Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 426 Optimal Solution

"[Big Tusk Blue Boar]! Frost form appears, Ice Armor Technique, release!!"

"Atlantis, water flow increases, rise!"

Following the command of the Seven Pigeons, all the [Big Tusk Blue Boars] in the city of Atlantis were transformed into frost forms.

At the same time, other various military units in Atlantis City also began to put various resources into various corners of the seaweed wall of Atlantis City.

Featured buildings in the Undersea City: [Water Gathering Seaweed Wall]

【Water gathering seaweed wall

city ​​defense building

Armor: 12000


Can isolate sea water.

The water magic casting range of all heroes and units in the city is +15]

[Water Gathering Seaweed Wall] increases the casting distance, allowing [Big Tusk Blue Boar] to hit a critical blow from an extremely safe position!

Weather: [Heavy rain]

All water magic effects +20%.

【Frost Form】

All ice magic effects +40%!

Ice armor is ice magic, but all ice magic is water magic!

Enjoy multiple increases in [Ice Armor], which can provide a full 40 points of armor value!

It’s simply [Ice Armor·Flash Blind Titanium Alloy Dog Eyes Big Mac Super Enlarged Version]

However, these [Ice Armors], which can provide huge amounts of armor one by one, were not put on Qi Ge's soldiers, but were thrown towards Chaos!

Thick ice armors were placed on those chaotic flying units out of thin air.

All of a sudden, those flying troops flying in the sky were sinking under the ice armor!

[Iron-winged Ghost Crow], [Steel-billed Ghost Crow], [Red-eyed Ghost Crow], [Bomb-dropping Ghost Crow], these flesh-and-blood mechanical creatures are heavy in weight, and after being put on ice armor, they fall straight into the sky like a lead ball. Sea.

Groups of [Ghost Crows], their wings covered with thick frost, were flapping their wings desperately on the sea surface.

They raised their necks so high that they almost fanned out their wings, but they couldn't prevent their bodies from sinking.

The surging waves were like fiery tongues of fire, licking each Chaos flying unit into the sea.

In just an instant, nine out of ten flying units sent by Chaos disappeared.

Only units with magic immune special skills such as [Korasamaru] and a few units with special special skills are left alive.

Ake Roy, who was flying in the sky, was very happy when he saw this scene and shouted loudly:

"Chief of the Seven Pigeons! The plan went well!

Our operation achieved great success! "

Qige's eyes were deep and he responded calmly:

“Don’t be in a hurry to celebrate, it’s just begun.

Roy, be vigilant! "

"Creak!!" The [Doomsday Fortress] in the distance spewed out clouds of black smoke.

Its mechanical red eyes and flesh-and-blood red eyes turned bright white at the same time.


As the cry of [Doomsday Fortress] sounded, the charging Chaos remnants suddenly stopped and quickly returned.

Ake Roy was a little surprised: "They are running away?"

Qi Ge shook his head and said decisively:

"No, not running away.

But [Fortress of Doom] is adjusting. "


Ake Luoyi was just surprised, and immediately understood what Qi Ge meant.

From the surging sea, many micro-robots suddenly appeared!

These micro-robots are equipped with propellers like bamboo dragonflies on their heads, and use a sling like a blood vessel to lift up the Chaos soldiers drowned in the sea.

They were very fast, riding the wind and waves, and rushed towards the [Fortress of Doom] with their corpses.

"Seven pigeons!!" Ake Roy shouted anxiously.

Qi Ge blinked, shook his head and responded:

"I know what you mean.

These small robots are the special effects of [Fortress of Doom]. They share the same health value with [Fortress of Doom]. They cannot be controlled and defeated, and we cannot stop them. "

"Ah, why is this so shameless!"

Ake Roy could only watch helplessly as the micro-robots dragged the drowned corpses to the [Fortress of Doom].

[Fortress of Doom] The mechanical body suddenly opened, revealing a large mouth of flesh and blood with various disgusting tumors, chewing up and swallowing the flesh and blood corpses one by one.

While it was devouring it, it sprayed modified flesh-and-blood mechanical soldiers from the pipe behind it!

After being transformed into flesh-and-blood machines, the combat effectiveness of these Chaos soldiers is even stronger than when they were alive.

Soon, under the transformation of [Doomsday Fortress], Chaos once again gathered a large wave of air forces.

