Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 449 Petra’s Ambition (Eternal Frost City)

Yongshuang City, frontline outpost.

The cold wind howled, and the sky was filled with frost and snow.

Although the Everfrost Icefield is not that cold anymore, for the snow fairies without warm stones, they still have to rely on their bodies to resist.

The snow elf in the outpost put his hands in front of his mouth and took a breath of hot air to warm his hands.

Then he put his hands on his face and warmed his face a little.

"Little Douding, go down and take a rest. Let me stand guard instead."

"Grandpa Candela."

Little Douding grinned and greeted Candela.

Candela happily walked up to the sentry post and said:

“Now that peace has returned to the Everfrost Icefield, without those annoying wild monsters, we are much safer and don’t have to be as nervous as before.

This is all thanks to His Highness Xingfeng for conquering the Demon King Territory. His Highness Xingfeng is a rare and good mage. "

When Xiao Douding heard this, he asked worriedly:

"Grandpa Candela, I heard that since there are no wild monsters in the Everfrost Icefield, our sentry may be cancelled. Is this true?"

Candela touched Little Douding's head with pity and replied:

"Our outpost exists to guard against those wild monsters. Now that the wild monsters are gone, it is normal to cancel the outpost.

We have to face those wild monsters here every day, and if we are not careful, we will lose our lives. Wouldn't it be better to cancel it? "

“But, after the outpost is cancelled, don’t we have to return to Yongshuang City?

Grandpa Candela, I don’t want to go back.

I stayed in a factory in Yongshuang City, where I was hungry every day, and if I worked slowly, I would be clawed by gargoyles.

The gargoyle's claws squeezed it, and the whole shoulder was covered in blood, and it hurt all the time.

Although it is dangerous here, at least you can fill your stomach every day.

If you are really unlucky and run into a wild monster, it will happen all at once.

If I hadn't been here, I would still be able to tolerate the factory environment.

But if I go back now, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it. "


Candela looked at Little Douding with a gentler look.

"Perhaps, this is the fate of our fairies.

Just staying alive is already a very difficult thing.

We have no right to be picky. "

When Little Douding heard what Candela said, his expression darkened visibly.

"Good boy, if you are alive, there is hope."

"Well, thank you Grandpa Candela."

Xiao Douding thanked him sadly, lowered his head, and walked down the stairs of the sentry.

In his heart, he felt that his future was just like the stairs going down, dark and hopeless.

Suddenly, he felt like he hit something soft.

Little Douding quickly raised his head, and a great face that he had seen once was slowly emerging from the transparent air.

It immediately stuttered in shock and said hello:

“Xing, Xing, Your Highness Xingfeng!

I, I didn’t mean to bump into you. "

Qi Ge smiled at it and asked:

"Is Candela up there?"

Little Douding woke up from a dream and immediately replied:

"Yes, yes!"

"Well, I have something to do with him. Don't tell others that I have been here."

Xiao Douding immediately covered his mouth and lowered his voice: "Yes! Your Highness, I don't know anything."

"Very well, go ahead."

Seeing that Little Douding was about to crawl past him, Qi Ge called to him again.

"Wait a minute." Qi Ge took out a small warm package from his arms and stuffed it into Xiao Douding's arms.

"[Warm Stone], and the [Magic Crystal Charger] that charges the [Warm Stone].

Although it's not very useful, it can keep you from being so cold. "

Little Douding took the warm package and froze on the spot, not knowing how to react.

Qi Ge rubbed Xiao Douding’s head and said:

"Go ahead and take care of these two things so that no one finds out."

Little Douding discovered that His Highness Xingfeng's hand was as gentle as Grandpa Candela's. It made his head feel dizzy when he touched it, and he didn't even notice His Highness Xingfeng leaving.

Watching His Highness Xingfeng slowly disappearing into the air, Xiao Douding suddenly felt that Grandpa Candela was right.

Live and there is hope.

While Kendra stood guard, he turned around from time to time to look inside the post.

From his angle, he couldn't see what was going on on the stairs, only the exit.

After watching for a long time, Candela couldn't even see Little Douding coming out of the stairs.

This made Candela a little worried, and said to himself:

"This little guy, can't he be thinking too hard?"

"Of course not. He's not that fragile yet."

The answer suddenly came from the air, making Candela's hair stand on end.

"Who is it?!"

"Oh, don't be afraid, it's me."

The figures of the seven pigeons slowly emerged from the air, surprising Candela.

"Your Highness Xingfeng?! What are you doing?"

"Shh." Qige became invisible again and said:

"I came here secretly. I have something very important to ask you. Please don't make any announcement."

"I understand." Candela immediately turned around and pretended to be on guard.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, just ask, I will tell you everything."

