Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 583 Lu Bu rides Dian Wei

It was just dawn.

In Catherine's military camp, the army began to prepare for departure.

In Catherine's tent, opposite Catherine stood a woman who looked very similar to her.

"Katerina. The rest is up to you."

Catherine patted Caterina on the shoulder with a solemn look.

Catalina knelt down on one knee, terrified:

"Your Majesty the Queen. I have survived so far just to be useful at this time."

Catherine raised her head. Not only did she have a substitute, her thirteen Miracle Round Table Queen's Guards all had identical substitutes.

If magic is not enough, make up is enough.

Three female Yasha Divine Chosen from the [World Hegemony Guild] are using various cosmetics produced by the Ogatavia Chamber of Commerce to dress up the thirteen stand-ins.

The effect of makeup is even better than using disguise.

As long as they stand outside the range triggered by the Magic Eye, their disguise is impeccable.

That morning, Catherine led a large force into the secret passage. Caterina, with thirteen pseudo-Round Table Queen's Guards and some remaining soldiers, kept asking Roland to come to the front line to meet her in front of Karl's stronghold.

The plank road is built openly and the warehouse is secretly built.

Through the secret passage carefully prepared by the Sisters of Silence, Catherine quickly approached the [Flower Collar].

The northern border of Erathia, the Castle of Ancient Snow.

The biting wind and snow floated in the air, making a whistling sound and dyeing the world in red.

On the street, the snow plowing guards had just cleared away the snow, and new snow would fall again.

It goes on endlessly, as if it can never be swept away.

At the top of the tall arrow tower, Adela tightened her robe and rubbed her hands.

She let out a breath of white air and looked at Aedrid, who was standing next to her.

Adri's long orange hair slipped out from her ice-blue robe, and was particularly conspicuous in this ice and snow.

Saint Adela and Ice Ring Goddess Adelaide.

The two most beautiful women in Erathia stand together. Even without the fine white snow, it is still a beautiful scenery.

Adela breathed out a breath of cold air and said to Adela:

“I really envy you, you don’t feel cold even in such a harsh environment.

I can't. If I don't use magic to protect myself, I won't be able to hold on for long. "

Adrien smiled softly.

"Are you trying to say that you can be held in Qi Ge's arms because you are afraid of the cold?"

Adela turned her head and glanced at Adelaide provocatively.

"If you understand it this way, I won't deny it."

Adri had to twist his hair and smile even more charmingly.

"I'm not afraid of the cold, so I'm not qualified to be held by Qi Ge.

But it doesn't matter, Qi Ge is afraid of the cold, I can hold him. "



Adela and Adela looked at each other, and when their eyes met, sparks flew.

At this moment, a woman wearing a thick coat ran up panting and holding up her furry skirt.

"Aunt Eaton, slow down, don't be in a hurry."

"Your Majesty the Holy Maiden."

When the woman realized that Adela had seen her, she gasped and quickened her pace and ran up.

Adrid and Adela released protective magic for her at the same time, making her feel more relaxed.

"Lady Saint." Eaton said anxiously:

“Master Chalmer and Master Ramkan both died.

Ou Ling's hand killed the queen on the spot when she met Ou Ling. "

After hearing the news, Adela didn't look moved at all.

She lowered her eyelids slightly and asked:

"Where's the body?"

"His Majesty Gru has already taken care of it for us."

"That's fine."

Adela raised her eyelids and said softly:

"Take good care of their wives and six children, find an opportunity to send them to Longgue Port City, and train them with all your strength."


Seeing Aunt Eaton running hard again, Adrien whispered:

"Two men who were loyal to you were sacrificed like this. You really haven't changed at all, Adela.

Cruel and cold-blooded. "

"Their loyalty is not to me, but to the Inquisition behind me."

Adela said without mercy:

“They should be happy to sacrifice themselves for the God they believe in.

Originally, even their families should not be responsible for me.