This time, the main forces of Chaos have all turned into flesh and blood machines.


Following the order from [Fortress of Doom], the adjusted Chaos troops rushed towards Ake Roy again.

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed.

He knew very well that [Fortress of Doom] was not that easy to deal with.

The opponent's first wave of attacks seemed to be easy for him to win, but in fact it was just a test by [Fortress of Doom].

[Doomsday Fortress] can use the corpses of non-flesh mechanical troops to create flesh-and-blood mechanical troops at a ratio of 1:1.

You can also recycle the corpses of flesh-and-blood mechanical troops and piece together new flesh-and-blood mechanical troops at a ratio of 4 to 1.

As long as it doesn't die, the casualties of its troops don't matter at all.

When [Fortress of Doom] uses corpses to generate flesh and blood machinery, it will make corresponding adjustments based on the enemy's situation.

Under the terrifying calculation power of [Fortress of Doom], this adjustment must be the optimal solution that can easily restrain the enemy.

Qi Ge knew very well that his "ice armor tactics" must have lost their effect on the second wave of attacks on the [Doomsday Fortress].

"But so what, I still have many tactics."

Qi Ge stretched out his hand, pointed in the direction of the mechanical mountain peak, and ordered again:


[Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] Prepare again.

Target, Chaos Lair! "

"As you command!"

Ake Roy flapped her wings and flew high, suspended in the air, and once again condensed the three-color long arrow!

It took more than ten minutes to build [Fortress of Doom], and within these ten minutes, the cooldown of Ake Roy's [Wind, Fire, Ice Explosion] magic ended.

Ake Roy itself has a high magic value recovery, and with the bonus of three [Druid Monk Bishops], the magic value has long been full.

"Use wind as wings, fire as arrows, ice as pole, wind, fire and ice explode, the cycle of birth and death!"

[Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] streaked across the sky, shooting straight into the distance, blasting towards the mechanical mountain peak!

"Crunch!!" [Doomsday Fortress]'s eyes were filled with red light, and its whole body suddenly jumped up.

It used agility that was incompatible with its huge body to successfully block the [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion]!

The three elemental energies exploded on the [Doomsday Fortress], blasting a hole in the [Doomsday Fortress].

"Crunch!! Crunch!!"

[Doomsday Fortress]'s body made a sound, and from its holes, a pair of yellow-green fleshy tentacles protruded.

The pair of tentacles danced wildly, rolling up a large number of Chaos monsters around them and stuffing them into the hole in the [Fortress of Doom]!

Those chaos monsters were quickly absorbed by the [Doomsday Fortress]. At the same time, a red, blue, and wind-colored mechanical baffle condensed on the [Doomsday Fortress].

Ake Roy looked at the three-color baffle and suddenly felt an unreasonable heart palpitation.

"Roy, from now on, forget about [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] for the time being.

[Doomsday Fortress] has reflective armor on its body.

If you use [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] and are blocked again by [Doomsday Fortress], [Wind, Fire and Ice Explosion] will bounce back to you intact. "

Ake Roy's eyes suddenly widened.

She asked in surprise: "Is there such a shameless ability? Then isn't my strongest offensive method sealed?"

"That's right.

[Doomsday Fortress] can be memorized by selective magic used by the enemy.

As long as the magic it remembers, it will be countered by it using reflective armor. "

Qi Ge looked at the sky in the distance while answering Ake Roy's question.

In the storm, the densely packed flesh and blood mechanical troops had formed a scattered array.

The dark clouds of enemy troops dispersed, looking even scarier than the dark clouds in the sky.

Seven Pigeons waited quietly, waiting for the moment when the enemy stepped into their trap.

At the moment when the leader of the enemy air force [Korasamaru] broke into the center of the rainstorm, Qi Ge's pupils were shocked and he shouted loudly:

"Ice armor is ineffective, so use lightning!

The thunder of all calamities! rise! "


As Qi Ge gave the order, countless huge lightning bolts suddenly appeared in the black clouds in the sky!

Lightning filled the sky, illuminating the dark sea like clear day.

Lightning is constantly racing in the thunderclouds, as if it is attracted by a lightning rod, striking the sea from high in the sky.

