Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 532 Strange Loyalty Value

Ronis half-closed his eyes and said to the phantom of Michael in front of Cloud City:

“The current evidence points to Catherine.

[Spirit of Imprisonment] is an evil treasure that very restrains our Erathia.

Unfortunately, this evil treasure is not the only one.

As the royal family of Erathia, Catherine has the right and obligation to seize and seal evil treasures like the [Forbidden Spirit].

We at Erathia once captured a [Spirit of Imprisonment] and kept it in Catherine's hands.

In addition, when we were tracking down clues, the clue finally locked on the acting city lord of the [Queen’s Territory], Frantello.

And just when we were about to arrest Frontello, he was dead.

We have reason to suspect that this was suicide out of fear of crime, or murder to silence. "

"Negative. Catherine is the Lord of Erathia, and Geffenhart is Catherine's father. There is no reason for her to do this."

"No! She does!"

Ronis opened his eyes suddenly, and the corners of his eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes.

Ronis opened his hands vigorously and said at the top of his lungs:

"Catherine has betrayed [Cloud City], and she has become an ally with the Poseidon Church!

If Catherine can cooperate with Poseidon Church, she can cooperate with Diya.

She must have taken Geffen Hart's divine bones and divine fire away because she didn't want him to become an angel.

Lord, I ask that Catherine be stripped of her position as Queen and that she be judged! "

"Negative. Without evidence, there should be no trial."

"I have the evidence! It's on Catherine!"

Ronis calmed down and said softly:

"Lord, I ask that Katherine be allowed to lead the army against Geffen Hatt.

I guarantee she will betray us when she meets Geffen Hart.

I will bring an army of angels with me, and kill her and Geffen Hart at the moment of her betrayal. "

Ronis slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were calm and cold, without any warmth.

When the Seven Pigeons left the Silver Spirit, there was one person and one boat.

When Qi Ge returned to God's Chosen City, he was accompanied by a demigod, a legend, and a total of tens of thousands of sea guards.

The Roman Emperor Augustus proudly said before his death:

“I accepted a Roman city of bricks, but left behind a city of marble.”

Even if Emperor Augustus could be resurrected, he would still have to lower his head in shame when he saw the achievements of the seven doves.

Relying on Hai Apple's help in cheating, Qi Ge obviously made a big circle, but he was the first one to return to [God's Chosen City].

Qige settled up Sea Apple and the others in the [Sea Wind Chime] tribe and set off towards [God's Chosen City].

The first few times I came back, I was in such a hurry that Qi Ge didn’t have time to take a good stroll in the City of God’s Choice.

Before Qi Ge reached [God's Choice City], he saw a centaur pulling a cart running wildly on the wide white stone road.

In addition to carrying some ore, the cart also had a group of goblin passengers.

The goblins tied themselves to the cart with ropes, and like balloons, they floated everywhere as the cart ran, and they made all kinds of strange shouts.


"An experienced driver is just as fast as he is fast!"

"A Chollima, brother, you are definitely a Chollima, fast and steady!"

Qi Ge looked in the direction of the centaur,

At the southern gate of God's Chosen City, a group of caveman craftsmen were carving a stone sculpture more than thirty meters high under the command of the goblins.

Qi Ge looked at the stone carving, and it looked like him.

The stone sculpture held a map in one hand and pointed to the sky with the other, with a resolute and handsome expression.

And around the stone sculpture, there is a large circle of obviously smaller elves, humans, centaurs, cavemen, harpies, Medusas, skeleton soldiers, black elves...

They all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the stone carving's fingers, with longing expressions on their faces, as if they had seen something in their dreams.


What is this……

The Seven Pigeons were all dumbfounded.

The south gate of God's Choice City is facing the deep water port of God's Choice City. In the future, all merchant ships coming and going will dock here and enter the city through the south gate.

If you build a statue of yourself here, wouldn't everyone who enters the city have to comment on you?

This is nothing. This statue obviously has no architectural properties. Not only is it a waste of time and money, it also occupies such a large area of ​​construction space.

