As the saying goes, three women perform one drama.

If four women are not good enough, it will be easy for them to fight.

This fully demonstrates the stability of the triangle.

As the number of girls in God's Choice City increased, they also formed various small groups.

Ferry, Smit, and Elani are all human beings, and their personalities match, so their relationship is particularly close.

At this moment, the three of them are gathering next to the [Logistics Fairy Academy] near the seaside in Lemeng territory.

In front of them, a total of thirty-five elf architects were busy going back and forth on the construction site of the [Three Color Fantasy Ballista Workshop].

As a super giant miracle building covering an area of ​​100 building spaces, [Three Color Fantasy Ballista Workshop] has a total of 5 areas.

Even if three goblin construction teams build it at the same time, it will take a full month of construction time.

Ferry put his hands on his hips and shouted excitedly:

"a ha ha ha!

did you see it? This is my kingdom!

When the ultimate invincible tyrant's cool sky-exploding ballista research institute is built, I will be the dean and Smit will be made the vice dean!

Then we captured the seven pigeons together as research subjects, tied them to the crossbow cart and used them as crossbow arrows to shoot! "

"Oh no!!" "Pah, pah, pah!"

Listening to Fei Rui's heroic words, Smit smiled and clapped.

"Sister Rui is great! I'll catch it with you!"

Ernie said with sparkling eyes:

"Well, after Lord Sir is resurrected, I will also come to the Ballista Research Institute for further training.

Teacher Petra said that in addition to strong leadership skills, a qualified steward must also have qualified military force. "

Ferry patted Ernie on the shoulder and said solemnly:

"Okay! Be ambitious! I like students like you.

As long as you go to the Silver Spirit and ask for branches of the [Fairy Ginkgo Tree] from Yinghe to pay for tuition, I will let you enroll.

When the time comes, I will definitely teach you everything I know. "

Erni had a bitter look on his face: "There are still tuition fees, so I won't study."

Fei Rui hated the fact that iron cannot be made into steel: "Why did you give up so quickly? You just went to cheat some materials.

Doing research requires resources.

How can we conduct research without defrauding some funds and materials? "

"Haha. I can't pretend that I didn't hear this."

Seven Pigeons suddenly appeared from behind the three of them.

"Fei Rui, you haven't paid off the interest yet, do you want to increase the principal again?"

Fei Rui felt a chill on his back and immediately hit him with a rake.

"You, how come you don't make any sound when you walk!"

"Brother Qige!"

"Brother Lord!"

When Smit and Ernie saw the seven pigeons, they both ran over happily.

The seven pigeons held each one in their arms and killed each one by touching their heads.

"Be good."

"Hey hey hey."

Both Smit and Ernie showed happy smiles in the arms of Seven Pigeons.


Fei Rui looked at garbage.

"Poor cabbage, bah! I don't have the eyes to see, I don't have the eyes to see, my eyes are dirty."

Seeing Fei Rui trying to escape, Qi Ge quickly stopped him:

"Wait a moment!"

"What do you want to do?? No, I'm still a pure virgin."

Fei Rui covered his chest and took a half step back with a look of fear.

Qige:? ? ?

Depend on! If I really have an idea, wouldn't I be more excited if you said this?

"Tsk, be serious. Fei Rui, I want to learn gunnery, please teach me."


When it came to business, Fei Rui became more serious.

"You want to learn artillery?! Qi Ge, you finally figured it out!

This is right!

It seems that you have finally realized that the ballista is the justice of the Yasha world! "

Fei Rui took out a book from his space backpack and handed it to Qi Ge.

"This is my summary of artillery skills.

You read it first, then come to me if you don’t understand.

Find a quiet place and I will tutor you one-on-one, and I guarantee I can teach you! "

[System prompt: Fei Rui gave you a gift

"confidential! Experience in destroying the world and destroying Yasha's artillery skills! 》. 】

Qi Ge:......

This exaggerated name can only be said to be worthy of being Fei Mengmeng.

After putting the books away, Qi Ge looked in the direction of the construction site.

[Three Color Fantasy Ballista Workshop] is divided into five blocks in total.