But Teacher Ronis has lost his mind. If I don't care, their family members may be sent to Holy Sky City to become petitioners. "

"But they died on your orders."

Adrien hit the nail on the head.

"so what."

Adela was unmoved.

“Charmo was lustful and raped sixteen women; Ramkan was power-hungry and framed three innocent heroes in order to gain power.

Even if they don't die under my order, they will die tragically for some reason in the future. In short, they will not end well. "

As Adela spoke, several Holy Spirit marks floated on her body.

"Adrid, I am different from you, I am the favored one of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the inspector of the Mother Goddess and the eyes through which the Mother Goddess observes the world.

If what I do is not in line with the will of Mother Goddess or the will of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will leave me.

Therefore, as long as the Holy Spirit's care for me is still there, it means that I, Adela, am doing justice for heaven. "

Adela's voice was neither loud nor strong.

Adela could feel that Adela was not emphasizing anything, she was just stating what she believed to be a fact.

"That's why I hate you."

Adri turned away and said softly:

"I am not a normal person to begin with, and you are even more normal than me.

If it weren't for Seven Pigeons, we might never have gotten together. "

Adela also turned her head away and said calmly:

"What a coincidence, so do I."

After learning from Li Xiaobai that the queen had entered the underground passage, and that Gru had helped deal with the two lieutenants, Qi Ge nodded with satisfaction.

So far, his plan was going very smoothly.

Chaohua, who was also following the group chat, asked:

"Boss, why did you arrange for those two lieutenants to humiliate the Queen?

If the Queen knew about this, wouldn't it affect your cooperative relationship? "

Hearing Chaohua's question, Qi Ge smiled and replied:

"Chaohua, have you ever played chess?

The only way to win in chess is to kill the opposing general or commander.

The general and the commander are the weakest pieces in chess, but they are defended by chariots, horses, artillery, elephants and soldiers.

If you want to win, you must first kill some of the Zili next to the general.

Reality is more interesting than chess. Not only can we kill the opposing chariots, horses and artillery, we can also make the opposing chariots, horses and artillery alienate from the coach.

Even instigate opposition.

Think about it, if Shuai was stabbed to death by a taxi next to him, wouldn't victory be very easy?

There are only three capable people around Roland - Cattleya (Caitlin), Orling, and Talis.

The three people have different reasons for being loyal to Roland, but Oring is the most loyal to Roland.

Talis, who was born into a noble family and studied at Holy Light Royal Academy in Holy Sky City, was different from Cattleya, who was the daughter of a rich man and had a church background.

Ou Ling was born a commoner and had no backing behind him.

He can become a legendary hero because of Kendall's appreciation and Roland's financial assistance.

Roland is to Orling what Catherine is to Sousa.

This is the gift of knowing someone.

Ou Ling is the most loyal to Roland. If they don't let each other be suspicious of each other, there will be absolutely no possibility of inciting Ou Ling to rebel.

If Roland died in battle, Ouling would definitely be in front of Roland.

However, Ou Ling is so strong and has a very good character, so it would be a pity to kill him. "

While Ou Ling was confidant to the soldiers, he also maintained strict military discipline and measured rewards and punishments.

In his daily life, he was meticulous about the sufferings of soldiers and their families, and he was extremely strict in training and combat.

With one hand focusing on winning people's hearts and the other hand focusing on the military's combat power, Ou Ling has an excellent reputation in the military.

During the Holy War, Oring was very fair to the legions belonging to Roland and the legions belonging to Catherine. Even if he violated Roland's orders, he would not favor one over the other.

This makes Oring very popular even among Catherine's troops. "

Qi Ge concluded with emotion:

"Ou Ling is a respectable general. His biggest mistake in his life was to follow the wrong master.

I didn't mean any harm, I just wanted to help him reverse this mistake. "

Chaohua continued to ask thoughtfully:

"Boss, what about Taris and Cattleya?