[Thunder Ray (fen, four sounds)

Grade 1

Rank: 5

Quality: Miracle

Attack: 15

Defense: 13

Damage: 45~48

Lives: 120

Speed: 11

Special Skills: Maritime Troops

5% chance to resist magic. Attacks with lightning attacks.

Immune to all lightning and thunder damage.

Trigger thunder: When the weather is rainy, it can forcefully trigger a natural disaster: thunderstorm.

After triggering, Thunder Ray enters a weak state for ten rounds.

Lightning Shield: Comes with a lightning shield with 60 health points. When the lightning shield is broken, it will cause 60 points of damage to all enemies within 2 blocks of itself.

After the lightning shield is broken, if the Thunder Ray is attacked by lightning or thunder, the full value of the lightning shield will be restored immediately. 】

The wind stirs up the lightning, the meteors fly and the lightning strikes!

Infinite thunder snakes twist in the world, light penetrates the sea, and roars echo through the sky.

Regardless of whether it is the [Bombardier Crow] who is covered in metal and has extremely high defense, or the true chaos soldier [Korasamaru] who is immune to magic, all are equal in the face of this terrifying natural disaster!

The terrifying natural disaster coming from the air elemental world enveloped all the chaos arms, disintegrating, shattering, melting, and vaporizing!

This short stretch of sea area has now become a slaughterhouse for chaos monsters.

Natural disasters come and go quickly.

Within ten seconds, the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed, and the thunder suddenly disappeared.

The sun shone on the sea again, and the entire sea area was empty. The chaotic air force was completely wiped out, not even the bodies were left behind.

A wave of thunder from the Seven Pigeons wiped out more than 80% of the air force in the Chaos Realm.


[Fortress of Doom] Half of its body began to flash red, as if it had entered a state of rage.

Behind it, hundreds of mechanical tentacles stretched out at once!

These mechanical tentacles grabbed the surrounding Chaos Monsters without hesitation and stuffed them into the body of [Fortress of Doom].




[Doomsday Fortress]'s body shook while using the metal pipe behind it to discharge gray mist.

The speed at which the gray mist is generated this time is more than a hundred times faster than before!

In the gray mist that almost formed a straight line, strange flying units began to appear.

The [Chaos Demon Dog] with wings and two meat balls on its waist; the [Hidden Queen] with a propeller on its head and slowly turning invisible; the one with mechanical wings on its back and a pair of tentacles like snail eyes on its head. 【Steel-backed Monster】......

Those units that originally did not have the ability to fly were forcibly transformed into flying units by [Fortress of Doom].

Blessings never come together, and misfortunes never come alone.

Over time, the top platform of the Chaos Hive's mechanical peak grew back.


[Doomsday Fortress] steam surges from its body, and the mechanical mountain peak also joins the project of transforming flying units.

The transformation speed of Mechanical Mountain Peak is much faster than [Doomsday Fortress].

In just ten minutes, more than a thousand Chaos troops had been transformed.

The big man became more and more anxious as he watched, and couldn't help but ask aloud:

"King of the Sea, should we attack the Realm of Chaos before the opponent's forces have finished adjusting?

With the speed at which the opponent's troops recover, they will recover quickly. "

Qige's eyes flashed with light and he answered softly:

“Take no hurry, haste makes waste.

Now, it's not that time yet. "

Qi Ge actually knew it very well.

If we attack forcefully now, we will die without any hope of survival.

[Doomsday Fortress] is far from reaching its limit, and the mad dog explosion in the Realm of Chaos has not officially begun.

On our side, one less person dies.

On the other side, every one who dies will make up for it.

What's more, the opponent's overall military strength is much stronger than our own.

Once the war situation enters a war of attrition, you can only be slowly consumed to death.

Now, we must wait patiently. Among the countless variables of the battle situation, there is the key point that is enough to make a final decision and change the entire situation!

The price of waiting is heavy.

Half an hour later, [Doomsday Fortress] has accumulated an air force that is even more powerful than before!


[Doomsday Fortress]'s eyes flashed red, and all the air troops spread out, encircling Qi Ge's troops from all directions.

"Tsk! I knew it."

Qige's heart skipped a beat.

[Thunder Ray]'s natural disaster attack is very powerful. With the power of [Doomsday Fortress], it is impossible for all troops to be immune to natural disasters in a short period of time.