[Lucky Ballista Laboratory],

[Magic Ballista Research Laboratory],

[Sea Area Ballista Research Laboratory],

[Crossbow Research Chief Design Office],

【Ballista Variety Creation Center】.

Among them, the first three buildings correspond to magic, destiny and Poseidon respectively.

The three research laboratories are responsible for the research and development of basic crossbow vehicles, and the general design office can combine the results of the three research laboratories to develop advanced crossbow vehicles.

The [Ballista Variety Creation Center] is a lottery machine, and you can draw a random ballista once a week.

The extracted ballista can be handed over to the research office and the general design office for reverse research.

Looking at it this way, [Three Color Fantasy Ballista Workshop] seems to be very strong.

But this miracle building also has a big shortcoming.

It is a pure research institution that can only produce drawings of ballistae and does not have the ability to manufacture ballistae on a large scale.

If you want to transform its research results into actual crossbow vehicles, you also need a supporting crossbow vehicle production base.

To solve this problem, there are two options.

One is to cooperate with Brakada or Nigon.

In the entire Yasha world, only these two forces have sufficient level of crossbow productivity to digest the high-end crossbows developed by the [Three Color Fantasy Crossbow Workshop].

This method saves time and effort, but it is a bit ostentatious and prone to technical leakage.

Another way is to make your own ballista production base.

There are a large number of goblins in the City of God's Choice, and the number of goblins will be even greater in the future, so there are full conditions for building a ballista factory.

It’s easy to replicate Bracada’s Flesh Factory.

This is not because Qige wants to squeeze the fairies, but the fairies themselves will squeeze themselves.

Just look at [The Fairy Salvage Water Wheel] and you will know.

Those disabled goblins who wanted to become waterwheel goblins voluntarily worked overtime every day, covered with moss bread, from 6 a.m. to 5 a.m. every day, leaving themselves only one hour of baby-like sleep.

Qi Ge doesn't let them work overtime and they still have to deal with Qi Ge, which gives Qi Ge a headache.

After discussions with the studio, Qi Ge and the others made a decision together.

A two-pronged approach!

I want them all!

After the [Three Color Fantasy Ballista Workshop] is built, the lower-end drawings will be handed over to Negon and Brakada for production.

Sell ​​low-end crossbows to restore blood and continue to exchange for research resources.

This plan can also rely on Xingfeng's identity to allow Qi Ge to contact the major crossbow factories in Brakada, thereby planting more goblin pioneers in the Brakada ballista factories.

At the same time, Qige will leave behind all the high-end blueprints, build a fairy village, and build a high-level ballista factory in the fairy village.

After the high-end crossbows are produced, they will be classified according to different types of crossbows into elite-level crossbows that can be sold to wealthy players at high prices and top-level crossbows that can be kept for their own use.

Therefore, the construction of the goblin village is already in preparation for Qige's plan.

It's a pity that the number of territorial fairies is still too small now. Once they are transferred, it will affect the construction of the God's Chosen City.

Building a goblin village is like cooking without rice and can only be imagined.

“Fortunately, Brakada and Negon are about to start a war.

Grab the goblins to the east, the cavemen to the west, the harpies to the south, and the evil eye to the north.

Whether we can gather the population necessary for development in one wave depends on this wave. "

Qi Ge felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

“We must seize the time and figure out the [operational tactics] before the decisive battle in [Pingdi City] completely breaks out.

Well, first ask Xiaobai and the others about the situation in Pingdi City and confirm the remaining time. "

Qige: Xiaobai, Lin Xi, how is the situation in [Pingdi City]?

Li Xiaobai: Boss, we are still outside [Pingdi City] now. The battle is too fierce and we cannot enter at all. We can only observe the battle outside the city.

Sunset Arrow: Genner had arrived near [Pingland City] in the early morning and was cooperating with Elache to attack the city wall.

Elache's [City-Breaking Ballista] and [Doomsday Catapult] are really powerful.

Every time the [City-Breaking Catapult] fires, the earth shakes and the mountains shake. When the [Doomsday Catapult] is launched, the sight of the rain of fire filling the sky is frightening.

