Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 533 County City Upgrade Begins

Qi Ge never expected that the cause of the turmoil in the territory was neither goblins nor cavemen, but the evil eye.

Goblins and cavemen are both the main force in this population migration plan.

But they turned out to be very honest after coming to God's Chosen City, and they seemed to have long been accustomed to accepting the situation.

Whether it is cultivating farms, transporting supplies, or digging tunnels, they are very cooperative.

Especially after the food supply from [God's Choice City] came, they were very motivated after having a full meal.

As long as they work hard and have enough to eat, this is already their dream life.

But the evil eye is not like that.

In this population relocation plan, Qi Ge obtained only two [Evil Eye Tribes] from Over, and the total number was only about forty.

The Evil Eye clan itself belongs to the "landlords" in Negan.

Although there are big slave owners like Medusa and heroes of various races on Evil Eye, Evil Eye still rarely engages in physical work.

Before most of the evil eye tribes in the wild came to God's Chosen City, they had several caveman tribes as slaves.

Although they need to participate in some social labor, they are all engaged in clerical work.

For example, use tentacles to whip the cavemen, use magic to blow up the cavemen, and make the cavemen more diligent.

After the Evil Eyes arrived at God's Chosen City, they still wanted to continue to be [slave overseers].

But Zhang Fu and Petra couldn't take care of this.

What kind of life did you lead before and why do you care about me? When you come to God's Chosen City, everyone is equal.

[Slave Overseer]? Do you think our God’s Chosen City needs this kind of position that destroys unity?

This is the mining manuscript, go mining.

What? Too weak to dig?

It’s okay, I’ll give you the seeds and go plant them.

Don’t know how to farm?

That's right, Gem Lake, go down to the lake to fish for gems.

If this doesn't work, then follow Rem or Lola to the jungle and fight for the future with your life.

Accustomed to the life of masters and masters, how can the evil eyes endure such hardships.

They had only been in God's Chosen City for two days, and their loyalty points had dropped rapidly.

But they were reluctant to leave.

The environment of [Chosen City] is special, with miraculous buildings and natural wonders gathered together, as well as the protection of magic and the goddess of fate.

Therefore, the magic in the air of [God's Chosen City] is extremely rich.

For a race like Xieyan who is more sensitive to magic, this environment is simply paradise.

If they take a few more breaths in the God's Chosen City, they can make their brains go crazy, and even produce [drunken demon] symptoms just like drinking fake wine.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury. It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

After being nourished by God's Chosen City, the Evil Eyes never want to go back to a place like Negan where magic power is lacking.

I don’t want to leave, and I don’t want to work.

The evil eye also knows that there is no such good thing in the world.

So the two Evil Eye tribes combined. The prince and general Xiang Ning have the guts!

Against him!

As soon as the Evil Eyes came to God's Choice City, they were taken to Zhang Fu's Netherland Farm.

They have absolutely no idea how big the God's Chosen City is and how much combat power it has.

Zhang Fu, who has been in charge of them, is just an ordinary hero, and Petra, the acting city lord, is just a level 1 and level 4 soldier.

This gave the Evil Eyes the illusion that God's Chosen City was very weak and could be easily taken.

Then they were taken down.

The God of Luck [Mirola] hit forty-six and suppressed them all easily.

After that, [Fairy Paladin] Lawrence played on behalf of the Chosen City and played 46 consecutive 1V1 games, winning all of them.

Lawrence has a [war backpack] and a [self-healing body]. As long as he is not set on fire, he will not die at all.

[War backpack: It has a 7-space backpack that can carry items and food.

Storing food in a space backpack can greatly reduce the rate of spoilage. 】

[Self-healing body: Immune to disease, poisoning, and blindness. When injured and not dead, it will automatically consume the food in the backpack to restore health. 】

Immediately afterwards, [Caveman Fireball Warlock] Orik violently brutalized the two leaders of the Evil Eye tribe in a 1V2.

After these two battles, the Evil Eyes completely put aside their contempt for goblins and cavemen and became honest.

