The successive appearance of mythical soldiers and mermaids finally made the two so-called [Sons of God] of the Centaur tribe more honest.

Without their coercion, Sally could finally tell the truth.

Qi Ge took "The Revelation of God" from the reluctant Sally and read it carefully.

This so-called "Revelation of God" is actually a comic book, and the style of the painting is exactly the same as the sand paintings that Rem made with sand.

In the margins of these "Revelation of God" comics, there are many Centaur words.

These words record the wonderful interpretations of Remsa paintings by priests of all ages.

For example, there is a picture of Rem taking a centaur to plant cabbage, which is how the sacrifices explained it.

[Rem is the God of Reproduction.

Rem brought centaurs to her Majesty to plant cabbage, explaining that eating more cabbage will give birth to more centaurs. 】

[In the revelation of God, Rem wears a flower crown on her head and looks at the centaur planting cabbage.

The flower crown symbolizes courage, which means that eating cabbage can make the centaur more brave and not afraid of difficulties. 】

There is not much text next to the comic, which means that only centaur priests who have reached a certain level can leave text next to the comic.

The explanations of these words are also more and more outrageous, filled with the beautiful imagination of "believers" about "gods".

It is worth mentioning that among all comics, there are a few that are the most critical.

Those paintings formed a story, roughly describing the invasion of Chaos and the scattering of the Centaur tribe.

Qi Ge noticed that in one of the paintings, Rem flew into the sky and turned into a large light bulb.

The next picture was of Rem descending from the sky.

After that, Rem was missing from all the comics.

"Has Rem died since then?"

Qi Ge thoughtfully returned "God's Revelation" to Sally.

When Sally took "God's Revelation", her eyes lit up and she couldn't help but smile.

Qi Ge smiled slightly and asked:

"What? Are you surprised that I will return "God's Revelation" to you?

Don't worry, unlike the two heroes behind you, I won't steal "God's Revelation". "

"How do you know that my "God's Revelation" was..."

Sally's eyes widened in surprise. Just as she opened her mouth, she immediately realized that she had spilled the beans and quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

Qi Ge smiled slightly:

"Curious why I know?

Pretty simple, I guess.

"God's Revelation" records the sand paintings drawn by Rem's Majesty. Only centaur priests with high enough levels can leave writing on them.

This means that in your lineage of great priests, the status of "God's Revelation" must be very high.

You are the high priest under Rem's crown.

The "Revelation of God", which has such a high status in your line of high priests, logically should be carried by you.

But you want to read "The Revelation of God" and you still want them to give it to you?

This is simply unreasonable.

In addition, when we meet and talk, it seems that you represent all centaurs, but the two of them can interrupt at will, and even forcefully change your decision without considering your thoughts.

In fact, you have no rights at all. You have been ignored for a long time, right? "

Sally lowered her head and said nothing.

But sometimes, silence is also an answer.

"I saw it recorded in the "Revelation of God" that since the first high priest, the heroic path of each of your high priests is to welcome Rem's return.

Because of this, in these long thousand years, your line of high priests has not produced a single hero.

You are so devout to Her Majesty Rem, how could you hand over the books recording Her Majesty Rem’s revelations to others unless you have absolutely no choice? "

Sally remained silent.

Qige then asked:

"I'm a little surprised. You are the high priest of Her Majesty Rem, and Her Majesty Rem is coming soon.

But they are still restricting you.

How dare they?

Aren't they afraid of the divine punishment from the crown of Rem?

As a friend of Her Majesty Rem, I cannot accept that her followers should be treated like this.

If you have anything to hide, feel free to tell me and I will stand up for you. "

[System prompt: The Centaur High Priest’s favorability towards you is +20, currently 80 (grateful)]

Perhaps it was Qi Ge's sincere words that moved Sally. Sally glanced behind her to make sure that the distance between Kacha and Katon was far enough, and then she whispered:

"Lord Lord.

You guessed it right.

I have long been dismissed.

If Kacha and Katun hadn't happened to be two brothers, and I had been working hard to get around each other, I might have become the chief's wife of the Father God tribe.

After the Chaos Catastrophe, the Mother Goddess sacrificed herself to disperse the Centaur tribe and teleport it to all parts of the world.

