Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 456 Emergency Doctor: Seven Pigeons!

"Porlu por!"

The fluctuation of the water gate flashed by, and Qi Ge returned to the bathroom of the magic tower.

Using disguise to become Xingfeng, Qi Ge hurriedly pushed open the bathroom door and ran towards the bottom of the building.

I have to say that this scene gave Qi Ge an unexpected sense of déjà vu.

The last time I opened the bathroom door was the last time.

Qi Ge ran downstairs in a hurry and saw a group of bewildered goblins and five extremely weak legends at a glance.

Aged was disheveled and lying on the ground breathing heavily;

A large piece of Vianne's beautiful blonde hair was burnt;

Nagus's bandages were scattered and his skeletal head was spinning on the ground;

Monell's body shrunk by half, and his robe drooped to the ground;

Serig's nose was crooked and his eyes were slanted, his mouth was drooling, his body was swaying, and he was trembling.

This scene cannot be said to be very miserable, it can only be said to be tragic.


When the deacon goblin saw Qi Ge coming downstairs, he immediately screamed.

"The young master is not well.

The master and his four friends all fainted. "

Seeing that the five legs were unconscious, Qige didn't have time to take the stairs, so he jumped down from the stairs, stepped on the wall and jumped to Agaide.

Legendary energy potion, legendary healing potion, legendary recovery potion...

The seven pigeons struck three times, five divided two, and whatever they found, as long as it was not poisonous, they poured it all on Algaed.

Before coming to Thunder City, Agaide generously bought so many potions for Qi Ge, which saved his life.

Whenever Aguede is stingy and desperate, Qi Ge can't find a way to save him.

All we can say is that there is a certain destiny.

A large amount of potion was poured out regardless of the cost, and the extreme weakness, energy exhaustion, and critical condition in Algaed's body disappeared one after another.

Finally, he woke up faintly and weakly grabbed Qi Ge's sleeve.

The butler goblin jumped up happily: "Great! The master is awake! The young master saved the master."

The first thing Aqed said when he opened his mouth was:

"Apprentice, save, save people."

It was obviously such a critical moment, but Qi Ge had a funny idea in his mind.

An elf, an undead, an ogre, a magical elemental.

Teacher, there is no one!


Of course, Qige didn't say it out loud like this.

He was suddenly relieved because Agede was getting better.

Qi Ge took a look at Agede’s panel.

After confirming that Agede was not in danger, he ran to the other four legs.

Still the same, all kinds of potions were poured out for free, and Weianne and Serig were finally rescued.

But there was a little trouble on Nags and Monell's side.

Nagus is the undead and Monair is the elemental.

They can only use special potions to restore their health, and regular potions are ineffective against them.

In desperation, Qige could only use the all-powerful [Energy Potion] to help them get their [Energy Value] back up first.

Fortunately, after Serig and Vianne woke up, good news came one after another:

"Master Nephew, I have [Wraith Potion] with me, which can be used to save Nagus."

"Xingfeng, this is [Elemental Core Fluid], give it to Monell."

With the support of the two legends, Nagus and Monell's health was finally brought back from the brink of death.

A large amount of [Wraith Potion] was sprinkled, Nagus's body twitched and he stood up from the ground.

Nagus touched his neck and found that it was empty.

"Hey, where's my head?"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Qi Ge immediately picked up Nagus' head from the ground and handed it over.

"Your Majesty Nagus, your head."

"Oh, thanks."

Nagus took the skull from Qi Ge, put it on his neck, and twisted it.

Qi Ge looked at the white back of Nagus's head and felt a bit toothache.

"Your Majesty, you've rebelled, you've rebelled!"

"I didn't resist! I am loyal to Diya!

I took orders from everywhere to make money just because I wanted to buy myself a nice bandage. I had absolutely no intention of stationing troops. "

Qi Ge:......

What a self-exposed truck!

"No, I mean, Your Majesty, your head is on backwards!"

