Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 571 No, Zuimeng is in crisis

It's not impossible for a court lady to dress up as a man.

As an alien creature, the Bug Demon's judgment of men and women is not based on appearance, but something more essential.

If only the appearance changes. It is impossible to deceive the [Insect Conspirator], but Qi Ge has a unit called the Heretic Witch.

Let Wei Chengfeng transform into a heretic witch to change Chaohua's gender, allowing Chaohua to perform decoy tactics.

But when Qige whispered her thoughts into Chaohua's ear, Chaohua turned red with embarrassment and waved her hands in rejection.

“No! No! No! No!

I can accept it if it's just a slight change in appearance. I'm confident that I'll look handsome even in men's clothes.

But I can’t accept physically becoming a male! "

The strong tone of these four words fully explained Chaohua's reluctance.

Qi Ge has always done to others what he doesn't want others to do to him.

Even if Qi Ge doesn't want Chao Hua, he won't force her.

So Qi Ge began to have forced drunken dreams.

Zui Meng was slapped in the face by Qi Ge with [Deep Purple Psychedelic] and kept pushing with both hands.

"Master Seven Pigeons, please let me go. I really don't dare to equip this. It's too shameful."

"It's a pity that such a good treasure can still be despised."

Qi Ge sighed and handed [Deep Purple Psychedelic] to Chao Hua.

"You're not short of money either. The salary I'll give you when you join our studio may not be as much as your pocket money.

So all I can give you is what money can't buy.

I originally planned to treat [Deep Purple Psychedelic] as your first month’s salary.

Unfortunately, there is no mystery now.

Let me reintroduce it, [Deep Purple Psychedelic], a level 6 alchemy treasure. The hero is immune to level 1~5 magic. It provides a full 10 points of attributes, including a full 2 ​​points of charm.

In my opinion, if the appearance is not considered, this is the top alchemical treasure.

Of course, if you are a girl, this appearance should also be an advantage.

How about it? How do you like it? "

"I like it! Thank you boss."

Chaohua immediately took [Deep Purple Psychedelic] with both hands, smiling so hard that her eyes narrowed.

She hugged Qi Ge enthusiastically and quietly chatted with Qi Ge.

Chaohua: Boss~~I will wear it for you tonight.


Zuimeng was speechless: You actually gave a girl underwear in front of so many people, and the girl accepted it so happily?


Is this the difference between me and the great god?

Zuimeng asked cautiously: "Master Qi Ge, what should I do with the two points of charm I am missing?"

"Wait a minute, I'll look through it."

Qi Ge dug around in his space backpack for a while and took out a hair accessory and a mask.

【Obscure Mask

Level 2 Alchemy Treasure

Equipment location: miscellaneous items

Basic attributes: Attack power -5, Charm +1

Special skills: none]

【Resentful hair accessories

Level 3 treasure

Equipment location: hat

Basic attributes: Morale -1, Charisma +1

Special skill: After entering the battle, both enemy and friendly heroes will be demoralized. 】

“Although these two treasures can increase charm, they both have relatively strong negative effects, especially low morale.

Fortunately, there is basically no need for you to take action after entering the void fragments this time.

Even if you are not depressed, I will let you hang up.

Just try to use it first. "

"These two are good! Just these two."

Drunk and happy.

Although it is a bit shameful for a man to wear hair accessories on his head, it is still much better than wearing those underwear.

Fully prepared, Qi Ge took Zui Meng and Chao Hua and set off.

Just as they were about to leave, Zuimeng, who was already fine, suddenly seemed to have received some order and asked Qi Ge:

"Well, Master Seven Pigeons, several members of my team also want to enter the dungeon with us.

Take a look, is it convenient?

I'm just asking casually. If it's inconvenient, just pretend I didn't ask.

Of course, you can rest assured that they will definitely obey your orders after entering the copy. "

“This is not inconvenient, but [Insect Conspirator]’s void fragments shouldn’t be too big, with a maximum of 10 people.

There are still 7 places left, take your pick. "

"Seven places, right? No problem.

Master Qi Ge, please wait a moment. "

Less than 10 seconds. Zuimeng raised his head and said, "The selection is complete."

