Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 582 The Wrath of the Coward

Valeera looked at the gleaming architectural drawings of the Thieves Guild in Qi Ge's hand and asked in surprise:

"Could it be that you are an architect?

What are you doing? "

Qi Ge smiled slightly:

"Can't you see it? The drawings have been modified.

The small thieves guild is still not enough. Do you think that you will be the only thieves in my territory from now on?

The nine major forces, if not tens of thousands, must be several thousand. "

"Drawing modification?!"

Valila was shocked:

"You must not change it randomly. If it goes bad, we won't have anywhere to work."

Qi Ge smiled confidently.

"Don't worry, it won't be broken. If it's really broken, I'll give the castle to you."

[System prompt: Do you want to initiate sublimation transformation on the [Small Thieves Guild] blueprint? 】

[Sublimation transformation: A building or an architectural drawing can be sublimated every week. If the sublimation is successful, the building will improve its quality by one level, the highest miracle.

(Normal, Hidden, Miracle)

If sublimation fails, buildings and drawings will randomly mutate (mutation is not necessarily good or bad). 】

"Failure? Sorry, fate is my ally!

Confirm sublimation! "

[System prompt: Sublimation begins! 】

The drawing in Qi Ge's hand suddenly glowed brightly, and then, Qi Ge's shadow became longer and longer under the light, gradually rising, and finally wrapped the drawing in Qi Ge's hand.

Immediately afterwards, the resources in Qi Ge's pocket flew out silently and merged into the drawing.

Gradually, the white drawing in Qi Ge's hand turned as dark as ink.

[System prompt: 70,000 gold coins and 16 black shadow stones will be deducted.

The sublimation transformation was successfully launched. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the miracle building blueprint: Dark Night Guild. 】

【Dark Night Guild

Miracle architectural drawings

Building requirements:

City size: Acropolis

Resource requirements: 6000 gold coins, 60 wood, 60 ore, 60 shadow stone


1. Provide the Thieves Guild, which can trade intelligence and dirt.

2. Provide 25 recruitment quotas every week.

Can be directly recruited: level 3 and level 1 ordinary thief, level 3 and level 2 ordinary and elite thief,

Level 3 and Level 3 Concealment·Night Scout, Level 3 and Level 4 Concealment·Night Thief

3. Provide an advancement route for the level 3 and level 5 miracle unit Night Owl.

4. By consuming 2,000 gold coins + 10 shadow stones, you can transform a building with an area of ​​less than 2*2 in other cities outside your influence into a [Dark Night Branch]

Your [thief-type Npc unit; a hero with a thief-type profession; a hero whose basic race is a thief-type unit],

You can freely teleport between all [Dark Night Branches] and [Dark Night Guild] when it gets dark. Each person consumes 1 Shadow Stone for each teleportation.

Land area: 4 building spaces (2*2). 】

"Fuck! Amazing!!"

Qi Ge looked at the drawings in his hand and took a deep breath.

"Four effects, the last one is so awesome.

Even if it is a mythical building, I would not be surprised at all. "

Seeing Qi Ge's reaction being so exaggerated, Valeela immediately became curious.

"Lord, can you let me see what you have transformed?"


Qi Ge handed it over generously.

"Hiss!! No wonder there are so many miracle buildings in your territory."

Valeera took it and took a look, and took a deep breath.

“In just such a short time, you transformed a miraculous building with such a powerful effect.

This is amazing!

Lord, I really didn't expect you to be such a great architect!

No wonder the Archfather asked me to follow you. "

"Captain, what is it, can you let me see it?"

"I'm curious too."

A group of miracle thieves gathered together.

Valeela glanced at Qi Ge for instructions.

Qi Ge waved his hand very generously:

"Look, look, it will be your station from now on, and you will know sooner or later."

As a result, the thieves all exclaimed:

"Wow! That's so strong!"

"What level of architect is the new lord?"

"We, the Thieves Guild, are blessed."

