Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 454 451 [Cavalry Combination]

On the edge of the long and silent Lunhe River, 10 goblins were standing on the edge.

Their robes are colorful, and their figures are unevenly fat, thin, and thin.

There are everything from waterwheel fairies that salvage gold coins to Christmas fairies with powerful spells.

Just from the appearance, it is difficult to imagine what combat effectiveness such a chaotic and motley army would have.

But it seems that these goblins themselves don't think so.

Although their robes are colorful, they are clean, neat and square.

Although their body shapes are uneven, their waists are equally straight, and the distance between each goblin is exactly the same.

And at the feet of these goblins, there is a cute healing slime.

Lawrence's nervous heartbeat and even breathing were extremely clear in the quiet atmosphere.

Just now, they received notification that the lord was about to come for inspection.

This makes them excited but also a little nervous.

“[Cure Slime] has only been in our hands for two days, and the training effect is not obvious enough.

The training effect of other goblins is definitely not as good as mine, and I don’t know if the lord is satisfied with it. "

"Boss, right in front."

Zhang Fu's voice came from far away, and the goblin who had been a little relaxed immediately straightened his body again and looked forward to it.

Qi Ge saw the neat queue of goblins from a distance, and when he took a closer look, he saw that they were all familiar figures.

He said hello from a distance:

"My fellow citizens, I'm here!"

"Long live the lord!"

The goblins cheered in unison.

Since their loyalty was mentioned by Qi Ge, these goblins have always used "Long live the lord" as their mantra.

Qige said hello to the goblins and then set his sights on [Cure Slime].

"Healing injuries, dispelling diseases, and healing magic. The three healing skills plus the logistics space backpack are still giant units.

This [Cure Slime] is a bit strong! "

Seeing Qi Ge's expression, Zhang Fu knew it very well.

The boss doesn't like to talk about being full. He says he's a bit strong, which means he's awesome.

Although Zhang Fu still doesn't understand the purpose of [Cure Slime], this does not prevent him from being proud.

"Hey, boss, so Petra and I do well?"

Qi Ge nodded approvingly and responded:

"very nice!

It's a pity that it's not about curing Slime Girl. It would be better if it was about curing Slime Girl. "

Zhang Fu:......

Qige patted Zhang Fu's shoulder and said:

"Wealthy, keep an eye on the Centaur Village.

Especially those two fools.

I don't get along with them, so I can only rely on you to take them down. "

"No problem, boss! I'll be there right away."

As a senior dog licker, Zhang Fu has long wanted to communicate with Kacha and Kadun.

Zhang Fu left, and Qi Ge began to seriously ask the fairies about their habits of [healing slimes].

“I like playing in water, not picky about food, lively and active, have good endurance, and have a docile temperament.

The only shortcoming is probably timidity. "

Qi Ge was very satisfied.

"More perfect than I imagined."

Seeing that Qi Ge's investigation was completed, Lawrence plucked up the courage and said to Qi Ge:

"Lord, actually [Healing Slime]'s timid shortcoming can be overcome through training."

"Oh? Tell me in detail."

“The fear of [Cure Slime] stems from doubts about one’s own strength.

As long as you keep defeating various powerful enemies with [Healing Slime], it will become more and more confident! "

Qi Ge was shocked: "But [Cure Slime] has no combat special skills."

Lawrence patted his chest and introduced solemnly:

“Although [Healing Slime] has no combat special skills, it has a HP of up to 60 and is also a giant unit.

[Healing Slime] has high blood volume, the damage reduction of giant soldiers, and can continuously restore its own health.

In other words, it is very suitable for injury-for-injury play.

The problem of insufficient damage is also made up by fighting with us fairies.

Lord, please allow me to demonstrate it for you. "

Seeing Lawrence's conclusive expression, Qi Ge suddenly became interested.

"How are you going to demonstrate?"

Lawrence clapped his hands vigorously and shouted towards Lun He:

"Brothers! Let's start the drill!"