After another five seconds, three lizard players, two human players, a skeleton player, and an elf player ran over.

Zuimengshuala sent 7 information cards to Qi Ge, which detailed the levels, occupations, auxiliary skills, carrying units and treasures of the 7 players.

This information card looks very professional at first glance. It is absolutely impossible to make it temporarily.

I'm afraid everyone in Zuimeng's team, including Zuimeng, has such a data card.

Qi Ge looked at the information card for a while, focusing on the elf player Ding Crotch Cat.

[Name: Ding Crotch Cat

Level: 22

Occupation: Elf ranger

Professional skill 1: The health of the carried plant-type soldiers is increased by 20%, the movement speed is +2, and the morale is +1.

Specialty: Heart of Plants: Has a strong affinity for plants and plant-based soldiers. (The harvest obtained when picking plant resources is increased by 50%, and the probability of admiration of wild plant soldiers is doubled.)

Basic attributes: Attack 26, Defense 25, Knowledge 16, Magic Power 12


War Machine: Healing Sunflower, Vine Supply Truck

Auxiliary skills: Advanced Wisdom, Advanced Archery, Advanced Botany, Advanced Earth Magic, Elementary Air Magic.

Carrying heroic soul units: Great Elf*52, Dwarf Leader*88, Centaur Leader*202, Stinger Mignonette*63. 】

This combination of recruitment and troop strength is quite good.

Qi Ge nodded approvingly and asked Ding Crotch Cat:

"Is this stinging mignonette a hidden unit?"


Ding Crotch Cat is a handsome elf with short yellow hair.

She held a bow in her left hand, fiddled with her hair with her right hand, and replied to Qi Ge:

"[Poisonous Mignonette] is a level 3 and 4 hidden unit. It has long-range attack capabilities and sustained damage capabilities. It is my strongest combat power."

"What's the range? What's the speed?"

The crotchless cat looked a little hesitant and did not answer immediately.

Qi Ge expressed his understanding of this. The specific data of each unit is key information, especially his own trump card unit.

He took out a treasure and continued:

"I don't ask in vain.

The third-level alchemy treasure [Piklis's Herbal Gloves] can improve the efficiency of collecting plant resources.

Only by having a general understanding of your unit attributes can I command you better in battle. "

Having said this, Qi Ge raised his head, looked around at the other players, and said bluntly:

"With all due respect, everyone here, except Chaohua and Ding Crotch Cat, no one can help me in the battle."

After hearing Qi Ge's words, Zui Meng's expression was a little startled, but the other eight people's expressions didn't change at all, even Chao Hua did.

Qi Ge:......

Shouldn't there be a young man who jumped out to refute at this time, and then asked me to pretend to be a slap in the face, and finally became willing to obey the command?

It’s very difficult for me to handle it when you guys are so uncooperative.

Ding Crotch Mao said seriously to Qi Ge: "Master Qi Ge, your strength is very outstanding, we know it.

All of us, including me, know very well that we are here to hug your lap this time.

My hesitation just now was not that I was unwilling to tell you the information about [Poisonous Mignonette], but that I was busy taking screenshots of [Poisonous Mignonette]'s attribute panel.

Please take a look at the friend system. I have sent the screenshot to Brother Zuimeng and asked Brother Zuimeng to forward it to you. "

【Poisonous Mignonette

Power: Neutral

Level: 3

Rank: 4

Quality: hidden

Attack: 10

Defense: 3

Range: 8

Ammo: Unlimited

Damage: 8~18

Lives: 22

Speed: 5

Special Skills: Plant Troops

Sting Combo: One extra shot when shooting

Poisonous Sting Seed: Every time you shoot an enemy, it will superimpose a layer of [Lutein Toxin] on the enemy.

Each layer of [Lutetoxin] causes the enemy to suffer 5 points of poison damage each round.

[Lutetoxin] can be stacked infinitely. 】

"Shoot twice and the poison stacks.

Plant soldiers are naturally immune to mind control magic, that is, they are not affected by [Amnesia Technique]

[Poisonous Mignonette] is already an excellent long-range unit except that its range is a bit short. "

Qi Ge gave [Poisonous Mignonette] a very high evaluation, and he said to [Ding Crotch Cat]:

"When you get to the Void Shards, I will give you a chance to gain experience.

