Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 425 The decisive battle

"Damn, it's [Fortress of Doom]

Now, we are in big trouble! "

Seeing the [Doomsday Fortress] in the distance, Qi Ge felt a chill in his heart.

[Doomsday Fortress] is one of the most troublesome true Chaos arms of Chaos.

The most terrifying thing about it is that it can transform all Chaos troops who died in battle and Yasha troops killed by Chaos into flesh-and-blood machines.

Even the inanimate undead tribe cannot escape the poisonous hands of [Fortress of Doom].

In the previous life, when Qi Ge encountered the [Fortress of Doom], he was overwhelmed by those [Chainsaw Zombies], [Tauren Jumpers], and [Bomb Dropper Crows].

The Realm of Chaos itself summons countless Chaos troops, plus the [Doomsday Fortress] that can recycle corpses, which means that Qi Ge has almost endless enemies to deal with.

The plan originally used by Qige to deal with the coming of the realm of chaos may not necessarily work in this situation.

what to do?

While Qige was thinking hard, a big man's nervous voice came from behind him:

"Ocean King! What's going on on the other side?"

Qi Ge came back to his senses and saw the big guy coming with the [Giant Tusk Blue Boar] troops.

Its six heads were raised high in vigilance, and its eyes were full of deep fear as it looked at the [Fortress of Doom].

"The King of the Sea.

I can feel the strong evil aura coming from over there.

That big guy is much stronger than the [Ghost Crow King] we defeated before.

No, they are not on the same level at all.

If I were to face it, even in the sea, I wouldn't have any confidence. "

Qi Ge shook his head slightly and asked:

"I know.

Even if you want to, I won't let you fight it head-on.

Big guy, how far are you from level 6? "

The big guy immediately became energetic when he mentioned advancement.

Of its six heads, two were pretending to be modest, and the remaining four couldn't help but smile:

"I can't guarantee the specific time, but I can feel that I am only one opportunity away from a breakthrough."

There is only one chance left, and that is too bad.

Qi Ge fell into deep thought.

“I still have a trump card in my hand that can be used to deal with [Doomsday Fortress], but the prerequisite for activating that trump card is that the big guy reaches level 6.

If you want to advance your troops, the best way is to fight Chaos.

Now, Chaos has generated the Realm of Chaos and entered the third stage.

This means that Chaos will no longer disperse its power to open Chaos Rifts.

Without the Chaos Rift, if I want to train the big guy to the sixth level, I can only attack the Chaos Realm.

Attacking the Realm of Chaos is easier said than done.

If you are not careful, all the troops you have accumulated during this period will be destroyed, and you will even be unable to protect yourself.

But if he can maintain a stalemate on the frontal battlefield and let the big guy advance smoothly, he will have the opportunity to use all his ultimate moves and kill Chaos in a wave.

What to do?

Do you want to give it a try? "

Seven Pigeons were still meditating when Ake Roy suddenly spread his wings and wrapped them up.

She pressed her warm chest against Qi Ge's chest and stared at Qi Ge.

Qi Ge raised his head in confusion and glanced at Ake Roy.

The expression on Ake Roy's face was both worried and distressed.

She comforted softly:

"Chief Seven Pigeons, I have always felt that you put too much pressure on yourself.

Ever since you passed our test, you have been doing your best to prepare for Chaos.

For twenty-four days, I haven't seen you rest for even a second.

You yourself have said that every creature in the Yasha world has the responsibility and obligation to fight against chaos.

How to deal with chaos should not be just your business, nor should it be our business alone.

You've done a great job, and we've done our best.

Leader of the Seven Pigeons, if it doesn't work, let's retreat first.

As long as the news of the Chaos invasion is spread, more reinforcements will arrive soon. "


Although the big guy didn't speak, the expressions on its six heads all conveyed approval.


Qi Ge whispered Luo Yi's name, thinking about it in her heart.

Escape is actually an option.