"Oh, I wonder why it feels so weird."

Nagus turned his head over and poured another bottle of [Wraith Potion] on his head.

Gradually, his head and neck merged into one, and a dark red soul fire slowly lit up in the dark eyes.

“Well, the long-lost death is really nostalgic.

I remember that when I was still a human, my head fell off and I died.

Well, just kidding, it’s not actually about losing your head.

I was cut from the waist to death, half of my body was lost.


Listening to Nagus's emotionless laughter, Qi Ge shivered from the cold.

Nagus is obviously an undead, but he has a unique sense of humor when he speaks.

In short, judging from His Majesty Nags' current state, he should have no major problems.

Qi Ge quickly focused on Monell.

As the [Elemental Core Liquid] was poured in, Monell's body expanded bit by bit, gradually filling the silver robe.

But the part of his face was still empty, with nothing on it.

"If I go, His Majesty Monell will be gone, right?"

Qi Ge poured the [Elemental Core Liquid] into Monell's hood without even thinking about it.

After three bottles of [Elemental Core Liquid] went down, suddenly, with a "pop" sound, a black head popped out of Monell's hood.

His ethereal voice suddenly sounded:

"It was such a close call. Fortunately, I survived."

As he was talking, Qige poured a bottle of [Elemental Core Liquid] on his face.

"Oh, comfortable."

Monell levitated from the ground and said:

"Xingfeng, thank you for your help.

Although I'm a little embarrassed, please allow me to change my clothes first. "

Monell stretched out a black hand and pulled down his hood. Then his robe automatically separated from both sides, and he took off his robe like peeling a banana.

Monell's body is a dark spherical ball that can float and sway freely in mid-air.

He took out a new robe from his space backpack and got into it.

"Ah! My hair!!"

Suddenly, a miserable scream came from behind Qi Ge.

Weianne held her charred hair and wanted to cry without tears.

“It’s finished, it’s all burnt, so I have to cut it all off.

Woohoo. "

Serig comforted her thoughtfully: "Isn't it just hair? If it's burnt, it can grow again. As long as the person is fine."

Wei Anne's mentality exploded:

"To put it lightly, our elves' hair can only grow a little bit a year. I think it will take 200 years for our hair to grow this long!

Even if I want to grow short hair that I can see, it will take me 20 years.

Before that, I had to be bald for 20 years! ! "

"Hey. I know you are miserable, don't worry, we are all miserable."

Algaed sighed heavily and said:

"My attack power has been cleared, and now I only have 1 point of attack power left."

Nagus: "Well, I spent my magic power, and I only have the last 1 point left."

Monell: "My defense has been burned out, and I only have 1 point left."

Serig clutched his chest, heartbroken:

“My attribute points couldn’t be consumed, so I burned the auxiliary skills.

My legendary [resistance] is gone. "

After hearing this, Wei Anne became even more sad:

"What I burned was my life span, and I lost two hundred years of life! I can only live for five hundred years now.

Woohoo. "

Qi Ge:......

What is this, a misfortune competition?



They are so miserable, what about me?

Qi Ge's heart tightened, and he quickly checked his attribute panel, only to find that he had not lost anything except the first blood he had given away in this life.

How is this going?

Qi Ge asked doubtfully:

"Teacher, what happened in the Holy Dragon's Sorrow?

Why are we like this? "

Agade shook his head and said:

"Can't remember. I can only recall a little bit."

Serig: "It seems that like the previous failed architects, our memories have been deleted."

Weianne looked at the seven pigeons and said:

"I was careless. I didn't expect that the permanent [Holy Dragon Brand] would enter complete fragments of time and space."

Qige:? ? ?

Aqed took a breath and said:

"Let me explain.

Generally speaking, when entering the historical echo, the time fragments we need to clear have been weakened.

The same is true for the fragments of [Holy Dragon's Sorrow] that the architects entered before.