As punishment for the rebellion, the Evil Eyes were placed in the Magic Guild and used as magic batteries to replenish the Magic Guild's magic power.

After they were beaten by the demon for seven consecutive days, Zhang Fu released them and arranged for them to enter the magic guild to conduct magic research, which was considered as giving them a bite of candy.

After listening to Zhang Fu's introduction, Qi Ge felt a little emotional.

"You guys didn't have any problems at all.

The domineering mentality of the Evil Eyes is absolutely unacceptable in God's Chosen City.

But they will rebel, which is also part of our problem.

Strictly speaking, it is a problem with our industrial chain.

Our territory lacks enough labor positions suitable for the Evil Eye clan.

Evil Eye's physical fitness is not good, but his magic adaptability is excellent, his vision is extremely wide, and his intelligence is also high.

Letting them engage in manual labor is actually a waste of resources.

They are unhappy at work and create low value.

Improving the industrial chain and building a variety of workplaces that can accommodate different races are our primary goals after upgrading the county.

In addition to miracle buildings, other ordinary and hidden buildings must also keep up. "

"Boss, do you want NPC troops from the territory to participate in this county upgrade battle?

【Fairy Paladin】Lawrence,

[Medusa Priest] Fluorescent Fruit,

[Caveman Fireball Warlock] Orric,

There are also two idiots, the centaur Kacha and Kadun,

As well as the clans behind them, the calls for war are very loud.

They said that the Chosen City is their home, and they cannot be absent from the battle to defend their home.

There was no reaction from the mermaids, but the mermaids heard that we were going to upgrade the county and sent a representative to ask if we needed support. "

Qi Ge shook his head and said seriously:

"I've thought about it a long time ago.

Most of the NPC units need to be withdrawn. The Silver Spirit and the Origin Dragon Turtle battleship will take them to the Mulak Territory for temporary shelter.

Unless I specifically picked it out.

Otherwise, you must at least reach level 4 and be a non-logistics NPC unit to participate in the battle.

It’s hard to put it mildly.

In this battle, the NPC unit with insufficient strength has a low chance of survival.

However, the subjects should not be allowed to feel that they are a burden and their loyalty will be easily lost.

This time we will count all the NPC arms in the territory and number them into teams.

Including those units that are expected to evacuate, they must also be formed into formations, which are called reserve team 1, reserve team 2, and so on.

We need to tell those people who are temporarily sheltering so that they can be ready to fight at any time.

If we successfully defend the city, we will have more strength to spare.

I also want to ask Hai Apple to help me and use the magic of illusion to put on a show for them. "

Zhang Fu suddenly realized:

"Oh! I understand! This can not only take care of their face, but also give them a sense of crisis when they are about to join the war, and cultivate their belief that they will live and die with the territory.


As expected of the boss, he thinks carefully.

Boss, I'm not worried about the old people in our territory, but not necessarily about the new goblins and cavemen.

Most of them have never experienced combat since they were born. If they are put into the reserve force, I am afraid that their loyalty will decline. "

Qi Ge smiled mysteriously and said:

“Don’t worry, I’m acting just to solve this problem.

The NPC soldiers in the Yasha world are not that fragile, they just lack the chance to fight.

Be it goblins, cavemen or even human farmers.

As long as you create opportunities for them and let them practice a little bit, they will soon become a qualified warrior. "

Qi Ge couldn't help but think of the scene in his mind that echoed from Kelin's history.

Those goblins who have never experienced life and death gathered a strong will after just a short escape distance.

When Colin, Pineapple Candy, Fur, them, and even themselves fell down.

Those goblins without any training protected their leader with their bodies.

They braved the rain of gnoll arrows, and every step was accompanied by countless sacrifices.

But those extremely weak fairies were still singing loudly.

“Every military unit in the Yasha world is a weapon against chaos.

Even the logistics arms have the potential to advance into combat arms.

What we have to do is to be like Prometheus in Greek mythology.

Steal the sparks of hope and set them on fire.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. "

Qi Ge came to his senses and said to Zhang Fu:

"I've asked, and Xiaobai and Chaohua can all come back before dark today.

