Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 448 The capitalists cried after watching this

Yongshuang City has not been so festive for a long time.

The Everfrost Icefield has become stable again, and even the temperature in Everfrost City is no longer so extreme.

A large number of mages and djinn who were preparing to develop the Everfrost Icefield came from all directions in Brakada.

The large gathering of people brings great vitality to this deserted city.

However, this also made the already narrow streets of Yongshuang City crowded.

Qi Ge took Serena and squeezed through the endless flow of people, approaching the main castle of Yongshuang City.

In front of the main castle of Yongshuang City, NPCs who wanted to get a piece of the pie in Yongshuang Plain lined up in a long queue.

The recovery of the Everfrost Icefield not only means a large number of mines, but also a vast land of order where there will be no chaos and fog.

These places of order are good places to build cities. For most NPCs who do not have enough connections to directly serve as city lords or deputy city lords,

Reopening the city in the Land of Order is also a good choice.

Qi Ge had heard about it before he came.

Yesterday alone, the empty gift boxes shipped from the main castle of Yongshuang City could be filled with several giant pneumatic vehicles.

As a Qi Ge, I naturally don’t have to queue up like those NPCs.

He just took out his identity tag and had it authenticated by the tower spirit of Yongshuang City, and was enthusiastically invited in by more than a dozen mages on duty.

When Trossa saw Xingfeng and Serena, he showed enthusiasm that was beyond Qi Ge's expectation.

"Starwind, Serena, you are finally here."

Trossa took Qi Ge's hand and pulled Qi Ge to the seat.

He took out a very beautiful bottle of wine from his backpack and poured a full glass for Qi Ge.

"Come, have a taste of the Thunder Jade Liquid wine I just got.

Just this cup costs one hundred and eighty titan coins. "

"Hiss~ Titan Coin."

Seven Pigeons clicked their tongues:

“This cup can buy dozens of iron men.

What kind of wine is so expensive? "

“Haha, of course it’s good stuff that’s so expensive.

Our mages in Brakada, whether they are alchemists or sorcerers, all need stable emotions.

Therefore, our personality and emotions are in a suppressed state every day.

This state makes us calmer and more rational, but it also reduces our feelings of happiness and excitement.

Thunder Jade Liquid Wine can quickly restore our lost emotions, but it is a rare good thing. "

【Thunder Jade Wine


Treated as 3 units of food.

After use, the hero or unit will enter a state of excitement and be immune to the effects of mental magic for 3 hours.

The duration stacks with multiple uses.

If used multiple times in a row, it will enter a "drunk" state. 】

"Come on, try it quickly."

Trossa greeted him warmly, and the hospitality was hard to resist. Qi Ge picked up the [Thunder Jade Liquid Wine] and drank it all in one gulp.

Serena didn't like drinking, so she pushed her own glass in front of Qi Ge.

Qi Ge felt it. [Thunder Jade Liquid Wine] tasted mellow in the mouth, but burned like a flame when it reached his stomach.

A strange feeling rushed straight into Qi Ge's mind, making Qi Ge's mind instantly clearer.

[System prompt: You have entered a state of excitement and cannot sleep, morale +1]

Trossa half leaned on the sofa and smiled at Qige:

"Xingfeng, how are you? This wine is not bad, isn't it?"

"Good wine, good wine." Qige praised: "The price is worth it."

Trossa moved slightly and suddenly said:

"I'm just saying, Xingfeng, you definitely know how to drink.

How can someone who can open a tavern not understand wine? "


Qige's heart skipped a beat.

The historical echoes of the great goblin prophet, the fall of the goblin demigods, the attitude of Brakada to the goblin clan, and the information of Teacher Agede.

Qige has confirmed the Titan clan's fear and suppression of fairies in many aspects.

Now Trossa suddenly mentioned the Goblin Tavern to him, was he trying to test himself?

Qi Ge picked up Serena's [Thunder Jade Liquid Wine], took a sip, and said with a smile:

"Chief, are you talking about my Fairy Tavern Chain?

I don’t know why, Chief, you suddenly mentioned this?

Could it be that during the expansion of my tavern, there was a conflict with Chief You's property? "

"Hey, how could it be?

My property is spread all over Bracada, and the profit from the tavern is not worth mentioning to me.

It's just that I heard that you use a lot of goblin employees in the tavern. I wonder if this is the case? "

Sure enough, what should come will always come.

Qi Ge remained calm and immediately replied:

"Yes, humans are greedy and difficult to control, and mages are too expensive. Only fairies are the most useful.

After calculating the cost, I found that using goblins as employees was the most profitable, so a large number of goblin employees were hired in all the taverns.

Is there anything inappropriate? "

"That's not true."

Trossa put down the wine glass, suddenly became serious, and said to Serena:

"Serena, I want to tell Xingfeng something, which involves the secrets of our industrial faction.

