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Under the leadership of global parents, from Weibo to Twitter in the United States, there has been a wave of requests for Nanyang University to expand enrollment.

Even many educators agree.

The quality of candidates this time is very high, and if Nanyang University does not expand its enrollment significantly, it will be a great loss.

But equally, they understand Nanyang University’s struggles, 3,000 places are a limit for a new university.

Further expansion will not guarantee the quality of teaching.

With the end of the next day’s exam, there are about 1,000 candidates with a total of full scores, and if you want to be admitted to Paradise Island, it is conservatively estimated that you need more than 996 points!

Countless candidates collapsed, countless parents were heartbroken…

Day exam.

It brings together outstanding Chinese candidates from all over the world, and the difficulty is indeed extraordinary!

In the face of surging public opinion on the Internet, Nanyang University has not responded, which has made many people more anxious…

“Five Six Seven”

Paradise Island.

Su Cheng was also worried about too many candidates, since this heavenly examination screened out so many outstanding students, it would be a pity not to train them well.

But for now.

One more thing he had to deal with was to receive delegations from Ivy League universities in the United States.

On the top floor of the big shell, he met his old friend Professor Harvard Siodini, as well as representatives of Princeton, Duke University, the University of Chicago, the University of Texas and other universities.

Except for Harvard, the others are the strongest Ivy League universities in the second tier.

The reason they came.

They are all under pressure from internal high-energy physics professors, hoping to move the School of Physics to Paradise Island, and then use SSC to do experiments and achieve scientific research results.

“Lord Su, Harvard is also preparing to move the School of Physics…”

Siodini said with a smile.

“Of course you’re welcome.”

Su Cheng nodded gracefully, then thought for a moment and said, “The School of Physics can be relocated, but the conditions need to be added.” ”

“And add… Well, you say. ”

Siodini Road.

“Well, not much, that is, Harvard Paradise Island, must join the Paradise Island college entrance examination system, and more than 50% of the new students admitted every year must come from the heavenly examination students.”

Su Cheng said gracefully.

Hearing this, Siodini couldn’t help but be stunned.

This Su Island owner, his appetite is too big, and he will intervene in half of the admission quota of Harvard Paradise Island as soon as he makes a move!

“You can disagree, but in that case, Harvard School of Physics will never be able to set foot on Paradise Island, let alone use SSC accelerators.”

Su Cheng shook his head and said seriously.

“I need to speak to Mr. Principal and the Board of Trustees.”

Siodini wiped the sweat from his forehead with a tissue, he had no right to decide such a big thing.

Well, Su Cheng is the 7th director of Harvard.

He voted decisively in favour.

In the end, the proposal was approved, and Siodini promised that the branch would enroll at least 500 candidates from the day examination system every year.

Then, there are several other second-tier Ivy.

They overtook Harvard, Yale and other first-line ivies in order to overtake on curves, so they had no objection to Su Cheng’s proposal.

“Princeton University, 0 candidates admitted from the heavenly exam.” A brisket professor said.

Under his leadership, other universities have also spoken.

“Duke University, 800 candidates.”

“University of Texas, admitting 500 candidates.”

“The great University of Chicago, admits 350 candidates.”


A total of ten second-tier Ivy League universities have taken out a total of 5,500 freshman places, which is quite powerful.

Su Cheng also reached an agreement with Imperial College and Heidelberg University, etc., requiring them to recruit some candidates at the cost of opening SSC.

Together with Harvard, they provided a total of 3,000 places.

So much together, that’s 8,500 places, more than the entire Nanyang University!


When the evening comes.

Countless parents gathered under Nanyang University’s official Weibo in the hope that a miracle would happen. At the same time, media reporters are waiting here, hoping to do news reports as soon as possible.

When everyone thought that there was no drama today.

Nanyang University suddenly posted an official Weibo.

It said that Nanyang University will implement an expansion of enrollment, the enrollment will be increased from 3,000 to 5,000, and the score line will be set at 994!

This caused quite a stir.

However, it still cannot satisfy all parents, after all, there are too many excellent candidates this time.

And next.

On the Twitter account of Harvard Paradise Island, a message was posted.

It is said that the branch will focus on admitting candidates for the day exam, the number of candidates is 500, and the score line is 985 points!

Then there’s Princeton University, ready to relocate the School of Physics to Paradise Island and join the Sky Test system, enrolling 450 candidates with a score of 980!

And after that.

Duke University, University of Chicago, etc., have successively expressed their positions, focusing on recruiting candidates for the day test 0….

Count it down this way.

Paradise Island already has 15 world-renowned universities, with a total enrollment of 8,500 students and a score of about 950 points.

“Happiness came so suddenly…” someone commented.

“The college entrance examination on Paradise Island attracts global high-end educational institutions to grab people!” Some media outlets quickly published headlines.


For universities, excellent students are a scarce resource. It is reasonable that the college entrance examination of Paradise Island has gathered so many talents this time, and it has attracted competition from various universities.

And it didn’t end there.

The University of London said it would recognize the results of the day test, and any candidate with a score of 940 or higher could apply for the University of London.

The University of Waterloo in France also recognized the results of the day test and set the score at 920.

Swiss Federal College Zurich, score line 910 points…

University of Copenhagen, Denmark, score line 970…

University of Edinburgh, score line 950 points…


Many world-renowned universities have followed suit, hoping to recruit a group of candidates for the day examination.


The heavenly examination seems to have become the world’s third largest examination system after the American SAT, ** college entrance examination, and many world-famous schools recognize the results of the heavenly examination and choose to admit a small number of students.

Paradise Island is also very generous in providing student data to universities.

Anyway, Paradise Island has already admitted the best students, and the slightly worse ones will be admitted to other universities, which can be regarded as an explanation for the candidates.

“The Chinese will occupy every university in the world with 1.7.” A white supremacist commented on this.

“As we all know, Chinese people pay attention to education, and the quality of Chinese students is also quite high, but this heavenly examination successfully screened them out.”

A university president commented.

And on Paradise Island.

Su Cheng also received a reward from the system.


“The Paradise Island college entrance examination system you promoted has proved to be very successful, it has been widely recognized by universities around the world, and it has given you an extraordinary influence in the field of education!”

“You get rewarded: Glamour X5000, Draw X3, Influence +1!”

The rewards are huge.

And, 1 point of influence, this is very valuable.

If you count the previous 4, now the influence has reached 5 points. It seems that it can be used to do things! _

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