Now, let's go. "

After entering the [Spice Rainforest], Qige’s series of dazzling operations left a deep impression on the members of the Zuimeng team.

From the seemingly ordinary dead leaves, Seven Pigeons can shoot out a group of [Spring Snakes] that are ready to attack with their arrows.

Halfway through, he suddenly led the team up a tree to avoid the habitat of the [Marching Leeches].

Raise a flame to attract the nearby [Head-Eating Bird] and then pass straight through the [Head-Eating Bird]'s nest.

All kinds of magical operations opened their eyes.

Later, Zui Meng couldn't help but approached Qi Ge and asked softly:

"Master Seven Pigeons, have you lived in the Spice Rainforest before? Why do I feel that you are so familiar with this place?"


Qi Ge shook his head and said with a smile:

“But I’ve survived in places similar to the Spice Rainforest.

And before I came here, I specifically inquired with the NPC, and I had a certain understanding of the special skills and living habits of the ground troops in the Spice Rain Forest.

The NPCs in Yasha World know much more about Yasha World than we players.

Asking for their experience is a quick way to integrate into the world.

It's like your city.

It would be very helpful if you could recruit some elves, dwarves, and centaur NPCs from Avili, or lizardmen and werewolves from Tartaglia.

If a city wants to grow, it must have enough NPCs to support it.

Only NPCs can charge Yasha's fire. A city composed entirely of Yasha's chosen gods has no potential for growth. "

Qi Ge said pointedly:

"Yasha World is, after all, the Yasha World of NPCs in the Yasha World. We, the Yasha Divine Chosen, are the saviors of the Yasha World, but we are also the reinforcements of the Yasha World.

This is very important and must not be mistaken. "

Zuimeng didn't understand what Qi Ge said, but Ding Crotch Mao and the others were savoring it carefully.

Soon, Seven Pigeons took them through the dense rainforest area and arrived at the wetland swamp area of ​​the Spice Rainforest.

Zui Meng was surprised to find that the mass and density of the bug monsters here were far superior to the rain forest where they hunted the bug monsters before.

"Oh my god, the orchid mantis! We have seen that orchid mantis bug demon before."

"It's the one with a Lolita girl pinned to its chest. Even the bait fruit looks exactly the same. It must be the same one."

Hearing the whispers in the team, Qi Ge turned around and made a quiet gesture.


Qi Ge: Keep quiet from now on. All communication will be through the team’s thoughts and words. Don’t make any sound.

Crotch Cat: Got it.

Qi Ge: Chao Hua, prepare to record the video, Zui Meng, bring the equipment and prepare to go.

Zuimeng: Got it.

While Zui Meng was changing the treasure, Qi Ge explained his plan.

Seven Doves: To put it bluntly, void fragments are world fragments that wander near the world of Yasha, and are attracted and captured by the world of Yasha.

But now the Yasha world is in a state of being invaded by Chaos, so the void fragments will be contaminated by Chaos before they are completely integrated into the Yasha world.

If the void fragments are completely contaminated by Chaos, they will be taken away by Chaos and unable to be integrated into the world of Yasha.

The void fragments integrated into Yasha's world can also ensure the independence and integrity of their own world.

But once the fragments of the world are taken away by Chaos, they will be eaten dry and completely destroyed by entropy.

Therefore, the world fragments themselves will strongly resist the invasion of Chaos.

To determine how contaminated a Void Shard is by Chaos, just look at the guards near the Void Shard.

If the guards near this Void Shard are native soldiers in the Void Shard, it proves that the pollution of Chaos has just begun.

But if the guards near the void fragments are all Chaos troops, it means that Chaos pollution has entered the middle stage.

If there are no guards near the Void Shard, it becomes extremely difficult to enter.

That means that the pollution has entered the final stage, that is, the pollution degree has reached about 80%, and the void fragments are about to be taken away by Chaos.

There are no guards because Chaos is already making its final rounds.

It is extremely difficult to enter because the world fragments are gradually separated from the Yasha world, leaving only a very slight connection connecting them.

At this stage, an extremely fierce battle will break out between the Yasha world and Chaos.