Look at this..."

When Serena heard this, she immediately became unhappy, her eyebrows furrowed, and she was about to get angry.

Qige quickly reached out her hand and gently rubbed Serena's back.

"Serena, wait for me at the door. I'll be out soon, okay?"

"Ugh!!" The unexpected backstab made Serena particularly angry.

Fortunately, Qige immediately came to her ear and whispered:

"You wait outside for a while. After the work here is done, I will take you to Xinyue Village."

"Then it's settled."

After hearing what Qige said, Serena reluctantly walked out of the room.

Trossa looked at Qi Ge with a smile and asked:

"Xingfeng, we in Brakada have an unwritten rule about hiring goblins. I wonder if Aged has told you?"

Qi Ge pretends to be stupid:

"Regulations? I really don't know this. Please teach me, chief."

Trossa said seriously:

“Actually, to put it simply, it’s just this paragraph.

When it comes to the fairies, you must bully them, but not too much; you must suppress them, but not to the extreme.

They need to be exploited and enslaved so that they have no chance to rise.

Using a little charity to hold them back will prevent them from having the courage to fight to the death.

Xingfeng, do you know why this is? "

“If you want to bully, don’t bully too much; if you want to suppress, don’t press to the end.

They need to be exploited and enslaved so that they have no chance to rise.

Then use a little charity to hold them back, so that they don't have the courage to fight to the death..."

Seven Pigeons pretended to chew it again and said to Trossa:

"Chief, I can vaguely taste it."

The implication was that I understood it, but not completely.

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Trossa's lips.

“Actually, this is related to one of our Brakada’s secrets.

Most of Brakada's top brass only knew about this 'hidden rule' against goblins, but they didn't know why.

However, as Agede's disciple, Starwind, you have proven your determination and loyalty to die for Brakada in the [Demon King's Territory].

Then you are qualified to know.

To understand this passage, we need to break it down.

First of all, they need to be exploited and enslaved so that they have no chance to rise. ]"

After Trossa said this, he slowly sipped the wine and thought about it for a while, which whetted Qi Ge's appetite.

"Tsk, hold it back. If you're curious, I'll lose. Even if you beat me to death, I won't even bother you."


Trossa took a long breath and then continued:

"Xingfeng, you may not quite understand why the goblins, as a member of Brakada, are targeted in this way.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Because the goblins are a sinful race, they carry original sin on their bodies. "

"Original sin? So serious?"

Qi Ge was a little surprised.


Trossa nodded and said:

“There is a supreme god in our Thunder Temple in Brakada.

He is the king of all Titans, the guardian of Brakada, and the master of all mages, djinns, and snake demons.

The master of thunder and lightning.

Don't call him by his first name.

All you need to know is that he is the supreme master of Brakada, the God of Thunder.

We generally call him God.

Aged must have told you this.

Before the god became a god, the goblins were the servants of the god.

As servants of gods, the fairies can even gaze upon the glory of gods and listen to their teachings day and night.

But the goblins are cunning, treacherous and greedy.

Among the fairies, there is a fairy who covets the great power of the gods.

While the god was fighting against Chaos, and with the help of a large number of his own kind, he stole the god's supreme artifact [Sword of Titan], and shamefully stole the rules of lightning from the [Sword of Titan].

Of course, the goblin was quickly judged by God and annihilated in ashes.

But God was also angry because of this.

The god expelled all the goblins from his kingdom and punished them by never being able to produce heroes and nobles, and could only be slaves.

Life after life, from generation to generation, forever and ever!

This is the original sin of the goblin clan.

The goblin clan needs to use the sweat and blood of countless generations to wash away the sins on their bodies until the gods are satisfied. "

Qi Ge:......


Are you so confused about right and wrong?

The Air Elemental Lord wanted to hit someone after hearing this.

Sure enough, history is a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone.

If the winner wants to dress her in black stockings, she can't wear cartoon panties.

Thinking so, Qige still pretended to be indignant:

“I see, the goblin clan dares to steal the treasures of gods, it’s too much.

For such an inferior race, why doesn't God just kill them all? "

Trossa went on to say:

“Hey, there’s nothing we can do.

After all, the goblins are the race that followed us mages and gods to get the Tears of Asa.

If they were all destroyed, it would cause irreversible damage to Tears of Asa.

This brings up another passage.

[Use a little charity to hold them back, so that they don’t have the courage to fight to the death. 】

Although the goblins have original sin that cannot be washed away, they are a very magical race after all.

They seem to be [individuals], but in fact they can also be regarded as a whole.

Every fairy is conscious and has active [emotional power].

Not only can they absorb the negative emotions of our Brakada mages and keep us calm and rational, but they can also serve as workers, providing cheap labor for us Brakada.

If you push the fairies too hard, they will start to "resonate".

