Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 661 Don’t fall asleep

"Forget it, let me kiss you!"

Chao Hua stood up on tiptoes, hugged Qi Ge's neck, and kissed her mouth to mouth.

Qige:? ? ?


With a crisp sound, Chaohua still parted her lips with Qige, and said happily:

"In the last 30 seconds, I was finally saved."

Qi Ge sat cross-legged on the raft, holding the [Black Fish Man's Throat Worm] with an incomprehensible expression:

"I see.

The side effects of this thing are also too great. If you are not careful, you will become completely mute. Sure enough, the things fished out of [The Abyss of Heaven] are very weird.

I don't mind the mouths of Suo Xiaotian and the others, but this thing can't let us know where they are. It can only let them come to us. It's too restrictive and its functions are a bit useless.

Forget it, just put it away. "

Qi Ge said, then turned around and opened a black slime box next to him, and threw the [Black Fish Man's Throat Worm] into it.

Chaohua thinks something is wrong:

"Boss, who's this next to you?"

"Ah, this is the Abyssal Dead Ball Box, a 200-block super large box, made of [Abyssal Black Bile Fish].

Even though it looks ugly, it is safe and has no side effects.

There was also a sea snake box that I dismantled before. If you touch it, you will die. It is too dangerous. "

Qige introduced Chaohua:

"I have unlocked Haiyuan technology and can create special Haiyuan props.

However, the production of Haiyuan props is very time-consuming, and there is no way to fish during the production.

It just so happens that there are two of us, I am responsible for fishing, and Asuka you are responsible for manufacturing, perfect. "

"Ha... Haiyuan props?"

Chaohua was a little confused.

Qi Ge patted the squid clothes at his feet and said:

“This is one of Haiyuan’s props.

[Abyssal Scale Armor-Squid].

After wearing it, you can sneak into the [Abyss of Heaven].

Well, it's too dangerous to go into the sea now, so I don't dare to try it.

When there are more troops in the future, I will definitely go to sea.

Another function is that you can use six tentacles as fishing rods for fishing at the same time. This is quite useful.

With the Haiyuan props, we can eliminate the need or minimize the need to replace those weird limbs. "

As Qige said that, he replaced the [Walker Linde's mysterious right arm] and [The evil wind-smoked squid's tail] one by one.

Chaohua looked shocked when she saw that Qi Ge actually had three weird things on her body.

"The boss installed two strange props on himself. Aren't you afraid of any negative effects?"

Qi Ge scratched his head and said:

“If you want to develop quickly, you always have to take some risks.

But the magnitude of the risk is not invisible. "

Qi Ge opened the dead ball box, faced the strange limbs in the box, and introduced Chao Hua seriously:

"[Deep Sea Mero's young left hand] can increase the upper limit of health by 40, [The tail of the evil wind-smoked squid] can increase the upper limit of health by 10, and [Walker Linde's mysterious right arm] can increase the upper limit of health by 50.

When we fish, we need to use our own maximum health as bait. When we replace a limb, we will also lose the maximum health of the limb itself.

Putting these two points together, it can be clearly seen that this Chaos Treasure House has been trying to reduce our own maximum health limit and replace it with the maximum health limit brought by the treasure house.

Our opponent is this treasure house of chaos, and what it wants us to do must be very detrimental to us. "

Chaohua's eyes suddenly widened:

"Boss, what do you mean, the upper limits of these two health points are different?!"

Qi Ge nodded and replied:

"Yeah, that's what I think.

Although I have no evidence yet, I feel that the seemingly identical upper limit of health is the biggest trap arranged by the [Tianmin's Abyss] treasure house.

Also supporting this is the weird mechanism of losing the upper limit of health.

When I pull out a hair, I lose 1 maximum health point. If I replace my arm and hand, I lose 20 maximum health points.

It is obvious that 20 hairs are equivalent to one palm and one arm.

This is obviously unreasonable.

So I think that the replacement of limbs is just the appearance, and the replacement of the upper limit of health is the core.

I call the upper limit of our own health as [original soul], and the upper limit of health brought by these limbs as [external soul].

I have 90 soul points, and I spent 4 points on fishing, leaving 86 points left.

When using [Walkerlind's Mysterious Right Arm], I have 70 points of the original soul and 50 points of the external soul, so I dare to install another 10-point tail of the external soul.

At this time, my true soul is still greater than my external soul.