Amidst the exclamations, Qi Ge smiled proudly in his heart.

One level 5 myth, plus twenty-nine level 5 miracles.

The thief uncle sent an extremely powerful army of thieves.

There is no NPC corps under Qi Ge that can fight them.

Qi Ge believed that even the entire Thieves Guild would not have many such elites.

This gift is not a big one.

Although the gift is good, it still depends on whether they can eat it. After all, their hearts are with the Thieves Guild.

Even if there is an order from the thief uncle, there is a huge difference between being convinced and taking it orally.

Now Qi Ge has shown his ability, which can more or less make them calm down their arrogance.

"Lord, please."

Just when Qi Ge was proud, the [Dark Night Guild] blueprint turned around and returned to Qi Ge's hands.

Qi Ge took the drawing and frowned, feeling something was wrong.

When he lowered his head, the drawing turned white.

[Small Thieves Guild Drawing]

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge has a toothache.

"Valila, what are you doing?"

Valeera blinked her eyes with a very innocent expression:

"Lord, something unexpected happened.

The Dark Night Guild blueprint was accidentally lost.

This is compensation. How about you remodel it? "

Qige is so angry.

"Turned around and lost it?"

"That's right! How come it was lost after turning around?! It's such an unlucky coincidence."

Qi Ge:......

Qige gave Valeela a knife without mercy:


"Stop making trouble, hand it over quickly.

Do you think transformation is done casually? It's a lot of effort, okay?

I have to rest for a long time after a transformation. "

"Hey. What a pity."

Valeera sighed softly, flipped her hand, and transformed the [Dark Night Guild] blueprint.

"Lord, I picked it up."

Qi Ge:......

"Thank you!" Qi Ge took back the [Dark Night Guild] drawings.

"You're welcome." Valila's face didn't turn red and her heart didn't beat.

Qi Ge patted the drawings in his hand and said:

"Everything else is easy to say, except that these 60 shadow stones are difficult to deal with.

The Shadow Stone is a specialty of the Shadow Realm, and the hometown of your Thieves Guild is in the Shadow Realm.

Valeela, do you have any on your body to support me? "

Valeela refused very seriously:

"Yes. But no.

The property we carry is the public property of the Thieves Guild and cannot be borrowed or given away casually. "

"Oh, if it is repaired sooner, you can move in sooner. This is for your own good."

The seven pigeons give good advice.

Valeela was indifferent and flatly refused:

"No, Lord. Unless you have the permission of the Great Godfather, we cannot lend you the Black Shadow Stone."

"That's it, that's easy to handle."

Qi Ge said as he took out a conch with black patterns.

He gently shook the conch dozens of times, and soon, a sound came from the conch.

"What's the matter?"

"Uncle Thief, I am Qi Ge, um..."

"Who is your uncle thief? I am the noble void guide. Don't shout randomly."

Qi Ge:......

"What! This is obviously the communication conch I called to the thief uncle.

How come the communication conch I gave to the thief uncle is in the hands of a noble void guide like you?

Come on, what did you do to my uncle the thief? "

For a moment, the black patterned conch fell into silence.

After a while, the sound came from the conch again.

"Oh, you are the Seven Pigeons that Anosaki told me about, right?

Are you looking for Anosaki? He's asleep. Wait, I'll call him. "

Then, two completely different voices came from the conch.

"Anosaki, wake up."


"Your conch has sounded, someone is looking for you."

"Oh? It's Qi Ge's conch. Give it to me."

"Ahem. Seven Pigeons, I'm Anosaki. What's the matter?"


Qi Ge couldn't laugh or cry.

It's so funny that the thief uncle is still trying to save his dignity even after losing his vest.

Okay, okay, you are a demigod, just be happy.

Qige suppressed a smile and said:

"Uncle Thief, I am short of hundreds of shadow stones in my territory. Can I ask you for some support first?"

"Dark Shadow Stone? Didn't I send Valli to you? Didn't you receive it?"