In order to retain the Void Shards, the Yasha World will continue to reverse the time cycle of the Void Shards even at the cost of consuming the source of the Void Shards.

To put it simply, every time the chaos pollution deepens, the Yasha world will restart time and roll back the deepening pollution.

82%, 80.1%, 82%, 80.2% like this forcibly extend the time for the void fragments to be taken away by chaos.

At this stage, Chaos will also send an army of Chaos into the void fragments.

The local troops in the Void Shards will be slaughtered, and the Chaos Army will speed up the pollution of the Void Shards.

The more numerous and powerful the Chaos army is, the less pollution progress will be rolled back after reversing time.

But there is one last resort in the world of Yasha, which is our Yasha God’s Choice.

Void fragments are fragments from other worlds that will suppress both Yasha and Chaos.

For Void Shards, both Chaos and Yasha are enemies.

Therefore, NPCs in the Yasha world who enter the void fragments will also be extremely suppressed by the void fragments.

Especially when entering the void world at the end of chaos pollution, chaos has already gained control of a small part of the void fragments, and Yasha NPCs will almost certainly die if they enter.

But we, the Chosen Gods of Yasha, are different. We, Chosen Gods of Yasha, are only slightly suppressed after entering the Void Shards, and we can effectively eliminate the pollution of the Void Shards by killing Chaos troops in the Void Shards.

Therefore, we can also think that Void Shards are exclusive copies prepared by game designers for our players.

According to the degree of chaos pollution, the difficulty of the copy is also divided into three stages: high, medium and low.

Low-difficulty dungeons are usually one-time and end directly once the level is cleared.

Medium-difficulty dungeons are also one-time, but often require multiple player teams to relay.

When one player team is destroyed, another player team will come up again until the level is completely cleared.

Each player team participating in the strategy will receive rewards based on the progress of the strategy.

There is one exception.

If your team is strong enough, you can directly push the difficulty dungeon in one wave, and all the rewards will naturally be yours.

As for high-difficulty dungeons, that is, dungeons with a contamination level of 80%, because the dungeons are extremely difficult, they often require repeated strategies.

This is the difference between one-time copies and repeatable copies.

In other words, the pollution cannot be eliminated directly after the previous player team has completed the strategy. The pollution progress can only be set back a little, which requires the Mother Goddess to restart the game a few more times.

Depending on the size of the Void Shard itself, tens to hundreds of thousands of strategies may be required.

Of course, there are exceptions.

That is, the player team directly kills the boss of Chaos, as well as the boss of the Void Shard itself that is contaminated by Chaos.

Then you can clear the level in one go and force the world of Yasha to receive the void fragments.

However, the difficulty of the exception is extremely high, and it is impossible for those who are not super masters and have bad luck to complete it. "

Ding Crotch Cat: What rewards can the Seven Pigeon Masters get from the Void Shards?

Seven Doves: The rewards you can get by conquering the Void Shards are even richer than the Chaos Treasure House.

The more void fragments are integrated into the Yasha world, the stronger the total power of the Yasha world will be.

Capturing the Void Shards is equivalent to helping the world of Yasha capture cities and expand its territory.

I will give you a detailed list of the specific rewards you can get, please take a look carefully.

Among them, the units produced by void fragments are the top priority.

If the troop rewards obtained after conquering [Void Shards] are greater than the troops lost in Void Shards, a troop cycle will be formed, and the more you grind, the stronger you will become.

The liver bursts into flames.

I think that repeatable void fragments will be the main means for our players to grow in the future.

Now that there are so many bugs in the area, that's good news.

This proves that my guess is correct. The world where the Insect Demon is located should have just been contaminated by Chaos.

This means that most of the opponents we encounter after entering the Void Shard will be the local troops of the Void Shard.

If we want to clear the Void Shard, we must avoid these local troops, look for the chaos that pollutes the Void Shard, and destroy it. "

Qige said a lot, very carefully.

He told the Zuimeng team almost all the characteristics of void fragments summarized by previous players.

To reciprocate a favor, he had just received a bonus of tens of millions, and he always wanted to express his attitude.

Secondly, Qige also wanted to observe the official reaction.