Our [Mother Goddess Tribe], which believes in Mother Goddess Rem, and [Father Goddess Tribe], which believes in Father God Chiron, happened to be teleported together.

The Mother Goddess died, but the Father God was still alive.

The powerful Father God Chiron is like a flag, and more and more centaurs belonging to the Mother Goddess tribe have joined the Father God tribe.

Our Mother Goddess tribe is also gradually declining.

Later, Chaos invaded again, and all the Centaurs fought against Chaos under the leadership of Father God.

In the end, Father God was sacrificed, Chaos was destroyed by us, and we were able to survive and multiply to this day.

After the death of the Father God, his descendants became more and more ambitious, and gradually began to cannibalize the tribes that believed in the Mother God, either overtly or covertly.

By my teacher’s generation, the Father God tribe even began to use force to threaten our Mother God tribe to merge with them.

As a last resort, my teacher had no choice but to hand over the "Revelation of God" to the Father God Tribe so that the Mother Goddess Tribe could be preserved.

As for why Kacha and Katun are not afraid of the punishment of the Mother Goddess...

Because, Kacha and Katun are the chief and second chiefs of the Father God tribe, and they are also the direct descendants of Father God Chiron.

According to the legend from the Father God tribe, the Father God Chiron and the Mother Goddess Rem are husband and wife.

Therefore, they firmly believe that they are not only descendants of the father god Chiron, but also descendants of the mother god Rem.

To them, the priests of our Mother Goddess tribe, no matter how much they believe in the Mother Goddess, are just followers of the Mother Goddess.

How could they, who claim to be descendants of the Mother Goddess, fear the punishment of the Mother Goddess? "

Qi Ge asked doubtfully:

“Where is Father God’s tribe?

Don’t you, the Mother Goddess tribe, think that Cha Rong and Rem are husband and wife? "


Priests throughout the ages have never recorded that the Mother Goddess and the Father God were husband and wife.

According to the records of the predecessors, even God the Father himself has not personally admitted this.

But we have no definite way to prove that they are not.

The truth may only be known to Father God and Mother God themselves.

As believers in God, we dare not discuss the affairs of God indiscriminately. "

Qi Ge frowned in confusion and asked:

"So it seems that you centaurs are not a whole, but divided into two factions?"


There are only three tribes that belong to the lineage of our Mother God, and the remaining 623 tribes all follow the lineage of the Father God. "

Sally held "God's Revelation" and whispered:

“Return to Lord Seven Pigeons.

Some time ago, I felt the call of "God's Revelation" and realized that the Mother Goddess had revived.

Originally, I only wanted to bring the three tribes belonging to our Mother Goddess’ lineage.

But Kacha and Kadun insisted on bringing all the tribes with them, and there was nothing I could do to stop them. "

No wonder.

Qi Ge touched his chin.

When Rem joined the City of God's Choice, I remember the system told me that only three tribes felt Rem's call, but in the end more than 600 tribes came.

It turns out that most of them are not Rem’s followers.

Hum hum…

Our God's Chosen City will soon be upgraded to a county city, which is when we need manpower.

I also have a miracle building [Centaur Campfire Tent Group], which can provide five logistics units:

Centaur weaver,

Centaur Hunting Captain,

centaur botanist,

Centaur skilled miner,

Centaur Tavern Chef.

Those who weave, those who hunt, those who farm, those who mine, and those who cook, all work together.

Confucius said that it is a great pleasure to have friends come from far away.

The centaurs are already here, so they have to do some work before leaving, right?

Labor is a kind of enjoyment, and maybe they won’t want to leave while doing it.

Even if they really want to leave, what if their leg suddenly breaks and they can't walk?

Qi Ge put a bright and warm smile on his face and said to Sally:

"No matter which god you believe in, you are all members of Rem's family.

Rem and I have a close relationship.

The people under Rem’s crown are my people.

I feel guilty if I don't treat you well.

Come sit in my territory first, and I will show you around. When the dinner is arranged, Your Majesty Rem will definitely come back. "

Qige didn't give Sally a chance to refuse, so she stood up and clapped her hands vigorously.

"Mermaids, send our guests ashore!"

"Yes! His Majesty the Sea King!"