Tonight is the last night. At dawn tomorrow, we will start upgrading the county.

Fatty, summon Petra and the leaders of each clan.

From the Centaur side, the two Erlunzi brothers, Sally and Rem were called over.

I need to deploy personnel statistics and clarify the battle plan. "

Zhang Fu nodded seriously to Qi Ge and said:

"Yes! Boss, I'm going now."

Soon, the Silver Spirit passed through the maelstrom and arrived at the City of God's Choice.

Half an hour later, the Blue Whale also arrived at the Chosen City.

Qige, as the host, held a simple banquet to welcome the few thighs who came to support.

Then, Qi Ge held a banquet and a war meeting at the same time.

Two hours later, the combat meeting ended and night fell.

[The Burning Plan] officially begins.

The [Silver Spirit], [Origin Dragon Turtle] and the sea beasts of the Poseidon Church served as the main transportation force, transporting 80% of the citizens of the God's Choice City to the Mulak Territory.

Smit and Sosa were in charge.

At the same time, the people of the Mulak Territory were also mobilized. The logistics troops built horses and temporary camps, and the combat troops maintained order.

Sylvia drove the Blue Whale, and with the help of the fish-man tribe, braved the fog of chaos and dealt with all the amphibious monsters in the golden sea.

Four hours later, all [reserve troops] were evacuated and the territory was almost empty.

Four hours later, Petra, Koroko, Lawrence, Clarence were in position, Orik was in position, the two centaur brothers were in position, [Sea Wind Chime Tribe] was in place, and [Harpy Tribe] was in place. ,

The morning flowers fall into place, the honey snow rock sugar falls into place,

Immediately afterwards, Rem and Sally took their places, the fluorescent fruit took their place, and the red fish tribe took their place.

With the addition of three new mermaid soldiers and the addition of the demigod Sea Apple to protect them, Qi Ge's ambitions expanded.

If you want to play, play a big one.

Based on the original battle plan, Qige added two caveman villages, a Medusa village, and a red fish village.

Four new villages will be constructed simultaneously.

A total of one county city was upgraded, two acropolis, and 13 villages were built at the same time.

The difficulty of Chaos Siege will be further increased.

He sets himself on fire and asks for trouble, just so that the pain will be gone and the joy will come.

It’s six o’clock in the morning in Yasha World, and there are still two hours left before dawn.

Qi Ge began the final arrangements.

Sea Apple and Bingqing brought in sea water to transform the terrain near God's Chosen City.

In the northern part of God's Choice City, the most difficult to defend plain location, a sea area appeared out of thin air, and a huge river appeared near each village.

If you look down from the sky, you can see that all the extra sea areas and rivers and the Nephthys River form a loophole.

This loophole-shaped final exit leads to the Pamu Forest in the north of God's Chosen City.

On both sides of the paved forest, there are also two sea areas.

A road forms between these two sea areas, leading all the way to the westernmost cliff of the God's Chosen City.

The entire surrounding city of God's Choice is surrounded by the sea, forming a peninsula.

The only place where the God's Chosen City is connected to the land is the steep cliff.

Whether it is the wild monsters generated by the construction of the village or the wild monsters generated by the upgrade of the God's Chosen City, as long as they are unable to fly or swim, they will be led to the cliff by the maze composed of various sea areas and rivers.

They have only one way to attack God's Chosen City, and that is to jump off the cliff.

The battle has not yet begun. The magic used by Hai Pingguo and Bingqing is a magic that permanently changes the terrain.

Even if the city defense battle begins and a wild monster is drowned in the sea, the source of the damage is still the sea, not Sea Apple and Bingqing.

This means that the operation of the mother and daughter to transform the terrain will not affect the final settlement of combat rewards.

The use of rivers and sea terrain to form the [Sea Maze] is the one with the highest success rate in defending the city among all Qi Ge's tactical plans.

However, there were no Sea Apple and Bingqing before. To realize this plan, it would not only consume valuable opportunities to adjust the terrain of the territory, but also require at least two months of working time from all the cavemen in the territory.