Qi Ge glanced at Valila and said, "Got it."

"Just get it. If you want the Black Shadow Stone, just ask Valeela directly.

We have a lot of this stuff in the Shadow Realm.

If she refuses to give it, just say the password 922768. She knows what it means.

What else?

If you have anything to say, please tell me. I'm busy. "



As soon as Qi Ge left his mouth without a word, Conch was immediately hung up.

Qi Ge looked at Valeera teasingly, and Valeela looked at Qi Ge sadly.

"Password 922768?" Qige said tentatively.

"Gu. I'll give it, I'll give it." Valila looked bitter.

“Are you the great godfather’s illegitimate son outside?

Why is the great godfather so kind to you? "

The seven pigeons were having fun.

"Do you think I look like it?"

"It seems quite similar, but I believe in the great godfather's character.

If you are really his illegitimate son, he will not hide it from us. "

Valli stretched out her hand and took a pocket from her waist.

“This is all the guild resources we brought with us this time.

It's all up to you. "

Qige took it over unceremoniously and took a look, oh, it was quite a lot. There were hundreds of thousands of gold coins alone, and there were countless various resources.

Uncle Thief is awesome.

Qi Ge could have taken them all, but Qi Ge only took out 100 shadow stones from it, and returned all the others to Valeera.

"Let's go, I'll find the goblin construction team to help you build the guild.

From now on, we will be a family. "

Valila looked at the soft smile on Qi Ge's face and his aboveboard behavior, and for a moment, she felt a little moved.

The seven pigeons had a smooth life in the territory, but Catherine's team to fight King Griffin suffered repeated setbacks.

"Your Majesty, the road ahead is blocked by boulders again."

A member of the Queen's Guard of the Round Table half-knelt in front of Catherine and said with shame:

"The opponent is a high-level knight group disguised as bandits. Their speed of destroying the mountain and evacuating is too fast for us to pursue them."

Come again. This is the sixth time.

Catherine took a deep breath, waved her hands, and said:

"Inform the entire army to repair temporarily, and order Yasha God to mobilize to help clear the boulders."

As soon as the queen's order was given, the players immediately screamed.

"Come on, brothers from the Angel Faith Guild are grabbing the contribution points."

"Let go of that stone and let our queen come!"

"The Dragon Subduing Guild has a gathering of flying mounts. Let's fly up and clear the small rocks on the top first."

Cleaning up the scattered boulders blocking the road is a very dangerous job. The boulders are large and small, and they are piled up in a disorderly manner. If you are not careful, they will cause a secondary collapse.

Once it collapses, the troops and heroes near the boulder pile will not be spared.

But to Yasha God's Chosen, who is not afraid of death, this kind of death without losing heroic soul troops does not matter at all.

They scrambled for the right to carry the boulders.

Catherine stood on the top of the mountain and watched the players clear the stones without fear of death.

From time to time, boulders would roll down, crushing the brave and unafraid of sacrifice of the Asa God's Chosen into a point of light.

"Oops! My head is gone"

At this moment, a rainbow unicorn's head was hit by a boulder and separated from its body.

The head drew an elegant parabola in the air and landed at Catherine's feet.

Catherine watched the head of the rainbow unicorn under her feet gradually turn into light spots and disappear, and she couldn't help but feel very lucky in her heart.

“Fortunately, I listened to Qige’s words and waited for this batch of Yasha God’s Chosen.

Without them, the various traps and obstacles along the way would be enough to cause heavy losses to my troops and low morale. "

While Catherine thanked Qige, she was also very angry.

“This knightly group disguised as bandits and has been following and harassing me, not only has the ability to cut down the entire mountain and break it into such boulders, but it also has a retreat speed that even the [Queen of the Round Table’s Guards] cannot catch up with.

Taking a closer look at the entire Erathia, apart from Mrak's resistance knights, only Taris's [Holy Lance Knights] are left.

The only one who can order Taris to move is Roland.