A group of mermaids responded delicately and dived into the sea one after another.

When Kacha saw this scene, he ran over in a panic and asked rather harshly:

"You, what do you want to do?

We are not going anywhere, we have to wait here for the Mother Goddess.

At worst, we should stay away from your territory and go to the head office outside the sea, right? "

Qige glanced at him disdainfully and said:

"Don't want to go ashore? That's okay.

Then you pick out your tribe, I will only take Sally and her tribe. "

Near the raft group, Zhang Fu sat on the Yuanlong turtle and marveled.

“The boss is so cruel.

I know the psychology of those two dog-licking centaurs very well.

No licking dog can watch the goddess in his mind being taken away by a handsome boy.

Let them watch the boss take Sally ashore alone, while they can only sit there and imagine what will happen to the boss and Sally in the future.


That would be even worse than killing them, and they would definitely not be able to bear it. "

Zhang Fu's guess was correct.

After listening to Qi Ge's words, Ka Cha and Ka Dun were so angry that they even forgot about fear and immediately shouted:

"You! What do you want to do to Sally?"

"Don't even think about it. Even if we are beaten to death by you, we will still follow Sally."

"You said it yourself. Let's go!"

Qi Ge gave the order and the sea immediately rose.

Under the control of the mermaids, the sea suddenly rose.

The sea water condensed into a water cube, and the rafts and centaurs moved towards the shore together.

When the centaurs on the raft group saw this scene, they screamed in horror.

"Oh my god, the water is rising."

"A miracle! This is a miracle!

It must be a miracle from the Mother Goddess. "

Some centaurs who had never seen the world were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

Kacha and Kadun turned pale when they saw this scene.

Seven Pigeons can lift the entire raft group, and it is naturally easy to overturn the raft group.

They realized more clearly how big the gap in strength between Seven Pigeons and them was.

In order to prevent the south undead city wall from leaving a bad impression on the centaurs, Qi Ge thoughtfully led them around and disembarked from the Elf City area near the cliff.

The elven city is covered with giant trees of all sizes, and the centaurs enjoy the natural flavor.

Under the order of Qi Ge, Petra, who rushed back to the City of God's Choice in advance, had prepared a series of visit plans and was waiting for the centaurs to come.

In fact, there was nothing to prepare. Petra directly took out the plan from the last time the Medusa family joined the Chosen City, changed it, and used it directly.

There are more than 50,000 centaurs, and it would be extremely difficult to arrange a visit to them all.

Qi Ge doesn’t want to cause trouble for himself.

Therefore, under Qi Ge's friendly advice, most of the centaurs stayed outside the walls of the Elf City to rest, and only 655 tribal representatives entered the God's Chosen City.

These tribal representatives are basically the chiefs or priests of each tribe, and they are the people with decision-making power.

This time, Qi Ge took them on a tour in person.

"Oh my God.

So much magic! "

As soon as they entered the City of God's Choice, the spell-casting soldiers in the Centaur delegation began to breathe hard.

“Father God is above.

I feel like countless magic powers are entering my body. Even if I am not meditating, I can feel the surge of magic power in my body.

Such rich magic power has not caused any harm to my body?

The movement of these magics as they wrapped around me was so gentle, as if I was lying in my mother's arms. "

"A miracle! This must be a miracle! Only the great mother goddess Rem can create such a miraculous place."

Both Kacha and Kadun's expressions were a little ugly.

As heroes, they can also feel this strong magical atmosphere.

The thought that this place was the territory of the bastard Lord Qi Ge made them itchy, as if there were dwarves crawling on them.

Qi Ge took a peek at Ka Cha and Ka Dun's expressions and smiled secretly.

He deliberately turned his head and asked Sally, who had the same excited expression:

"How do you like it? Do you like the magic of my territory?"

Sally put a hand on her chest and said excitedly:

"It's incredible.

I never thought there was such a wonderful place in the world.

Lord, your territory is a paradise for us spellcasters. "

Sally's praise was like a heart-piercing sharp knife, piercing deeply into the hearts of Click and Chiron.

Their expressions suddenly became uncomfortable, a bit indignant.

Qi Ge smiled softly and continued to ask deliberately:

"Then if you were asked to live here, would you be willing?"