Such flashy things are simply encouraging the extravagant atmosphere in the territory.

"It makes no sense, who built this?

Banned, must be banned. "

Qi Ge was furious.

He hurried to the construction site and shouted:

"Hey! Leaders!"

Several goblins who were studying the drawings heard Qi Ge's call, their ears twitched, and they immediately cheered up.

They were like dogs that saw their owners come home. They spread their legs and ran towards the seven pigeons, shouting:

"Lord Lord! Lord Lord is back!"

There were some goblins and cavemen nearby who were obviously new to the City of God’s Choice and didn’t know Qi Ge yet.

But when several senators led the people to take the lead in shouting, they immediately woke up and cheered behind the senators.

Seven Pigeons were surrounded by a group of people, smiling amiably.

Even though he was in a bad mood now, he would not go so far as to take it out on his own subjects.

Qi Ge greeted the residents one by one, then pulled a familiar construction elf to the side and asked with a smile:

"Pluto, who asked you to build this statue?"

"Lord, this is Lord Petra's order!"

Pluto proudly puffed up his chest and introduced excitedly:

“I defeated all the construction goblins for the right to build this statue!

Even the first brothers who became construction goblins are no match for me.

Sir, you see, the name of this statue is [Hope]!

Many of the brothers and sisters who come to our God’s Chosen City now have tragic pasts.

So do we goblins, and so do those cavemen and harpies...

We were once slaves, laborers, experimental animals... and some of our brothers and sisters were even the preparatory rations for advanced races.

But after coming to God's Chosen City, everything was different.

We are all your subjects, Lord, enjoying equal rights and living a free and fulfilling life!

The meaning of this statue is to tell everyone that after coming to the City of God's Choice, all the despair will be gone.

Under your leadership, Lord, we live in hope every day! "

Pluto waved his hands vigorously, his whole body was intoxicated in his words, and his expression was extremely excited.

When Qi Ge heard these words, he already felt ashamed of himself.

He really couldn't figure out whether the hope in Pluto's mouth was referring to the moss that could stay awake, or the magic bread that could even save time for eating.

Qi Ge coughed awkwardly and asked:

"Pluto, do you know why Petra asked you to build this statue?"

Pluto came to his senses and said immediately:

"Such a lord.

Many new brothers and sisters came to the territory before.

Unlike us, they have never seen you, Lord Lord.

After coming to the Chosen City for a while, they are all grateful for your kindness.

So they made a lot of clay puppets of you and worshiped them every day.

These clay puppets are all kinds of weird. Some make you look like a man with three heads and six arms, while others carve you into a caveman.

There was even a harpy who built a [naked harpy statue].

After discussing with the Lord of Petra and Anbang (Zhang Fu), they felt that this was inappropriate.

How can any leader even admit that his leader is wrong?

Therefore, we decided to carve your appearance so that all the people in the territory will remember your appearance. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the historical event: the rebirth of the weak]

[System prompt: After your statue is completed, the territory will receive the rare treasure [Statue of Hope]. 】

【Statue of Hope

rare treasure

Effect: All citizens in the city have base loyalty +10


Countless victims gathered here to regain their lives.

They united as one and spontaneously built a statue to the lord who brought all this.

Only this statue possesses such powerful power.

This power is called love. 】

A rare treasure was actually born...

Qi Ge was slightly dumbfounded.

The hero's equipment is called [treasure].

The equipment of the city is called [rare treasure].

Each rare treasure will provide different bonuses to the city.

Unlike treasures that can be made, the birth of rare treasures requires the right time and place, as well as corresponding historical events, so each rare treasure is unique.

His actions of rescuing the goblins from Brakada and gathering the wild tribes from Ofer were recognized as [historical events] by Mother Goddess Asa.

"The basic loyalty of all territorial citizens is +10!

Basic loyalty will not be reduced.

This means that even if the enemy hates me to the core, as long as he joins the City of God’s Choice, his loyalty will be at least 10 points.