If [Pingdi City] hadn't had a magic shield and a dozen magic crystal cannons to counterattack, [Pingdi City] would have been destroyed long ago.

Li Xiaobai: By the way, boss, Sact's troops withdrew from [Pingdi City] yesterday.

We found a caveman player following Shaakte.

He said that Nila sent a golden djinn to suppress them back.

Qi Ge: It should be the mythical soldier [Iron Bone Djinn]. He is Nila’s confidant and her husband.

Qi Ge: I remember that he suffered an incurable wound in order to protect Nila at the Border of Chaos and could not fight for a long time.

Just like Ultraman, he is a real man for three minutes.

Nila even sent him out. It seems that she is under more pressure than I thought.

Qi Ge: Keep observing and let me know if anything happens.

Li Xiaobai: Got it!

Once [Pingland City] falls, a full-scale war between Brakada and Negon will inevitably begin.

It seems that I don’t need to do anything, as I don’t have much time.

Maybe, I have to find a way to make Brakada last longer.

Qi Ge gently tapped the center of his eyebrows, his head hurting a little.

No matter what, let’s learn [Gunnery] first.

With Fei Rui's experience in hand, there are two ways to learn [gunnery].

One is to directly convert "Secret!" according to the player's method. Experience in destroying the world and destroying Yasha's artillery skills! "Use up.

The other is to read "Artillery Skills Experience" carefully and learn "Artillery Skills" by your own comprehension.

Fei Rui said that he would return the book to her after reading "Artillery Experience".

Qi Ge had to use the second method.

However, Qi Ge believed that with his own understanding, it would be easy to understand the art of artillery.

Qi Ge found a secluded place in the territory and opened "Guardianship Experience".

【I am Fei Rui.

The woman destined to become the best crossbow maker in the Yasha world.

For a true crossbow rider, everything is inevitable!

From the moment I was born, a voice echoed in the world of Yasha!

Ferry! You were born for the ballista! You are the God of Ballistas!

Ah, I heard it!

This is the voice of Mother Goddess Asa!

The Mother Goddess is celebrating my birth! 】


Qige closed the "Artillery Skills" with a snap.

"Fuck! I thought Fei Mengmeng's "Artillery Skills" would be unfair, but I didn't expect it to be so unfair!

I can figure this out with a hammer. "

No need to look any further, Qi Ge can guess what virtues are contained in the back of this "Artillery Skills Experience".

It seems that Wu can't figure it out. Fortunately, Qi Ge still has a big move.

He ran back to find Ferry.

"Fei Rui, come here and copy this "Artillery Skills Experience"."

"Huh? Why should I copy my own book?"

"I can't understand what you wrote. Just copy it and I'll learn artillery skills in the way Yasha chooses."

Fei Rui suddenly became excited:

"If you don't understand anything, I'll teach you!"

"I can't understand anything, so you just copy it and that's it."

Fei Rui looked disgusted: "Hey, I won't copy it, it's so thick."

Qi Ge piled a pile of magic wood on the ground with a snap.

"50 level 3 magic woods, copy them for me."

Fei Rui was a little moved, but still hesitant:

"50 is too few, and it will be very tiring to copy."


"Add 20 more level 4 magic woods."

"Ah! The branches of the mithril tree! The perfect material for the base of the ballista!"

Fei Rui refused in his heart, but Qi Ge gave too much.

She picked up the magic wood on the ground and shouted excitedly:

"I'll copy it for you, I'll copy it for you! You can copy it as much as you want, you can copy it all night."

Qi Ge explained seriously:

"Remember, be careful when copying, and keep recalling your legendary artillery skills.

The "Artillery Skills Experience" copied out will only be effective if you consume energy points, otherwise it will be useless for me to take it. "

Fei Rui has an extremely good attitude:

"Don't worry, boss, just stand behind me and watch me copy. I will copy well."

After all, Fei Rui is not a scroll master. It would take a lot of time to copy a "Guardianship Experience" that is effective for players.

Qi Ge thought for a while and decided to get the [First Aid Technique] first.