Click:? ? ?

Kadun:! ! !


Sally was also a little surprised when she heard Qi Ge's inquiry. She said hesitantly:

"Lord, thank you for your kindness.

I am a priest of the Mother Goddess, and I need to be with the Mother Goddess all the time.

Besides, I still have my tribe to take care of. "

Seeing the obviously relieved expressions of Kacha and Katun, Qige continued to do mischief:

“Sally, you don’t need to think so much.

Even if you say you are willing to stay, I will not force you to stay.

I just want to ask you, if you don’t have your identity as a priest, and you don’t have the concern of the tribe, but you are just a simple person, would you be willing to stay and live in my territory? "

"Damn it, he actually asked Sally such a question! Isn't this the same as a proposal?"

"Brother, you are right.

That bastard scumbag lord must be plotting against Sally! "

Kacha and Katun became even more nervous, and both of them moved closer unconsciously.

"You must refuse!"

"Sally, you must not be fooled!"

Sally glanced at Qi Ge's face, hesitated, took a deep breath, and said:

"If that's the case.

I-I'd love to stay.

After all, it is difficult for our magic-casting troops to resist such a unique place with strong magic power. "

"Sally! No, don't be fooled!"

"Oh, my heart hurts."

Seeing the sudden painful expressions on Kacha and Gaodun's faces, Qi Ge smiled mischievously.

He turned around noncommittally and whispered:

"Oh, that's right, I understand."

Qige's voice suddenly became louder.

"Everyone, follow me closely and go a little faster. We will arrive at the first scenic spot soon."

Qi Ge led the centaurs around the Cabbage King Farm and set off towards the [Centaur Campfire Tent].

Before arriving at the [Centaur Campfire Tent], the centaurs who came to visit began to gradually become restless, and many even stopped.

"What's going on? I feel like my two hearts are beating faster and faster."

"Me too, it feels like I'm running to the limit on the prairie."

Along the way, the gray-faced Kacha suddenly jumped out as if he had found some opportunity.

"That lord, did you do something you shouldn't have done?

I warn you, more than 50,000 of our loyal tribesmen are waiting outside your city.

If we can’t go back, they won’t let you go!”


I said that I am a friend of His Majesty Rem, and I will not harm you, so don’t worry.

As for the throbbing in your hearts now, it is probably because the destination we are about to arrive has a slight connection with your Centaur clan. "

Qi Ge took a few steps forward, led the centaurs around a bush blocking the road, pointed to the group of tents with flags flying in front, and said loudly:

"Welcome to my miracle building, [Centaur Campfire Tent]!"

"This is!"

The centaurs who came to visit all stared at the tents, and their footsteps gradually approached involuntarily.

The familiar architectural style made their moods fluctuate.

“This is the tent built by our centaur clan, I can’t mistake it.

You see, there is a centaur statue on top of that tent. "

"Is this where the Mother Goddess lives? This must be the Mother Goddess' kingdom."

The centaur shouted while casting a fiery gaze towards Qi Ge.

Qi Ge smiled and nodded to them and said:

"Please, I originally planned for you to visit."

With Seven Pigeons' approval, the centaurs ran into the [Centaur Campfire Tent] one after another.

The expressions on the faces of the centaurs who entered the [Centaur Campfire Tent] became comfortable and peaceful.

They all murmured to themselves with dull eyes:

"Oh my God, why do I feel as if all my burdens have been lifted off me as soon as I enter here? My body and mind feel so relaxed?"

"The Kingdom of God! This must be the Kingdom of God. Only the Mother Goddess's Kingdom can have such magical power."

Qi Ge clapped his hands gently, and the bonfire in the middle of the [Centaur Campfire Tent] automatically burned without wind or wood.

Warm flames and glow instantly filled the entire tent community.

An old centaur was illuminated by the fire, and suddenly straightened his back and shouted loudly:

"Ah! This indescribable joy! Why, why do I feel so happy?

My body is full of power, no, I want to vent, I want to vent my happiness! "


As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to tear apart his clothes, and then he was about to untie the tail armor on his horse's butt.

The two centaurs next to him immediately grabbed him:

"Old man, no, this is the kingdom of the Mother Goddess, please calm down."

