Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 453 Food Temptation


Qi Ge's hand holding up the Cabbage King suddenly froze.

Sally got up from the ground, first looked around her body, then glanced at Qige gratefully, and said:

"Lord, thank you, I'm much better."

Then, she jumped up to Rem's side and knelt down devoutly.

"God! High Priest Sally is on standby."

Rem smiled and rubbed Sally's head, then pulled Sally up from the ground.

Soon, a sand painting was formed around Rem.

On the screen, Seven Pigeons and Rem stood together, while Sally led many centaurs and bowed their heads to Seven Pigeons and Rem.

Sally's eyes lit up, and the power of interpretation from more than three hundred generations of her predecessors was immediately integrated into her body.

She exclaimed loudly:

"Mother God, you stand together with Lord Seven Doves and accept our worship?

Oh my gosh! Mother Goddess, are you married to Lord Seven Doves? ! Lord Seven Doves is our new Father God? ! "


Click:? ?

Kadun:? ? ?

All the centaurs: Σ(⊙▽⊙!!!

Rem's expression darkened.

She reached out, grabbed a wooden stick made of sand, and gently hit Sally on the head.


Seeing Sally covering her head with tears in her eyes, Qi Ge almost laughed out loud.

Rem used sand to condense the sand painting again, but the content of the sand painting remained unchanged.

Qi Ge approached Rem and the others, coughed, and said:

"I think Your Majesty Rem may want you, Sally, to bring your tribe and be loyal to me."

This time Rem nodded with a smile and turned the sand into a thumbs up!

"I understand."

Without any hesitation, Sally immediately bowed to Qi Ge and said:

"Lord, all three hundred and twenty-four members of the Mother Goddess tribe pray to become your subjects.

Please accept us. "

[System prompt: Congratulations player, a total of 323 centaurs and one centaur hero admire you and request to join your territory. Do you accept it? 】

Of course I agree!

Qi Ge glanced at Ka Cha and Ka Dun invisibly, deliberately held Sally's hands, and said solemnly:

"I'm honored that you would join my domain, especially you, Sally."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, you have obtained the allegiance of 323 centaurs and one centaur hero. 】

Qi Ge immediately glanced at the panel. All the newly added centaurs had a favorable opinion and loyalty of around sixty.

But there is a small bracket behind their goodwill and loyalty.

(Rem believer +30)

Qi Ge immediately understood that these centaurs were following Rem. As long as Rem was around, their favorability would be increased by 30 points.

After the final settlement, the favorability and loyalty of all centaurs will become above 90.

What a good guy, once he enters the territory, he becomes a good citizen that no one can drive away.

Qi Ge quickly looked at Sally's panel, this one was even more exaggerated.

(Rem fanatic +100)

Sally's basic favorability and loyalty were already high, and this bonus was worth two hundred.

Before Qi Ge could check Sally's specific attributes, two unsightly guys shouted:

"Ancestor! You must not do that! If Sally joins his territory, isn't that just throwing wine into the dwarves' den - just giving it away?"

"Yes, ancestor, please don't be deceived by him. He is a villain who wants to take over our ancestor's divine account!"

Oh ho.

Qige glanced sympathetically at Kacha and Katun.

These two guys don’t even think about why I’m so confident even though Rem is here?

Come on, Your Majesty Rem, teach them a lesson and let them know who has the final say in this God's Chosen City!

Contrary to Qi Ge's expectations, when faced with Ka Cha and Ka Dun's unreasonable demands, Rem not only did not get angry, but instead used sand to transform into a pair of palms and gently rubbed their heads.

Qige:? ? ?

Well, what's going on?

Are the legends from the Father God tribe true?

Rem is really Chiron's wife, and these two fools are really Rem's descendants?

Then Rem won't help them deal with me, right?

Qi Ge quickly took a look at Rem's loyalty and favor, and confirmed that both values ​​were above 90 and had not changed, so he felt relieved.


