Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 570 The extremely special insect demon

Zuimeng felt that standing with Qi Ge was really stressful.

In the real world, Zui Meng is one of those research-oriented talents with a bit of social fear. He is straight-forward in everything he says and does, and he rarely lies.

Qi Ge, on the other hand, was just the opposite, cracking his brain open, half-hearted, half-intentional, with some color in between.

Especially now, Zui Meng has something in his mind and is afraid of being caught by Qi Ge, so he can't help but be more cautious.

However, just when Zuimeng decided to think about everything he said for at least 3 seconds, Qi Ge suddenly stopped testing him.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Zuimeng, who built this city of yours?

To be able to build a city in this [Spice Rainforest] is quite a feat. "

Zuimeng heard Qi Ge's question and thought about it in his mind.

He felt that there should be no trap in Qi Ge’s question, so he replied:

“This city was built by a like-minded companion of mine—Xiao Dui. She entered the world of Yasha much earlier than me, and unexpectedly received a city-building order.

The reason why I chose this place is because of its rich plant resources. "

"Xiao Dang?" Qi Ge looked at Zui Meng with interest: "Is this your online name? Or do you know each other in real life?"

Zuimeng was prepared and didn't panic at all.

“Cat with crotch, crotch with purple flowers, crotch with fruit, cat with whiskers.

I thought calling her Kitten was too frivolous, so I kept calling her Xiaoding. "

"Oh, that's how it is."

Qige's eyes moved slightly.

Ding Crotch Cat, one of the top players in the world's hegemonic guild and the Avili (Barrier) force, owned a very special plant city in his previous life - [Violet City]

[Violet City] The entire city is built on a giant tree. The city walls, buildings, and soldiers are almost all made of plants. Even the street lamps are [Light Flowers].

A top player from the World Hegemony Guild in his previous life, but now he is in Zuimeng’s team?

Ha, that's interesting.

Qi Ge said with admiration:

"Awesome! Now you can build a city here in the [Spice Rain Forest].

[Spice Rainforest] There are four intermediate-level wild monster areas nearby. [Spice Rainforest] itself is also a semi-chaotic area, with great defensive pressure.

It seems that Xiao Ding's fighting ability is very good. "

Zuimeng laughed and said:

"Yeah, I'm far behind Xiao Ding.

When I first entered the game, she was the one who guided me and helped me a lot.

If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be able to make it even with my level of play. "

Hearing this, Qi Ge closed his eyes slightly and sorted out the information from his past life and this life.

Zuimeng has a like-minded team under him. As soon as he enters the game, someone will help him level up. Top players also built a city for him to support his research.

If you just look at these, he might be an ordinary wealthy player.

But Zui Meng is a botanist who is extremely proficient in plants, and the people under him are also extremely good at studying plants.

How could these people get together by such a coincidence?

How come this group of people got together and Zui Meng became the boss by chance?

Nine times out of ten, Zuimengde is a real-life botany leader.

This kind of boss must have an official background.

If Zuimeng is an official, then Chaohua, who is familiar with Zuimeng...

“I just felt weird.

Why does Chaohua have such unimaginable enthusiasm for me?

I suggested inviting her to join the studio, and she bought the entire twenty-third floor above my studio.

No matter how rich the second generation is, they will not act so arbitrarily. "

At this moment, Qi Ge suddenly realized a problem.

"Wait a minute! Even if Chaohua wants to get close to me, it's enough to buy a third floor.

Why did she buy twenty-three floors?

Hiss~~Who lives on the extra twenty-third floor?

I shouldn't have been surrounded by three layers inside and three outside, right?

Damn, it’s scary to think about it. "

"The Seven Pigeon God? The Seven Pigeon God?"

Zuimeng shouted several times before Qi Ge came back to his senses.

Qi Ge touched his face awkwardly and said:

"Oh, sorry, I just got distracted.

Brother Zuimeng, have you brought out two of the Insect Demons? Let’s study them together? "

"Yes, yes, I'll arrange it right away."