The tower girl in the promotional video looks so handsome when she leads the cavalry to charge. "

"Don't worry Cattleya." Qige said: "Her fate is bound to Christine, and she will go to Catherine sooner or later.

Talis' situation is also completely different from Orling's. She is not loyal to Roland, she is only loyal to the royal family of Carbon.

As long as she finds a replacement and has another choice, she will naturally not continue to follow Roland.

What's interesting is that according to unofficial historical records that are unknown whether they are true or not, King Kalben really left behind a bloodline.

When Enroth fell, the young prince of Enroth, Gryphon Carbon, lost contact.

According to my analysis, the probability that he is not dead is very high, and there is a high probability that he is in the Griffin Cliff area. "

"Gryphon Cliff area?"


Qi Ge nodded, opened the map and pointed at the center of Roland's territory.

“Gryphon Territory, the fiefdom of the Edric family, the collar within the collar.

The entire Griffin Territory is surrounded by Roland's territory, but the Griffin Territory belongs to the Edric family. Neither Roland nor Catherine has any jurisdiction over the Griffin Territory.

Despite the small size of the Griffin Cliff area, the total strength of the entire Griffin Cliff area can lift up and fight the three troops of Talisga, Olringa, and Cattleya.

We need to get there in advance before Catherine arrives at the Griffin Territory, and win over Edric's support first.

With the help of Edric's griffon army, Catherine can more easily deal with King Griffin's undead army. "

Having said this, Qi Ge's thoughts couldn't help but wander a little further.

Although Catherine received help from Kendall in her previous life, she failed to recruit Edric.

Adric nominally belongs to Catherine's People's Livelihood Faction, but he is not very interested in the People's Livelihood Faction's ideas.

He chose the Minsheng faction because he simply hated Roland.

As a long-term gryphon tech geek, Catherine subconsciously believed that it was impossible for Edric to help her, so she did not try.

In this life, Qige is not sure whether Kendall will come to help Catherine, so Edric's support is very important.

Holy City, Ronis's ascetic chamber.

The black-clothed magistrate of the Inquisition was half-kneeling on the ground, sweating profusely.

Ronis' bookshelf has been cleared.

Ronis, who always loves to be clean, now the room was actually filled with black ash.

These black and gray are scattered and neat, and the shape of the pages can also be seen.

Religious people even burn books page by page, which is full of ritual.

At this time, Ronis was lying on his bed with his eyes half closed, looking drowsy.

The black-clothed judge did not dare to disturb him, and could only grit his teeth and resist the demigod pressure emanating from Ronis.

After a long time, the black-clothed judge could hardly hold on any longer. Ronis finally opened his eyes and asked:

"You...what you just said, I forgot, please say it again."

The black-clothed magistrate was relieved and said quickly:

"His Majesty the Pope, His Majesty Roland did not act according to our plan.

Originally, according to the plan, His Majesty Roland was supposed to stop King Griffin's undead at the Red Castle.

But not only did he mobilize Orling and Talis to the eastern part of Roland's territory to block Queen Catherine's advance, he himself did not even go to the front line.

[Red Fort] was captured by King Griffin's army after holding on for a day. Our bishopric in the Red Fort was completely wiped out, and even the cathedral in the Red Fort was demolished.

All the 160,000 people who were expected to be converted into pilgrims were slaughtered.

If His Majesty Inheim hadn't arrived at the Red Keep yet, I'm afraid even he would have been trapped in the [Red Keep]. "


Ronis slowly and shakily sat up from the bed.

In the past two days, his body had lost a lot of weight and he looked like a dying old man.

"What does Roland want to do?"

Ronis's face is still young, but his eyebrows have turned white.

The black hair on both sides of his ears was also stained with white frost.

The black-robed judge lowered his head and said tremblingly:

“After the incident happened, I contacted His Majesty Roland as soon as possible.