But [Thunder Ray]'s natural disaster attack also has shortcomings.

The natural disaster summoned by a single [Thunder Ray] has a small range and is not very powerful.

All [Thunder Rays] must be gathered together to create a powerful natural disaster that can instantly kill Chaos troops.

[Doomsday Fortress] breaks the air force into pieces. This move can just restrain the ability of [Thunder Ray].

“[Doomsday Fortress] can always find the optimal solution for every step in the chaotic battlefield situation.

Even in a future where heroes emerge in large numbers, there are only a handful of heroes who can compete with [Fortress of Doom] in terms of command ability.

If this wave cannot be resisted, everything will be over.

Fortunately, I was prepared. "

The other party is broken into pieces, which means that the other party's troops cannot respond to each other and will become independent individuals.

Similarly, it also means that the time for fighting will be greatly increased.

"My people!

I am the common king of all races in the ancient archipelago!

At this time, it was a matter of life and death.

But I am with you, and I will be with you when you win!

Inscription of courage!

open! "

The [Inscription of Courage] on Qi Ge's hand turned into little bits of light, and the light dispersed like stars, sinking into the bodies of every Qi Ge's soldiers!

Seven pigeons float high in the sky, commanding one by one:

"I give the order!

The Siren Corps blocked the enemy in the west and was commanded by Ake Roy.

[Big Tusk Blue Boar] Corps blocked the east and north sides, led by Big Tusk.

Bulk and Rainstorm Hydra drops heavy rain to the south, slowing down enemies.

All other races located in the city of Atlantis, run free!

All long-range units give priority to sniping enemy spell-casting units!

Execute immediately! "

As the Seven Doves' order was issued, all races in the city of Atlantis immediately started running.

Every time they run a certain distance, they will feel a force coming out of their hearts!

Morale is high!

Although in the big battlefield mode, the offensive and defensive bonus effects after their morale is triggered are greatly attenuated.

But I can't stand the large number.

The other races in the entire ancient archipelago totaled a total of 60,000 people.

Every unit that triggers morale will increase the attack and defense of all units by 0.01!

The effect of [Inscription of Courage] is abnormal in the battlefield mode!

In just three minutes, two waves of morale were triggered, and the offensive and defensive points of all Seven Pigeons' troops increased by 1,200 points, and this number continued to add up.

Qi Ge looked around and confirmed that all enemy spell-casting units had been killed, and immediately issued an order:

"All sirens, charge in close combat!

Kill those dogs Chaos! "

"All sirens, follow me!"

Following the order from Seven Pigeons, a group of cute-looking sirens launched a charge against the ferocious Chaos Air Force under the leadership of Ake Roy without hesitation!

The battlefield suddenly changed from a magical world where magic flew everywhere, to a cold weapon-level aerial battle.

Even though the Sirens were born as magic-casting soldiers, their melee strength was not weak at all.

The ancient ancestors of the Siren are elemental soldiers!

Among the elemental arms, most of them are "magic swordsmen" who are skilled in both magic and martial arts. The Siren clan has also inherited the fine tradition of the elemental clan's dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

More importantly, with the blessing of [Brand of Courage], the Sirens' attack and defense exceeded 1,200 points!

What is the concept of offense and defense in 1200?

The physical damage received is reduced by 99.98%, and the damage caused is increased by 6000%!

The Chaos Air Force's attack couldn't break through the Siren's defense at all, and couldn't even cause 1 point of forced damage.

The sirens can casually flap their wings or kick their feet to inflict injuries and death on contact with the Chaos troops.

The more pink you look, the harder you beat someone.

These cute sirens are as strong as a group of war gods!

They shuttled back and forth in the Chaos Air Force, killing each one they saw.

Chaos troops kept falling from the sky like dumplings.


[Doomsday Fortress], which was manufacturing troops in the distance, obviously noticed this scene.

After a short period of thinking, [Doomsday Fortress] immediately calculated the optimal solution.

The production lines of [Fortress of Doom] and Mechanical Peak were switched at the same time, and the production of spell-casting air forces that could both fly and release magic began.

Upon seeing this, Qige immediately became vigilant.

No matter how high the sirens' defense is, they cannot reduce magic damage.

Physics and magic in the Yasha world are two completely different systems.

If these spell-casting air forces arrive on the battlefield, they will pose a huge threat to the Sirens.