The victory conditions for this historical echo, in addition to destroying Chaos, are also the option of delaying for half a year, waiting for the goddess of peace to be canonized as a god.

By temporarily evacuating the ancient archipelago, we can gain more development time and wait for the final comeback.

The pressure of temporarily retreating must be less than the pressure of fighting against chaos.

From the perspective of success rate, choose the temporary retreat time to achieve the success rate of victory conditions.

The success rate must be higher than fighting Chaos head-on to achieve the victory conditions.

After thinking for a long time, Qi Ge whispered:

"Rationally, we should retreat."

When Ake Roy and Big Man heard this, their expressions brightened.


Qi Ge paused and looked in the direction of Chaos.

In the past life, when facing the outbreak of chaos, the nine major forces almost all chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

But the result of their temporary avoidance allowed Chaos to occupy more territory.

In the end, every piece of territory given away in the Yasha world can only be regained after paying a thousand times the original price.

In the Song Dynasty, the land was used to feed gold, women were used to enjoy gold, and treasures were used to seek peace.

The stronger the Jin Dynasty, the weaker the Song Dynasty. Nine houses out of ten are empty, and the people are in dire straits.

The Qing surrendered to eight countries, and the eight countries became fat and the Qing perished.

Both real-life history and in-game history tell me that the capitulationists and escapees will not end well.

Qi Ge glanced around.

The [Giant Tusk Blue Boars] were keeping silent, waiting for the final result of their discussion with the big guy and Ake Roy.

The sirens were flying in the air, looking worried.

Big Man and Ake Roy were also waiting attentively for them to make the final decision.

Qi Ge looked at the realm of chaos and thought in his mind:

"In real history, chaos broke out in the ancient archipelago.

Almost all the hundreds of races in the ancient archipelago were wiped out.

Ake Roy, Big Man, Big Tusk, and their respective tribes were all probably destroyed in this chaotic invasion.

In the second Chaos invasion, those races tried their best to resist and did everything they could to survive, but in the end they were extinct.

Before they become extinct, they must really hope that someone can save them, right?

Heroes were gradually born in the world of Yasha after the second chaos invasion.

The birth of a hero is not only the power of Mother Goddess Asa, but also the common prayer of countless heroic souls.

At this time, if there is no hero, then I will be the hero. "

Qi Ge looked at Ake Roy and the big guy and said solemnly:

“The chaos that just broke out was like a pack of hungry wolves.

It seems extremely fierce, but in fact it is just the end of a powerful weapon.

But once we escape and let Chaos completely digest the bitten Yasha territory, they will turn into parasites that bite the Yasha world in a very short period of time.

There are so many races on the ancient archipelago, and each race needs a living environment that it can adapt to.

Terrains with good living conditions must also have corresponding races living in other places.

Even if we retreat, we cannot avoid war and sacrifice.

It’s just that when the time comes, we will turn the sharp blades used to fight against chaos into butcher knives to chop at our own compatriots.

Since we have to face the problems that we should face sooner or later, why not give it a try.

Big guy! Ake Roy!

I can tell you all the battles I have fought in the past. I will definitely be able to help you survive and win.

But this time is different.

This time, I am not sure of victory. "

Qi Ge looked at them and said loudly:

"Although I am not sure of winning this time,

However, I have the determination and belief to win! "

The seven doves raised the [Call to Courage] high and shouted loudly:

"All the people on the ancient islands!

I am the siren, the giant blue boar, the six-headed Hydra tribe, and the common king of all races in the entire ancient archipelago - the seven doves!

Now, Chaos engulfs our world and stalks all around us.

From this moment on, when we eat, when we sleep, when we play with our tribe, the army of chaos may come to us.

They will chop off our heads, devour our bodies, and corrupt every piece of land we live on!

If we resist desperately, there may be sacrifices, but there is also the possibility of victory.

But if we sit idly by and live in vain, we will surely die miserably in the hands of Chaos! "

Unconsciously, the seven pigeons floated in the air, and the [Courage of Courage] in their hands emitted a blazing light.