His Majesty Roland said that he also wanted to defend, but could not. "


Ronis patted the edge of the bed. He looked weak, but the entire Holy Sky City trembled!

On the street, the signboards of several shops were knocked off, and in the busy city, people were overwhelmed.

"Ahem, I'll ask myself."

Ronis coughed twice and took out an angel statue.

He squeezed it, but the angel statue showed no reaction.

Ronis' expression darkened and he glanced at the black-clothed magistrate coldly.

He noticed that the black-clothed magistrate had lowered his head and did not raise it, and his eyes softened.

Ronis calmly put the angel statue away and said to the black-clothed magistrate:

"You ask first, and I'll listen."


The black-clothed magistrate quickly took out an angel statue and activated it after praying.

The angel statue didn't respond to the first call, and Roland didn't answer.

"The Pope..."



The second time, the third time, and the fourth time, as the number of times increased, Ronis's expression became more and more gloomy.

It wasn't until the fifth time that Roland finally responded to the statue.

As soon as he came up, he asked in a very impatient tone: "What's the matter?"

The black-clothed judge glanced at Ronis and saw that he had no reaction, so he said to Roland:

"Your Majesty Roland, I would like to ask you again why the Red Castle fell?

This is not what you promised us before. "

"I said it all, I kept it, but I didn't.

How many times do you want me to say it?

That beast Rod Hart didn't keep his promise at all. He didn't just plunder resources and leave. He just wanted to knock down Erathia.

If you have time to harass me, why not quickly think of a way to send more angels to drive away those skeletons? "

The black-robed judge looked at Ronis and indicated that what he said was true.

Ronis finally couldn't bear it anymore and said:

"Roland, have you forgotten the oath you swore in the cathedral?"

On the other side of the angel statue, there was a sudden sound of tables and chairs falling over, and the sound of glass breaking.

Immediately afterwards, Roland's panicked voice came out:

"Your Holiness, I have never forgotten it.

I, Roland, have sworn an oath to do my best for you and the Holy Heaven Church, and to provide the church with the highest political support. "

Ronis' voice was low: "Since you have never forgotten, how do you explain what you are doing now?

Are you trying to take refuge in Diya, or am I, Ronis, not worthy of crowning you the Pope? "

At this time, Roland's voice calmed down.

"Your Majesty the Pope. I have not told a lie.

I really can't beat it.

When King Griffin was alive, I was no match for him.

Now he has become an undead, has such a terrifying undead army, and has become extremely cruel, bloody and aggressive.

Now he is like a beast that has broken free of its shackles, and I am no longer his match. "

Ronis gradually lost patience:

"Are you pretending to be stupid with me, Roland?

You can't defeat it yourself, why don't you send Oring and Talis over?

Not only did you not send them out, but you asked them to intercept Catherine?

What exactly do you mean?

You won't tell me that you are really attracted to your wife who has never held hands a few times, and you don't want to watch her step into the trap step by step? "

"of course not!"

Roland categorically denied it.

"Your Holiness, you know me.

Women are just playthings to me, even if they are legends.

The only thing that attracts me to Catherine is her blood.

But in my eyes, she is just a noble toy.

The reason why I intercepted her was to make our plan go more smoothly.

I bet she's more anxious than us right now.

As long as Catherine attacks the Orling Guard stronghold, the fact that Catherine betrayed Erathia will be established directly, and she does not even need to meet King Griffin.

The gods had a reason to directly judge Catherine. "

Ronis couldn't tell for a moment whether this was Roland's excuse or what he said from the bottom of his heart.

There is no doubt that there is no guilt. In the absence of tangible evidence, Ronis can only take what he said as true.

"Roland, if things are really as simple as you think, do I still need to spend so much effort to make so many arrangements?

Don't make your own decisions, it will only harm me and yourself.

Now, let Catherine go immediately, and then find a way to make up for the missing 160,000 pilgrims. "

"Complete, complete?"