If the official wants to help the world of Yasha expel Chaos, then the official will definitely disclose this information to all players.

But if the officials just want to make some kind of profit in the Yasha world, then they will hide the information.

Ding Crotch Mao and the others were obviously aware of Qi Ge's idea of ​​showing kindness, and their attitude towards Qi Ge became more and more respectful.

The most important thing in interpersonal communication is ability. The more capable a person is, the more friends he will have and the fewer enemies he will have.

Strength is the foundation for developing interpersonal relationships.

What Qi Ge revealed about his various understandings of Yasha's world made Ding Crouch Mao and the others pay more and more attention to Qi Ge.

Qi Dove: Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles.

Even if you say a thousand words, it is not as good as actually conquering the Void Shard once.

Zuimeng, it’s time for you to appear.

There are so many [Insect Demons] gathered here, and there is a high probability that the void fragments of [Insect Demons] are nearby.

Zuimeng: Master, what should I do?

Qi Ge: It’s very simple, just rush to the ground and shout for help, and let the [Insect Confidants] catch you.

If your charm is so high, [Insect Conspirator] will most likely not be willing to eat you directly, but will keep you as a seed for reproduction.

When the [Insect Demons] capture you back to the Void Shard, we can follow and enter the Void Shard.

Zuimeng: Okay, I understand.

Under Qi Ge's orders, Zui Meng was not afraid of danger at all.

He jumped generously from the big tree where Seven Pigeons and the others were hiding to the wet area, and shouted loudly:

"Help! Help! This beautiful man like me is alone!"

Qige quickly covered her mouth and almost laughed.

grass! God damn handsome man.

Just shout, whatever words you want to add to yourself, I almost got exposed.

The sound of Zui Meng was like a nuclear bomb exploding in this silent wetland.

In an instant, all the [Insect Demons] present turned back to look at Zui Meng.

The Orchid Mantis Insect Demon was the first to spread its wings and fly towards Zuimeng, and the other [Insect Demons] also quickly followed.

Vine tentacles, flower sacs, suckers, mucus and other strange predatory organs all greeted Zuimeng.

Within a short while, Zui Meng was tied up by Wu Huada.

A vine was stuffed into his mouth, his hands and feet were also sucked, and his body was still held in the mouth of the orchid mantis, and he was surrounded by [Insect Demons] and carried away.

Qi Ge: Let’s go, keep up, keep quiet, record Chao Hua’s whole process, and be careful to give Zui Meng more shots.

Zuimeng, please turn on the recording, we will shoot multiple shots without any blind spots.

Chaohua: Receive a guarantee to complete the task.

Zuimeng: Received, it has been opened.

Seven Pigeon Master, the mucus of [Insect Conspirator] actually has analgesic effect. My hands have obviously begun to be digested, but it doesn't hurt at all. It's amazing.

Qi Ge: Hold on, the more amazing thing is yet to come.

Led by Qi Ge, the player team followed the [Insect Demons] in a sneaky manner, mercilessly watching Zui Meng struggle helplessly surrounded by a group of [Insect Demons].

Soon, the [Insect Demons] came to the center of the swamp with Zui Meng.

There was a loud "plop", and a huge flower popped up from the bottom of the center of the swamp.

The buds of the huge pink flowers are opening and closing, like a beating heart.

The [Insect Demons] lifted Zui Meng high and ruthlessly threw it into the mouth of the flower bud.

At this moment, all players present received system prompts.

[System prompt: You have discovered a fragment of the void: the source of Senluo·Insect Tree]

[System prompt: The current Void Shard access level is: 30, and the captain must have a minimum level of 30 to enter. 】

[System prompt: Player Qi Ge’s exclusive title Void Pioneer has taken effect.

If the leader of the player's team is Qi Ge, Qi Pigeon can lead the team into the source of the Senluo Worm Tree.

The maximum number of people in the team: 10, and the minimum entry level of the team members: 20. 】

The system prompt sounded, and Ding Crotch Cat immediately became anxious.

Ding Crotch Cat: The master of the Seven Pigeons, Brother Zuimeng has just entered the game and is only level 12.

It means nothing if he can't get in.

In terms of academic level and research ability, the seven of us combined are less than one-tenth of his.