To put it simply, they will mobilize their own [emotional power] and superimpose the power of a large number of fairies onto a certain [individual].

This individual generated by resonance will have very powerful power, and there may even be a terrifying existence that can change the rules like a demigod.

For example, two hundred years ago, during the reign of His Majesty Marvin, there was a great goblin riot.

The goblins gathered their strength, and Void conceived a [Chaos Goblin]. The [Chaos Goblin] changed the rules and almost allowed the goblins to leave Brakada forcibly.

Once the [Chaos Fairy] succeeds, our Brakada's Tears of Asa will become unstable.

By then, let alone all kinds of natural disasters, even chaos will be more likely to break out in Brakada.

His Majesty Gavin went to stop him, but was almost knocked off his crown and fell into a demigod state.

Later, God intervened to prevent this tragedy from happening.

But that incident led to the invasion of Chaos, and we Brakada permanently lost a territory on the sea, which is now the Yuye Islands in the Chaos Sea.

The Yuye Islands together with the sea area are larger than the seven main cities in the southern frontier of the empire combined.

Countless mages and djinns were destroyed, and heroic soldiers suffered casualties.

The raw material [Jade Liquid] in [Thunder Jade Liquid Wine] can only be produced there.

This has caused our Brakada’s [Thunder Jade Wine] to become a non-renewable resource, and we will lose one bottle after drinking it.

The price is naturally becoming more and more expensive. "

"Chaos Fairy?"

Qi Ge murmured to himself in confusion.

"I know about the fall of [Yuye Islands], but why have I never heard of [Chaos Fairy], nor have I seen any relevant records in any documents."

“That’s because [Chaos Fairies] are entities with the power of rules.

Although it is not a demigod, [Chaos Fairy] still possesses immortality.

If too many people know about the [Chaos Fairy], there is no way it can survive.

Given the existence of such a danger, it would be more reassuring to let it disappear into history forever.

As long as those of us at the top of Bracada remember the lessons of history. "

Trossa said earnestly:

"Xingfeng, in addition to [Chaos Fairy], there is also Decheng from more than forty years ago.

There is a reckless alchemist there who wraps living goblins in mercury to make [goblin statues] for sale.

He captured goblins on a large scale and made them into [goblin statues], which eventually triggered a goblin rebellion.

During that goblin rebellion, a [goblin great devil] appeared.

Although the [Great Fairy Demon] is much weaker than the [Chaos Fairy], it also prevents the birth of fairies in the city.

If the goblin is forcibly brought to the city of Decei, the goblin will die soon. "


God TM [Great Fairy Demon].

If I hadn't been to Echoes of History, I wouldn't have known that Cong Kelin had such a domineering nickname.

The Thunder Titan confuses right and wrong with his hands, and he is very skilled in naming the underworld.

The names of the villain goblins that Trosa mentioned are correct in reverse.

If the [Great Fairy Demon] is the [Great Fairy Prophet], then what is the [Chaos Fairy]?

【Asha Fairy】?

Could it be the [God of Fairies]?

Trossa saw Qi Ge and didn't reply, and then said seriously:

“[If you want to bully, don’t bully too much; if you want to suppress, don’t press to the end.

They need to be exploited and enslaved so that they have no chance to rise.

Then use a little charity to hang them up, so that they don't have the courage to fight to the death].

Star Wind, although this rule does not sound complicated, it is a principle summarized by our Brakada sages through their lives.

Now that you have begun to capture goblins as slaves, you must abide by them. "


It seems that I must have been too good to the goblins, which alerted the Titans, so they sent Lothar to warn me.

Qi Ge's face became solemn and he immediately promised:

"Chief, I understand.

When I go back, I will lower the treatment of the goblins.

Feed me the worst, use the worst, and let them all live in the basement! "


Trossa opened her mouth in surprise:


Co-author I have told you so much and you still haven’t understood?

Xingfeng, what I mean is, you can bully goblins, but don’t bully them too harshly! "


Qi Ge was stunned. "How could I be so cruel?!"

Trossa took out a stack of information from under the table and placed it in front of Qi Ge.

He poked at the information with his finger and said word by word:

"Come on, this.

Star Breeze, in your fairy tavern, all fairy waiters work 23 hours a day and only have 1 hour of sleep.

Their job is not easy, they have to run up and down the tavern.

No such thing? "

Ah, this, that is...

【Fairy Waiter

Special Skills: Work in the Goblin Tavern without getting tired.

You can gain experience points through work.

The greater the number of guests, the happier the guests are in the tavern and the faster the experience points are accumulated]

But Qi Ge couldn't explain this kind of thing at all. He could only nod his head honestly and said:

"That's what happened."

Trossa then asked: "You also let goblins serve as bartenders, making wine with weird-looking purple poisonous mushrooms, and then let them drink the wine themselves to test the poison. Is this true?"

That's the Dream Mushroom! Not poisonous!

