Soon, all the members of the pilgrimage team were taken into the monster cave and handed over to several “little monsters” in the Xuanxian realm to take care of them. They said that they would share the meat of “Master Sanzang” in a few days.

“Hey, our cave has become a monster’s nest now, and they asked us to pretend to be monsters. I really don’t know what to say.”

“I heard that it was Master Hongyun who wanted to do this. Master will naturally listen to him.”

The two “little monsters” who were guarding secretly communicated.

“You two know nothing. I heard from Master and Master that our move involves the Buddhist cause of the Journey to the West. After the Journey to the West is over, there will be a share of “Heavenly Merit.”

“By then, with the help of merit, won’t it be easy for us to break into the Golden Immortal realm?”

Another “little monster” who looked stronger laughed and scolded on the side.

“Brother, are you serious? Can you really get Heavenly Merit?!”

The other “little monsters” were shocked and unbelievable.

“Brother, how could I lie to you? This is what Master said.”

Hearing this, those “little demons” immediately swept away some of their emotions and played their roles more diligently.

Only a fool would not do it if they could easily obtain “Heavenly Merit”.


On the pilgrimage team, after the “Great Sage” was released from the “Yellow Robe Monster” and imprisoned, he used a method to escape.

After a “battle of wits and courage”, the Great Sage successfully rescued Master Sanzang, Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Longma, and the group sneaked away from the back mountain.

However, when he left, the “Great Sage” had eight baby-shaped fruits in his arms.

“Brother Monkey, where did you get these fruits from?”

“Bajie” recognized this “Ginseng Fruit”, drooling, and said with a turn of his eyes.

“I picked it up from the ground. Do you want to try it?”

After saying this, the “Great Sage” gave each member of the Journey to the West team a fruit, including the dragon horse.

These “ginseng fruits” were naturally obtained by the “Great Sage” from the “Great Immortal Zhenyuan”.

Five of them were benefits given to the Journey to the West team, and the two “Heavenly Saints” of Buddhism had already paid for them in advance.

The remaining three “ginseng fruits” were a special gift from the “Great Immortal Zhenyuan” to the “Great Sage”.

This gave the “Great Sage” the illusion that the “Two Saints of Buddhism” were very generous.

In fact, this was to ensure that the Journey to the West was foolproof and to give some benefits to those who worked.

After all, the “Saint of Zhunti” and the “Saint of Jieyin” really didn’t want to be stuck in the peak realm of the “First Heaven of Hunyuan”.

“Master Sanzang” was shocked when he saw the shape of the “ginseng fruit”.

However, after learning that it was a rare fairy fruit, he did not refuse too much. After a few bites, he felt that it was extremely delicious, his body was refreshed, and the fatigue on the journey to the west was swept away.


After setting foot on the “Journey to the West” again, several months passed, and the pilgrim team came to a place called “Pingding Mountain”.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew, and the “Master Sanzang” riding on the dragon horse was instantly swept away.

The “Great Sage” was originally prepared to stop it, but then he thought that this was necessary for the process, so he let the “Master Sanzang” be abducted.

However, from behind this gust of cold wind, the “Great Sage” felt a faint sense of oppression, knowing that the person who abducted the “Master Sanzang” was definitely a great master, and he was very excited.

The “Zhenyuan Daxian” he met before was too high in cultivation, and the “Great Sage” was unilaterally ravaged, which was not satisfying, so he was looking forward to this difficult opponent.

Without delay, following the breath, “The Great Sage” led Bajie and Sha Wujing to the “Pingdingshan” cave.

“Monster, return my master!”

“Bajie” shouted at the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out of the cave. It was a beautiful woman with a hot body wrapped in blue-green unknown animal skin.

“Bajie” swallowed half of his words and stared straight.

And “The Great Sage” unconsciously grasped the “Sky-lifting Ruyi Stick” with a solemn look on his face.

“The monk’s meat can make you immortal, but it has already fallen into my hands, so it is naturally impossible to return it to you.”

“I advise you to disband quickly and leave quickly, so as not to miss your life.”

The beautiful woman said without any emotion, as if reading a script.


“No, big sister, can you act more professionally? At least show some emotion!”

“Also, does immortality sound awesome? Can you change the reason? It makes it seem like the goal that a Xuanxian who has survived the three disasters can achieve is so rare.”

“The Great Sage” heard this and secretly thought to himselfThe corners of his mouth twitched, and the solemn expression on his face eased a little.

With a flash of golden light in his eyes, the true form of the animal-skinned woman opposite was revealed in front of the “Great Sage”, which was a huge red nine-headed divine bird.