They must be stopped.

“If we follow the pace of [Fortress of Doom], we will eventually fall into a war of attrition again.

Its spellcasting air force is endless, but my troops are limited.


Qige's eyes narrowed, his back stopped, and he shouted loudly:

"Offense is the best defense, open the backcourt and cover!"

【Stinging Jellyfish

Level: 4

Rank: 5

Quality: hidden

Attack: 21

Defense: 6

Damage: 36~40

Lives: 100

Range: 16

Ammo: 12


Amphibious arms, flying, submersible, long-range arms

Water Resonance: When in water, range increases by 10.

Venom attack: The attack causes [Sting Poisoning] effect. Enemy units infected by [Sting Jellyfish] poison cannot be resurrected when they die.

Poison sac ejection: At the cost of the death of the stinging jellyfish, all the venom in the venom sac is ejected at one time, multiple shots in one round (number of shots = number of ammunition ÷ 2)]

As early as the beginning of the war, a swarm of stinging jellyfish that had been sneaking out of the water and approaching slowly suddenly jumped out of the water.

All 21 stinging jellyfish burned their own lives and shot out 126 stinging stingers at once!

The stinger broke through the air and inserted into the top platform of the mechanical mountain in a flash!

The fatal blow of 126 poisonous stingers and 21 poisonous stinging jellyfish is like a sharp blade piercing the heart of Chaos.

The newly reborn top platform was completely destroyed in an instant!

At the same time, the stinger of the stinger jellyfish was also infected into the flesh and blood tissue of the mechanical mountain peak, corrupting the flesh and blood tissue into purple.

"It's done! The top platform is blown up, which can suppress Chaos's ability to replenish troops. The venom of the stinging jellyfish can delay the rebirth of the mechanical mountain.

Without the help of the Chaos Nest, [Doomsday Fortress] alone is not enough to support the spellcasting air force that can threaten our frontal battlefield.

I won this wave! "

Qi Ge clenched his fist with great excitement!


At this moment, [Doomsday Fortress] flashed red!

It actually grew a hooked palm from its back!

The hooked palm pulled the [Doomsday Fortress] and flew directly to the top of the mechanical mountain.

[Fortress of Doom] Sitting on the top platform, the whole body is embedded in it!

[Doomsday Fortress] and Chaos Lair merge into one at this moment!

"Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!"

The red light in [Fortress of Doom]'s eyes kept flashing, as if it was mocking the Seven Doves.

It quickly mobilized the surrounding Chaos troops and created flying spell-casting units one after another.

At this time, the speed at which it creates flying spell-casting units is actually faster than before the mechanical mountain peak was blown up!

Seeing this scene, Qi Ge's expression was stunned at first, and then the corners of his mouth cracked bit by bit, and finally he couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter!

"Ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

【Fortress of Doom】!

The most troublesome thing about you is that you can always calculate the [optimal solution] in complicated battlefield situations!

Your calculations not only cover the attributes of the units and the situation on the battlefield, but also the reaction of the enemy commander! "

As Qige said that, he took out the magic book and smashed a [Magic God Fist] on top of his head.

[Magic Divine Fist] blasted into the void and actually blasted out an eyeball-shaped invisible robot!

"You have been spying on me, but how could you have imagined that I have been lying to you too!

When the battle begins, I will use Ake Roy's ultra-long-range strike to attack your chaos lair.

You judge that the optimal solution is to send the air force to destroy Ake Roy.

There is nothing wrong with this step.

A wave of air force offensive was stopped by me. You use the reflective armor to temporarily stop Ake Roy from continuing to attack the Chaos Nest. This step is also the best solution.

You use flesh and blood mechanical flying units to disperse the troops surrounding me.

This step is still the optimal solution.

Mass-producing spellcasting air force to restrain my sirens is still the best solution.

Even now, you are integrated with the Chaos Nest and are still the optimal solution under the current situation!

Unfortunately, as a heartless machine, you will never understand.

The final result accumulated from the optimal solutions one by one may very well be a trap that will send you into an abyss! "

Qi Ge closed the magic book hard and shouted loudly:

"I, the Lord of Atlantis City, Seven Pigeons.

With the city of Atlantis as the attacker, launch a crusade against the Realm of Chaos!

Today, you will live and die!"

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