Qi Ge was right, Roland had indeed completely joined forces with Ronis. "

Catherine's pretty face finally showed some disappointment and exhaustion.

"My father was transformed into an undead and is killing my people.

My husband completely sided with Ronis and drew his sword against me.

Father, you are indeed right.

The king has alliances but no relatives, and is ruthless in favor of others. "

Thinking of this, Catherine couldn't help but glance at the sky.

"Did you see that? Gru.

Even if I don't take the initiative to approach you, Roland will push me to your side. "

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the players, these boulders were quickly cleared.

Catherine drew her sword high, straight ahead, and gave the order:

"March! Target, Carl's skill."

[Karl’s Skill].

The Roland Territory, which is closest to the [Queen's Territory], must pass through here if you want to reach the west from the central and southern parts of Erathia.

Roland named this territory after his own surname, which was also the name of King Kalben who founded Enroth. His purpose was obvious to everyone.

He was using this method to remind the entire Erathia that he, Roland, was the orthodox successor of King Kalben and had a nobler bloodline than Catherine.

It's like some old people from the Qing Dynasty eager to have the four characters "Aisin Gioro" tattooed on their faces.

Catherine dismissed this.

“There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your bloodline and your family name.

But Roland didn't understand that bloodline and surname were a halo of glory when reaching the top, not life-saving straws when defeated.

Only lofty moral character and strong power will make people follow you sincerely.

A true hero should imitate Mrak Gallant and create a family in his own name. "

Queen Catherine's troops are all elite veterans who have just experienced the battlefield of hell. They have rich experience and can enforce orders and prohibitions.

The moment the queen's order was issued, the huge army quickly began to move like a newly awakened gryphon.

But as soon as Catherine passed the pass, she saw a majestic garrison fortress.

At the top of the fortress, a large group of equally elite archers were already drawing their bows and ready to go.

Catherine raised her sword high and pointed at the top of the fortress tower.

She crushed a loudspeaker prop with her right hand, and the sound penetrated the space, being extremely loud and impactful.

"Ouling! What do you mean?"

Ou Ling pinched his mustache, sighed, and asked:

"Your Majesty the Queen, I should be the one to ask this question.

You brought so many troops and pressed into our Roland territory. What do you mean? "

Catherine's eyes narrowed:

"I have come to slay the spirit of my father, and everyone in Erathia knows about it.

Crusade messages and orders from heaven have been sent to all parts of the world. Are you pretending to be stupid with me? "

"of course not."

Ou Ling said with a cold face:

"Your Majesty, you can attack King Griffin's undead wherever you want.

You can go around from the Endless Sea, go from the Ice and Snow North, or even march from Avili.

Only we can't lead it through our Roland.

With so many troops, what if you and King Griffin take the opportunity to flank our Roland Territory?

After all, you also said that King Griffin is your father. "

Catherine's eyes were burning with anger and she asked word by word:

"Do you know what you are talking about, Orling."

Ou Ling said coldly:

"Of course I know, I made it clear.

If your Majesty the Queen did not hear clearly, I can repeat it to you.

His Majesty Roland suspected that the fact that King Griffin turned into an undead and attacked Erathia was a conspiracy by Her Majesty the Queen.

His Majesty Roland has ordered that your troops will never be allowed to enter Roland's territory.

If Her Majesty the Queen insists on going there, you can either attack our stronghold and kill all of us, the people of Erathia.

Or, you go there alone. "

At this moment, a master-level lieutenant next to Ou Ling chuckled, also used a loudspeaker, and shouted loudly:

"Your Majesty, we cannot let you pass here, but if you can go to the red leader's camp to get permission to pass, we are not incapable of accommodating you."

Another adjutant immediately took over:

"So, where is the red leader's camp?"

"In His Majesty Roland's palace."


For a moment, there was laughter on top of the city tower.

Catherine's eyes suddenly turned cold. Behind Catherine, her troops were also extremely angry, as if their eyes could spit out fire.