"Long live the lord!"

Five large beavers suddenly emerged from the wheel river.

"Lord, please see, this is the result of Xiangxiang and I's training!"

Lawrence shouted loudly, jumped on his [Healing Slime], turned around and faced the five beavers.

Qige:? ? ?

One [Cure Slime] can kill 5 big beavers? !


The battle began, and five large beavers were surrounded on all sides, surrounding [Healing Slime] in the middle.

Lawrence stood on the [Healing Slime], his expression calm and unmoved.

Soon, five beavers swooped towards [Healing Slime].

"Xiangxiang, water impact!"

Lawrence gave the order, and [Healing Slime] suddenly spun, spraying out water and sand as it spun, captivating the eyes of the five beavers.

"Aroma hypnosis!"

[Cure Slime] Twisted his body and sprayed out a bunch of sleeping mushrooms. The mushroom spores exploded in the air, making the beaver dizzy.

Seven Pigeons were shocked:

"When the sleeping mushroom explodes, it is a group effect that does not distinguish between friend and foe. Why are Lawrence and [Healing Slime] fine?

Oh, right!

[Cure Slime] has the special ability of self-healing diseases and is immune to poisoning effects.

While [Cure Slime] spits sleeping mushrooms, it can also use level 2 magic [Dispel Disease] to ensure that Lawrence is not affected!

hiss! What a wonderful combination.

Is this all included in your calculations? Lawrence! "

The five beavers were dazed. Lawrence stretched out his finger and shouted:

"They can't hold on any longer, Xiangxiang, use slime to suppress them!"

[Cure Slime] There was a flash of light underneath him, and he suddenly jumped into the air, then fell from the air and smashed a beaver.

In just five jumps, the five beavers collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"Hiss! It's quite strong, but it's a bit of a waste."

Qi Ge understood.

Lawrence's [Cure Slime] Xiangxiang cleverly uses the space backpack to carry various props and uses them in battle.

Unfortunately, this method is still useful in the big battlefield mode, but it is useless in the turn-based mode.

Qi Ge thought as he opened Xiang Xiang's attribute panel.

"Huh? Damn it! What's going on? Did I read it correctly?"

【Cure Slime (Xiangxiang)

Neutral Level 4, Level 1 Hidden Troops



Giant troops, spellcasters,

Disease self-healing, life replenishment, body container,

Possess magic:

Level 1: Healing

Level 2: Dispel disease

Level 3: Great Cure

Exclusive stunts (Xiangxiang):

[Water flow impact]:

It can be activated when Xiangxiang carries both sand and water.

So that the next Xiangxiang attack cannot cause damage, but will not be counterattacked.

At the same time, all enemies within 3 blocks have a 25% chance of being blinded.

[Aroma Hypnosis]:

It can be activated when Xiangxiang is carrying a sleeping mushroom.

So that the next Xiangxiang attack cannot cause damage, but will not be counterattacked.

At the same time, 50% of all units within 5 surrounding areas can be put into coma.

[Slime pressure]:

It can only be activated when Xiangxiang carries [Jumping Stone].

Increases the range of Xiangxiang's next attack by 4, can cross terrain, and cause 2x damage to enemies smaller than itself. 】

Depend on!

From the great spectrum of the world.

Qi Ge was shocked.

Under Lawrence's training, [Cure Slime] and [Xiangxiang] actually integrated three strange fighting methods and became an exclusive stunt recognized by Mother Goddess Asa!

What about the other [Cure Slime]?

Qi Ge quickly checked.

Unfortunately, the other [Cure Slime] are all normal, only Lawrence's Xiangxiang is different.

Wait, does this mean...

After Lawrence asked Xiangxiang to use magic to heal all the beavers, he took Xiangxiang to Qi Ge.

He happily said to the seven pigeons:

"Lord! Demonstration completed!"

Qige's expression became serious and asked: "Lawrence, how long has Xiangxiang been training with you?"

"Two days."

