
The melodious bell sound echoed on the “Journey to the West”.

“Avalokitesvara” was struck by lightning, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and suddenly became listless, almost losing all his fighting power.

“This rascal, is this how you use the Chaos Bell?”

In the “Qingwei Tianyongjie Palace”, Qi Changfeng couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

Although the “Great Sage” is only at the level of Daluo Jinxian, he can’t exert the full power of the Chaos Bell, and he only has the temporary right to use the Chaos Bell.

However, as the main battle treasure of Qi Changfeng, the “One Step Chaos Great Venerable”, just a subtle bell sound is not something that the “quasi-sage” can resist.

Qi Changfeng gave the “Chaos Bell” to the Great Sage mainly to prevent the “Two Buddhas” from doing something that would be detrimental to his apprentice, but not to leave it for him to deal with the “Buddhist Great Divine Power”.

In Qi Changfeng’s view, the Quasi-sage fighting the Daluo is nothing to do. Isn’t this a routine operation?

If Qi Changfeng hadn’t suppressed most of the power of the “Chaos Bell” with a thought, “Avalokitesvara” would probably have been wiped out.

“He’s too rough and playful, and needs to be disciplined.”

Qi Changfeng thought to himself.


On the journey to the West, the “great masters” prepared by the Buddhist sect were also confused.

No, how can we play this?

Why did “Qingxuan Daozun” give that thing to Monkey Head? !

It’s not a martial ethics!

“My Buddha is merciful, Master, how about you give me the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree?”

“The Buddha from the East” came back to his senses, and his face lost the naive smile of the past, and he said softly to “Saint Zhunti”.

“Is it so powerful?!”

The “Great Sage” also stood there in a daze, looking at the “Guanyin Bodhisattva” who was almost dead not far away, quietly put away the “Chaos Bell”, and rubbed his hands awkwardly.

A force came, sank into the body of “Guanyin Bodhisattva”, and stabilized his injuries.

This was the “Sage of Receiving” secretly taking action.

“You monkey, how can you be so reckless, how can you use the Chaos Bell so easily.”

Qi Changfeng’s voice rang in the ears of the “Great Sage”.

“Master, I know I was wrong.”

“I just wanted to try the Chaos Bell, but I never thought it would be so powerful.”

The “Great Sage” scratched his head, feeling very ashamed, like a naughty child who got into trouble and was discovered by his parents.

“Forget it, be careful in the future, don’t be so ignorant of the importance again, the Buddhist sect will have its own explanation for the master.”

After Qi Changfeng finished speaking, he sensed that the “Saint of Zhunti” outside the “Qingweitian” Taoist temple asked to see him.

After explaining to “Zunti Saint” that it was just an accident and sending him away, Qi Changfeng turned his attention to the “Journey to the West” that was about to start again.


The “great masters” of Buddhism were relieved after learning from Zunti Saint that Monkey Head would no longer easily take out the big killer.

So the journey to the West continued, just as if nothing had happened. After “Zunti Saint” gave the holy objects for healing, he asked “Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva” to return to “Sumeru Mountain” for recuperation.

Picking up the “Jinlan cassock” and “Nine Rings Tin Staff” that fell from nowhere and handing them over to “Master Sanzang”, one man, one monkey and one horse set off again.

Next, passing through “Gao Laozhuang” and “Liusha River”, “Zhu Bajie” and “Sha Wujing” were included in the team of seeking scriptures in a procedural manner.

These were also considered two disasters on the journey to the West, and everything went smoothly.

It is worth mentioning that when “Sha Wujing” was demoted to the “Liusha River” as the general of the Curtain, he only had the cultivation of the peak of the Xuanxian.

However, after eating the flesh of the nine previous lives of “Master Sanzang”, he was promoted to the level of Jinxian by chance.

His realm is on par with “Zhu Bajie”, so his combat power is naturally not as good as “Bajie”, a disciple from the “Human Religion”.

So far, the team for the journey to the West has been completely assembled.


Along the way, “Master Sanzang” chanted Buddhist scriptures, “Sha Wujing” was taciturn, and “Bajie”, who was proficient in human relations, quickly became familiar with “Dasheng”.

“Brother Monkey, you don’t know that I competed with Qingxuan Daozun on the same stage back then. You didn’t expect it.”

On the way, “Bajie” and “Dasheng” chatted and mentioned the “Four Religions Competition” of that year, with a proud look on his face.

“Old Pig, tell me about it?”

“Great Sage” was immediately interested when he heard that it was related to his master.

“Master Sanzang” who was riding on a dragon horse beside him naturally heard it clearly and was slightly shocked.

“Great Sage, I didn’t expect you to be the disciple of the Supreme Human Emperor. I am so disrespectful.”

Qi Changfeng, as the Lord of Humanity in the “Great World of Primordial Desolation”, naturally had a very high prestige and reputation among the human race.

“Master Sanzang”, the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi,”Master Tripitaka” was born in the human race, so he was naturally very familiar with the name of “Qingxuan Daozun”.

He was flattered to learn that the “common leader of the human race” actually sent his disciples to escort him to the West to obtain the scriptures.

“Master Tripitaka, Master said that you and him were old acquaintances in your previous life, so you don’t have to be polite.”

After hearing this, Bajie took a look at the handsome face of “Master Tripitaka” and had some guesses in his mind.

In this way, everyone went west all the way and soon arrived at the border between “Nan Zhanbuzhou” and “Xiniu Hezhou”, where a towering mountain stood in front of them.


“I heard that eating a piece of meat from the pilgrim can make you immortal. Hand over the pilgrim quickly, and the ancestor can spare your life. ”

Before the pilgrim team could figure out where they were, they heard a loud shout, and a monster wearing a red robe, with horns on his head, a green face and fangs appeared in front of everyone.

The “Great Sage” was slightly stunned, and then his eyes flashed with golden light, and he could see the details of this “monster” at a glance.

In the shell condensed with pure energy, a wisp of residual thoughts emitting “quasi-saint aura” was constantly swaying, and the “Great Sage” immediately understood who the visitor was.

“No, Master Hongyun, can you find a more reliable reason.”

“You have eaten ginseng fruit as a meal, why are you still thinking about the flesh of the pilgrims?”

The “Great Sage” secretly complained in his heart.

The years of cultivation in “Qingwei Heaven” made the “Great Sage” very clear about the relationship between his master and “Zhenyuan Daxian” and “Hongyun Laozu”, and knew that the one who appeared was his own.

“The Buddhist sect has invited enough actors for this Journey to the West drama. ”

Thinking of this, the Great Sage did not expose it, and fought with the “Red Robe Monster” for several rounds with the “Heaven-lifting Ruyi Stick”.

The “Red Robe Monster” was defeated, but soon called for help – a “Yellow Robe Monster”.

The “Yellow Robe Monster” had great magical powers. With just a wave of his sleeves, he captured the entire pilgrim team and brought them back to the cave.

This was not played by the “Great Sage”. He had just broken into the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and faced with the terrifying “Sleeve Qiankun Technique”, he really did not have much resistance.

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