But this time, because of the permanent [Holy Dragon Brand] in your hand, Xingfeng, we are back to a complete fragment of time.

In other words, what we have to face in the fragments of [Holy Dragon's Sorrow] is a 100% restoration of the first chaos invasion.

That chaos invasion almost destroyed the four great dragons.

The strength of the few of us seems so powerless when facing such a powerful enemy. "

Qi Ge was shocked.

Damn it, I am the one who caused you to be so miserable? !

At this moment, Nagus said quietly:

"Xingfeng, thank you."

Qi Ge was so frightened that his back shivered and he hurriedly said:

"Your Majesty Nagus, I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen."


Vianne laughed and explained:

"Don't be nervous. The thank you he said was sincere.

Our failure this time is only due to our lack of strength and has nothing to do with you.

It is the long-cherished wish of all our architects to help Mother Goddess Asa listen to the heroic soul's voice and change the tragic past of the heroic soul.

Although the complete time fragment is very difficult, it also gives us the possibility to truly clear the time fragment.

If we can successfully obtain the full version of [Holy Dragon's Sorrow], we can release Wang Ala's heroic soul.

This is something we architects dream of.

Xingfeng, thank you, because of your existence, we have this opportunity. "


Agaed laughed and said:

"Although my memory is very vague, I can feel that I experienced a quite exciting adventure."

Monell nodded approvingly and said:

"Being able to experience such fragments of time and fight side by side with the four dragons, there is nothing to regret even if you die.

What's more, we are still alive.

Make big money! "

The flames in Nagus's eyes flickered twice and he said:

"Generally speaking, even if you fail in Historical Echo, only 40 to 60 energy points will be deducted.

But if you fail once in [Holy Dragon's Sorrow], all current energy points will be deducted directly.

If the energy value is 0, 100% of the energy limit will be deducted directly.

Energy value is actually our soul energy.

When the energy value becomes a negative number, it means that the soul is no longer complete, which requires us to consume various things to complete the soul.

In other words, in [Holy Dragon's Sorrow], the higher the energy limit of an architect, the fewer times he can fail.

My energy limit is 110 points, and I remember I reincarnated 32 times. "

Serig: "90 points, 56 times."

Agade: "100 points, 38 times."

Vianne: "120 points, 28 times."

Monell: "I am also 110 points, 32 times."

Serig held his cheek and said:

“So, the last dozen times I’ve been alone?

No wonder I was so miserable, burning out a legendary auxiliary skill. "

"No, there's also Starwind."

At this moment, five people looked at Qi Ge at the same time.

Vianne asked in surprise:

“Xingfeng, we were all close to death, but you are still so energetic.

Could it be said that you succeeded? "

Qi Ge replied with a constipated look:

“My energy limit is 1,100, and I’ve only done it twice in total.

After the second failure, I died. "

Except for Agaide who had a calm expression, the other four people looked very surprised.

Nags asked strangely:

"The upper limit of 1100 energy points?!

How come there are so many?

If what you said is true, wouldn't it mean that after your second failure, your soul would be gone and you wouldn't even have a chance to use attribute points to replenish your soul?

No, the upper limit of 1100 energy points has been directly deducted. How can you still be alive? "

Agaide was enlightened.

He coughed and said:

"No need to doubt it.

My apprentice is the Chosen God of Yasha, and he has the ability of unlimited resurrection.

This is my apprentice’s biggest secret, please help keep it secret. "

"Yasha God's Choice!!" Wei Anne looked at the seven pigeons up and down and sighed:

“Oh my God, there is someone with such outstanding talent among the people chosen by God Yasha.

I thought the Asa Chosen were all a bunch of weird people. "


High EQ: Weird Stuff

Low emotional intelligence: sand sculpture

When Qi Ge was looking at his own panel, he discovered that the [Inscription of Courage] on his hand had entered a month-long cooling period.

He then asked:

"Teacher, what should we do next?