With such a powerful effect, I really can’t bear to dismantle it.

Damn it, then I can only die watching my statue placed at the city gate. "

Qige was in pain and happiness, and her mood was extremely complicated for a while.

"Lord, do you have anything else to ask? I'm very happy to be able to answer it for you!"

Pluto stared at the seven pigeons with bright eyes.

Qi Ge was about to say no, but suddenly a thought came into his mind.

As we all know, when leaders inspect the grassroots, they often see superficial work.

The actual problems at the grassroots level will be tightly covered by various lids.

God's Chosen City is less likely to have this kind of situation.

Whether it is Zhang Fu or Petra, Qige can trust them 100%.

However, they sometimes have minor problems that they cannot see.

I just took this opportunity to ask.

"Pluto, did anything happen in the territory while I was away?

For example, there are conflicts between the new residents and the old residents, insufficient food distribution, problems with residence, etc. "

Pluto took off his hat and said happily:

"Of course not, Lord Lord!

Our God-chosen city is a miraculous place built by you, a sacred place blessed by the gods.

To be able to join our God's Chosen City, you have to be convinced by killing countless chaos monsters in your previous life.

Apart from being a little uncomfortable at first, the newly joined citizens now love our God’s Chosen City so deeply that they can’t even drive them away!

Lord, look at the eyes around you that look up to you with great admiration.

This is the best proof! "

Qi Ge:......


At the same time, the human race, even in a small village, will have various disputes and conflicts.

God's Chosen City is such a big city, and there are still many races living together, but there are no problems.

Qi Ge wondered why he didn't believe it so much.

He looked into Pluto's shining eyes and knew that he probably couldn't ask anything else.

If you can't ask, don't ask.

"It just so happens that there is still a little time before the Silver Spirit and Sylvia come back, so I want to pay a private visit incognito.

Seeing something with your own eyes is always more authentic. "

Qige found a deserted patch of grass, secretly summoned Ziyuan, and used disguise to look like a goblin.

He took out the mirror and examined it up and down, and was very satisfied.

It's exactly the same as when he was in "Elf Bard Historical Echoes".

"Hmph! After two months, the goblin paladin Qige returns to the world."

Qi Ge imitated the walking posture of the goblins and walked toward the [God's Chosen City] in a rustling manner.

[Chosen City], as a player city, has an automatic filtering function, and NPCs without permission cannot enter the city.

Therefore, [God's Chosen City] does not have guards in the conventional sense.

Qi Ge swaggered into the [God's Chosen City], looking left and right all the way.

Not to mention, normally when Seven Pigeons return to God's Chosen City, they are always cheered by the people and surrounded by followers.

This was the first time Qi Ge had enjoyed this unnoticed civilian perspective.

Today's God's Chosen City is no longer as pitiful as when it was first built, and its residents don't even have a place to live.

The goblins' bell tower-shaped mixed-use large row houses were built neatly on both sides of the road.

Both the distance between the bell towers and the style and shape of the bell towers are extremely uniform, which is both beautiful and practical.

Next to the bell tower area is the underground cave of the cave people.

Cavemen and goblins both like to have fun, so it makes perfect sense for these two races to be neighbors.

Qige heard Petra say that after the goblins and cavemen drank together, they would cuddle up and go back to the same room to sleep.

The air is full of philosophy.

The business system of God's Choice City has developed greatly after the arrival of Mixue Bingtang.

Some of the smart-minded citizens have opened shops to sell some food and gadgets that the citizens like.

I heard from Petra that the first citizen to become rich was actually a goblin who wrote novels.

The title of the book is "The Saint and the Miracle", and it is a novel based on Seven Doves and Smit.

Petra said that the sales of "Saints and Miracles" are very good, and many literate citizens have bought two copies, one for reading and one for collection.

[God's Chosen City] provides free food, free accommodation, and even the furniture in the accommodation is free.

The residents have almost no necessary survival expenses, and all income is pure income.