Qi Ge: Of course I know. Didn’t you realize that I had expelled Zui Meng from the team?

Crotch Cat: Huh? Really, when? "

Qi Ge: Zui Meng is not a void fragment entered as a raider, but as a prey of the Insect Demon.

After we enter, there is a high probability that we will not be at the same refresh point as him.

Therefore, after we enter [Sen Luo·Insect Tree Sea], the first thing we need to do is to retrieve Zui Meng and rescue him.

Come on, brothers, Brother Zuimeng is still waiting for our rescue. Set off!

With a flash of green light, a large bunch of vine leaves suddenly emerged from the mud, wrapped around the waists of Qi Ge and the others, and quickly pulled Qi Ge and the others into the pink buds.

[System prompt: Your team has entered [Sen Luo·Insect Tree Sea]. Please wait where you are for the void guide]

Qige opened their eyes and they had arrived in a green world!

The sky is like a vine that closes quickly, restraining the shining light.

The dense canopy of trees is layer upon layer, and birds and insects chirp one after another.

"The Void Guider system is actually online."

Qi Ge's eyes lit up.

Good news! With the Void Guide, players will not get lost in the void fragments.

“Traveler, it is your fate and your misfortune that you can enter here.

This place is called the Sea of ​​Insects and Trees, and it is a place of all evil, full of dangers. If you are not careful, your body will be wiped out.

But this place is also a place of opportunity, where extremely precious treasures are hidden. Great blessings come from the sky, and reaching the sky in one step may not be known.

Is it better to retreat when faced with difficulties and leave sadly, or to move forward bravely and fight with one's back against the odds?

The choice is yours. "

A melodious and deep male voice sounded in everyone's ears.

This voice is ups and downs, steady and powerful, with a hint of dangerous charm in the hoarseness, making people immersed in it.

Yan Yan, this is definitely the legendary Yan Yan.

Without forty years of China, it would be impossible to produce such a voice.

Qi Ge took a breath with a strange expression.

He had a vague feeling that he had heard this voice somewhere before?

Suddenly, between the light and shadow divided by the vines, a light black shadow slowly walked towards Qi Ge.

As the shadow walks over, it gradually glows, becomes brighter, and turns white, from virtual to solid.

Eventually he turned into a mysterious man shrouded in white robes.

Qi Ge:......

Although his appearance was completely different from that of Anosaki, Qige still had an intuition that the mysterious void guide opposite him was none other than the demigod of thieves, Anosaki.

"Uncle Thief, why are you here?"

Qi Ge approached the mysterious man in white robe and asked softly.

The man in white robe glanced at Qige and said coldly:

"What thief? I am the void guide who follows the orders of Mother Goddess Asa and is here to help you, Asa's chosen ones.

How could you use such a despicable profession as a thief to humiliate me?

Go back to your team quickly and be honest. "

Qi Ge:......

Ugh, are you pretending?

What Uncle Thief means is that the Void Guide cannot reveal his true information.

Qi Ge took two steps back and asked solemnly:

"Dear Void Guide, we have another companion who has been lost in this [Void Fragment]. Do you know where he is now?"

“Unfortunately, I don’t know.

My only role here is to provide you with ins and outs and rules instructions.

You should pay attention to the special rules in the world of [Senluo·Insect Tree Sea]. The movement speed of all non-plant soldiers will be reduced by 5 points.

Troops whose speed is less than 5 points will directly lose their ability to move.

The power of chaos in this area is not powerful now, but the indigenous people of this world are also hostile to you.

There are three main categories of aboriginal people in [Sen Luo·Insect Tree Sea].

Insect Tree, Senluo Girl and Insect Confused Demon.

In addition to these three categories, there are many weird biological groups that you also need to pay attention to.

Your mission is to survive in this world and find the power of chaos hidden in this world.

In addition, try not to harm the indigenous people, even if the other party takes the initiative to attack.

The final reward you can get is closely related to the number of indigenous people you harm.

The more Aboriginal people you harm, the smaller the reward will be. "

Ding Crotch Cat was a little surprised: "Doesn't that mean they hit us and we can only hide?"

"Yes." The Void Guide nodded.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

Qi Ge said.