It takes too long and consumes too much effort.

Qi Ge had no choice but to give up.

But now that Hai Pingguo and Bing Qing are here, Qi Ge naturally brings out the [Sea Labyrinth] plan again.

The last hour and a half.

Uncle Anosaki set up many shadow traps in Qige's [Sea Labyrinth].

Adrid and Adela placed iceberg barriers in the [Sea Maze] to increase the complexity of the maze.

These things are all terrain effects with unlimited duration and will not affect combat rewards.

Last half hour.

After running a long circle around the entire golden sea, Sylvia returned to the vicinity of the God's Chosen City.

At the same time, all Qige's troops were ready.


There are still three minutes until dawn.

Qi Ge walked into the big temple step by step and prayed devoutly at the entrance of the big temple.

"Mother Goddess Asa, the four monarchs of destiny, magic, wealth, peace, sky, ocean, earth, fire, water and wind,

Your most devout believers, seven doves, pray here.

Please bless me to build the city smoothly. "

At 8 o'clock sharp, the first ray of sunlight shone down, and Qi Ge started the Yasha Torch located at the core of the temple at the entrance of the Great Temple!

[System prompt: The current conditions for upgrading the county have been met. Do you want to upgrade? 】

At this moment, Chaohua and Mixue Bingtang took pictures of the city founding order in the open space reserved by the City of Gods.

[System prompt: There is a nearby city, God's Chosen City, and the city cannot be built. 】

"I am facing flowers."

"I'm Michelle Bingtang."

“Request to integrate the city into [God’s Chosen City].”*2

[System prompt: Player Chaohua used [City Building Order]

I request that the Acropolis [White Pigeon Chaohua] be integrated into the God's Chosen City. Do you agree? 】

[System prompt: Player Mixue Bingtang used [City Building Order]

I request that the Acropolis [Dingdong’s hometown] be integrated into the God’s Chosen City. Do you agree? 】

Qi Ge: "Agree to integrate."

[System prompt: Integrating. 】

[System prompt: Your deputy hero Rem used [Centaur Village Construction Blueprint]

Request to build Centaur Village [Sagittarius], do you agree? 】

[System prompt: Your secondary hero Koro can use [Fairy Village Construction Blueprint]

Request to build a fairy village [Avalon], do you agree? 】

[System prompt: Your subject Clarence used [Fairy Village Construction Blueprint]

Request to build a fairy village [Promised Land], do you agree? 】

[System prompt: Your leader Matchmaker Fish uses [Universal Village Construction Blueprint]

Request to build a red fish village [Magic Fish Pond Guardian], do you agree? 】

Thirteen voices sounded in Qi Ge's ears at the same time, and Qi Ge immediately said:

"All agreed!"

"City upgrade starts immediately!"

[System prompt: God’s Chosen City is being upgraded. 】

The Yasha torch of God's Chosen City suddenly rose into the sky, and the light lit up.

At the same time, the Yasha torches of the two acropolis and the Yasha flames of the thirteen villages were neatly arranged in the sky in the order of one big, two, and thirteen small.

A total of sixteen Yasha fire seeds complement each other and light up the night sky!

The powerful power of order descended instantly, just like Mother Goddess Asa casting her eyes from the void.

Such a huge power of order is simply a provocation to chaos!

You know, the location of God's Chosen City is an out-and-out wild monster area.

This is the only city within a thousand miles!

boom! !

A powerful ripple of order swept across the world, with the God's Chosen City as the center, and all the surrounding wild monsters looked in the direction of the God's Chosen City.

Twenty first-level wild monster areas,

Thirteen second-level wild monster areas,

Nine third-level wild monster areas,

Six level four wild monster areas,

Five level five wild monster areas,

Three level six wild monster areas,

A level 7 wild monster area.

Whether they are wandering or stationary, all wild monsters are restless.


At the far end of the God's Chosen City, a group of bone dragons spread their wings and flew into the sky!

The horn of charge was blown, and like a hundred ghosts marching in the night, all the wild monsters began to sprint towards the God's Chosen City!