Zuimeng raised his head to the two lizardmen players beside him, and they immediately ran away.

Soon, four players ran over carrying two [Insect Conspirators].


Qi Ge snapped his fingers and said softly:

"Chaohua, get ready to start recording the video.

Brother Zuimeng, ask others to step back and clear the screen. "

Zui Meng: "Is this the beginning? Okay, I will listen to your arrangements."

Chaohua: "Okay~~"

Qi Ge walked to the two insect monsters with Zui Meng, faced Chao Hua and said:

"We try our best not to edit the scene until the end, so we are prepared for the scene."

3, 2, 1, start. "

Seeing Chaohua give her an OK gesture, Qi Ge pointed at the insect bewilderment and said to Zui Meng:

"Teacher Zuimeng, you have also done a lot of research on real plants.

What are some real-life carnivorous plants that are similar to the bug monster?

Could you please help us introduce it? "


When it comes to his professional field, Zuimeng seems to be in high spirits.

“It’s not uncommon in our world for plants to have the ability to kill bugs.

For example, pine trees can produce rosin to coat insects and prevent them from biting them.

But just killing does not qualify it as a carnivorous plant.

Only plants that have the ability to both kill and digest insects to obtain nutrients can be called carnivorous plants.

This carnivorous plant, which can produce digestive enzymes and absorb decomposed nutrients, is distributed in about 21 genera and 10 families, with more than 630 species.

Common ones include Droseraceae, Nepenthes, Sarracenia, Trichophyllaceae, Pitcheraceae, Insectaceae, Utriculariaceae, etc.

Some large Nepenthes plants can even prey on small mammals or reptiles, so carnivorous plants are also called carnivorous plants.

In addition, there are more than 300 genera of plants that have insect-catching functions, but they do not have the ability to digest prey and can only be called insect-catching plants.

The earliest insect-catching plant currently recognized in the world is the ancient pitcher plant. Fossil evidence proves that they probably lived in the early Cretaceous period 120 million years ago.

Through our research, the bug monster fully meets the characteristics of a carnivorous plant - it can obtain nutrients through photosynthesis when natural conditions are good, and it can obtain nutrients by digesting prey when the environment is harsh.

Autotrophy and heterotrophy occur simultaneously.

Dear chosen ones of Asa, please watch the demonstration. "

Zuimeng clapped his hands, and a skeleton player immediately came over with a lively chicken.

This chicken has two black leaves on its head. It is a level 0 creature with very poor combat power. It is the most common poultry in the Yasha world. Its name is [Rookie Chicken].

The skeleton soldier threw the rookie towards a [Insect Demon].

The fruit part of this [Insect Conspirator] is a red-haired girl wearing something similar to a cheongsam. It can be clearly seen from the two pea-shaped protrusions on the cheongsam that there are no other clothes inside the cheongsam.

Just as [Rookie] was flying over, the cheongsam girl stretched out her hand with a cold face and pinched [Rookie]'s neck in the air.

Then she squeezed hard, and [Rookie], who was still moaning and struggling wildly, screamed and rolled his eyes instantly.

The girl in the cheongsam turned around and picked up the [Rookie Chicken]. The plant behind her that looked like a pitcher plant opened its predatory sac and took the [Rookie Chicken] in its mouth.

The plant's predatory sac wriggled in an orderly manner for a while, and the whole [green chicken] was eaten and wiped clean, even the bones were sucked dry.

Zuimeng raised his eyebrows and continued:

“Insect Demons are very special.

Even though many parts of the Insect Monster meet the characteristics of a carnivorous plant, it is difficult for me to classify it as a carnivorous plant. I even have to question whether it is a plant.

In reality, there is a very important feature in the definition of plants:

Plants must have no ability to move autonomously, or only have weak ability to move.

As you can see, the bait fruit part of the Bug Demon is almost no different from that of animals.

It will actively hunt prey and even make calls for help to attract prey.

This is not something plants should be able to do at all. "

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“Regarding this, I think the definition of plants in the Yasha world is different from that in our reality.