"Sir, thank you for your guidance. Let's set off now."


The Void Guide was silent for a moment and said:

“Pay more attention, the fragments of this world are closely connected to other fragments of the world.

These fragments join together to slumber a powerful being.

If you are really at the end of your rope, you can try to wake it up.

At that time, although you will not be able to get the rewards for conquering the Void Shards, [Sen Luo·Insect Tree Sea] will not fall into the hands of Chaos. "

A powerful presence...

If the Void Guider is really the thief uncle, and can be rated as powerful by him...

Is it a level 7 myth?

Qige took a deep breath and said:

"I understand, thank you for reminding me."

The Void Guide nodded and slowly disappeared.

Ding Crotch Cat and Chao Hua approached Qi Ge together. Ding Crotch Cat asked seriously:

"Master Seven Pigeons, what should we do now?"

Chaohua asked at the same time: "Boss, can the part just now be broadcast? I have a video."

"It's okay, I'll edit it when the time comes."

Qi Ge rubbed Chao Hua’s head and said to Ding Crotch Cat:

“The top priority is to find Zui Meng.

Let's first grab a mount that can allow us to move safely here. "


The crotchless cat tilted his head, looking confused.

【Arboreal ants confuse demons

Power: Neutral

Level: Level 3

Level: Level 5

Quality: Miracle

Attack: 25

Defense: 25

Damage: 23-26

Life: 140

Speed: 18


Plant troops, giant troops

Ant Nest Bait: There is a 25% chance to dodge when attacked by melee. If the dodge is successful, the special skill [Tree Ant Nest] will be triggered.

[Tree Ant Nest]: Immediately swallow 10% of the attacker's troops, at least 2, and permanently reduce the opponent's damage by 10 points in this battle.

Burrow siege: When there is an Insect Troll on the battlefield that is about to trigger a [cave in the name] type of stunt, the Arboreal Ant Insect Demon can change the special effect to [Tree Ant's Den]. 】

The insect of the arboreal ant confuses the devil.

After Qi Ge walked around a lot, he finally found a suitable insect demon in a [giant] forest.

[Arboreal Ants and Demons] Even if they are strong individually, they still live in groups.

A large number of [Arboreal Ants and Demons] live on the leaves of a super large tree. They fold the huge leaves into a pentagonal shape.

This pentagonal leaf hut is perfectly integrated into the dense canopy of the big tree. The [Arboreal Ant Bug Demon] hides inside without being exposed at all.

If there hadn't been three [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demons] that happened to hunt a [Horned Beeworm Tree] and dragged it back to its nest, Seven Pigeons wouldn't have discovered them at all.

Yes, the Bug Demon and the Insect Tree, and even the Insect Tree and the Insect Tree, will prey on each other.

Qi Ge estimated that one [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demon] could carry four people, and three [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demons] were enough to carry the current team of nine people.

Qi Ge took everyone in the team behind a huge stone and dug a small hole for them to hide temporarily.

Qige said to them: "You stay here, don't move around, I will catch three mounts for you and bring them back."

Chaohua was very moved: "Qi Ge dad, can I go with you?"

Qige:? ? ?

"Okay, my dear, let's go and follow me."

Qi Ge took Chaohua and climbed up the huge trunk of the tree.

Although Chaohua looks delicate and delicate, she is surprisingly agile.

She was obviously a human, but she was able to follow Qi Ge, who was a half-elf, and kept bouncing on the raised bark of the big tree.

Soon, Qige and Chaohua climbed along the branches to the outside of the smooth pentagonal leaves.

Qi Ge looked down from the entrance at the top of the huge leaves. With the faint light, he could clearly see three [Arboreal Ants and Demons] dismembering the [Horned Beeworm Tree].

This is the habit of [Arboreal Ants and Demons]. They will decompose food and then package it with saliva that hardens quickly to prevent it from rotting.

When they want to eat, they will take out a piece of food package, smash it open, and take out the packaged part inside.

[Arboreal Ant-Insect Enchanter] is a qualified hamster party.

Their nests are always stocked with enough food to feed all the members of the nest for several days.