His voice, along with the glow of [Courage of Courage], reached the ears of every ordered creature in the ancient archipelago.

"I can escape, but the land that gave birth to and raised me will fall into the hands of Chaos and be ravaged.

I don't want to live on my last breath, nor do I want to leave the home where I live.

I would rather fight to the death and be buried like a hero.

Or, like a hero, trample Chaos under your feet, crush their attempts, and declare our victory!

In the face of chaos, I will not give in an inch!

My people, are you willing to follow me? "

There was sudden silence.

Ake Roy looked at the figure of Qi Ge, and his whole body was intoxicated.

She covered her heart, took a deep breath, and responded loudly:

"I, the leader of the Siren clan, will not give in an inch of ground!"

"Buzz! Everyone in Atlantis, don't give an inch of ground!"

"Hmph! All the giant-tusked blue wild boars, boars and sows, won't give up an inch of ground!"

"Don't give an inch of ground!"

"Don't give an inch of ground!"

Responses came one after another from all corners of the ancient archipelago.

A burning courage echoed in the hearts of all races that still survived.

Qi Ge's ears echoed with responses.

[Giant Blue Wild Boar], [Big-Eared Monster of the Islands], [Long-eared Rabbit Lady], [Pineapple Grass]...

All races on the entire ancient archipelago are supporting Qi Ge's decision.

United as one! United as one!

The [Courage to Courage] on Qi Ge's hand became hotter and hotter, and finally, the entire [Courage to Courage] turned into light and melted, turning into a rune that was printed on the back of Qi Ge's hand!

[System prompt: Your combined treasure [Call to Courage] has self-destructed. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining [Inscription of Courage]. 】

[Courage Inscription

Passive effect: Constantly gain morale +3.

After activating the inscription:

Each time the unit triggers morale, it will enhance the attack and defense of all friendly units by 1 point and last until the end of the battle.

All our troops will definitely trigger high morale and become immune to fear in this battle.

After the inscription is activated, it will enter a one-week cooldown]

This is? !

Qi Ge looked at the [Inscription of Courage] on his hand and was very shocked.

Compared with the attributes of [Call of Courage], [Inscription of Courage] is much stronger!

The most important thing is that [Inscription of Courage] is plugged into Qi Ge and does not occupy the equipment slot!

"Depend on!

I really cheated! "

Qi Ge was greatly surprised.

"Does this mean that even Mother Goddess Asa recognizes her choice?"

Qi Ge raised his head, looked at the sky, and smiled confidently.

“Even Mother Goddess Asa is standing behind me, what else do I have to be afraid of?

Destiny is mine, I will win this battle! "

Qi Ge immediately issued the order:

"Roy, after the Chaos Realm is generated, the Chaos will have an accumulation period of about three days.

During this period, Chaos will not take the initiative to attack, but will continue to accumulate troops in the realm of Chaos.

Once the chaos forces are accumulated, they will begin to expand to the surrounding areas.

We must suppress the Realm of Chaos within three days! "

Ake Roy nodded solemnly and asked:

"Chief Seven Pigeons, what exactly are we going to do?"

Qi Ge stared at the chaotic realm in the distance and said firmly:

"Notify all sentinels on the Ancient Islands.

Communicate orders to all the groups on the ancient archipelago.

Regardless of rank or level of combat power, the entire clan is mobilized and all people are soldiers, leaving no reserves.

No need to test, let’s start the final battle directly! "

Ake Roy's expression was shocked when he heard Qi Ge's words.

She was stunned for a second and responded quickly:

"Yes! Leader! Promise to complete the mission!"

On the morning of the second day after the Realm of Chaos was created, after a night of emergency mobilization, all Qige's troops were ready and only needed to assemble at the end.

At this moment, Qige stood on the corrugated jellyfish, quietly closing his eyes and relaxing.