The ability to move strongly is not a criterion for plants in the Yasha world.

Please take a look. "

Qi Ge smiled and snapped his fingers, summoning a dead wood guardian spirit.

“This is the fifth-level deadwood guard of the Avili force.

As you can see, it has powerful mobility and also possesses the special skills of plant soldiers.

Similar units include flyweed, snake sword flower, swamp mud flower, etc.

But I very much agree with the main point that Mr. Zuimeng just said.

[Insect Demon] is indeed very special. "

Qi Ge took out a dagger as he spoke, tore open the clothes on the cheongsam girl's back, and dug in at the connection between the cheongsam girl's back and the plant body!

"Paji" a green blood splashed, and the cheongsam girl fell down as if she had lost her soul, landing on her face.

And the plant body of [Insect Conspirator] was shaking like crazy.

Since Qi Ge had not communicated with Zui Meng beforehand, even Zui Meng was startled at this moment.

He hurriedly asked: "Master Seven Pigeons, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry."

Qi Ge smiled and replied: "Now use [Perspective Technique] to look at the plant body and the Maiden Fruit respectively, and read out what you see."

When I woke up from a drunken dream, I quickly used the [Perspective Technique].

【Megastomia tree

Power: Neutral

Level: Level 1

Level: 1st level

Quality: ordinary

Speed: 0

Life: 15

Defense: 7

Attack: 4

Damage: 3~5


plant arms

Special Skills: Plant Troops

Wormhole Deep Cave: Bind the opponent for one round after attacking]

【Sen Luo's daughter

Level: Level 1

Level: 1st level

Quality: ordinary

Speed: 5

Lives: 5

Defense: 1

Attack: 1

Damage: 3~5

Special skill: Senluo Blessing: 25% chance to dodge when attacked.

Soul depletion: unable to move. 】

"Sen Luo's daughter?!"

Zuimeng's mouth opened wide.

Qi Ge liked seeing Zui Meng's reaction, and felt the pleasure of succeeding in a prank.

The secret of [Insect Conspirator] in the previous life was told to me by Zui Meng. At that time, my expression was exactly the same as Zui Meng now.

This, this is called Thirty Years of Hexi and Thirty Years of Hedong.

"Yes. This is the most special thing about the Insect Demon. It is a combined unit.

The girl and the plant body are actually separate.

Together they are one unit, and separately they are two units.

Two individuals can be completely symbiotic and can exist independently. "

Qi Ge pointed at the girl and said: "If you advance in the form of a bug monster, the girl will always be a bait fruit.

But after separating the girl from the plant body, and then taking the girl to level up, the girl will gradually develop spiritual intelligence.

After reaching level 5, the girl will be as smart as a normal human being and even have the ability to cast spells.

However, the girl had no intelligence at level 1 and had no ability to move.

If you want her to gain combat experience, you can only use some special methods.

But because of this, as long as you train a girl, she will be like your belongings and will be extremely obedient and loyal to you. "

"It's incredible! It's incredible!"

Zuimeng said as he approached the girl with bright eyes.

He raised his foot and stepped over the girl, walking straight towards the [Megamouth Insect Tree].

"What kind of plant is this? It can actually parasitize humans and even completely control humans.

Parasitic plants in our reality will only obtain all or most of the nutrients and water they need from other plants, causing the host plant to gradually dry up and die.

Such as crystal orchid and dodder.

In the real world, most of the things that can parasitize and control organisms are fungi.

For example, the ergot fungus of Cordyceps sinensis and the zombie fungus that can control ants.

[Megastomia Tree] is actually both a carnivorous plant and a parasitic plant.

Since it has the ability to be parasitic, it should be able to extract nutrients directly from the host.

So why did it evolve the ability to hunt prey?

interesting! Amazing. I really want to be parasitized and study the whole process of its parasitism carefully.

Master Seven Pigeons, is there any way to make the [Megastomia Tree] parasitize me? "

Qi Ge:......


Qi Ge laughed helplessly.