The divine bird contained a terrifying power, which was the breath of the seventh turn of the “Nine Turns Mysterious Art”!

Although it has only been a short time since he entered the seventh turn, it is enough to put a lot of pressure on the “Great Sage” who only has the “Sixth Turn of the Mysterious Art”.

“A witch clan strongman at the quasi-sage level!”

The “Great Sage” understood in his heart and understood the identity of the woman in front of him.

Unlike the “Sun Xingzhe” who was kept in the dark by the gods and Buddhas in Qi Changfeng’s previous life, the Great Sage has made up for a lot of information and materials about the “Great World of Great Desolation” in “Qingwei Heaven” over the years.

Not to mention knowing all the secrets of the Great Desolation, his knowledge is at least not inferior to most of the “old-fashioned great masters”.

After the war between witches and liches, there were few witches left, and even fewer female witches.

With a nine-headed bird body, the only one who could enter the seventh level of the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art was the famous “Nine-Phoenix Witch”.

“This time, the two saints of Buddhism really spent a lot of money, and even invited the witches from the Nine Netherworld.”

Qi Changfeng was watching Pingdingshan in the “Eternal Realm Palace”.

He vaguely sensed some familiarity from the Nine-Phoenix Witch.

“It seems that the experience of practicing the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art that I left for Lady Pingxin played a big role.”


Without any surprise, after the “Nine-Phoenix Witch” recited a few lines in a dull manner, the “Great Sage” and her started a battle.

Bajie, Sha Seng and Longma felt the momentum of the two and immediately stayed away from the battlefield for fear of being affected.

“Laws of Heaven and Earth!”

The “Great Sage” wore armor and turned into a giant ape that stood tall and upright, and attacked the “Nine Phoenixes Great Wizard” with a stick.

The “Nine Phoenixes Great Wizard” was not afraid at all, and also displayed the great magical power of “Laws of Heaven and Earth”.

A nine-headed divine bird that covered the sky and the sun appeared between heaven and earth, fighting with the giant ape.

Only the “Westward Journey” was carefully transformed by the “Two Saints of Buddhism” and was extremely tough, and could withstand the tossing of practitioners below the Hunyuan level.

Otherwise, in the outside world, the “primordial land” would have been messed up by them long ago.

After a fight, the giant ape transformed by the “Great Sage” flew backwards, and his flesh showed obvious injuries, but it soon healed completely.

“Come again!”

Although the giant ape was at a disadvantage, his eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and he rushed over immediately regardless of anything.

“You’ve brought disgrace upon yourself.”

Jiu Feng snorted coldly. As one of the few strong men in the Wu clan who survived the war between the Wu and the Lich, she had experienced many battles and naturally would not be afraid of fighting with the “Great Sage”.

However, she was a little shocked that a “Daluo Jinxian” who had reached the sixth level of the “Nine-Turn Mysterious Art” could hold on for so long in her hands.

As the battle continued, this shock deepened.

Because she found that this monkey was madly improving its combat experience like a sponge absorbing water, and it felt like it was getting stronger with each battle.

And its abnormal recovery ability was not at all like that of a practitioner of the sixth level of the Mysterious Art.


“This monkey head should have a strong combat talent. Judging from its effect, it is likely to continuously increase its combat power as the battle progresses.”

“But it is still unknown what level this talent can reach and how much the combat power can be increased.”

Qi Changfeng, who was watching the battle, guessed secretly in his heart.

“Freeze three thousand worlds!”

“Thunder for eternity!”

Noticing something unusual, the “Nine Phoenixes Great Witch” who didn’t want to fight a protracted war directly used her ultimate move.

As the younger sister of “Thunder Ancestor Witch Qiangliang” and the descendant of “Ice Ancestor Witch Xuanming”, she has a deep understanding of ice and thunder.

Knowing how tough the “Great Sage” is, the “Nine Phoenixes Great Witch” didn’t worry about killing him if she wasn’t careful.

So, she didn’t hold back at all with anger towards the demon clan.

The two great magical powers were used at the same time, and the “Great Sage” was instantly frozen into a lump, followed by a wave of refreshing electric therapy.

After trying his best, the “Great Sage” finally broke free from the restraints, looking embarrassed, but his combat power was not affected at all.

“The last time I saw a demon who practiced the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art was during the Conferred God Tribulation, but compared to the monkey in front of me, it’s nothing.”

“What a tough piece of meat!”

“The Great Nine Phoenix Witch” thought to herself.