"Kandra, I looked through the list of fairies in Yongshuang City and found that almost all the fairies in Yongshuang City are local fairies.

Only you are from Decheng.

The time was probably more than forty years ago.

Is it right? "

When Candela heard Qige's words, she trembled and almost lost her grip on the sentry flag in her hand.

He replied with a trembling voice:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, yes, I am a goblin who ran away from Decheng.

Unexpectedly, it has been forty-two years and there are still people hunting us.

Do you want to take me back to question me? "

"Of course not, don't worry."

There was a kind of joyful fulfillment in Qi Dove's voice.

"Since you are from Germany, do you know a goblin named Petra?"


Candela's voice jumped a little, and he quickly lowered his voice and said:

"I know, my lord. But that was forty-two years ago."

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing.

Petra is now my confidant.

But I found that he seemed to have a knot in his heart that couldn't be opened, which hindered his progress, so I looked everywhere for the source of the knot.

Candela, since you know Petra, can you tell me about Petra's past? "

"Petra is your confidant, my lord?!"

Candela was shocked.

"But Petra is a goblin."

"I'm different from other lords. I don't care about this."

Qi Ge took out a photo crystal, put it in Candela's hand, and then said:

"If you don't believe me, you can open it and take a look at this."

Qi Ge thoughtfully helped Candela inject magic into the photo crystal.

Candela held the photo crystal, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

On the verdant grass, Petra was wearing a butler fairy cannon, holding a magic book in her hand, and was directing a group of fairies to eat in the cafeteria.

Countless magic breads piled up in mountains, exuding an alluring aroma.

Under Petra's command, the goblins held the magic bread in an orderly manner and began to feast on it, with bright smiles on everyone's faces.

"Today I got another level 4 resource. This week we have already got 3 level 4 resources. The lord will be happy to know this!"

"No, the competition among waterwheel goblins is still too fierce. I'm going to the Logistics Goblin Academy for further studies. Only construction goblins can make great contributions to the territory."

"It seems you only have this little ambition.

It's different for me, I'm already studying how to become a housekeeper fairy.

How can there be any reason in the world to only let the housekeeper of Petra be the city lord?

Brother Li Xiaobai once said, thirty years in Hexi, thirty years in Hedong, don’t bully young people into poverty!

Brothers, I can take your place! "

"Good boy, I think you deserve a beating!"


Petra used her magic book to critically attack the arrogant Waterwheel Fairy on the spot, causing the fairies around her to burst into laughter.

“Oh my God…this is…how can there be such a beautiful scene?

is this real? "

Candela looked at the picture in the photo crystal, and unknowingly, tears filled her eyes.

Suddenly, the flowers and the fragrant magic bread disappeared, and Candela returned from the beautiful vision to the cold and heartless outpost.

He looked ahead helplessly, as the crystal ball that fascinated him was slowly disappearing into the air.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, what exactly is this?"

“This is a picture of my territory.

In my territory, the fairies live and work in peace and contentment.

Petra is now a city lord in my territory.

After reading this, you should believe me, right? "

Candela quickly shook his head and said: "Your Highness Xingfeng, I have never doubted it.

With your identity, why do you need to deceive me, an old goblin who has no ability?

I was just too shocked to understand. "

Candela seemed to be lost in memories, lowered her head slightly and said:

“Petra and I are both goblins who escaped from Germany.

The story begins with the appearance of demons that slaughter goblins in the city of Decei.

I lived in a goblin village before the Tokujo Demon appeared.

Petra is said to be a goblin in the city and a high-ranking goblin in the wizard's tower.

Later, a man who called himself the Fairy Herald came to our village.

He told us that the great goblin prophet received a revelation from the god of goblins and predicted that a disaster was about to break out in the city of Decei, and that all the goblins would die painfully in the disaster and die miserably.

The goblin pioneer asked us to follow him and pursue the goblin great prophet.

So, all the fairies in our fairy village followed the fairy leader on the road.

There are many goblins from different places, all gathering in the same direction.

Petra and I met at that time.

Later, the gnolls intercepted our team in the canyon.

The Goblin Hercules, the Goblin High Priest, and the Goblin Great Prophet took part of the Goblin Vanguard to stay and fight.

The other part of the goblin pioneers took us to escape in advance.

Not long after we ran out of the canyon, we heard the voice of the great goblin prophet.

He told us:

“Decheng is the birthplace of the devil.

From today on, no goblins can be born in any of the territories of Decheng.

All the goblins in Decheng must leave Decheng at all costs, otherwise they will be devoured by the devil. "

Then, the devil took action.

Countless lightnings filled the sky, and the sky and the earth changed color!