As long as they are not lazy and enjoy themselves blindly, every citizen can save a lot of gold coins.

In addition, [God's Choice City] currently does not have a tax system, which leads to the fact that [God's Choice City]'s internal economic cycle is not good.

The gold coins are sent out but cannot be taken back.

If it weren't for Qi Ge's incomparable ability to make money and the constant infusion of external gold coins, [God's Choice City]'s finances would have collapsed long ago.

Fortunately, with Qi Ge's encouragement, the residents' desire for consumption is not high.

Most of the people in the territory prefer to save their income and use it to advance.

After the territorial citizens advance, they can create greater value for the territory.

All in all, Qi Ge distributed the gold coins and resources to the citizens in batches to advance their level, and also used their labor force for free.

It's approaching dusk, and it's the handover between the day shift and the night shift.

Soon, Qi Ge saw a lonely fairy who was getting ready to go to work.

"Level 1 level 1 goblins. Goblins who have stayed in the territory for a longer time have already advanced.

This is definitely new here. "

Qi Ge came forward, grabbed the little goblin, and asked in a dancing voice:

"Brother, I just came here recently. I wandered around the commercial street for a while and got separated from my companions.

I don't know the way to work. Can you give me a ride? "

Quick tip: Asking others to do you some small favors that can be done easily, and then sincerely expressing your gratitude can build a better relationship than helping others for no reason.

The little elf is very enthusiastic:

"Of course, you go to the farm to pick vegetables too?"

"Ah, yes! I am a vegetable picker."

Qi Ge quickly confirmed.

"Hurry up. If we don't hurry up, we won't be able to catch up with the bus."

The little goblin pulled the seven pigeons and trotted all the way.

"Bus people and horses..."

Qi Ge was silent in his heart.

This name must have come from Zhang Fu, it's so coquettish.

Qi Ge followed the little goblin to the bus stop. In front of the bus stop, three white centaur leaders were posing in various poses to show off their muscles.

Behind them, one person was pulling a cart.

The caveman sat quietly in the car, and the goblins surrounded the centaur leader and praised him repeatedly.

The temperament of the centaur race is that they like to be praised and flattered by others.

The more you praise them, the more motivated they will be at work.

It's obvious that the goblins have mastered the centaur's code of hard work.

Sitting on the cart, Qige immediately became the focus of the goblins.

"New brother? I haven't seen you before."

"Brother, are you lost?"

"Brother, which group are you in? Let's send you back."

The fairies were all shouting.

Qige didn't panic at all, pointed at his face and said:

"Oh, it's me.

I am Qige from [Silver Wind City] [Succubus Doll Factory].

I forgot a few sets.

I was captured by a mage for experiments before. Although I survived by luck, my memory is not very good. "

The fairies were kind-hearted and comforted Qi Ge:

"Oh! That's it. It's okay, brother, everything will be fine.

Wait a little longer, wait until the queue is up, go to the water tanker and work for a while, and you will be back to your original state. "

"Yes, brother, the lord is great and kind. You will get better soon."

Immediately afterwards, the goblins actually began to remember their sorrows and think of their sweetness.

They all complained about how miserable they were in Bracada before, and started talking about how good their lives were now and how wise Qige was.

For a moment, Qi Ge couldn't get a word in.

Qi Ge originally wanted to find a random topic to complain about and arouse the dissatisfaction among the goblins, but now, she had no choice.

Seeing that the carriage was about to arrive at the station, Qi Ge couldn't help but feel anxious.

At this moment, the little goblin who led Qi Ge suddenly said:

“It’s great that I can come to God’s Chosen City.

I really hope I can live in God’s Chosen City forever.


"Yeah! Just what?"

Qi Ge is overjoyed, will there really be an unexpected gain?

"It's just that since the start of two shifts, our working hours are really too short!"

"Yes! That's right!"

"They only give us eight hours of work a day. It's too much!"

The goblins were excited.

"Damn it, cavemen can obviously work ten hours a day."

“Why do we work two hours less than cavemen?