Qi Ge and Chao Hua waited patiently for the [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demons] to break down and package the food, and began to enjoy the remaining parts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Ge took out a bottle, poured it down from the sky, and poured it on the remaining flesh of the [Horned Beetle Tree].

The bait fruit of [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demon] is a red-haired girl dressed in gorgeous black clothes.

Only black clothes, no pants, a pair of big white legs that are very attractive.

When the [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demons] were eating, they were carrying the food they had accumulated in their nests.

The insect body of [Arboreal Ant Bug Demon] has no sense of smell or vision. Without the help of the red-haired girl, they have no idea that the food has been drugged.

After a while, all the [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demons] fell down with their legs upturned.

Qi Ge smiled proudly and said:

"The high-concentration dream mushroom wine can be used as an anesthetic. Come on, Chaohua, let's go down."


Qi Ge jumped into the nest, raised his knife to the red-haired girl who was still in a daze, and cut out all the roots of the [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demon] connected to the girl's body.

"Come on, Chaohua, help me lay it down."

"oh oh."

After laying the three girls down, Qi Ge ruthlessly put his hands into the girl's clothes and started groping up and down.

Chaohua:? ? ?

"Ah! Boss, what are you doing in front of me? I'm even recording a video.

If you have any ideas, you can come to me, or I can lie on the ground and pretend not to know anything. "

Qi Ge:......

"Don't make trouble, I'm looking for something. Hey, I got it."

Qige pulled out a red tentacle from the red-haired girl.

This is the aerial root of the [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demon] rooted in the red-haired girl.

Qi Ge inserted these three air roots into his body, and then poured anti-alcohol potion into the three [Arboreal Ants, Insects and Demons].

After the three [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demons] woke up, they immediately made a babbling sound and wanted to attack the Seven Pigeons.

But Qi Ge pinched the air root on his hand, and the [Arboreal Ants, Insects and Demons] immediately rolled around in pain.

After a few times, the consciousness of [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demon] was gradually covered by the consciousness of Seven Pigeons, and soon, [Arboreal Ant-Insect Demon] became Seven Pigeon puppets.

"It's done."

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said, "Chao Hua, take the three girls on the ground with you. Let's go up to Ant."

Chaohua’s eyes are shining:

"Boss, what's going on?"

Qige explained:

"The tree bodies of these [arboreal ant-insect bewitching demons] are also insect trees. They look like insects, but they are actually trees, with only weak thinking ability.

Using the air roots can connect our consciousness and their consciousness to each other.

Their feeble ability to think is quickly overtaken by the intrusion of our consciousness.

It's like a hacker breaking into someone else's computer.

[Arboreal Ant Tree] is at the top of the food chain among all insect monsters.

With these [arboreal ant trees] as mounts, we can rely on them as cover to avoid most enemies. "

Chaohua's eyes were bright: "That's great, let's go find Zuimeng."

In the darkness, Zuimeng slowly opened his eyes.

In a daze, he saw a large group of beautiful girls kneeling in front of him.

The looks of these girls are unique and exciting.

But their height is generally not high.

Zui Meng blinked and suddenly discovered that there were several familiar figures among the group of girls.

A girl wearing something similar to a red cheongsam, a girl with white hair in tattered clothes, a blond girl with leaves braided into a tube top...

"Daughter of Senluo? How could I be surrounded by a group of daughters of Senluo?

Where is the Seven Pigeon Master? Where is Xiao Ding? What about my research team? "

Zuimeng looked around and suddenly discovered to his horror that he was tied to a thick tree.

Many thorns and vines were pricking his body, slowly draining the blood from his body.

His clothes and pants were soaked in blood and turned into bloody clothes.

A large amount of blood was left along his body, flowing into a pool of blood along the grooves on the floor.

At this time, a naked girl with red eyes and blue hair was soaking in the blood pool, and she kept picking up his blood and swaying it towards the sky.

How is this going?

After bleeding so much, I’m still not dead? Am I so strong?

The drunken dreamer was stupid.

ps: The world of Senluo has been laid out for a long time. It belongs to the main plot and is related to the natural camp of the fourth generation and the forest forces of the fifth generation.

I'm afraid some book friends will say that hamsters don't push the main plot, so I'll explain it here.

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