But I dare not use my [young left hand] and [right arm] at the same time, otherwise I will have more [external soul] than [my soul].

I don’t know what the consequences will be if the outer soul exceeds the main soul. It may be very serious, or nothing may happen.

Unless absolutely necessary, I will not use my own life for experiments with insufficient information. "

"In this case, wouldn't it be safest not to replace even a single weird limb?" Chaohua asked strangely.

“That is the safest, but it will also slow down your development.

You must have seen the hints on the Salvation Rod and the Boat of Hope at the beginning.

There must be many unexpected dangers hidden in [The Abyss of Heaven], and developing too slowly is no different than waiting to die.

Failure to eat due to choking will result in starvation. "

Chaohua looked at Qige with admiration:

“That’s it, boss, you are so awesome!

I still have a lot to learn from you. "

“Game experience will continue to accumulate.

You will be like me in the future. "

Qi Ge smiled and patted a black shell next to the dead ball in Haiyuan, and said to Chao Hua:

“This is the Haiyuan manufacturing platform.

You can unlock the Abyss recipe by standing next to the crafting table.

There are more than sixty large planks and some squid skins in the box. You can first use squid skins and planks to synthesize abyssal planks, and then use abyssal planks to expand our raft.

After wrapping a layer of abyssal wood around the edges, our ship will have combat effectiveness.

Some weaker sea monsters will die if caught on the boat.

I also have some sea serpentskin and abyssal swordfish here. You can use them to make abyssal snakeskin sails to speed up the movement of our raft. "

"Ha~ Even though I didn't understand it, it looked awesome."

Chaohua chose to give up thinking:

"Hey, boss, I am your little secretary, I will do whatever you ask me to do.

Boss, feel free to fish! Leave the manufacturing to me. "

Seeing Chaohua begin to concentrate on studying Haiyuan's manufacturing platform, Qi Ge laughed and opened Haiyuan's dead ball box.

He switched his left and right hands back, then took out various conspicuous baits and tied them to the squid legs of [Abyss Scale-Squid], and started fishing.

The six squid legs can stretch and contract freely under the control of the seven pigeons. They are both soft and hard, and extremely flexible.

In order to imitate the movements of the bait to seduce the black shadow under the sea, the six tentacles moved extremely violently and quickly.

If this scene was seen by any female elf, female knight or magical girl, they would collapse on the ground with weak legs and a hehehe expression.

Using [Abyss Scale Armor-Squid], you can attract additional materials related to the abyss, some of which are sea monsters that require victory in battle to obtain materials.

For example, the [Abyss Squid Soldier] that makes [Abyss Scale Armor-Squid].

These sea monsters that require fighting to be taken down are extremely aggressive, and they will eat the bait if you are not careful.

Therefore, Qi Ge is extra vigilant when fishing.


Qige's eyes narrowed, and a tentacle suddenly swung in a circle in the air!

The bait on the tentacles followed the tentacles in circles, and a ferocious gar jumped out of the sea and followed the bait in circles.

Qi Ge's eyes were quick and his tentacles were quick, and he tied up the gar man with the tips of his tentacles in an instant.

But Qi Ge only restricted the gar man's movements and did not draw it into the battle.

Soon, the other five tentacles of Qi Ge also received good news one after another.

The four tentacles caught the supplies and were thrown onto the raft by Qi Ge.

The ferocious gar and lungfish were pulled into the fighting space by the seven pigeons.

Chaohua, who was studying the [Haiyuan Manufacturing Platform], suddenly entered the battle and was stunned for a moment.


"Don't be afraid. I'll study you and I'll deal with it."

Lin Xi stood on a 5*5 raft, holding a rope with a wooden hook in his hand.

There was a strange mouth on the wooden hook at the top of the rope, chattering to Lin Xi:

"Oh oh oh, Master, this is a joke, right? You must be making me happy, right?

You can't possibly want to use me to hook those garbage floating in the sea again, right?

Hahahaha, Master, you must be... ah! ! ! Master, I hate you! "

"Go to hell!"

Lin Xi ignored the thought of the strange wooden hook and threw the wooden hook out like a cowboy throwing a lasso, and retrieved a three-meter-high treasure chest from the water.

At this time, Lin Xi's raft had reached a size of 20*20, and there were countless buildings on the raft. There were also many sponge people who looked like yellow sponges but had four limbs on the raft. Busy.