"blasphemy, blasphemy! Old man, what do you want to do?!"

"Let me go, I want to vent!!"

When Qi Ge saw this scene, he smiled as if everything was going according to plan.

[Centaur Campfire Tent] itself has a 100% attraction bonus to the Centaur people, and after Rem moves in, this bonus increases by 100%.

Under normal circumstances, providing stable food and comfortable shelter can only create a 50% attraction bonus.

200%, it's hard for these centaurs not to go crazy.

Centaurs sing or dance, go crazy or are peaceful, all expressing their love for the [Centaur Campfire Tent] in different ways.

In the chaotic scene of demons, only Sally was the calmest.

She kept looking around and kept mumbling:

"I've seen this place and this scene before, I've definitely seen it before!"

Sally ignored the stinging grass and sat on the ground, holding "The Revelation of God" and flipping through it frantically.

"Not this, not this, not this...

found it!

ah! I found it! "

Sally exclaimed regardless of the image, raised "God's Revelation" high, and shouted loudly:

"This is it!

Exactly the same! It is exactly the same as the picture in "God's Enlightenment"!

This is the centaur tent!

Before the invasion of Chaos, only the strongest, bravest and wisest ancestors could live here.

Both Father God and Mother God once lived here! "


There was a sudden cry of exclamation, and the centaurs gathered around Sally and stretched their necks to take a hard look.

"That's right! It's really the same. Even the centaur statue on the tent is the same!"

"The divine tent! This is the divine tent where our ancestors lived!"

When the centaurs confirmed that it was correct, their emotions became even more excited.

Kacha approached a tent, knelt on the ground, held a corner of the tent and said to himself:

"Ancestor, your descendants are back!

After thousands of years of displacement, we have finally returned to you. "

Katon grabbed Kacha's hand and was equally excited:

"Brother! We have recovered our ancestors' divine tent! Our ancestors will definitely be proud of us."


At this moment, Seven Pigeons stood beside them and said:

"You may have a little misunderstanding.

I said, this is my territory.

Likewise, [Centaur Campfire Tent] is also mine. "

Qi Ge's words were like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, shaking both Kacha and Katun to the point of being frozen in place.

“What?! Yours?

How can this be!

You're not even a centaur!"

“This must be a miracle that came with the Mother Goddess when she was resurrected.

You despicable person, you actually want to take our king's account for yourself. "

Kacha and Katun shouted very loudly, attracting all the surrounding centaurs.

Even Sally looked here with curious and doubtful eyes.

The numerical advantage and the gaze of their own kind seemed to rekindle their courage.

Sally's gaze added a whole liter of No. 92 gasoline to their fire of courage, making their fire of courage burn brightly.

"The Ancestral God's Tent is the sacred place of our centaur clan, and we will never allow an outsider like you to desecrate it!"

"That's it! That's it! Maybe we two brothers were at fault before at sea, but this time the truth is definitely on our side.

No matter how powerful you, an outsider, are, the ancestral tent belongs to our centaur clan.

You can beat us, but can you beat the Mother Goddess?

If you want to take over the ancestral divine tent, the Mother Goddess will never sit idly by. "

"Hahaha, what an arrogant statement."

Qi Ge raised his head and laughed.

"There must be a limit to the frog in the well, otherwise it will only make people laugh.

Since you don't believe what I say, let someone who can convince you tell you. "

Qi Ge bowed slightly toward the sky and said loudly:

"Your Majesty Rem, please come here!"

"Ah! The Mother Goddess has arrived!"

Kacha and Katun's legs softened and they immediately knelt down.

There was a loud banging sound, and all the centaurs knelt on the ground involuntarily, looking up to the sky.

But as a result, the sky was completely blue, with only a few scattered clouds floating slightly.

Kacha asked angrily:

"Lord Stinky! Are you kidding us? Where is the Mother Goddess?"

"Don't worry, let the train fly."

boom! ! !

A blast sounded in the air, and Leeroy broke through the clouds and rushed down!


"what is that?!"

With the centaur's exclamation, Leeroy began to transform rapidly.

One after another, magic clouds sprayed out from under Leeroy King, slowly slowing Leeroy King down.

Ferry stuck his head out of the train window and shouted:

"Seven Pigeons!!! I brought Sister Rem back!"