It is indeed a drunken dream, it is still exactly the same as in the previous life.

Even though [Senluo Girl] was lying in front of him without any resistance, he was indifferent, thinking only about the plant body.

This situation improved after Zuimeng found his wife in the game.

By the way, Zuimeng's wife in his previous life was the first level 5 [Senluo Girl] he trained.

Maybe it was the one he just stepped over.

"Teacher Zuimeng, are you curious about the symbiotic relationship between the Senluo girl and the giant mouth insect tree?

According to the information I checked, [Insect Demon] is not a native unit of the Yasha world.

It came to the world of Yasha from a broken world.

Shall we go and see it together? "

When Zuimeng heard this, he nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, okay! I agree!"


Qi Ge gestured to Chao Hua to stop recording the screen.

After waking up from a drunken dream, he realized that he and Qi Ge were recording a video.

Qi Ge patted Zui Meng on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Teacher Zuimeng, thank you for your hard work. Your acting skills are really good."

"Everywhere, they are shown in their true colors."

Zuimeng waved his hands repeatedly.

Qi Ge laughed and continued:

"Brother Zuimeng, you are so funny.

When I just called you Teacher Zuimeng, your reaction was so bland, and you didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.

If you were acting in your true colors... wouldn't many people call you teacher in real life?

With your knowledge, could it be that which university are you a teacher at? "


The drunken dreamer was almost stupid. He never thought in his dream that even the title contained temptations and traps.

"I am……"

Zuimeng finally thought of an excuse, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Qi Ge.

"Hahaha, just kidding.

We who play games can’t just inquire about other people’s real-life identities.

Next time someone asks you for your identity, be sure not to reveal it.

Although we are separated by a network world, there are many people with great supernatural powers.

For example..."

Qi Ge glanced at Chao Hua and said deliberately:

"For example, if someone takes a fancy to one of your game props and blocks you in reality, that would be very dangerous.

Ordinary people like us, if we encounter something like this, we can only just let it go and let it go, or call the police. "

Chao Huazui walked over, took Qi Ge's hand, and said angrily:

"Let's see who dares! Master Qi Ge, don't worry, I will protect you in reality.

Although I am thin and small, I have many bodyguards. "


Qi Ge’s eyes lit up:

"But more is more? Is there any army with more people?"



At this moment, even Chaohua's expression became a little strange.

"Hey, why are you so serious? I was just kidding.

Um, is it too cold? Is not funny?

Blame me, blame me, don’t take it to heart. "

Qi Ge pulled Zui Meng’s sleeve and said:

"But what I said in the video just now is not a joke. The Insect Demon is really not a soldier in the Yasha world.

According to the information I checked, the place where the Insect Demon first appeared was in the [Spice Rain Forest].

In other words, there are probably void fragments of [Insect Demon] here. "

Zuimeng asked curiously:

"Great God, what are void fragments?"

“Fragments of the Void are copies of the game.

Game dungeon, a game term, means a place where you and your teammates can explore, take risks, or complete tasks in a private area without interference from others. No one other than your teammates can enter this private area where you are.

The world we are in now is a big world, and other players can enter us at any time.

But [Void Shard] was closed when we entered it, and we were the only ones inside.

There is probably a copy of [Insect Demon] in [Spice Rainforest].

How about it, are you interested? "

"Interested! Master, please take me with you."

Qige said seriously:

"It's very dangerous inside. If you want to go, you must follow me closely and obey my orders. Don't act without permission."

Zuimeng nodded sharply.

"Master, I know.

Although my fighting ability is very weak now, I will never be held back. "

I have experience in this. I followed the Thirteenth Division to study at the source of the Three Rivers..."

"Cough cough cough!"

Chaohua coughed violently.

Zuimeng:... Damn, I blew myself up again.

Qi Ge pretended not to hear and said to Zui Meng:

"Brother Zuimeng, please prepare yourself, we will set off immediately."

"Okay, okay, great master, what do we need to prepare?"