【Fairy Bartender

Special Skills: Work in the Goblin Tavern without getting tired.

You can constantly adjust the recipe by drinking your own concoctions.

There is a probability of developing new wine products】

Qi Ge still couldn't explain it, so he could only nod his head heavily and said:


"You asked a goblin to be the tavern owner, and asked him to count the gold coins he earned five hundred times a day, and just sit there and keep counting. Is this the case?"

【Fairy Tavern Owner

Special Skills: Work in the Goblin Tavern without getting tired.

The fairy tavern owner can gain experience points by receiving guests in the tavern and counting the accounts. 】


"Also, what can you give the goblin to eat?

You let the goblin in your tavern eat grass!

No matter how frugal you are, you might as well get some buckwheat, right? "

That's Sen Moss...

Qi Ge was wronged, and Qi Ge felt bitter, but Qi Ge couldn't say anything.

Trossa summed it up emphatically:

"Xingfeng, I know what you are thinking.

There are things about goblins, just torture them to death and then catch them.

But you have to know that no matter how useless a goblin is, he is still an intelligent being.

If you torture them like this, they will soon rebel.

You, just hold back as much as you can.

If it doesn't work, you can start the fairy rotation system, just like my factory. "

"Fairy rotation system?"

Qi Ge pricked up his ears.

“There is one class of goblins in the morning and another class of goblins in the evening.

In this way, you can squeeze every shift of goblin to death while they are at work.

Anyway, they go to rest as soon as the shift is over.

This not only allows the factory to operate at maximum efficiency, but also prevents the goblins from resisting. "

Trossa patiently explained to Qige:

“There is also a senior elimination system.

Fairies are very timid.

You just need to regularly throw the least efficient goblins out of the factory and tell the other goblins that these goblins will soon starve to death. The other goblins will tremble and obey the order.

Generally speaking, the people who are the least efficient at this kind of work are old fairies who are in failing health.

The old goblin's body can't bear it, and he will die easily if he is squeezed a little for a long time.

Other goblins will panic when they see a goblin dying in front of them.

Uneasiness can speed up the effectiveness of goblins, but panic can be counterproductive.

If new fairies come in regularly and the old fairies are replaced, this problem will not occur.

The old-age elimination system coupled with the fairy rotation system is a trick that I have promoted and summarized in all factories. It is easy to learn and effective.

As long as you follow the instructions, I guarantee that nothing will happen to you.

Other things that are too complicated, such as paying wages to go to work, supervising gargoyles and other harsh tasks, will easily backfire if you don't use them well. If you are interested, I will teach you slowly in the future.

In short, if you are like you, just staring at a group of goblins to death, the bullying is too harsh, and things can easily go wrong, so you have to be flexible. "


Trosa, the largest factory owner in Bracada, actually said that I, the goblin savior, bullied goblins too hard!

Ahhhh, I can't accept it! ! !

Qi Ge fell silent for a while.

He thought for a while and felt that this would be a good thing.

At the very least, if Trossa and the others treat themselves as one side, it will be easier for the Fairy Tavern to expand.

Qi Ge sighed and said:

"Chief, I have learned a lesson.

When I go back, I will hire a bunch of more goblins.

Don't worry, I guarantee there won't be any problems. "

"Yeah." Trossa nodded and said:

"That's good.

Come, I have a bottle of [Thunder Jade Liquid Wine] here, take it with you when you leave. "

"Thank you...wait a minute, chief, I'm here to select the mining area."

Trossa smiled smartly and took out another piece of beautiful cardboard.

"What to choose?

I've picked it all for you.

The most valuable mines in the entire Yongshuang Icefield are all located here. Are you satisfied with it after taking a look? "

Qi Ge took it and took a look. The [Magic Crystal] and [Thunder Stone] mines that Somla had told about were clearly listed.

In addition, all the mines assigned to him are first-class rich ores, exactly the same as the perfect results he imagined in his mind before coming here.

Qi Ge couldn't help but laugh:

"Chief, thank you for your help.

However, Chief, can you give me the distribution map of the mines on the Everfrost Icefield?

Serena said that she wanted to go to the mine for a walk and take a look. "

Trosa chuckled and handed Qi Ge a map.

"No problem, just go ahead and take a look.

It's the magic crystal mine. You should be careful not to stay in there for more than half an hour.

The magic power contained in the magic crystal is too strong, and if you stay in it for a long time, the magic power will easily become disordered. "

"Thank you chief."

Qi Ge obtained the mine distribution map from Trosa, with a glimmer of light hidden deep in his eyes.

These mines require a large number of goblins to be stationed.

Moreover, the security of mines is generally not very strict.

As long as each mine can have a fairy pioneer mixed in.

One spreads to ten, and ten spreads to a hundred.

The future Everfrost Icefield will be the bridgehead for my attack on Brakada.

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