If you look carefully, you can also see that the Sponge Man has been replaced with various weird limbs.

When Qi Ge and Chao Hua just met, Lin Xi, who had gained a huge advantage in the early stage, had even stopped fighting alone, had his own younger brother, and started playing business simulation games.


At this moment, Lin Xi discovered that his living wooden hook seemed to hit something strange.

Unlike other struggling prey, this thing seemed to be dead.

He pulled the living wooden hook back with force and found that there was a huge skull hooked on the living wooden hook.

And on the skull, there is also a flesh line that seems to be made of some animal ligament.

At this moment, Lin Xi felt that the flesh line suddenly tightened, and a pulling force pulled the skull, as if trying to pull him and the living wooden hook away together.

"This! Could it be..."

Lin Xi's eyes lit up, she turned around and shouted:

"Paddle paddlers, paddle with all your strength in this direction!"

"Hey hey hey hey hey!"

A large group of yellow sponge men rowing suddenly rowed harder.

The huge raft slowly turned and rowed along the direction of the meat line.

Lin Xi stared ahead seriously.

As the raft approached, the thick fog gradually dissipated, and the three-part blue boat light lit up, like the eyes and mouth of a skull.

Gradually, a dark ghost ship sailed out of the fog. On the bow of the ghost ship, a vampire was pulling hard on the flesh thread in his hand.

Lin Xi was overjoyed and shouted quickly:

"Fat brother!! It's me!"

"Yeah! Brother Xi! Damn it, I finally met my brother."

Bang bang!

The corpses of two strange creatures fell on the raft, along with a large scattering of yellow balls that looked like fish eggs.

Qi Ge took a breath and looked at them.

A corpse carries a water gun that can fire seawater cannons on its back. It looks like a fish-tailed gar with two hands. When you open the gar's mouth, you can see a distorted human face.

Another corpse resembles a fish with a shield head, no hands, and a shield pattern on the upper body that resembles a human face.

【Haiyuan eel soldiers

Effect: You can use the Abyss Fruit to resurrect. After resurrection, you can help you fight as a soldier.

Has long-range attacks and underwater stunts.

It can also be broken down into materials to obtain gar liver and gar skin]

【Abyssal Lung Shield Fish

Effect: You can use the Abyss Fruit to resurrect. After resurrection, you can help you fight as a soldier.

Has a defensive stance and diving stunts.

It can also be broken down into materials to obtain lungfish crust and lungfish meat. 】

【Haiyuan Fruit*30

Effect: After consumption, the damaged maximum health value will be restored. One fruit can restore 1 point.

There are also some wonderful unknown effects. 】

"Abyss Fruit! Finally caught it."

Qi Ge was so happy that he rolled up all the fruits of the sea with his tentacles and moved them to Chao Hua.

"Chaohua, hurry up, use these Abyss fruits to make [Magic Water Ball]."

"Okay boss! Let me see, magic water polo, magic water polo, ah, there it is!

Use 20 Abyss Fruits + 5 Kelp to make one.

The effect is...unlock a magic below level 3!

Wow, so awesome! "

Chaohua took some [Abyss Fruit] from the tentacles of Qi Ge, quickly found the formula and started making it.

The production materials were put into the shell-shaped [Abyss Manufacturing Table].

The whole shell is constantly beating, and occasionally a wonderful light emerges from the cracks in the shell.

Soon, the shell opened and Asakamori fished it out, and a deep purple crystal ball appeared in Asaka's hand.

"Boss! Here it is."

Chaohua handed the magic water balloon to Qi Ge, who had just taken off his squid leather sheath.

Qige took the water balloon, took out the magic book, and found the magic she wanted to unlock without hesitation.

Because of Shion, the Seven Doves Club has a lot of magic.

However, among all the magic, the one that is most useful to Qi Ge right now is definitely that one.

[Use your magic to see the world, not your eyes]

The level 1 magic most commonly used by Qi Ge - [Magic Eye], is a gift from the goddess of magic.

【Magic Eye

Hidden level one magic

Whole Department·Junior

Strategic spells can only be used on the big map. After using them, you can view the specific data of a group of wild monsters, as well as some information about other players or NPCs.

Mana cost: 5

NOTE: A viewing target that is too powerful may detect your prying eyes. 】

As the magic eye is unlocked, a purple light emerges from Qi Ge's eyes. At the same time, the entire world changes in Qi Ge's eyes.