Lawrence said nervously:

"Lord, I know that Xiangxiang's performance is not good enough, but this is because the training time is too short.

If you give me more time, I guarantee that Xiangxiang's combat effectiveness will increase a lot. "

"It's only been two days. It seems like it's true."

Qi Ge said seriously to Lawrence:

“Lawrence, let Xiangxiang find a place to rest first.

Let's talk about it. "

"Yes! Sir."

Finding a secluded corner in Lunhe Forest, Qi Ge began to explain to Lawrence:

“The military units in Yasha World have a very magical ability called [Cavalry Combination].

Animal-shaped soldiers such as healing slimes, three-headed hellhounds, griffins, and pegasus are called [cavalry types].

Humanoid types such as fairies, humans, elves, orcs, etc. are called [cavalry types].

This determination is very complicated, and whether a unit is a [mounted cavalry type] or a [cavalry type] is often unpredictable and difficult to figure out.

[Cavalry Type] and [Cavalry Type] can be combined and evolved if they are compatible.

This process is called [Cavalry Combination].

After [Cavalry Combination], [Sitting Cavalry Type] will be merged with [Cavalry Type] to form a new [Cavalry Type].

I can feel that you and Xiangxiang are very compatible.

Perhaps, you can combine with Xiangxiang to form a [cavalry unit]. "

Lawrence asked doubtfully:

"Lord, after I combine with Xiangxiang, am I no longer a fairy?"

"Yes and no.

Now you are a goblin and Xiangxiang is a slime.

After the combination, you and Xiangxiang will be in a symbiotic relationship and treated as a whole.

You are both goblins and slimes.

Just like the griffin knight, he is both a griffin and a human.

And from now on, the birth of your new race will be different.

Human [Knights], humans as [Cavalry Species] give birth to offspring, and the offspring will have symbiotic foals in their bodies.

On the contrary, the [Dwarf Pangolin] of the dwarf tribe.

Dwarves are infertile. As a [cavalry species], [Pangolin] will give birth to dwarves together with them after mating.

Both the goblin and slime clans were born in special ways.

The goblins absorb emotions and are transformed from level 0 goblins.

Slime can grow new individuals by dividing.

After you and Xiangxiang [cavalry combination] become a new unit, I am not sure how your race will reproduce. "

Qi Ge said to Lawrence seriously:

“Furthermore, after the [Cavalry Combination] is successful, Lawrence, your current rank will be erased.

Together with [Healing Slime] Xiangxiang, you will advance again from level 1.

Since it is a brand new unit, you will not have any information in front of you to refer to.

You need to work with Xiangxiang to find a new path from scratch.

Therefore, you need to carefully consider whether to carry out [Cavalry Combination]. "

Lawrence looked at Qi Ge with wide eyes and said:

"Lord, do you want me and Xiangxiang to conduct a [cavalry combination]?

If you want it, I will definitely do it!

Lord, I was just an insignificant disabled goblin.

It was you who gave me the chance to be reborn.

From the moment you repaired my body, I vowed to be loyal to you for the rest of my life. "

Lawrence straightened his back and said loudly:

"Lord, your will is the order I want to execute."

Qi Ge:......

Such loyalty is too heavy.

"Lawrence, in my memory, the goblins have never had cavalry.

If you and Xiangxiang can successfully combine, maybe you can add another cavalry unit to the fairy clan.

This will be of great help to enrich the racial combat effectiveness of the fairies.

For our God's Chosen City, if a new unit can be born in the God's Chosen City, it will also bring great benefits to the God's Chosen City.

Therefore, I hope you can try [Cavalry Combination] with Xiangxiang.

Don't worry, if the [cavalry combination] fails, your life will not be in danger.

At most, you and Xiangxiang will be weak for a while. "

Lawrence laughed:

"So, can Xiangxiang and I successfully combine and still care about the fate of the Fairy Tribe?

Then it’s even more time for me to try.

In the face of the fate of the entire goblin clan, my personal gains and losses are insignificant.

