.

Literature, history, priority was given to grading the examination papers of outstanding candidates, and the number of full scores was 4,000 and 22,000 respectively.

The number of students with full scores in all three subjects is about 2,000.

As soon as this result came out, it immediately caused an uproar in major media and educational institutions.

This exam question.

It is by no means a simple word.

The appearance of so many perfect scores only shows one problem, this batch of candidates is of very high quality!

In fact, students with average grades will not come to the exam at all, after all, the acceptance rate of one in a thousand has already sentenced them to death in advance.

And those who come to take the exam are all top students and geniuses.


Some candidates were very upset when they got the news. Nanyang University has enrolled a total of 3,000 new students, and the number of students with full scores has reached 2,000…

That’s a bit too cruel.

Many parents of candidates have left messages on Weibo, well, I hope Nanyang University will expand enrollment!

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