The sea water broke open, and a big head popped out, and said to Qige:

"King of the Sea, the entire army is ready, Atlantis is ready. Ready to go at any time."

Qi Ge's eyes suddenly opened, and he jumped from the corrugated jellyfish onto the back of the big man.

Facing the sea breeze, Seven Pigeons waved their arms and shouted loudly:

"Atlantis! Get up!"


A violent sound came from behind Qi Ge, and his underwater city, Atlantis, emerged from the bottom of the sea!

Fourteen [Flood Hydra] used their backs to hold the underwater city on the sea.

Once the land city was built, it was fixed there.

How could the Undersea City be such an inconvenience? !

In the city of Atlantis, various races from the ancient islands are already preparing.

With the help of more than 10,000 [Giant Blue Wild Boars], they are ready to enter their respective positions at any time.

In the sky, Ake Roy led a variety of siren troops and spread out in a network to conduct reconnaissance for the underwater city.

"Army attack!"

Qige gave the order and led the city into battle.

Fourteen Flood Hydras are pulling the Undersea City towards the Realm of Chaos bit by bit!

As the troops moved, the appearance of the Realm of Chaos became increasingly clear.

In just one day, the Chaos Realm, which was originally just a desert island, has been transformed by Chaos into a large mechanical mountain.

This mechanical mountain is the Chaos Nest where the Realm of Chaos is completely formed.

Even from a distance, you can clearly see the ferocious blood vessels on the mechanical mountain peak.

These blood vessels are constantly beating, transporting capsule-like objects one by one to the top of the mechanical mountain.

At the top of the mechanical mountain, there are many huge mechanical arms.

The fingers of these robotic arms are covered with thick needles.

They insert the needle into the flesh capsule and inject some black or white turbid liquid.

Then, the flesh and blood capsule began to tremble again.

It only takes three to ten seconds for the flesh and blood capsule to burst open, and a lively flesh and blood mechanical Chaos soldier will emerge from it.

A Level 4 and Level 1 Ghost Crow can transform into at least a Level 4 and Level 2 [Iron Winged Ghost Crow] by going through this process once.

If you are lucky, you can turn it into a level 4 or 5 [Bomb-dropping Ghost Crow] at the highest level.

This terrible troop production efficiency is simply outrageous.

Qi Ge made a visual inspection and found that in just one night, Chaos had transformed into about 30,000 flesh and blood machines.

Fortunately, the majority of the flesh-and-blood machines transformed by Chaos are still the [Carrion Wolf Dog] and [Steel Behemoth] on land.

There are not many flesh-and-blood mechanical units that can engage in naval and air combat.

It is worth noting that among these chaotic flesh-and-blood mechanical troops, there are also a group of female elves holding steel rods, having no legs, and sitting in mechanical wheelchairs.

From their unrecognizable appearances, Qi Ge could barely identify some characteristics of [Druid Monks].

It seems that the aboriginal people on this island should be Tong Yanju and their lost tribesmen.


Damn it.

If I had thought earlier that Chaos might lower Chaos Rifts outside the Ancient Islands, not only would they not have died, but they would have become my help.

It doesn’t take too much, as long as I can cultivate thirty [Druid Monk Bishops], all my spell-casting troops will have almost unlimited magic value, and all my troops will have terrifying health recovery. "

Failure always runs through life, and success is the embellishment of life.

The matter has come to this, no matter how much you regret it, it will be of no use.

Just right, close enough.

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed and he ordered loudly:

"Ake Roy!

[Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] Prepare.

First, give this bunch of damn Chaos a welcome gift of sufficient weight! "

"Yes! Chief!"

Ake Roy flies high into the sky!

Magic arrays of three different colors, red, blue, and green, unfolded at her feet.

These magic arrays rotate slowly in the air, absorbing the surrounding magic energy bit by bit.

As the magic circle appeared, Ake Roy's hair and every feather on her body flew upward.

Three different colors of dazzling light flashed alternately on her body!