Lord, please tell me how to carry out [Cavalry Combination]? "

Qige put her hand on Lawrence's head and said solemnly:

"Lawrence, you are really good.

I can guarantee that your name will be recorded in the history of the goblins. "

Everything was ready, Lawrence and Xiangxiang stood beside Qi Ge.

Lawrence gently stroked Xiangxiang's body.

Xiangxiang's body feels very cold to the touch and exudes a unique fragrance. This is why Lawrence named it Xiangxiang.

Lawrence looked at Xiangxiang affectionately and said:

"Xiangxiang, from the moment I came into contact with you, I could feel the spiritual resonance between you and me.

Even though you can't speak, I can always understand your thoughts.

Perhaps this is proof that you and I are connected.

The lord is right, there must be some kind of fate between you and me.

This may be the so-called ‘phase’.

Xiangxiang, I want to be with you forever. Are you willing to accompany me throughout your life? "

"Porlu por!"

[Cure Slime] The fragrant emerald back suddenly bloomed with a faint white light, and at the same time, Lawrence's body also began to glow white.

The two rays of light gradually approached and began to merge bit by bit.

The critical moment has arrived.

Qi Ge cheered up and stared at the scene in front of him carefully.

[System prompt: Your units [Waterwheel Fairy] Lawrence and [Healing Slime] Xiangxiang are trying a cavalry combination.

You can use [Advanced Training Technique] to increase the success rate of the combination. Do you want to use it? 】


[System prompt: [Advanced Training Technique] is being used and is being calculated. 】

[System prompt: The success rate of [Cavalry Combination] is 52%. You can consume up to 3 pieces of fine gold. Each piece of fine gold can increase the success rate by 10%. 】

"The basic success rate is more than half! Lawrence and Xiangxiang's compatibility is really good."

Qi Ge was extremely excited. Players in previous lives tried [Cavalry Combination], and the highest record of basic success rate was only 38%.

The opportunity for each troop type to conduct [Cavalry Combination] is only once in a lifetime.

If you fail, you will never get another chance.

“I, Qi Ge, as the Great Fairy Knight, will help you succeed no matter what!

Isn't it just three pieces of fine gold? I paid! "

As a rare and precious level 5 resource, Qi Ge has been hoarding fine gold and is reluctant to use it.

Despite Qi Ge's generous shouting, he only had these three pieces in total, and he couldn't get even one more piece.

If you go bankrupt, it belongs.

Although Qi Ge is usually very steady, when it comes to betting on dogs, Qi Ge never hesitates.

The fine gold on the seven doves turned into golden light and merged into Lawrence's body.

The white light on Lawrence and Xiangxiang suddenly became much brighter, and the surrounding white light was also dyed with a light golden edge.

It's like a golden aperture constantly squeezing the white light in.

[System prompt: The fine gold is used successfully, the advanced training technique takes effect, and the current combination success rate is 82%. 】

"not enough."

Qige grabbed her bracelet and began to pray.

"Great goddess of luck, your most devout believers pray here.

Please use your power to help my people. "

At the moment when the Seven Doves prayer ended, the system prompts suddenly sounded one after another.

[System prompt: Your advanced lucky technique takes effect, the current combination success rate is 100%]

[System prompt: The [Blessing of Destiny] in your territory's God's Chosen City takes effect, and the [Cavalry Combination] is a great success!

Great success effect: After the combination is completed, the natural level of the combined arms +1. 】

[System prompt: The [Magic Blessing] of your territory's God's Chosen City takes effect, and the [Cavalry Combination] unit's spellcasting ability is permanently enhanced]

Qi Ge:! ! !

Damn it! So much? ! Are the blessings of two gods effective at the same time? !

A beautiful four-leaf clover suddenly descended from the void and merged into the white light of Lawrence and Xiangxiang.

The white light suddenly shrank, covering Lawrence and Xiangxiang.

Dazzling white light broke through the sky and bloomed over the city of God's Choice.