With that terrifying power, we fairies were so frightened that we collapsed to the ground. Only the fairy leader could barely stand.

Demonic power bombarded the canyon, destroying everything.

Several goblin pioneers took us back to check, but there was no trace of the Great Prophet or his companions.

The forerunner told us that the great prophet went to Utopia in advance.

But we know that the Great Prophet was killed by demons.

When we were helpless, the pioneers stood up.

He told us that we must find a way to leave Decheng.

As long as we find Utopia, we can resurrect the Great Prophet and the others.

So, we followed the pioneers and started setting off.

In the beginning, we had 40,000 goblins.

But there are too many goblins, and it is easy for wild monsters to catch up with them in a group.

Without the great power of the Great Prophets, the wilderness would be too dangerous for us.

At the end of the first day alone, we only had 30,000 goblins left.

Moreover, without the guidance of the great prophet, how to find the ideal land has become a problem.

After discussion, a dozen goblin pioneers decided to try their luck separately.

Each pioneer took thousands of goblins and fled from Decheng from different directions.

Petra and I are on the same team.

When we first started, we had nearly three thousand goblins, but only one goblin vanguard.

There were too many people, and the goblin pioneer couldn't manage it alone, so he called on some goblins to select a few team captains to help manage it together.

I had been the village chief of a snow elf village, and Petra had stayed in a mage tower, so I had a wide range of experiences and knew a few words.

So Petra and I both volunteered and stood up to be team captains.

There were a total of 7 goblin squad leaders at that time, and we all became very good brothers later on.

So, we followed the fairy leader and kept walking, walking, walking, walking in the snow.

I don’t know how long I’ve been gone.

Along the way, goblins kept dying.

Those who starve to death, those who freeze to death, those who are beaten to death by wild monsters...

Just like this, we died and died, and we finally found a teleportation array that led to who knows where.

Although a group of vicious zombies were guarding the door of the teleportation array, the goblin pioneer was very excited.

He told us that as long as we enter the teleportation array, we can find Utopia!

Arriving at Utopia, all dead brothers can be resurrected.

At this moment, all fears are completely forgotten.

We risked everything and fought head-on with the zombie monsters.

After making great sacrifices, we finally defeated the zombies.

But when we entered the teleportation array, we discovered that what we arrived was not Utopia at all, but a land of ice and snow that was colder than Germany City.

Yes, the teleportation array teleported us to the ice and snow plateau near Yongshuang City.

Fortunately, the Ice and Snow Plateau is not as cold as the Everfrost Ice Field, otherwise those other goblins who are not snow goblins might freeze to death in an instant.

But at this time, there were only 822 goblins left. "

Speaking of this, Candela's voice dropped:

“The most important thing is that the vanguard who has been leading us died while fighting the wild monsters in the teleportation formation.

Among the seven team captains, only Petra and I are left. "

Candela's voice suddenly became choked.

“In the snow goblin village near the ice and snow plateau, our team was warmly received by our fellow tribesmen.

Although the ice and snow plateau is cold, there are a lot of [ice lichens] in the snow that you can eat, so you don’t have to go hungry in the ice and snow plateau.

I thought at that time, just running from Decheng City to Yongshuang City, so many fairies had died.

There are only these last few left. Without the leadership of the pioneers, if they continue to look for their ideal hometown, they may all die on the way.

Instead of continuing to look for that utopia that I don’t know exists or not, it’s better to just live in the snow fairy village.

I told Petra my idea, and Petra firmly disagreed.

I still remember what he said.

He said that only by finding the Fairy Utopia can those companions and pioneers who died on the road be resurrected.

If we stay here, what will happen to our fallen comrades? "

Candela's voice became deeper again.

“At that time, I couldn’t listen at all.

Too many goblins died in front of me.

Some of them were benefactors who had shielded me from arrows, and some were brothers who had left their remaining rations to me.

But they all died in front of me one by one.

In addition, after passing through the portal, I suddenly realized that it was not [Utopia].

I have completely lost the idea of ​​continuing.

I scolded Petra loudly and said to him:

‘You want to find Utopia, but have you ever thought about how many goblins we will die if we continue to look for it?

You are not even a pioneer, and you don’t know where the Utopia is.

You are just a little guarding goblin. If your brothers continue to follow you, sooner or later they will all die!

Do you want to kill all your brothers? ’

After hearing this, Petra collapsed on the ground and sat for a long, long time.

Also like me, there are some fairies who want to stay.

So, I told them that I would live here with them.

I have been the village chief of a snow elf village, and I have the village chief's token. As long as we build a village on the ice and snow plateau, we can live here.

More goblins wavered and chose to believe me.

At that time, Petra and I represented two different camps.