Roland's voice sounded very surprised.

"Your Majesty the Pope, for these 160,000 pilgrims, I have sent more than 3.2 million people to King Griffin.

Now it costs another 160,000. "

“Then give another three million.

No, be safe and give away five million. "

Ronis' voice was emotionless.

Roland was silent for a while and replied affirmatively:

"Your Majesty the Pope, I understand. I will do it immediately."

Seeing that the light of the angel statue was gradually dimming, the black-clothed magistrate, who had never dared to disturb him, asked eagerly: "Pope, will Roland comply?"

“Whether he knows it or not, we have to prepare in advance.

I can't wait any longer. "

Ronis stretched out his hands, and some age spots and wrinkles had begun to appear on his hands.

"Notify Inheim to advance the eastbound plan."


Before going to Griffin Cliff, Qi Ge sorted out the Griffin King incident in his previous life and the Griffin King incident in this life.

He wanted to analyze the plans and purposes of Ronis by comparing the different developments of the two incidents.

But Qi Ge did not expect that when he was sorting it out, he accidentally discovered a suspicious point that he had not noticed before.

The speed of Roland's defeat in his previous life was almost the same as the speed of Roland's defeat in this life.

Roland's leadership fell quickly in this life, and Qi Ge was not surprised.

Roland only has three usable true legendary heroes.

Orling and Talis were both transferred to stop Catherine's advance, while Cattleya performed intelligence work near the queen's territory.

Roland's leadership in the Western Territory couldn't even find a top-level general who could handle it, so it was natural that he would collapse.

But the situation in the previous life was different.

Qi Ge can guarantee that Ronis was definitely not involved in the King Griffin incident in his previous life, and Roland was not as hostile to Catherine as he is now.

The entire King Griffin incident was purely Rod Hart's personal behavior.

Even with the two trump cards of Oring and Taris, Roland's leadership was still so completely defeated, which is a bit intriguing.

Even if King Geffenhart is very powerful and has a high strategic level, Orling and Taris will never lose so completely together.

But Roland in his previous life seemed to have no resistance at all. His territory fell all the way, and even Roland's own main city, the old capital of Enroth, Standwick City, was captured by King Griffin. .

Standwick City is a standard comprehensive main city. It is first-class in terms of city defense facilities, logistics capabilities and troop production capabilities.

In the entire history of mankind, Stadwick City has fallen twice, one was the large-scale invasion of Chaos, the one in the historical echo of Seven Pigeons.

The other time was the time in the previous life as King Griffin.

No matter how high Qi Ge thinks of King Griffin, Qi Ge cannot compare the strength of King Griffin's troops with the original Chaos Eruption.

In other words, under normal circumstances, King Gerry definitely does not have the strength to forcefully attack Stadwick City.

Qi Ge touched his chin and whispered to himself:

"Could it be that the alliance between Ronis and Roland is not as stable as I thought?

Even though Ronis has been leading the entire plan in his life, Roland still has his own little plans.

Ronis is using Roland to achieve his purpose of framing Catherine and preventing the large-scale spread of the Poseidon Church in Erathia.

Roland also followed the trend and took advantage of Ronis's conspiracy to cede a large amount of Erathia's territory to King Griffin.

But in fact, even if Ronis didn't give the order, Roland was still going to let Catherine and King Griffin kill each other?

Could it be said that Roland received any benefits from Diya, or secretly took refuge in Diya?

But it doesn't make sense.

The first is to take refuge.

Although Erathia is a dual-kingdom system, Roland and Catherine belong to each other and have no jurisdiction over each other.

Roland is in Erathia, that is the orthodoxy of orthodoxy, and he is the well-deserved leader of a country.

What reason did he have to go to Diavodho to be a child?

Second, if we say that Roland received Diya’s benefits.

What Roland gave to King Griffin now was his own territory.