During the “Conferred God Tribulation” that year, the Great Nine Phoenix Witch, who was in the “Nine Netherworld”, did not participate, but she was always paying attention.

The monkey who also practiced the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art at the end of the “Conferred God Tribulation” left a deep impression on her.

NoBut compared with the “Great Sage”, the monkey can only be said to be “a small witch meeting a big witch”.


The competition with the “Great Sage” made “Jiufeng” feel like she was practicing with a great witch of the same clan.

Although the opponent was a demon clan, the demon clan has declined now, and the “Great Sage” has only been in the world for a thousand years.

Therefore, “Jiufeng Great Sage” did not regard “Great Sage” as the mortal enemy of the demon clan during the war between witches and demons, but only regarded him as a Taoist and a disciple of “Qingxuan Daozun”.

However, the next move of “Great Sage” made her furious.

“Sun True Fire!”

Seeing that he could not defeat this witch woman in a head-on fight, “Great Sage” used all his strength to activate the “Sky-lifting Ruyi Stick”, and the blazing “Sun True Fire” wrapped him.

Before “Great Sage” could continue to rush forward, nine bird heads full of ferocity came through the void and poked nine holes in “Great Sage”.

Seeing the familiar “Sun True Fire”, “Nine Phoenix Great Wizard” instantly thought of the countless witch clan strongmen who died in this fire during the “Witch-Lich War”, and the millions of years of Qi cultivation in the “Nine Netherworld” were directly broken.

“Monkey head is looking for death!”

“Great Sage” looked at the witch clan woman who suddenly ran away on the opposite side, and was a little confused for a while.

However, with the protection of “Sun True Fire”, his combat power increased a lot, and the ice and thunder of “Nine Phoenix Great Wizard” reduced his lethality a lot.

“If you want to fight, then fight!”

Great Sage was full of confidence and cheered up.

However, less than half an hour later, a monkey with a gray face and ragged body drove away with a light.


“I don’t know what’s wrong with this witch, she’s really fierce, I need to stay out of her way for now.”

“The Great Sage” couldn’t hold on after being attacked by the “Great Nine Phoenix Witch” who was in a broken defense state, so he decided to leave the battlefield temporarily, no longer show his personal bravery, and prepare to find some reinforcements.

“If it weren’t for my master not allowing me to use the ‘Chaos Bell’ at will, I would have suppressed you, the woman.”

“The Great Sage” thought about it and soon came to the “Jinxia Cave of Yuquan Mountain”, and successfully met “Yuding Zhenren”, one of the “Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu Palace”.

As for why he didn’t go to “Sumeru Mountain” or return to “Qingwei Heaven” to ask for reinforcements.

If you can let your own people participate in the great cause of the Journey to the West and share the merits, then you can’t let the bald donkeys of Buddhism get it for free.

And in “Qingwei Heaven”, apart from Qi Changfeng, the only one who can fight against the “Great Nine Phoenix Witch” is “Lu Ya Daojun”.

After all these years, the “Great Sage” naturally knew the true identity of the Taoist priest he met at the gate of “Qingwei Heaven”.

He knew that he must not let him fight against the “Nine Phoenix Great Wizard”, otherwise one of them would probably die.

Therefore, it was very appropriate to find some seniors from the “Chanjiao” to come as reinforcements.

“Yu Ding Zhenren” usually did not show his strength.

But the “Great Sage” learned from Qi Changfeng that this was a powerful “quasi-sage” and that the “Nine Turns Mysterious Art” had also reached the level of the seventh turn.


If you don’t take the merits you picked up for free, “Yu Ding Zhenren” happily followed the Great Sage to “Pingding Mountain”.

After venting just now, the violent spirit in the heart of the “Nine Phoenix Great Wizard” was almost gone, and he picked up the energy-raising skills of billions of years and put them back.

Seeing that the “Great Sage” had invited “Jade Ding Zhenren” over, after some testing, the “Nine Phoenix Great Wizard” discovered that the old Taoist’s attainments in the “Nine Turns Mysterious Art” were even higher than his own.

After thinking for a while, the “Nine Phoenix Great Wizard” felt that he had basically reached this point according to the requirements of Buddhism. He coughed a few times and signaled the people who were secretly paying attention to follow the procedures.

Suddenly, “Jade Ding Zhenren” felt that there was something extra in his arms. After taking it out, he found that it was actually a decree from “Pingxin Niangniang”.

The “great supernatural powers” of Buddhism were a little disappointed. They originally thought that the “Great Sage” would come to Mount Xumi to ask for help, but they didn’t expect that he would invite “Jade Ding Zhenren”.

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