Qi Ge smiled slightly and waved:

"Thanks a lot!"

"Pass it! Pass it! Legendary hero!"

Kacha looked at Fei Rui and was inexplicably shocked.

"That aura is definitely that of a legendary hero! Why would a legendary hero greet that smelly lord so intimately?

Isn't that smelly lord an ordinary hero? "

Before Kacha could figure it out, Leeroy's door suddenly opened.

Rem stretched her body gracefully and jumped down from the air.

She kept jumping lightly on the magic clouds in the sky, with a calm and peaceful expression.

"Mother Goddess! Your Majesty the Mother Goddess!"

"Mother Goddess! Really the Mother Goddess!"

Although this was their first meeting, all the centaurs present felt their hearts being touched the moment they saw Rem.

Translucent threads of faith followed their bodies and connected to Rem.

They immediately understood that this was the [God of Reproduction and Creation] that they had believed in since ancient times.

"Great God! Your 367th generation High Priest Sally, welcome your arrival!

After one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight years of praying and watching, I have finally waited for your return. "

Sally looked at Rem's voice in the sky and cried with joy, her voice trembling:

"Oh God! You are finally back!

Please stand in front of us again and guide us on the way forward.

Please allow us to continue to follow behind you and kiss the land you walk on.

Just like what we did in one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight years. "

Sally looked at Rem and finished reciting this prayer with a trembling voice.

This prayer was written by the first high priest on the inside cover of "The Revelation of God" from 1628.

This section of the prayer has been revised one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight times by three hundred and sixty-seven generations of high priests.

As if she had completed a mission that spanned a thousand years, Sally kowtowed hard to the ground.


With a loud sound, Sally and Rem's bodies lit up at the same time.

The powerful light of advancement surrounded Sally. At this moment, Sally successfully ascended from the level 5 miracle unit Centaur High Priest to a hero!

Sally's sublimated light caught Rem's attention.

Rem fell from the air and landed just in front of Sally, looking at Sally with a smile.

"Mother Goddess!" Sally was so excited that she couldn't speak incoherently. "Great, great..."

Without saying anything, Rem suddenly took out a huge cabbage king and stuffed it into Sally's hand.

She patted the Cabbage King lightly, and the Cabbage King turned into light and merged into Sally's body.

Sally was suddenly stunned and tried to stand up, but failed.

Her body shook and she suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.



Two voices sounded at the same time, and both Kacha and Katon shouted nervously.

Rem blinked and jumped in front of Qi Ge with a slight jump.

She condensed the sand on the ground to form a sand painting.

On the screen, Sally had a big mouth and was eating a bunch of cabbage kings.

Qi Ge knocked his hands and said:

"Oh! I remembered it! When a soldier becomes a hero, he needs a lot of food.

The greater the leap a unit takes to become a hero, the more food it needs.

Your Majesty, Rem, you mean that the King of Cabbage is not enough and you want me to give Sally more King of Cabbage? "

Rem's eyes curled up and she nodded with a smile.

How could Qi Ge miss this opportunity to increase Rem's favorability?

"no problem!"

He immediately walked over to Sally, took out the cabbage king one by one, and smashed it on Sally.

“You’ll definitely get tired of just eating Cabbage King.

Come on, Sentai! Magic bread! Deep sea lobster! Snow leopard meat!

Long sword tuna.

Eat, eat hard, and don't be polite to your brother. "

Qige did not hesitate to take out all kinds of high-end food and smashed it hard!

With Qige's support at all costs, Sally soon woke up quietly.

She opened her eyes just in time to see Qi Ge holding a cabbage king and smashing it into her face.


The Cabbage King turned into light and merged into her body, also startling her:

"Yeah! Such a big thing was stuffed in at once."

Book Title: The Supreme Will and Wildfire

If there was another planet in the vast universe, the residents there would also be human beings for some special reasons.

Living in extreme circumstances, will they rise up to resist, or will they just sink?

This is an adventure story with a cyberpunk worldview. It tells the story of an ordinary person who, due to the willfulness of a certain life form, has to go through life and death many times, tossing and turning, and finally burns himself for his ideals. Su Can is actually just one of you and me.

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