They want to devour, digest, and eat up this newly ignited fire of order!


Qi Ge opened his eyes and stared at the brightest Yasha torch in the sky.

The torch of Yasha, which was supposed to provide powerful protection for the God's Chosen City, was dimming little by little.

[System prompt: Your deputy hero Sir Mrak is being resurrected. 】

[System prompt: The city defense buildings in your God-chosen city will not be usable during this upgrade. 】

Qi Ge sighed and looked towards God's Chosen City.

The city walls, arrow towers and moats that were supposed to provide shelter for the Chosen City were all rapidly fading and disappearing.

The Chosen City is like a girl who took off her underwear on a bus full of strong men and became in danger.

However, in the God's Chosen City, there are still many buildings emitting strong light.

[Fairy Three Heroes Grass Hut], [Magic Fish Pond], [Lunhe Forest]...

Countless miraculous buildings and wonders are providing powerful bonuses to the warriors who guard the chosen ones.

The battle begins!

The seven doves blew their whistles, summoned Ziyuan, and flew to the top of the high cliff.

Chaohua's [White Pigeon Chaohua City] is built on the top of the cliff, and the entire top of the cliff is included in the jurisdiction of the God's Choice City.

God's Chosen City does not have a city wall, but [White Pigeon Chaohua City] does!

"The Great God of Seven Pigeons!"

Chaohua stood on the wall of [White Pigeon Chaohua City]. A group of blond, slender, short, pure and lovely nuns wearing monastic uniforms stood beside Chaohua, looking at Qige together with a slightly dull look.

This is Chaohua's initial unit [Pure Priest]. In the past few months, Chaohua has accumulated sixty-four.

The Purity Priest has 4 points of knowledge and also has the special skill [Pure Heart]. This special skill can be of great help in this battle to defend the city.

[Pure Heart: Purity Priest can sacrifice his own magic value and health value to transfer friendly units. 】

Qi Ge rode Zi Yuan. He did not stay on the newly generated white stone city wall, but flew directly over the city wall and rushed outside the city wall.

"Asuka, you know what to do, right?"

"Yeah! Don't worry, Master Seven Pigeons, I will remember it all!"

Chaohua nodded sharply.

"That's good."

Qi Ge stretched out his hand and held his own unit card.

Around Qi Ge, one troop type after another keeps appearing!

[Mermaid Tide Warlock], [Water Witch], [Mermaid Sea Shepherd], [Centaur Marksman], [True Thousand Sword Dancers], [Elven Bow Priest]...

In the city defense battle, there is no command limit, Qi Ge can freely recruit all the troops.

Chaohua looked at the increasing number of soldiers around Qi Ge and stuck out her tongue slightly.

"So strong, is this the strength of the number one person?"


Beside the Seven Doves, a group of very delicate-looking harpies spread their wings and emitted a sweet chirp.

[Nafran Tomb].

The hidden building of the harpy system that Qi Ge obtained from the historical echo of the harpy hag has been integrated with the harpy banshee lair.

The moment he saw the special skill of the unit [Harpy Resonator] produced in [Nafran Tomb], Qi Ge did not hesitate to recruit all the units in [Harpy Lair] into [Harpy Resonator]. .

Qi Ge did not even consider miraculous units such as [Harpy Queen] and [Harpy High Priest].

The special skills of [Harpy Resonator] are really important in this city defense battle.

【Harpy Resonator

Faction: Dungeon

Level: Level 2

Level: Level 3

Quality: hidden

Speed: 13

HP: 6

Defense: 4

Attack: 7

Damage: 1~6

Recruitment price: 480 gold, 1 wood, 1 stone


flight. Attack and return. Attacks are not counterattacked.

Stealing speed: When the Harpy Resonator attacks an enemy, it will steal 1 speed point from the enemy. The Harpy Resonator can steal up to 5 speed points and the enemy's remaining speed is at least 1.

Spirit body: no volume, can be traversed and overlapped.

Heart Resonance: Enemies that have not been attacked by the Harpy Resonator cannot attack the Harpy Resonator. 】

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