The Lord is humiliated and the ministers fight to the death.

If it weren't for their good military qualities, they might have already begun to charge.

At this moment, on top of the city tower, Ou Ling suddenly took action.

With lightning speed, he kicked the two adjutants on the left and right to the ground.

He held a sword in one hand and put it on the neck of one adjutant. In the other hand, he held a ready-loaded crossbow and pointed it at the other adjutant.

There was a sudden silence on the tower, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

Catherine frowned, completely confused as to what trick Oring was playing.

Ou Ling stared at his two lieutenants coldly and reprimanded in a deep voice:

“Her Majesty the Queen is of noble royal blood and a legendary hero with great military exploits.

The bastards from hell who die at the hands of the Queen are more than the rice you have ever eaten.

Is she someone you two losers can insult? "

"General, general, we..."

Oh! Chi!

The battle field belonging to the legendary hero unfolded. Ou Ling raised his sword with one hand to slash, and pressed the trigger with the other hand. Two streams of blood spurted out immediately!

Two precious master heroes died on the spot like this!

For a moment, the entire tower was silent.

Ou Ling looked around coldly and said in a calm tone:

“The one who laughed just now slapped himself a hundred times.

Now, immediately, immediately. "

Bang bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a burst of claps on the tower, and the sound was like heavy rain.

Amidst the applause, Ou Ling stuck his sword on the ground, but did not put down the crossbow.

He said coldly:

"Your Majesty, please come back.

I will not let you pass without His Majesty Roland's order. "

It's not that Catherine doesn't have the courage to attack the fortress by force. Even if the fortress is guarded by Ou Ling, who is specialized in archery, she is still sure of taking down the fortress.

However, the archers under Ouling's shooting speed will be very exaggerated, and if they are hit hard, the losses will be huge.

But now is Catherine's first battle in Roland's territory. If this battle is not fought, it will seriously damage morale.

Moreover, it is not practical to take a detour from other places. This stop will have to be visited sooner or later.

While Catherine was struggling, a griffon knight suddenly landed from the sky.

Catherine's tight defense force, including the thirteen Queen's Guards of the Round Table, turned a blind eye to the gryphon knight.

Li Xiaobai landed in front of Catherine and said quickly:

"Your Majesty, the boss said, please be patient."

Catherine closed her eyes and waited for a while before slowly opening them.

She stretched out her hand and waved it back.

A Queen of the Round Table guard next to Catherine immediately shouted:

"The Queen has ordered us to maintain our formation and retreat slowly."

Seeing Catherine gradually disappearing on the horizon, Ouling's eyes became colder and colder.

He glanced at the two corpses at his feet, snorted coldly, and returned to the command room of the tower.

Ou Ling sat in his seat, his face as sinking as water, and he said nothing.

An hour passed, two hours passed.

Ou Ling finally couldn't hold back his anger and hammered the table with a bang.

He knew very well that what the two adjutants said was not his own arrangement.

If they dare to interrupt without their permission, they can only receive orders from someone with a higher status than themselves.

"Your Majesty Roland? Is that you?

Do you want to stimulate Queen Catherine to attack the stronghold?

Take my life and that of my entire army, and leave Queen Catherine with a bad name that can never be erased?

I hope not, otherwise, you would be too chilling for me. "

Just then, a guard hurried into the room.

"General, there was a fire just now."


Ou Ling was shocked. He immediately thought that Catherine wanted to attack by force.

"Where's the fire?"

"Um." The guard paused and said, "Western Army Camp. General, don't worry too much. The fire has been put out, and the loss is not much. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"The bodies of Deputy General Chalmo and Deputy Ramkan were burned and reduced to ashes."

Retreat, organize the army, and set up camp.

From the time the order was issued to setting up camp, it took Catherine's troops less than half an hour.

In the queen's tent, Catherine raised her eyebrows, looked at Li Xiaobai, and asked in a deep voice: "I've calmed down for a while, what next? What kind of evil ideas does Qi Ge have?"