With the caress of Sand's hand, Kacha and Gaoden gradually became calmer and no longer so anxious.

The two palms of sand split open in the air and formed a huge sand painting again.

In the sand painting, seven doves stand on a high altar, with their backs to all living beings.

Rem stood behind the seven pigeons, and countless centaurs followed Rem and kowtowed to the seven pigeons.

Immediately afterwards, the sand painting changed.

Near the City of God's Choice, the centaurs carried wood and stones, set up tents, lit bonfires, and built a centaur tent village.

Such an easy-to-understand sand painting does not require Sally to use her imagination to interpret it.

Even those two fools could understand it.

"Mother Goddess, do you mean that we should also swear allegiance to this lord?!"

"Ah! Why?"

Both Kacha and Katon froze on the spot, looking panicked.

They never expected that their god not only did not stand on their side, but began to help outsiders.

Qi Ge touched his chin.

If Rem wants her to accept more than 50,000 centaurs into the God's Chosen City, she will definitely refuse.

Judging from the looks of Kacha and Katun, it was clear that these centaurs must have doubts about their favor and loyalty.

The sudden appearance of so many centaurs in the territory was like a bunch of time bombs that might explode one day.

But it's different to let these centaurs build separate villages near the City of God's Choice.

In this way, the labor force of these centaurs can be utilized without harming the peace and stability of God's Chosen City.

Using the favorable conditions of the God's Chosen City as bait, Qi Ge can continue to select centaurs with sufficient loyalty from the centaur villages and accept them into the God's Chosen City.

For Qi Ge, this is a good thing with no harm at all.

Unfortunately, Kacha and Katon seem to be a bit opposed to it.


This is something you don’t want to do, so don’t blame me.

Qi Ge held Sally’s hand and said softly:

"Your Majesty Rem, since these two brothers are unwilling, then forget it.

It is not my wish to force others to do what they want.

Having Sally by my side was enough. "


"Asshole! Put your hands down!"

Kacha and Kadun were so angry that one soul left their body and the other two souls ascended to heaven.

"Look, Ancestor, this bastard must have had an affair with Sally Tu."

"Ancestor, you were blinded by him!"

Rem didn't answer, she just looked at them with pity and sighed silently.

Although no sound came from Rem's mouth, the centaurs present felt a long sigh echoing in their bodies, making their internal organs tremble.

A sad emotion filled their hearts, almost making them cry.

Kacha and Kadun, who were acting like monsters, suddenly felt heart palpitations, and their minds were filled with regrets. They almost fell to the ground, crying and begging Rem for forgiveness.

Rem waved gently, and dust surged into the sky, covering the entire city of God's Choice.

An unprecedented giant sand painting covers all directions.

In the sand painting, seven pigeons stand high in the sky.

Four-leaf clover, magic book, gold coins, shield, earth, fire, running water, storm, blazing sun, and ocean are all surrounding the seven doves.

Goblins, humans, centaurs, dwarves...

Countless races followed the seven doves and held high the flag of God's Chosen City.

The sand painting only existed for a moment, and then turned into dust that filled the sky and rustled down.

Creating this sand painting seemed to consume a lot of Rem's strength, and even the light surrounding Rem dimmed a bit.

"This is……"

The click and click were extremely shocking.

After a while, he gritted his teeth, bowed to Qige and said:

“We cannot fully understand what our ancestors meant, but since our ancestors ordered it, we should obey it.

Lord Seven Doves, we are willing to join your service and drive for you. "

Katon moved on the spot twice uneasily, and then lowered his head.

"Lord Seven Doves, we are willing to join your service."

“I feel like these two guys will cause a lot of trouble if we accept them.

Can we just accept the other centaurs and not these two idiots? "

Qi Ge was still hesitating, so Rem gently held Qi Ge's hand and looked at Qi Ge seriously.

"Hey, I understand.