[Holy Dragon's Brand] will be restored next month, and [Holy Dragon's Sorrow] should be able to be activated again by then. Do we want to continue trying? "

Although the five thighs acted very crotch-stretching this time, Qi Ge felt that victory or defeat could not be determined by temporary success or failure.

You should give the thighs another chance!

As a result, the five thighs laughed bitterly.

Aged waved his hands repeatedly and said:

“Think long term, think long term.

This matter cannot be rushed.

First let us find a way to make up for the attribute points we lost. "

Vianne smiled bitterly, put on a jungle hat, and said:

“It seems that I can only rest here in Aqed for a few more days.

In our current weak state, we may not even be able to defeat wild monsters. "

"That makes sense."

“It’s hard to disagree.”

"One thing to say, one thing to say, indeed."

Agaide said with a smile:

"Just in time, we can study the history of the Holy Dragon together.

I have a lot of historical material in my library about the period leading up to the first Chaos Invasion.

Oh, but you have to rest for a while while I finish tidying up the library.

I haven't entered it for a long time because I was afraid it would be too messy inside. "

Agaide waved his hand and said:

"Butler, go to the storeroom and get my most expensive tea. I want to entertain the guests."

"Yes! Master." The butler goblin ran away in a hurry.

Agaide said to Qige with a smile:

"Xingfeng, go and do your business.

We old guys can just get together among ourselves. "

Seeing that the five thighs were about to leave, Qi Ge quickly spoke:

"Teacher, apprentice would like to ask you for a favor!"

"Oh? Say."

"Teacher, the apprentice wants to learn [tactics]. He needs to learn advanced gunnery, advanced ballistics and advanced first aid skills first.

Teacher, do you know the hero who taught these three stunts? "

"[Tactics]? I didn't expect that you all know such a rare auxiliary skill.

It's a bit troublesome to learn this.

Well, you have always been very independent, so I won’t ask you why you want to learn. "

Agade touched his chin and said:

“Ballistics can be found with Demigod Cedros, but Demigod Crown should be at the Border of Chaos now.

As for gunnery... Trosa, oh, that guy is a rookie who specializes in crossbows and doesn't know how to gunnery.

First aid...

Hiss, it seems that Brakada really doesn’t have a legend who knows artillery and first aid.

There are masters who know these three auxiliary skills, but they are not in Thunder City.

But if you learn from a master, your talent requirements will be very high, and the process will be much more complicated. Do you have time to learn now? "

(To put it simply, if you find a legendary hero with [Legendary auxiliary skills] and learn the corresponding [auxiliary skills], the task will be much easier.

Finding a master will cost more skill points, and the task will be much more difficult. )


At this moment, Nagus suddenly laughed.

"It just so happens that I have the three stunts you want to learn, Xingfeng..."

Nagus pronunciated the word "Du" until Qige showed an expectant expression, and then suddenly made a sharp turn.

"I can't do either.

But I have a ballistic [auxiliary skill scroll] here.

Since you want to learn Xingfeng, I will give you one. "

Nagus said as he took out a handful of scrolls.

Qi Ge took a look and conservatively estimated that there were more than 20 pictures, all of which were ballistics!

Qige:? ? ?

He took a [Ballistics Scroll] from Nagus' hand with a confused look on his face, and couldn't help but ask:

"Your Majesty Nagus, why do you have so many [ballistic scrolls] in your hand?"

Nagus replied in a faint voice:

"Do not ask."

Qige:? ? ?

I remember that [Ballistic Scroll] requires both [Legendary Scroll] and [Legendary Ballistic] to be produced, and the production is limited, expensive and rare.

You can swipe more than 20 pieces just like wholesale.

It just so happens that ballistics is an auxiliary skill dedicated to siege.

hiss! understood!

Your Majesty Nagus, there is something wrong in the back of your head!

Don't ask, the question is that you are loyal to Diya, and there is absolutely no difference of heart, right?