King Griffin occupied his territory and destroyed his territory. What kind of price did Diya have to pay to make him pay such a big sacrifice? "

Qi Ge thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure it out.

He simply suppressed this problem in his heart and prepared to go to Stadwick City to see the situation in person.

But before that, Qige had to go to Griffin Cliff first.

Seven Pigeons came to the Sky Boat, opened the sky vision, located the Griffin Cliff, and delivered!

In the blink of an eye, Qige, who was far away in the Golden Sea, arrived at the Griffin Cliff area.

The sky is full of griffins flying in groups over the griffon cliffs carefree.

The towering peaks were gnawed to pieces by gryphons, and there were holes everywhere.

This familiar scene made Qi Ge feel very emotional.

"I'm back, old friends."

In his previous life, Qi Ge worked as a griffin breeder in the Griffin Cliff area for half a year in order to find a good advancement route for his gryphon.

Relying on his excellent ability to make friends, Qi Ge not only raised the reputation of the Griffin Cliff area to the level of respect, but also gained the appreciation of the legendary hero Edric.

Edric even wants to marry his granddaughter Elena to Qi Ge as his wife, so that Qi Ge can join the Edric family.

Qi Ge was very moved, but ultimately rejected the condition.

If he were seventeen, he would endure it and become a beast. After all, humans in the Asa continent are considered adults at the age of twelve or thirteen.

But at seven years old, he really couldn't do it.

After communicating with Li Xiaobai, Qige soon saw Li Xiaobai chasing a large group of dragon flies behind him at the border of Griffin Cliff.

Dragonfly is the most common wild monster in the Griffin Cliff area. It has a movement speed of 12 and often harasses unadvanced griffons.

Coincidentally, after Li Xiaobai's griffon Sang Xiao advanced three times, its speed was also twelve.

This made it impossible for Li Xiaobai to escape the pursuit of the dragon flies.

Qi Ge laughed and flew up on Zi Yuan who turned into a gryphon.

"Boss!" Li Xiaobai was overjoyed.

"Team up!"

At the same time as Qi Ge gave the order, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot out the bow and arrow in a row, instantly drawing all sixteen groups of dragon flies into the battle.

Facing an assassin unit like Dragonfly, which has high attack power and low HP, there is no unit more suitable than [Sky Fire Elemental].

The slow method adds the flames of the sky.

Twelve rounds later, [Demon King's Arms]'s ultra-high range damage cleared all the dragon flies in just two waves.

A brilliant victory.

When Qi Ge and Li Xiaobai left the battle space, they were already surrounded by a group of griffin knights.

Although Qi Ge and Li Xiaobai entered the Griffin Territory without permission, the Griffin Knights did not speak because they were both heroes and helped the Griffin Cliff clean up a wave of dragonfly monsters. Qi Ge made things difficult, but politely shouted:

"Hero, this is the territory of the Adric family. If you inadvertently break in, please leave quickly.

If you are coming intentionally, please state your purpose. "

Qi Ge patted the nervous Li Xiaobai on the back and said with a smile:

“Guards, we are all the chosen ones of Asa who belong to Erathia.

I heard that the Griffin Cliff area is the holy land for all griffins and griffon knights. It just so happens that my brother’s profession is a griffon crossbowman.

I brought him here to find the next step in career change.

To be honest, both of us are now level 29 and are only one step away from being a master. "

Qi Ge said as he took out the greeting gift:

"This is the black dragon scale, a small gift from us to the Edric family.

Please don't be offended if you take the liberty to come to your door. "

The scales shed by the black dragon are the same as the feathers shed by the angels. They are a rare resource in themselves.

Especially for griffins, placing a large number of dragon scales in their lairs can help them better stimulate their blood and move closer to the advanced dragon-veined griffons.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person. Qi Ge's actions are obvious at first glance.

The leading griffin knight and the two lieutenants beside him discussed each other for a while and said politely:

"Two heroes, we don't have the right to decide whether you will stay or go, it's up to the head of the family to decide.