The two of us argued fiercely all day and night.

But speaking of it, there are only two choices.

Choose to live or choose an unrealistic dream.

I chose to live, Petra chose to dream.

In the end, Petra and I separated on the ice and snow plateau.

A total of one hundred and twenty goblins stayed with me.

Seven hundred goblins continued to follow Petra, passed through the portal again, and returned to where we came from. "

When Candela said this, she fell silent, and the expression on her face became more and more sad.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky with red eyes.

Qi Ge even felt that as long as he lowered his head, tears would fall from his eyes.

In this way, Candela was silent for a long time before continuing:

“I was wrong and Petra was right.

Before our snow goblin village could even be built, a group of mages from Everfrost City captured Everfrost City.

The attitude of the mages in Yongshuang City toward goblins is better than that in De City, but it's not much better.

The one hundred and twenty goblins and I were sent to the factory and the army in Yongshuang City respectively.

I suffered a lot in the army.

But I have always thought that I want to get ahead and become a high-level elf, so that I can find the one hundred and twenty brothers who follow me and lead them to survive.

It took five years for me to advance to level 3 [Engineering Elf Apprentice] by relying on my self-taught engineering skills in the army, and gained some autonomy.

But when I started looking for them, I discovered that all the one hundred and twenty goblins who stayed with me in Yongshuang City were already dead.

I didn't realize it until I confirmed the news.

I don't want to live with them at all, I'm not that great.

From the moment Petra and I separated, I was simply afraid of death.

Yes, it’s just that I’m greedy for life and afraid of death. "

As Candela spoke, tears finally began to flow out, and her voice began to become hoarse.

“I told those goblins to survive with them.

They believed me.

But in the end, I was the only one who survived, and they all died.

At that moment, I realized.

In fact, I just don’t dare to continue looking for Utopia. I’m afraid of dying on the way.

I'm just afraid of death, I don't want to find my ideal hometown, I don't want to resurrect my dead brothers, I just want to live by myself.

The so-called wanting my brothers to survive is just an excuse I made for myself.

Eight hundred and twenty-two goblins, if I were the only one to think that way, it would make my conscience uneasy.

So I convinced them to stay together, just to lie to myself, to lie to myself that what I was doing was right and noble.

If those goblins had continued to follow Petra, they might have found their ideal land and lived a happy life.

I shouldn't continue to live. I do not deserve.

I should be buried with those dead goblins, they were all killed by me.

However, I didn’t even have the courage to continue walking with Petra, so how could I have the courage to commit suicide?

I am a coward, I dare not die. "

Candela cried and knelt on the tower, banging his head against the wall of the tower.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"I deserve to die, I deserve to die. I'm sorry for Petra, I'm sorry for my brother.

Woohoo. "

Seeing this scene, Qi Ge felt mixed emotions in his heart.

He released his invisibility, gently stretched out his hand, placed it on the wall, and caught Kandra's head as it hit the wall.

Qi Ge said softly:

“Candra, you don’t deserve to die.

Damn it, it's the mages who caught you. "

But the comfort of the seven pigeons had no effect on Candela.

He just grasped Qi Ge's arm as if grasping a life-saving straw and asked:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, Petra's life is so good, has he found his ideal hometown?

Have all the dead fairies come back to life?

Especially...especially, have those goblins who were killed by me survived? "

Seven Doves looked into Candela's eyes.

Those bloodshot red eyes were like a person in desperate situation, longing for final judgment or redemption.

Over the past forty years, Candela has probably been tortured by the self-blame in her heart, which is why she has such a violent emotional release now.

Qige closed her eyes, was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and said:

“Petra did not find Utopia.”

Kandra's eyes suddenly widened, her mouth opened slightly, and her body fell limply to the ground.

He sat blankly and muttered desperately:

" could it be? How could it not be?"

"Because there has never been any utopia, nor any fairy god.

To create the fairy's happiness,

It's all up to the goblin himself. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the mission: Petra’s Ambition (Eternal Frost City)]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: Utopia! 】

Global Games: Chess Players of the Past

This book is also called:

"Save the world by playing chess?" Then it is my duty to do so! 》

"The whole world has become a copy, and the dragon is coming to Tokyo at the beginning!" ! ! 》

"The teammates are actually a Sanwu girl from Iceland and a Japanese girl who can turn into a red dragon"

"There is indeed something wrong with my youthful monster-fighting words"

Introduction: Global gamification, Anson Lu never thought that because he was so good at playing chess, he would awaken a unique sequence among all mankind - the ancient chess players.

Obtain extraordinary chess types and form a high-intensity chess group. In the boss crusade against the world, Anson Deer, a former chess player, can become an army by himself.

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