Li Xiaobai held his head high and replied loudly: "I don't know. The boss hasn't told me yet."

Catherine pretended to be angry:

"You don't know? If you don't know, why don't you tell me to be quiet?

Do you know how much damage this withdrawal will cause to our morale? "

Li Xiaobai touched his head and felt a little embarrassed:

"Your Majesty, I don't know. I don't know much about marching and fighting."

"I don't know this, I don't know that. So what do you know?"

Li Xiaobai proudly replied: "I know it will never be wrong to listen to my boss."

Catherine shook her head and smiled helplessly.

She never imagined that someone as smart as Qi Ge would actually send this innocent guy as a messenger.

"What I mean is, if you don't know, just ask immediately and urge Seven Pigeons more."

"Yes! Your Majesty."

Li Xiaobai immediately became happy when he saw the task being triggered.

He happily accepted the task and ran out of the camp to contact Qi Ge.

After a while, Li Xiaobai returned to the camp and said to Catherine:

"The boss said that he has his own arrangements, please don't be anxious, Your Majesty."

Catherine took two deep breaths and hummed dissatisfied:

“This guy Qi Ge doesn’t say anything and keeps letting me guess.

If it weren't for the fact that his [Heavenly Changes] plan was really exciting last time, I would have had to ask him for an explanation. "

Li Xiaobai smiled naively:

"Your Majesty, maybe the boss hasn't thought about it yet."

Catherine looked at Li Xiaobai with pity, smiled and said:

"Bai, you are so simple, you must be deceived by Qige often, right?

How could a person like him, who takes one step and sees seven or eight or nine steps, not think clearly.

Maybe now, his evil plan is already on the way. "

As soon as Catherine finished speaking, a member of the Queen's Guard of the Round Table opened the tent and walked in.

She said respectfully to Catherine:

"Your Majesty, a group of women came outside the military camp.

They call themselves the Sisters of Silence and come to help on the orders of Saint Adela. "

Catherine smiled at Li Xiaobai: "Look, this is coming."

After a while, sixteen women walked into Catherine's camp, led by the Queen's Guards of the Round Table.

Some of them were wearing linen clothes and were thick and tall, some were sallow and skinny, and some were blindfolded and needed help from others.

No matter how you look at them, they all look like peasant women or refugees, and have nothing to do with the Sisters of Silence.

The strong woman in the lead stepped forward and said to Catherine:

“Your Majesty the Queen, I am Arale, a member of the Sisters of Silence.

Before meeting, please allow me to introduce myself.

We, the Sisters of Silence, are an organization spread throughout Erathia, secretly founded by Her Majesty Adela.

We are primarily responsible for delivering women's babies, prophesying, and organizing funerals, often as midwives, prophets and seers, undertakers, and undertakers.

On the periphery of our organization, members are very loosely distributed, mainly those who believe in angels.

But the core of our organization all believe in Mother Goddess Asa. "

Catherine smiled slightly and asked:

"Do you have a token?"

Li Xiaobai raised his hand and said:

"Ah, the boss said that he arranged it, so there is no need to worry about fraud."

Catherine glanced at Li Xiaobai and said to Arale:

"Welcome. Please continue."

Arale nodded and then said:

“The lords of Roland’s territory, like Roland, are only interested in collecting taxes and plundering money.

Their tentacles and control could barely control the villages surrounding Roland's acropolis.

We received the order very early and used the abandoned mine to mine a tunnel, which allowed us to directly skip the heavily defended Karl's Territory and reach the [Mosaic Leaf Territory].

Her Majesty the Queen, you and your troops can use the tunnel we left to reach the Flowery Leaf Territory.

After you arrive in the Roland Territory, we will also arrange for personnel to escort you on the country roads throughout the Roland Territory.

In this way, Your Majesty and Your Majesty's troops can avoid the obstruction and reconnaissance of Lord Roland and intercept King Griffin's undead silently. "

Catherine noticed something was wrong as she listened. She pretended to ask casually:

"I received an order very early to mine a tunnel using an abandoned mine?