I will take your gifts away for the time being and ask you to wait in the sky for a while. "

"Of course." Qi Ge said with a smile: "We will not break in, please don't worry."

The leader of the griffin knights left first with his two lieutenants, while the other griffin knights continued to stay to guard Qi Ge and Li Xiaobai.

About ten minutes later, with a crisp cry, the legendary hero Edric of Erathia came over from a distance riding a huge Griffin King.

He pulled the Griffin King to a quick stop in the air. The strong wind stirred up when the Griffin King flapped its wings made the Griffin Knight and Li Xiaobai in the sky somewhat unsteady.

The gryphons under them also flapped their wings hard and adjusted their balance.

Edric wore a half-covered helmet and an iron chain mail armor with high defense but very light weight.

He asked excitedly:

"Who gave these black dragon scales?"

"it's me."

Qi Ge smiled slightly, raised his hand, and said hello seemingly without courtesy:

"Your majesty, Edric, I have admired your name for a long time."

Qi Ge knew that although Edric was a noble, he hated the red tape of the nobles the most as he had been with griffons all year round.

When you greet him for the first time, you should be polite, but not too polite, otherwise he will be disgusted.

"Is it really you who gave it to me?"

Edric looked at Qi Ge in surprise.

"You look so young and very weak."

Of course Qi Ge knew why Edric reacted this way. He smiled generously and said loudly:

"If your Majesty is talking about twenty-six level 2 black dragon scales and one level 6 mythical black dragon scale.

Then there is no doubt that it was sent by me.

Boy, I'm lucky, I have an old relationship with Negan's master, Moriel.

Your Majesty, you don’t need to doubt that these scales come from the mythical black dragon [Infinite]. "

"Ha! Level 6 mythical black dragon scales as a greeting gift?"

"You have an old relationship with Moriel and are from the underground city? Which legend's son is this?"

"Didn't he say that he is the chosen one of Yasha?"

"How long has it been since Yasha God's Chosen came to our world? How much skill does it take to get unlimited dragon scales?"

The volume of Seven Pigeons was very loud, and the gryphon knights present could hear it very clearly.

For a moment, the eyes of all the griffon knights were directed at the seemingly ordinary bag in Edric's hand.

Edric lifted the bag in his hand in disbelief and confirmed again:

"Do you understand the value of the gift you gave me? Are you sure you want to give it to me?"


The seven pigeons are in high spirits.

"I think that with your strength and your research on griffons, this meeting gift is just right for you."

"Ha! Okay!"

Edric clapped his hands happily, put all the black dragon scales into his space backpack with a snap, and waved his hands to say hello to Qi Ge and Li Xiaobai.

“Come on, come down and talk.

Go to my castle. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, Edric’s favorability towards you is +20, currently 36 (appreciation)]

Qi Ge smiled slightly, this is the power of mythical dragon scales.

This is the favorability between myself and Li Xiaobai. If I send it alone, I can add 40 points.

Qi Ge and Li Xiaobai followed Edric to the main castle. Edric took off his chainmail and threw it to the steward and maid who were waiting nearby.

He pulled his collar, stretched out his hand, and shouted:

"Come here, make tea, prepare the dinner, we have distinguished guests coming!"

Hearing Edric's shout, the housekeeper and maids immediately got busy.

Several housekeepers also ran to the servants' room to call out all the servants who were resting to work overtime.

Qige couldn't bear it and said quickly:

"Your Majesty Edric, there is no need to be so solemn. Just be casual. Neither of us cares about this."


Edric waved his hand vigorously.

“It’s your business whether you care or not.

Whether I do it or not is my business.

You gave me such an expensive gift, and it would be shameful for me if I couldn't even order good tea, wine, and a banquet.

Come, please sit on the sofa over there.