At this stage, wanting to receive [First Aid] experience or auxiliary skill scrolls from players is tantamount to wishful thinking.

In the previous life, this kind of good stuff didn't start to circulate in the player market on a large scale until the end of the second year.

It would be too time-consuming to temporarily find a legendary hero who knows first aid.

Fortunately, Qige still has a channel.

Finding a secluded location, Qi Ge activated his auxiliary skill [Astronomy].

He closed his eyes, and his consciousness drifted up to the clouds, arriving at the trading floor of the Divine Power Network.

In the search box on the trading floor, Qi Ge entered the word [First Aid].

Soon, feedback from Shenli Network came back.

In the sales area, there were only a few products related to first aid, and they were all selling war machines [first aid tents].

Although Qi Ge did not find what he wanted, it was not without gain.

【Plague Tent

Sophisticated war machinery

Equipment requirements: advanced first aid, advanced spiritualism

Equipment location: War Machine

Effect: Can restore the health of friendly undead units, but cannot be resurrected.

The overflow during recovery will be converted into damage at a ratio of 1:1 and transferred to the enemy's life troops, and will cause the opponent to enter a disease state. (This damage ignores distance.)

Basic recovery value: hero's magic power *10. 】

Qi Ge calculated that if there was an upper limit of 30 points of spell power, a total of 300 points of health could be restored.

300 points may not seem like much, but it makes a huge difference when combined with first aid.

Advanced first aid can restore points*2, which is 600 points!

If Zhang Fu learned advanced first aid skills, he would be able to kill many wild monsters without any damage just by relying on this plague tent.

Seeing that the hunter is happy, Qige directly chooses to buy it.

[System prompt: The other party requires barter, please provide a battleship above the Sophistication level. 】

"You actually want a battleship? You want a battleship above the elite level?"

Qi Ge did some mental calculations and concluded that the [Nautilus], [Yuanlong Turtle] and [Silver Spirit] could not be traded.

The only thing that can be traded is the [Sea Elf heavy cruiser] in the cabin of the Silver Spirit.

But if you take out the [Sea Elf], the [Plague Tent] will be a bit worthless.

“You want a battleship, do you want to go to sea?

If it's freight demand or war demand, maybe I can find a way to bargain. "

Qi Ge contacted the other party through the [Discussion] function of the [Trading Hall].

[System prompt: Every time you send a message, regardless of the number of words, 1,000 gold coins will be consumed. 】


Anonymous (Seven Doves): My friend, may Mother God bless you with smooth sailing.

I am very interested in your [Plague Tent], and I also have the battleships you need.

But the value of my battleship is too high, and the [Plague Tent] is not enough. I wonder if you can change the terms?

In addition, I would like to purchase [First Aid] experience or [First Aid] auxiliary skill scroll.

If you have any, I can also buy them in good faith.


To be honest, such a straightforward purchase method simply has the words "fat sheep, kill me" written on its face.

If it were normal times, Qi Ge would not have said it so straightforwardly.

But now that things were urgent, Qi Ge had no choice but to be more direct.

War machinery like the [Plague Tent] must not be mass-produced.

If the opponent can hang up the [Plague Tent] for sale, it is very likely that he has a legendary [First Aid].

Qige asked by the way, what if?

Just when Qi Ge wanted to browse other items, the other party responded to the message quickly.


Anonymous: My friend, may the Mother Goddess bless you with success.

Anonymous: Interesting, this is the greeting of a sea hunter. Are you a sea hunter?

Anonymous: Unexpectedly, there are sea hunters who can learn astronomy and send messages, at least advanced astronomy.

It seems that you must be a smart sea hunter.

Anonymous: Are you saying that your battleship is too valuable and my [Plague Tent] is not worthy of it?

Anonymous: Do you really know the value of [Plague Tent]?

This is a masterpiece that I spent ten death knights creating.

What kind of battleship can give you such confidence? Send it to me for a look.


Consume ten death knights? !

Damn it! biomaterials? !


Using biological materials as materials to manufacture war machinery requires the branch of [Biomaterials].