Kalben territory is vast and has many mountains. Is it so easy to mine tunnels?

How early does this mean? "

"About two months ago?"

"Two months ago?"

Catherine frowned:

"Two months ago, I was still fighting a holy war in Over. Before my father's remains were stolen, you received the order to use the abandoned mines from the Mosaic Leaf Territory to penetrate the underground of Karl's Territory?

how? Can the seven pigeons predict the future?

Or is it that he planned even the theft of my father's remains? "

Arale lowered her head:

"We received orders from Her Majesty the Holy Lady.

As for the reason for the order, we have no idea. "

Catherine remained silent and just stared at Li Xiaobai without saying a word, putting tremendous pressure on Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai trembled twice and said:

"I'll ask the boss right away!"

After a while, Catherine took out a conch.

She pressed the conch to her ear and heard the seven doves in the conch say:

"Your Majesty, you don't need to worry.

That tunnel was originally intended to serve the more ambitious Qingtian Plan.

What happened to you this time was just a coincidence. "

Catherine pretended to be angry:

"Qi Ge, what is your plan?

If you still regard me as an ally, tell me your overall plan quickly.

Do you find it interesting to control me like a puppet step by step? "

"Your Majesty, you have wronged me.

The current situation in Erathia is intricate and complex.

Until now, I still haven't figured out the main purpose of Ronis and Roland. I can only take it one step at a time, and find out where the overall plan comes from. "

Qi Ge told the truth, but Catherine didn't believe it at all:

"Haha. You told me the same thing when I was in Over, and then you took away the entire continent of Over.

If it hadn't been for the last letter you gave me that allowed me to evacuate in time, I would be drifting towards the Endless Sea following the Overland. "

Qi Ge:......

"Your Majesty, you really wronged me. I swear to the goddess of fate, I really don't have any overall plan now.

Besides, does my plan really make sense?

Her Majesty the Queen.

You are the king of Erathia. His Majesty Griffin is your father.

The choice is ultimately yours.

All I can do is give you a little help at the right time with the help of my power. "

"Hmph, forget it if you don't want to say it. When the time comes, my own judgment disrupts your plan, so don't blame me."

Catherine hung up the conch and rubbed her eyebrows.

She looked at the members of the Sisters of Silence, and just as she was about to speak, the conch shook again.

Catherine took the conch and asked:

"What's up?"

Seven pigeons’ cautious voices came from the conch:

"Well, Her Majesty the Queen, I would like to ask, do you know the whereabouts of General Morgan Kendall?"

Catherine couldn't help but feel a little strange when she suddenly heard this name.

Morgan Kendall, the oldest legendary hero in Erathia.

He is Gru's adoptive father and the temporary successor after the death of his father, Geffen Hart.

He single-handedly created Erathia's dual-king system, giving himself enough resources to compete with the Holy Sky Church and Roland.

But because he was disappointed with the church, he eventually betrayed Erathia and became a wandering neutral hero.

Because of his departure, Erathia's already unstable political situation became more turbulent, which directly led to countless internal strife in Erathia.

"Why did you suddenly mention him, Qige?

I have seen General Kendall for a long time.

Ever since he left Erathia, he seemed to have disappeared without any news. "

"Oh, it's okay then."

Qi Ge said:

“I just feel that General Kendall, as King Griffin’s most trusted subordinate, might return to Erathia to meet King Griffin this time when King Griffin becomes undead.

Decades have passed, and I don’t know what General Kendall’s strength is now. "

Catherine sighed melancholy and said:

"He won't go.

The one he once loyal to was King Griffin, who had great talent and strategy, put an end to civil strife, and loved his people like a son.

Not the current undead who wielded the butcher knife against his former people.

Even Roland and I can't get his approval, and it's even more impossible for my father to become an undead and lose his humanity. "

"Oh, it seems I'm worrying too much."