We all have one head, two arms and two legs. Are we fairies no match for cavemen? "

"Cave people had bigger heads than us."

"We have longer hands than cavemen!"

Qi Ge:......

The caveman has 5 natural health points, while the goblin only has 4 health points.

The health value determines the upper limit of physical energy.

Don’t you know how capable you are?

When the territory was first established, there was a shortage of people everywhere, so I had to let the goblins work overtime.

Now that I have abundant manpower, if I still use one goblin as two to save the cost of one goblin.

So what's the difference between me and those beasts in Bracada?

The goblin's temper goes away as quickly as it comes.

After a while of noise, the goblins began to chatter about other topics.

Qi Ge thought for a while, turned on the system, and checked the loyalty points of the goblins in the car one by one.

As a result, the loyalty of all goblins is above 90, and the lowest one has 94 points.

Qi Ge couldn't laugh or cry.

No wonder, they are all die-hard fans, so it’s strange that they can complain.

Qi Ge clicked on the city management interface and prepared to start with the target with the lowest loyalty.

"Huh? Did I read it wrong? The loyalty of all the people in the territory is above 90?

Everyone is loyal?

Oh my god, even those two idiots from the Centaur clan have a loyalty level of 90?

I remember wasn't it just over 70 before? "

The seven pigeons were surprised and happy.

There are many new members joining the territory.

No matter how good the treatment in [God's Chosen City] is, the [Loyalty] of these new members should not increase so quickly.

No wonder, the people in the territory were full of praise for the territory, and even caused their stone sculptures to become [curiosities].

Has anything happened in the territory during my absence?

The cities in the Heroic Soul World do not have event recording panels, and they can only be recorded by the players themselves.

And there are some subtle events that will not be captured by the system.

The [Incognito Private Interview Plan] that I thought of on the spur of the moment was stillborn, leaving Qi Ge dumbfounded.

Even though he was performing a full performance, Qi Ge did not immediately take off his vest and show off his holiness in front of the goblins.

The discovery of private visits via incognito services can easily lead to suspicion among the citizens.

Qige followed the goblins in the newly built [Underworld Farm], harvesting and transporting crops.

Dedicated and meticulous.

The whole process is played exactly like a normal fairy.

It wasn't until Zhang Fu came to pick him up as the acting city lord that he escaped smoothly.

Zhang Fu took the seven pigeons back to the main castle with a serious expression, and immediately couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Hahaha, boss, why did you become a goblin?

Don't tell me, you are awesome because of your high charisma, and you look so pretty even when you become a fairy. "

Qige got rid of the disguise and gradually grew taller.

“I am experiencing the life of ordinary citizens.

Only by walking into their shoes can we know their pains and joys and understand what they need most. "

Qi Ge said seriously:

"It's definitely not because I want to play."

"I understand, don't worry, boss, I won't have any misunderstandings.

puff. "

Qige squinted at Zhang Fu's suppressed smile and said helplessly:

“Okay, laugh if you want.

Rich, has anything good happened in the territory recently? Why have the loyalty points of the subjects become so high? "

"Hey, I knew you would ask, boss, so I took a screenshot."

[Territory Event: Harvest Celebration


[Rem] held a harvest celebration and the celebration lasted for one month.

Within a month, the territory's food production is doubled, and the loyalty of all territory residents is +20.

Remaining: 18 days]

Qi Ge:! ! !

Zhang Fu said cheerfully:

“When there was a massive influx of people and food was most scarce, there was some unrest in the territory.

Petra and I were both a little anxious.

Then I went to Rem for help, and the matter was solved.

Tsk tsk, Your Majesty Rem is really awesome. "

Qige:? ? ?

"Fat man, you seem to have skipped some important information very casually?

What's the turmoil about? Make it clear! "

ps: Everyone will be here tomorrow to upgrade the county.

The fifth volume is expected to be completed the day after tomorrow.

It’s the last day of the month, don’t forget to shoot the hamster in the mouth with your monthly pass!

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