[Biomaterials] branch Fei Rui also has it. It is a common branch for many manufacturing auxiliary skills, but this branch requires a foundation of legendary auxiliary skills to learn.

[Biomaterials] You can consume materials from living things, or even directly consume living things to make items.

Belongs to the more evil branch.

In Erathia, Taitalia, Avili and many other forces, [Biomaterials] is prohibited from learning.

In other words, the opponent is a legendary hero, and a legendary hero with no taboos!

Can consume 10 death knights, is it Dia's legend?

Dia, legend, legendary first aid...

Qi Ge combined these three conditions and couldn't find the target.

At least, none of the true legends that Dia is famous for know first aid.

Could it be said that it is Diya’s pseudo-legend?

Then whether or not to trade with the other party becomes a question mark.

Qi Ge thought for a while and finally decided to test it out first.

"Anyway, I'm anonymous on the astronomy [trading floor]. As long as I'm careful enough, the other party won't be able to guess my identity."

Qi Ge sent the attributes of the Sea Elf to the other party through input.


(Seven Pigeons): [Sea Elf Heavy Cruiser]

This battleship of mine is not only a sophisticated class, but also a lost elf battleship.

If you know the goods, you should know about the golden fleet of the Elf Empire that stretches across the sea.

My ship was the main battleship of the golden fleet.

It has been with me for more than two hundred years and has considerable spirituality. A ship spirit may be born at any time.

Do you still think you can afford your [Plague Tent]?


To Qi Ge's expectation, as soon as his message was sent, he was bombarded with messages from the other party!


anonymous:! ! !

Anonymous: It’s really the Sea Elf, that’s the attribute!

Anonymous: Where did you get the news about the Sea Spirit? It should have sunk into the Sea of ​​Chaos with the Silver Spirit!

Anonymous: Who are you?

Anonymous: Who are you? !

Anonymous: Who are you! ! !

Anonymous: Are you an elf crew member who went to sea with the Silver Spirit?

Do you have any survivors? !

If the Sea Spirit survives, what about the Silver Spirit? Is the Silver Spirit still alive?


Damn it!

This series of news simply made Qi Ge dumbfounded.

Who is the other party? Why do you know the Silver Spirit? And why are you so excited?

Qi Ge was stunned, and the other party became more anxious, sending messages faster and faster every time.


Anonymous: Who are you? ? ?

Anonymous: Who are you? ! ! !

Anonymous: Who are you? ! !

Anonymous: Answer me, answer me quickly!


In a short period of time, the other party sent more than a dozen messages in a row!

You know, each message costs 1,000 gold coins!

In just a few seconds, tens of thousands of gold coins were burned out!

"Hiss, you don't need money so much, but you don't look like an undead.

Who could it be? Could it be an elf orphan from the elf empire? "

To be honest, Qi Ge also became curious.

(Qi Ge): Before asking me about my identity, is it the most basic courtesy to explain your identity first?

In less than half a second, the other party directly revealed his identity.

Jenny: My name is Jenny.

Qi Ge:......


It’s the immortal witch Jenny!

Yes, Janet is good at first aid! "

Jenny is the naval commander of Avili and is very powerful.

Legend has it that her combination of magic and first aid gave her eternal youth and endless lifespan.

The reason why she is called the immortal witch is because of this.

Jenny was a legend during the Elf Empire, and now, she is still alive and still a legend.

But even the demigod Gru treated Jenny as an elder when he saw her.

The last ship spirit battleship left by the Elf Empire, the Elf Queen, is in Jenny's hands.

However, it is said that the damage to the "Elf Queen" was so serious that even Jenny could not repair it.

Jenny: Answer me, who are you? Why do you know about the Sea Spirit?

Jenny: My patience is limited, don’t think I can’t find you if you’re anonymous.

Jenny: Don’t forget, my best friend Malodia is the best prophet in the world of Yasha.

In front of the goddess of destiny, all concealment is meaningless, and all existence is invisible.

Qi Ge:......

Big wife! Someone is threatening me with you! !

ps: The hamster said pitifully: Without a monthly ticket, I have no motivation to update, woo woo woo.

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