Ake Roy slowly stretched out his hand, and a gorgeous long bow suddenly appeared in the air.

She grasped the empty bowstring and pulled it back little by little.

As she pulled, a three-color long arrow vaguely appeared on the bow string.

This three-color long arrow continuously absorbs power from the magic circle at Ake Roy's feet.

"Use wind as wings, fire as arrows, ice as pole, wind, fire and ice explode, the cycle of birth and death!"

Ake Roy finished reciting the spell with a focused expression and relaxed his fingers.

The three-color long arrow shot through the air, and with a flash of light, it hit the mechanical arm at the top of the mechanical mountain.

At the impact point of [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion], the air first contracted violently, and then exploded violently!


The energy of three different colors of "red, blue, and green" intertwine and penetrate each other, causing explosions one after another!

A dazzling and brilliant magic mushroom cloud rose, and the entire top platform of the mechanical castle was flattened with one blow!

【Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion

Fire, air and water magic, level 6 magic

Effect: Causes damage equal to 30% of total health + 50*Ability Power to the target and enemies within 2 blocks around it.

When releasing [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion], depending on the mastery of fire, air, and water magic, the casting distance can be increased by up to 30 points. 】

The powerful level 6 ultra-long-range sniper magic [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] clears all the magic values ​​of the level 5 mythical soldier [Three Ring Siren] Ake Roy in one blow.

But the effect caused by [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] was also immediate!

The troop exit of the Chaos Lair's Mechanical Peak has been completely destroyed.

Even in the Realm of Chaos, it would take more than half an hour to completely repair the Chaos Nest.

This means that Chaos's troop supply will be reduced by half within half an hour!


The [Doomsday Fortress] at the foot of the Mechanical Peak suddenly stood up.

It has two huge eyes, one is a sunken artificial eye made by machinery, and the other is a bulging flesh eyeball.

At this moment, both of its eyes were flashing with dazzling red light.

These two dazzling red lights locked on Ake Roy almost instantly!


As the whistle sounded on [Doomsday Fortress], an overwhelming number of Chaos troops flew out from the realm of Chaos.

[Ghost Crow], [Iron-winged Ghost Crow], [Steel-billed Ghost Crow], [Red-eyed Ghost Crow], [Bomb-dropping Ghost Crow], [Exorcist Stone Ghost], [Five-billed Strange Bird]...

More than 80% of the air units in the Realm of Chaos have taken off.

Among this group of chaotic soldiers, Qi Ge even saw a flying sea urchin with countless spikes.

True Chaos Arms [Aerial Kill Pill] - High attack speed, high HP, slow speed, immune to magic, and ignores all enemy defenses when causing damage.

"Well done!"

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed and he felt happy. Originally, he just wanted to lure a group of flying troops or sea troops to come out, but he never expected that there would be such an unexpected gain.

[Korasamaru] Although it does not have any unique special skills, its attributes are very solid and it also has magic immunity.

Among all the true chaos arms, [Korasamaru] is also a backbone level existence.

Qi Ge gently blew the conductor's piccolo in his hand and shouted loudly:

"Get ready big guy, prepare for Heavy Rain Hydra!"

Just when all the chaotic flying units entered the predetermined range of Qi Ge, Qi Ge gave an order:

"Heavy rain! Release!"


There was a thunderous explosion!

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds!

Heavy rain fell from the sky and the waves surged!

A mythical soldier with the ability to control the weather [Flood Hydra] and fourteen miraculous soldiers [Hedra] who also had the ability to control the weather showed their power at the same time, and a large area of ​​the sky was submerged in the rain.

Rainfall alone can only reduce the speed of flying units by 2 points. The real killer move is yet to come.

Just when all the Chaos troops entered the center of the heavy rain, Qi Ge saw the right moment, his eyes focused, and he waved his hand!

"[Big Tusk Blue Boar]! Frost form, activate, ice armor technique, release!!"

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