Chief Attendant, please tell the kitchen to order some fruit and good wine. "

Qige had no choice but to sit on the sofa with Li Xiaobai.

Edric sat down opposite Qi Ge, he sniffed and said:

"Hey, I was just taking care of the griffin in the griffin's lair, and this body smells like sweat.

You guys sit down for a moment and I'll take a shower first. "

"Need not!"

Qi Ge stretched out his hand and said:

“Wherever there was any smell of sweat, it was the aroma of gryphons, and my brother and I were happy when we smelled it.

Right, Xiaobai? "

"Yes, yes!" Li Xiaobai nodded vigorously, we really like the taste. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, Edric's favorability towards you is +5, currently 41 (appreciation)]

Edric clapped his hands happily and laughed:

"Haha, okay. I like your temper."

He smiled and said:

"It seems that everyone is an honest person without any evil intentions, so I asked directly, is there anything you want me to help you with when you give such an expensive gift?"

Qi Ge stood up and introduced himself:

"Your Majesty Edric, I am the seventh pigeon chosen by Yasha God, and this is my brother Li Xiaobai.

The main reason we came here this time is to help my brother Li Xiaobai find a good advanced career.

noob. "


Li Xiaobai stood up, looked at the memo he wrote in the friend system with empty eyes and read:

"Your Majesty Edric, my first profession is the griffin crossbowman among the gryphon knights.

Now I am not far from the master, but I still can't find the way forward. I would like to ask you for advice. "

"Okay! No problem."

Li Xiaobai made this request, and for Adelek, it hit the target.

If it was something else that he wasn't good at, but regarding griffins and griffon knights, he thought that no one in the entire Yasha world knew better than him.

So he immediately agreed.

"Whatever advanced profession you want, I can find it for you."

Qi Ge said without hesitation: "The strongest.

Even if it is a career that you are not sure anyone can succeed in, we can accept it. "


Edric glanced at Qige.

"you sure?"

"I am sure."

Qige kicked Li Xiaobai's shoes, and Li Xiaobai immediately echoed loudly:

"We are sure. We came here specifically to find you because we want the strongest gryphon knight profession in the entire Yasha world."

"Very good, ambitious and courageous! That's what a griffin knight should be.

A gryphon that dares not face the strong wind will never fly high! "

Edric clapped his hands and said:

“I really have an extremely powerful profession here.

But this career is still in my imagination.

I have become a legend. The road is blocked and there is no way to change my profession.

Only an energetic young knight like you can challenge it.

I call this profession [Holy Griffin Knight]. "

Hearing the name of his previous job, Qi Ge felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

In his previous life, it took him more than a month just to learn this name.

In this life, the 6th level mythical black dragon scale will open the way, this is it!

Of course Qi Ge knew that [Holy Griffin Knight] was Edric's most proud research achievement.

It's like you have golden colors in both single shots and you want to show off to others.

Speaking of this, Edric didn't know how happy he would be.

Qi Ge immediately leaned forward slightly and said to Edric: "Your Majesty, I would like to hear the details."

Edric said with great memories:

“Initially, my idea for this profession was to be the strongest gryphon knight profession.

As we all know, the strongest military force of us humans is the angel.

But before angels, we humans also had an extremely powerful soldier called the Paladin.

My ancestors had been looking for a gryphon that could match the paladin but never found one.

Therefore, the gryphon knights failed to appear until the paladin clan was exterminated.

This has always been the regret of our ancestors.

The paladin clan has become extinct, and the paladin gryphon knight has become an impossible last word.

However, this does not prevent me from using paladin in my ideas.

[Holy Griffon Knight] is the strongest gryphon knight I conceived based on both angels and paladins.

Think about it.

Paladins are the strongest ever.

Angel is the strongest right now.

That allows the strongest in the past to ride on the strongest now.

Isn't that the strongest from ancient times to the present? "

Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Lu Bu rides Dian Wei, right?

Is this reliable?

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