The seemingly ordinary sea water turned into rotten flesh and blood, and countless squirming tentacles formed waves after waves.

A large group of weird eyeball limbs were embedded in the carrion, rising and falling with the wriggling of the tentacles.

This scene is terrifying just to watch.


Qi Ge took a deep breath and did not tell Chao Hua what he saw.

He quickly opened the treasure chest and looked at the strange thing he had caught before.

[Deep Sea Mero's young left hand

Effect: Replace body and soul

After replacement, the left hand can touch the [Celestial Abyss] without being cursed to death by the [Celestial Abyss], but the degree of corruption will increase with the contact time.

Basic attributes: Increase corruption by 40 points.

A [Lobster Pot] can be summoned, and the [Lobster Pot] can be placed into the [Tiannian Abyss] for hunting.

[Lobster Cage] is more likely to attract highly corrupted prey. 】

"Fuck! There really is a trap!"

Qi Ge felt a chill behind him.

Chaos is so cruel and has a poisonous heart.

If you don't use the magic eye, you can only see some [hints] that are true and false.

If you foolishly believe the prompts, you will be tricked to death if you are not careful.

Qi Ge quickly looked at Chao Hua with his magic eyes.

After getting Chaohua's consent, Qi Ge saw Chaohua's attributes.


Maximum health value: 97 (soul value + corruption degree)

Soul value: 97

Corruption degree: 0]

[Corruption degree: When the corruption degree exceeds the soul value, you will feel irresistible sleepiness.

The higher the degree of corruption, the stronger the sleepiness. When the degree of corruption exceeds 2 times the soul value, sleep is unstoppable.

Once you fall asleep in the Abyss of Heaven, your soul will be swallowed by the Sea Serpent of the Abyss. (Death, the level will be randomly reduced by 20~40 levels, and the account will be deleted if the level is insufficient.)

Being hungry, dehydrated, or injured for a long time will continue to increase the corruption value. 】

"Hiss~Delete the account... Sure enough... my guess was right.

In [Heaven's Abyss], [the upper limit of health] is just the appearance, and [soul value] is the core.

We use bait when fishing, and the purpose is to consume our soul value.

Powerful limbs filled with temptations are meant to increase our corruption.

Everything in this treasure house is designed to allow us to bury ourselves.

The strength obtained by replacing the body is hypocritical. The stronger you are, the closer you are to death. "

Qi Ge shared the information he had obtained with Chao Hua, and was surprised and praised by Chao Hua.

He took a look at himself and confirmed his attributes.

【Seven pigeons

Soul value: 87

Corruption degree: 0]

After breathing a sigh of relief, Qi Ge checked other things on the boat.

【Redemption Fishing Rod

Effect: You can fish in the Abyss of Heaven, and you can use items with [soul value] or [corruption] as bait.

Using [Soul Value] items as bait has a [high probability] of catching prey with [Corruption Degree].

Using [corruption] items as bait has a [very small probability] of catching prey that restores soul value.

Explanation: Don't give up, even in the darkest abyss, there will be final salvation.

But be careful, salvation is always extremely difficult. 】

【The Boat of Hope

Effect: You can float in the [Heavenly Abyss]. You need to use paddles or equip sails to move. You can use wooden planks to expand.

The larger the [Boat of Hope] is, the easier it is to attract the hunters in [The Abyss of Heaven].

Explanation: Never fall asleep. If you are still awake, there is still hope.]

"Fuck! Even the expansion raft has holes!"

Qi Ge was shocked.

"This is really a murderous plan at every step. It will not work either with development or without development."

[Abyssal Scale Armor-Squid

Effect: Wear.

After wearing it, it transforms into an abyssal squid with 6 tentacles.

The body can enter [The Abyss of Heaven] and its degree of corruption will slowly increase.

The tentacle can be used as a fishing rod to enter the [Heavenly Abyss] without increasing the degree of corruption.

It is easier to catch items related to [Abyss] when fishing with [Abyss Scale Armor-Squid]. 】

【Sea Abyss Fruit

Effect: Edible

After eating, the damaged soul value will be restored by 1 point and the corruption value will be reduced by 1 point.

Can be used as material. 】

"Oh!" Qige's eyes lit up. "This Abyss Fruit is actually a rare good thing without any pitfalls."

Qi Ge checked it and found that there were no traps in either the [Haiyuan Dead Ball Box] or the [Haiyuan Manufacturing Station].