Since it is Rem’s honor to grant your wishes. "

Qi Ge turned around and said to them:

"I accept your allegiance."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, all 53214 centaurs admire you and have joined your chosen city. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, Hero Kacha admires you and has become your deputy hero. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, the hero Katun admires you and has become your deputy hero. 】

Qi Ge immediately opened the panels of Kacha and Katun and took a look. The basic favorability and loyalty were only 40, and the bonus given by Rem was only 10, which was just over the passing line of 50. They were the type who could rebel at any time.

This level of loyalty and favorability was not beyond Qi Ge's expectations.

But when Qi Ge saw their attributes, he frowned deeply.


Level: 15

Attack 28, Defense 30, Ability Power 0, Knowledge 0

Specialty: When carrying a centaur, the damage taken by all centaurs is reduced by 20%.

Auxiliary skills: advanced defense, advanced resistance, advanced reconnaissance. 】


Level: 15

Attack 30, Defense 28, Ability Power 0, Knowledge 0

Specialty: When carrying a centaur, the damage dealt by all centaurs is increased by 20%.

Auxiliary skills: advanced offensive skills, advanced resistance skills, advanced logistics skills. 】

The auxiliary skills and specialties of Kacha and Kadun are not outstanding, they are just the most common ordinary heroes in the Yasha world.

But their attribute points are interesting.

Magic power and knowledge are both 0.

And their attack and defense are astonishingly high.

Among the two's offense and defense, one attribute has reached the upper limit of ordinary heroes, and the other attribute is infinitely close to the upper limit.

This doesn't make sense.

As far as Qi Ge knows, the basic attribute panel of heroes in the Yasha world is four 1s, also known as the Four Ones.

In other words, even a pseudo-hero who relies on hero orders to advance should have at least 1 point in knowledge and spell power.

Could it be...

With a thought in his mind, Qi Ge quickly opened Sally's panel.


Grade 1

Attack 0, Defense 0, Ability Power 13, Knowledge 12

Specialty: All centaurs are significantly more efficient at non-combat tasks.

Auxiliary skills: primary wisdom, primary manufacturing]

Sally's attack and defense are 0, but her spell power and knowledge are very high?

Lord Rem should know the reason for this.

Qi Ge quickly looked at Rem, and happened to meet Rem's gentle eyes.

"Your Majesty Rem, I discovered that Kacha, Kadun and Sally all have special attributes. Do you know the reason?"

Rem smiled slightly and looked at Sally.

Sally understood immediately and explained to Qige:

"Lord Lord.

Here's how it goes.

In the ancient times of our centaur clan, in order to live a better life in the world of Yasha, our centaur ancestors held a ceremony with the help of the Mother God and the Father God.

Men leave their wisdom and creativity to women;

Women left fighting and martial prowess to men.

Since then, our centaur men have become more powerful and powerful, and our women have become more clever and intelligent.

But as a price, the women of our tribe have become weak in physical strength and not good at fighting, and the men have become clumsy and reckless.

But this also allows us, the Centaur clan, to have a better social division of labor.

Men can specialize in heavy physical labor such as hunting and fighting, while women can better engage in tasks such as textiles and planting that require higher intelligence.

Because of this, our centaur family is able to thrive and survive in the world of Yasha. "

Qi Ge was greatly shocked.

Is there such an operation?

Centaur women give muscles and strength to men, and men give brains to women?

I said that when I was a little mare in the historical echo, how could I run out of breath after taking two steps?

I thought it was because Nako was being tossed around so much.

It turned out to be due to innate limitations.

Qi Ge suddenly realized why Ka Cha and Ka Dun looked like idiots.

It turns out that they are really brainless!

Depend on!

Co-author: Did I just bully two mentally disabled people?

Qi Ge immediately no longer wanted to argue with Ka Cha and Ka Dun.

What's the point of bullying a fool?

Rem waved gently and summoned a sand painting.