After bidding farewell to the five legends, Qi Ge returned to the top floor of the Magic Tower and fell into deep thought.

Now that you have mastered the ballistic technique, if your artillery skills are really bad, go back to Fei Mengmeng. What should you do if you still have a first aid technique?

[Operation tactics] Seven Pigeons must be learned before the official war between Brakada and Negon begins.

Only by learning [tactics] can you equip [Demon Arms].

As a mythical war machine, the [Demon King's Arms] increases the combat effectiveness of Qige's troops several times.

With improved combat effectiveness, Qi Ge can better fish in troubled waters in battles between the two sides.

In short, let’s learn ballistics first.

[System prompt: Do you want to spend 1 skill point to learn ballistics? 】


[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for learning elementary ballistics. 】

Once you've made up your mind, don't hesitate.

Qi Ge spent 9 skill points directly to upgrade his ballistic skills to a high level.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining advanced ballistics. 】

【Advanced Ballistics

Effect: Greatly improve the performance of [War Machine: Catapult]:

Increases the damage of catapults to city walls and mechanical units by 40%.

Catapults can fire one more time per shot. 】

[System prompt: Your career apostle of destiny is triggered! You have a lucky realization. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for possessing both advanced ballistic skills and advanced luck skills.

Lucky realization triggers.

You can spend 1 skill point to learn the [Luck] branch auxiliary skill [Destruction Roar]. 】

[Roar of Destruction]: Your catapult has a 10% chance of blasting open the city wall with one hit, and a 40% chance of destroying the war machine with one hit.

Wait a minute, [Destruction Roar]? !

If I am not mistaken……

Qi Ge quickly opened the strategy information he compiled when he returned from time travel.

"Found it, [Destruction Roar].

Prerequisite skills [Master Ballistic Technique], [Legendary Level Luck Technique].

Damn it, the branch auxiliary skills that were originally required to be learned at the legendary level can now be learned? !

Um! ! There is such a good thing.

Is the profession of Destiny Apostle so powerful? "

Qi Ge was shocked!

Qi Ge took a look and found that he still had 20 skill points, which was just enough to learn [Advanced Gunnery] and [Advanced First Aid].

If you hand over this skill point, you will be exactly 1 point short.

“It’s just bad, you can still earn skill points.

After passing this Guangdong, there is no such Dongguan. "

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the branch auxiliary skill [Destruction Roar]. 】

"Hey, it's comfortable!"

The seven pigeons felt physically and mentally comfortable and extremely happy.

He immediately posted [Destruction Roar] in the studio group, causing everyone to howl like wolves.

Just as Qi Ge was happily showing off, his friend's message suddenly flashed up.

Chaohua: Boss (with a cute hamster expression), I have already packed up and bowed. When will you pick me up to officially join the studio? (Withered Rose).

Qi Ge: Come on, come on, the tenant upstairs will move out next week. I will hire someone to decorate it and open up the upstairs and downstairs.

Qi Ge: You can move here after the upstairs is tidied up.

Chaohua: Actually, it’s not that troublesome. I can just squeeze under the master’s bed. (shy)

Qige:? ? ?

Qige: You can sleep on the bed. I usually sleep in the game cabin.

Chaohua:? ? ?

Chaohua: Why is there no double cabin in Heroic Soul World? I beg Heroing Soul World Game Company to develop a two-person cabin! Woohoo!

Qige: Do you want to play games? !

Chaohua: I am still a child, what bad thoughts can I have! I just want to play the chicken game!

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge: Fuck!

After chatting and laughing with Chaohua for a while, Qi Ge touched his chin.

“We’ll think of a way to deal with the first aid technique first, and then go back to the territory to find Fei Mengmeng to master the artillery technique!

Anyway, the teacher is back. If anything happens in Thunder City, the teacher can handle it. "

As soon as he left, Qi Ge walked into the bathroom and activated the water door again.

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