At least, under the gaze of the magic eyes, no traps were found.

This made Qi Ge breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, he looked at the two things he had just caught.

【Haiyuan eel soldiers

Effect: You can use the Abyss Fruit to resurrect. After resurrection, you will help you fight as a soldier. Resurrection requires 10 Abyss Fruits.

It can also be decomposed into materials to obtain gar liver and gar skin. After decomposing, you will increase the degree of corruption by 20 points. 】

【Haiyuan eel soldiers

Level: 5

Rank: 3

Quality: Miracle

Speed: 14

HP: 200

Soul value: 200

Defense: 28

Attack: 20

Damage: 50~60

Special Skills: Coming from the Abyss: Can enter [The Abyss of Heaven] without increasing the degree of corruption.

Blister Gun: Gets 1 blister every 3 rounds, causing 140 points of damage regardless of distance.

Dive into the sea: Enter the abyss and avoid attacks from the surface of the abyss. 】

【Abyssal Lung Shield Fish

Effect: You can use the Abyss Fruit to resurrect. After resurrection, you will help you fight as a soldier. Resurrection requires 10 Abyss Fruits.

It can also be decomposed into materials to obtain lungfish hard skin and lungfish meat. After decomposition, you will increase the degree of corruption by 20 points. 】

【Abyssal Lung Shield Fish

Level: 5

Rank: 3

Quality: Miracle

Speed: 8

HP: 260

Soul value: 260

Defense: 38

Attack: 18

Damage: 30~40

Special Skills: Coming from the Abyss: Can enter [The Abyss of Heaven] without increasing the degree of corruption.

Defensive stance: Enter a defensive stance to resist damage to all friendly parties within 3 blocks.

Dive into the sea: Enter the abyss and avoid attacks from the surface of the abyss. 】

"You need the Abyss Fruit to resurrect. If it decomposes, it will increase your corruption!"

Qi Ge was very shocked:

"The troops in the Haiyuan series may be our friendly forces just like the elves and humans in the Kingdom of Dragon.

The process of catching them and fighting them is to expel their corruption. After the corruption is expelled, they will enter a state of suspended animation.

After being resurrected, they can be used by us, and decomposing their corpses is to attack friendly forces.

Anyway, let’s try resurrecting one first. "

There are only 10 [Abyss Fruits] left, and only one can be resurrected.

Qi Ge hesitated for a moment and chose to resurrect the [Abyss Bird Soldier] with hands.

At least judging from the appearance, the [Abyss Bird Eel Soldier] is more likely to help him. At least he has the skills.

10 Abyss Fruits were integrated into the body of [Abyss Gar Soldier]. The [Abyss Gar Soldier], which was like a dead fish, suddenly bounced and stood up suddenly.

"Haha~~haha! Haha!"

[Abyss Bird Soldier] opened his mouth, revealing a somewhat fierce-looking yellow-haired face.

As soon as he woke up, he made strange noises to Qi Pigeon and tried to communicate with Qi Pigeon.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be wise, Qi Ge asked slowly:

"Don't worry, can you understand me?"


"Can you tell me what you know?"

Hearing Qi Ge's inquiry, [Haiyuan Gar Soldier] flicked his fish tail and punched his fist a few times to make a fighting appearance.

Then he picked up another plank and tried to row.

In the end, he actually picked up Qi Ge's salvation fishing rod, pulled out a scale from his body, tied it to the fishing rod, and kept pointing to the sea.

Qige asked in surprise:

"You can help me fight, row, and fish."


[Abyss Bird Soldier] nodded fiercely.

Chaohua pointed at the [Haiyuan Manufacturing Station] in surprise and asked:

“So can you make things?

"Scared." [Abyss Bird Soldier] shook his head.

Qi Ge took a look at the attributes of [Abyss Bird Soldier] and found that after removing the scales, [Abyss Bird Soldier]'s health and soul were reduced from 200 to 199.

This gave Qi Ge a bold idea.

He took out the three-piece set of [Young Left Hand], [Right Arm] and [Tail Beard] from the box, and asked [Abyss Sparrow Soldier]:

"Can you change into these?"

[Sea Abyss Bird Soldier] hesitated for more than ten seconds, seemed very reluctant, and finally agreed.

On the three limbs and equipment, the soul value of [Abyss Bird Soldier] dropped to 159 points, and the corruption level increased to 100 points.