In the sand painting, she stands in the middle of many centaurs and prays silently.

A portal opened in the air, and many centaurs were carrying various supplies out of the portal.

"Your Majesty Rem, do you want me to take you to find those centaurs?"

Rem smiled and nodded.

"Okay, we'll leave right away."

When they arrived outside the city of God's Choice, where the centaurs were resting, Qi Ge realized what the prestige of a god was.

Rem just stood in front of them, and they all knelt down with cheers.

Under the leadership of Sally, the centaurs shouted towards Mount Rem.

"Great [God of Reproduction and Creation], we sincerely ask you to please lead us again onto the path of light."

More than 50,000 centaurs shouted at the same time, and the sound was deafening and resounded through the sky.

Rem stood in front of the centaurs and waved her staff gently.

A large amount of sand flew up out of thin air, forming a sand gate.

In the center of the sand gate, a bright white light lit up.

When the light dissipated, the distant Centaur hometown was linked to the City of God's Choice.

Under Sally's command, the centaurs entered the sand gate in an orderly manner and began to carry their belongings.

During the entire process, no centaur raised any questions.

It was as if they fully accepted their future destiny and acted very peacefully.

“When a race has a god, it can easily become like this.

They gave up their own thinking and gave everything to God.

God decides, God takes responsibility, and God carries the burden.

If God is wrong, this race is wrong. "

Qige stood beside Rem and asked softly:

"Your Majesty Rem, leave all your clan members to me, do you just trust me so much?

What if I kill all your people? "

Rem looked at Qi Ge, smiled with crooked eyes, and did not answer.

The migration of fifty thousand centaurs was much faster than Qi Ge had imagined.

It's not dark yet, and the centaur village has been built on the grassland east of God's Choice City.

This location is less than two kilometers away from the city of God's Choice. At the speed of a centaur, it can be reached in half an hour's walk.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining a new village. 】

[System prompt: Centaur, the main race in the new village. 】

[System prompt: Players are asked to name the new village. 】

"Central Village."

[The naming is completed, the new village is named Renma Village]

The completion of a village is just a foundation for a tall building.

In order for these centaurs to truly integrate into the City of God's Choice, Qi Ge still has a long way to go.

No rules, no standards.

First of all, what Qige has to do is to set down the rules.

Under the leadership of Rem, Qi Ge stood on the highest beacon tower in the centaur village and used amplification magic to shout loudly to all the centaurs:

"My fellow citizens, I am your city lord Qi Ge.

You must already know that you have joined the God's Chosen City

Although you may not necessarily understand why you joined and what you will do after joining.

But it doesn't matter, as time goes by, you will soon figure this out.

Moving here from your familiar hometown, you all need to start over.

Food, shelter, clothing... there will be many difficulties waiting for you.

But don’t worry, our God’s Chosen City will give you maximum support.

The current God’s Chosen City is my home.

In the City of God's Chosen, no matter the level, hero class, or soldier type, we are all brothers and sisters, loving relatives and friends.

All races live and work in peace and contentment in God's Chosen City, leaving early and returning early, leading a happy and fulfilling life.

I hope that God’s Chosen City can also become your home in the future.

I'm done. Thank you all. "

Rem took the lead in applauding, and Sally followed, followed by thunderous applause.

The general trend was such that even Kacha and Katun had to applaud with a shameful face.

Qi Ge's brief words kicked off the integration of God's Choice City and Centaur Village.

Petra took the goblin propaganda team that had been prepared for a long time and started the first wave of offensive in Centaur Village.

“Free food distribution!

Potato! Delicious baked potatoes!

The first wave of aid from God’s Chosen City has arrived!

Everyone, please line up and collect in an orderly manner! "

Food is the most important thing for the people.

Food opens the way and works better than any other means.

Soon, some doubtful centaurs came to the goblins' stall to ask.