The white light dissipated, and Lawrence's body became larger, wearing heavy armor, and carrying a beautiful golden hammer on his back.

The appearance of [Cure Slime] hasn't changed much, but there is a bright golden rim around the body.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the miracle unit [Fairy Paladin] Lawrence]

【Fairy Paladin (Lawrence)

Power: Neutral

Level: 5

Rank: 1

Quality: Miracle


Attack: 18

Defense: 21

Damage: 23~25

Ability Power: 8

Knowledge: 10 (100 mana)

Casting distance: 25

Life: 80

Speed: 10


Giant units, cavalry, spellcasting units

War backpack: It has a 7-space backpack that can carry items and food.

Storing food in a space backpack can greatly reduce the rate of spoilage.

Self-healing body: Immune to disease, poisoning, and blindness. When injured and not dead, it will automatically consume the food in the backpack to restore health.

Clever combination: Various stunts can be combined according to the different items carried in the backpack.

Possess magic:

Level 1: Healing, Holy Punishment (single target damage)

Level 2: Dispel disease,

Level 3: Healing Magic, Holy Burning

Holy Burning:

Consume all remaining magic points and increase your own damage (magic power * 2) points.

Lasts for 1 round for every 10 magic points.


The elf paladin who believes in the Son of Miracle is born with powerful combat power.

He especially likes to protect his teammates by killing enemies. 】

The seven doves were overjoyed:

"Level 5 soldier! A natural giant miracle!

Versatile combat support, as well as damage magic.

Excellent attributes and top-notch stunts.

What a profit, what a profit! "

[System prompt: Congratulations on creating a new unit [Fairy Paladin]. 】

[System prompt: You can use the weapon type [Fairy Paladin] as your specialty.

Special effect: You can combine 1 random fairy and 1 healing slime into [Fairy Paladin].

Your [Fairy Paladin] gains attack and defense +5, speed +2, and damage + (your level * 1%) in battle.

Confirm? 】

Hiss, I really want to, but I can’t!

Qi Ge is very clear that his greatest advantage is the ever-changing military types.

Therefore, the specialties of the arms are not suitable for you.

Even though it was very heartbreaking, Qi Ge had no choice but to give up.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player on the birth of a new unit [Fairy Paladin] in the God’s Chosen City.

God's Chosen City obtained a miracle building: [Holy Fairy Training Ground]. 】

【Holy Fairy Training Ground

miracle building

Building requirements:

City size: Acropolis

Terrain requirements: Plains

Resource requirements:? ? ?

Effect: A level 5 and 1 miracle unit [Fairy Paladin] can be born.

The birth speed is determined by the negative emotion value of the territory's troops.

Current birth rate: 1/week]

[Server-wide announcement: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for creating a new unit.

As the first player in the server to create his own troops, player Qi Ge received an exclusive title: Training Master. 】

[Server-wide announcement: After 5 seconds, player Qige will be asked to make a server-wide announcement. 】

Seven pigeons:

"Yes, that's right, it's me again.

Qixi Youmeng Studio's latest videos "The Evil Brakada" and "Cavalry Unit Combination Methods" will be released the day after tomorrow.

Thank you in advance for your monthly votes and subscriptions to Yasha Gods Choice.

I love you so much. "

Zhang Fu, who had just arrived at Renma Village, was heartbroken:

"Damn it! I just left for a while, and the boss did something big for me again!

Damn it, you are pretending not to take me with you! "

Meteor who is killing monsters in Over:

“The Great God of Seven Pigeons!!

I don't want to say the word "envy" anymore.

Wait a minute, "Cavalry Unit Combination Method"?

Isn’t it possible that Master Qi Dove wants to disclose the method of creating new soldiers for free?

Damn it! Is this the pattern of a great god? "

Morning flowers:

"Wow! Create new troops!

Master, your loyal reserve members can't wait to join the studio, please accept me as soon as possible.

My luggage is all packed, woo woo woo. "

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