Qi Ge knocked on the [Megastomia Tree] and said to Zui Meng:

“This starts with the habits of the Insect Demon.

The bug devil can lure creatures, but it can also be lured by creatures.

The best bait to lure a bug devil is a handsome man.

Let's say I'm Charisma 30.

But I am the most important combatant in our team, so you can only be used as bait.

The preparations I'm talking about are some treasures that can increase your charm.

At least the charm must be stacked to 14 or above to have the bait effect. "

"14 o'clock...well, I only have 9 o'clock."

Zui Meng was a little embarrassed.

"It's actually less than one-third of your level, Great God."

"Already passed."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"The natural charm of the human race ranges from 0 to 10, with the middle value being 5.

If you can have 9 points of charm, it means you have a good foundation. "

"Ah, speaking of this, Master, I entered the game and looked at your strategy. When I created the character, my appearance was stretched upward."

“Yeah, well done.

Pulling it up can add 3 points of natural charm, which means that your own appearance system has rated you 6 points. From the standards of the Yasha world, you are already a very handsome guy. "

Chaohua pulled Qi Ge’s sleeves and whispered proudly:

"Boss, I just fine-tuned it. The charm value is 10 points!"

"Isn't this normal? You are beautiful to begin with."

Qi Ge rubbed Chao Hua's head, just like petting a cat.

After a while, Zuimeng said to Qige in embarrassment:

"Master, there are no charm-increasing treasures in our team.

If you adjust it from outside, you can get a few pieces, but it will take a long time, maybe several weeks. "

Adjust outside...

The seven pigeons were silent.

When you talk about the outside world, do you mean other official teams in the Yasha world, or do you mean the reality?

Hey, don't scare me. Can you still bring equipment from reality to the Yasha world?

I can only get artificial gemstones.

Qi Ge knew that there was only one layer of separation between him and the mysterious organization behind Zui Meng. He wanted to wait for this layer of membrane to hit and break, but he did not want him to take the initiative to pierce this layer of membrane.

So Qi Ge sighed and said:

"Forget it, I'll lend it to you."

Qi Ge said and started to take things from his backpack.

【Deep Purple Psychedelic

Level 6 Alchemy Treasure

Equipment location: Bottoms (pants compartment)

Basic attributes: Defense +6, Knowledge +2, Charm +2

Special skill: When the hero himself participates in the battle, he is immune to level 1~5 damaging magic. 】

【Xuanyue Necklace

Level 4 Alchemy Treasure

Equipment location: Necklace

Basic attribute: Charm +1

Special effect: The fixed reward after winning the battle has a chance to increase the level 3 resource Xuanyue Stone. 】

Necklace, ring, hat, pants, just added 5 points.

Everything else is fine, but...

Zui Meng looked at the [Deep Purple Psychedelic] in Qi Ge's hand and took a sharp breath.

"Hiss!! These two ropes and a piece of purple triangle cloth are actually level 6 alchemy treasures?

That’s outrageous!

Damn, what man would wear this? ! "

Qi Ge rolled his eyes at Zui Meng: "Do you know how hard it is to find charm equipment that is not [only for women]?

It would be nice to have it, but you actually despise it.

This is a game equipment. You put it in the equipment slot and put on a fashion. Who knows what you are wearing underneath. "


Zuimeng looked at Qi Ge suspiciously: "Master, couldn't you have taken this off yourself?"

Qi Ge looked disdainful: "Haha, I have a natural charm of 30, do I still need this?"

Do you understand the value of the most handsome guy in Yasha?

Chaohua looked at the deep purple psychedelia on Qige's hand. The pattern on the deep purple psychedelic was constantly changing, like a purple starry sky.

Chaohua was so envious that she almost cried, and said anxiously:

“This is too pretty.

Boss, why don't you lend it to me? I can dress up as a man and use it as bait for you! "

ps: I’m really sleepy after working overtime, and I’m not in the mood to write any more, so I owe you something first.

Currently owed: 12,000 words.

Why hasn’t the monthly vote list fallen yet? Woohoo.

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