After confirming again and again that these foods were free of charge, the centaurs quickly formed a long queue in front of the baked potato greenhouse.

These baked potatoes are anything but simple.

Qi Ge sprinkled the baked potatoes with the secret spice recipe he bought from the grilled fish stall in Longgue Port City.

This spice can promote saliva secretion and gastrointestinal motility, making people want to eat.

To put it simply, the more you smell it, the hungrier you get.

There are plenty of potatoes prepared in the potato greenhouse, so the aroma is particularly strong.

However, there are only a limited number of goblins who can distribute potatoes, resulting in slow distribution.

This was very painful for the centaurs waiting in line. They became more and more anxious as they waited, their hooves moving restlessly on the ground.

But Rem and Sally stood by to maintain order. No centaur dared to jump in line or attack the potato greenhouse in front of the Mother Goddess.

The first move is completed, and the second move immediately follows.

More and more food stalls are being transported from God's Chosen City.

Barbeque stall, cold moss stall, mushroom stall...

The food at these stalls is much higher quality than potatoes.

But these stalls are not distributed for free.

“The paved forests are in dire need of loggers.

Every 40 units of wood are exchanged for 1 gold coin salary.

Sign up now and receive three pieces of magic bread immediately!

Ready to go! "

"Lunhe Forest is recruiting forest moss breeders. All we need is female centaurs, and they will be paid 1 gold coin per day!

Sign up and get free moss! "

“Shenxuan City is looking for logistics porters. The position is simple, the process is short, and the income is high.

If you are interested, we will discuss it in detail. If we reach a cooperation agreement, we will give you a barbecue immediately! "

Goblins, cavemen, and Medusas all came out to set up job recruitment booths in a row.

Driven by hunger, the hungry centaurs involuntarily left the potato stall and went to the recruitment stall to inquire.

"Cut down a tree?

How can I get gold coins for such a simple thing? !

40 units of wood can be exchanged for 1 gold coin, I can chop it up!

Quick, quick, lead the way! "

"Moss grower, what do you do?"

"This lovely girl, the moss grower is the one who grows moss. You see, it's this kind of moss."

"But I can't."

"It doesn't matter, I'll be trained by a dedicated person, and I'll teach you and you'll know how to do it! I won't learn it anymore, until I master it."

In this way, what was originally a food donation with free potatoes was turned into a recruitment meeting by Qige.

Each recruitment booth was crowded with centaurs, and from time to time, centaurs who had successfully applied for jobs would eat delicious meals in the street.

This further stimulated the enthusiasm of the centaurs, and more and more centaurs signed temporary employment agreements with the recruitment booths.

Seeing this, Qi Ge showed a happy smile.

Instead of forcing the centaurs to organize and arrange labor production, it is better to adopt such an employment system first.

First, let the centaurs become familiar with the work rhythm and production rules of God's Chosen City, and gradually cultivate their sense of identification with God's Chosen City.

More importantly, in the process of working, the centaur will gradually discover that there are many jobs in the City of God's Choice that are more demanding but more remunerative.

For example, there are [Centaur Miners] who have military level requirements, [Centaur Marksmen] who need to take risks to fight, etc.

This will naturally stimulate the Centaur to use the [Centaur Campfire Tent] to upgrade into the corresponding troop type.

As the God's Chosen City expands, more and more job openings will become available, and all these centaurs will be sucked into the God's Chosen City and gradually become part of the God's Chosen City.

A stable life, abundant supplies, and abundant food will naturally make the centaurs gradually identify with the God's Chosen City.

By that time, loyalty and goodwill will not be a problem.

"Boss, this is awesome! This is done for you."

Zhang Fu looked at the bustling recruitment scene in front of him with admiration and asked:

“Boss, the Centaur matter is settled, do you want to come to Lunhe Forest to have a look?

You haven’t seen the healing slime I mentioned to you two days ago. "

Qi Ge cheered up and said, "That's for sure. Lead the way!"

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