Qi Ge paused and asked:

"Your Majesty, is there anything else you would like to say?"


"In that case, I'll hang up first."

Putting down the conch, Catherine rubbed her eyebrows.

She felt that when talking to Qi Ge, she had to guess every word the other party said, which was really tiring.

"Is the Seven Pigeons a Sphinx? He likes to pose puzzles to others so much.

A restless guy. "

Catherine cursed Qi Ge in her heart and said to everyone in the Sisters of Silence:

"Good, I understand.

Thank you for your help. You can go down and have a rest first.

I want to think about how to lead the large army deep into Roland's territory without hiding it from Roland and Ronis.

"Yes, Your Majesty."


late at night.

The chirping of insects was particularly loud in the silent night.

The powerful Yasha God Chosen used the army's Yasha Fire Lamp to take turns clearing away the fog of chaos trying to penetrate deep into the camp outside the military camp.

Most of the Yasha God Chosen who were not strong enough wandered around the military camp, looking for tasks to do; a small number simply lay down and browsed the forum with their feet up happily.

Queen Catherine's tent was still brightly lit.

She is studying how to hide the troops into the darkness without anyone noticing.

With the tunnel leading directly to [Mosaic Collar], Catherine felt that her plan could be bolder.

Originally, she had to take the risk of leaving Roland's back to confront King Griffin head-on.

Now, she can bypass the occupied area and cut in from behind King Griffin. While cutting off King Griffin's retreat, she can avoid Ronis and Roland's plot.

In this way, if Ronis and Roland want to use tricks, they must first pass through King Griffin's encirclement.

Catherine felt that even if her back was turned to Diya, it would be safer than turning her back to Roland.

"Hmm!! Although Qige's always hiding makes me very annoyed, but I have to admit that he did a good job.

Without this tunnel, I would have taken a lot of risks. "

Catherine stretched out, revealing her beautiful curves.

At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew into the tent and blew out all the dozens of bright magic lamps.

Catherine did not panic, she asked softly tentatively:

"is it you?"

Catherine's longing voice came from the darkness.

"it's me."

"Why did you come to me now?"

Catherine's voice was filled with joy and concern.

"Did something happen?"


Gru sighed and said very reluctantly:

"I'm going to leave for a while."

Catherine's heart tightened:

"Did something really happen?"

"It's not that something happened. It's just that my adoptive father is looking for me."

"General Kendall!!!"

In the darkness, Catherine's pupils widened and her voice rose a full octave.

Gru was a little surprised by Catherine's reaction:

"Yes what's the matter?"

Catherine took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked softly:

"Aren't you here during the day?"

"I'm there most of the time."

"What about the small part?"

"Yeah. I went to take care of a little matter."

"Little things?"

"Nothing, just burned some garbage?"

Catherine glanced doubtfully into the darkness, but unfortunately saw nothing.

She didn't delve into it, just said softly:

"I see."

There was a sudden silence in the darkness.

"Slag, slag, scum. scum, slag, scum."

The chirping of insects echoed in the darkness for a long time.

Catherine's beautiful lips parted slightly: "You haven't left yet?"

"Yeah. I want to see more of you."

"Then turn on the light and watch."

So Gru was silent again.

Catherine cursed a coward in her mind.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

"Be careful while I'm away. Roland is not a good person."


"I'll be back as soon as possible."


You never told me if you wanted to leave or come back to me before.

Why are you willing to come now? "

Catherine smiled and looked into the darkness. Although she couldn't see it, at this moment she felt that the darkness in front of her was her only warmth.

The darkness was silent for a while, and then a voice came out:

"I'm a little bolder."

"How dare you?"

"The audacity to break a promise. My promise to you."


The magic lamp lights up again.

Catherine's eyes suddenly brightened.

But she was still the only one in the tent.

It was as if the sound just now was an illusion.

"He's older, but he's still a coward."

Catherine pouted at the air.

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