Compared to the Seven Pigeons, which only have 70 soul points, [Abyss Bird Soldier] has too much meat.


Qige's whole body became excited.

He seems to have found the correct way to conquer [Tianmin's Abyss].

He said to the [Abyss Bird and Eel Soldier] with great excitement:

"Come here, lobster pot and fishing rod, I will prepare bait for you, fish hard for me!

Fishing while sailing.

Don't worry, as soon as I get the Abyss Fruit, I will resurrect your companions and you won't be lonely. "

In the treasure house of [Celestial Abyss], there is no sun or moon, and there are no references around that can indicate time.

It was difficult for Qi Ge to feel how long he had stayed in the treasure house.

After [Abyss Bird Soldier] put down the lobster pot for the twentieth time, Qi Ge finally harvested an Abyss Treasure Box and opened 20 Abyss Fruits.

After resurrecting the Lung Shield Fish, Qi Ge was surprised to find that the shield of the Abyss Lung Shield Fish could be detached.

After detaching the shield, [Abyss Lung Shield Fish] becomes a male half-murloc similar to [Abyss Gar Soldier].

Under the bewitchment of Qi Ge, he also suffered the same tragedy as [Abyss Bird Soldier] and was replaced with four weird limbs with special functions.

The most important one is [the strange eyeball of the Water Fairy]

[The strange eyeball of the water fairy

Effect: Replace body and soul

After replacement, it can see farther distances and sense maritime targets in extremely remote areas.

Basic attributes: Increase corruption by 30 points. 】

After the [Abyssal Lung Shield Fish] replaced its eyeballs, it kept pointing in a direction to indicate that there were sea targets in that direction.

Qi Ge and Chao Hua were both very happy and immediately asked the [Haiyuan Bird Soldiers] to sail in that direction.


As the raft moved, the cry of [Abyssal Lung Shield Fish] became louder and louder, indicating to Qi Ge that they were gradually approaching the target.

At this moment, Qige and Chaohua both heard disembodied singing in the distance.

"Boss, listen, there is singing."

"Will it be one of ours?"

"It's so dangerous here, who has the guts to sing, boss, maybe it's a sea monster or a water ghost.

In many fairy tales, there are monsters that use their singing to attract people to kill them. "

"That makes sense."

Qi Ge and Chao Hua immediately became alert and listened attentively.


The energy left on the shoulders is mainly sugar and fat...

Waiting for the moment when your beloved returns, there will be one more beloved.

On the day I left you, you were also far away from me...

Tears of pride, modesty is not enough...

Woof woof woof woof ~ woof woof woof woof..."

Qi Ge:......


Qi Ge was silent: "It's confirmed, he's one of ours. 99% of it is Xiao Tian."

Chaohua was speechless: "The melody is this melody, but is this the way the song is sung? And why does it have to woof later!"

"I forgot the lyrics and sang randomly, I guess.

I do this sometimes too. "

Qi Ge shouted towards the sea:

"Xiao Tian, ​​stop singing. I am Qi Ge. You stay where you are and don't move."


The singing on the sea suddenly stopped.

"God of Seven Pigeons!! Heaven and earth, my dog ​​god Anubis, I finally found the organization."

The fog gradually dissipated, and Qi Ge saw an 8*8 raft in the distance.

On the raft, Xiaotian, with a dog body and a fish tail, was flapping around like a stranded fish.

Qi Ge cast a magic eye at Xiao Tian from a distance.

"Huh? Master, do you want to see my attributes?"

"It's me, I agree."



Soul value: 60

Corruption degree: 86]


Seven Pigeons were shocked:

"Fuck! Xiaotian, you are looking for death. With such a high degree of corruption, how many parts have you replaced?"

"Ah, three."

Xiao Tian blinked his eyes and shouted loudly:

"Master, can't I change it randomly?

I knew it.

I still have two left to replace.

Fortunately I held back. "

Qi Ge shouted anxiously:

"Change it back, change it back quickly."

Xiaotian looked bitter:

"You can't exchange it back. There are special conditions."

While the two were talking, Qi Ge's raft gradually approached Xiao Tian's raft.

At this moment, a repulsive feeling came from the Haiyuan planks at the edge of Qige's raft, slightly knocking Xiao Tian's raft away.

Qi Ge frowned and quickly looked at Xiao Tian's raft.

【The Corrupting Boat of Hope

Effect: You can float in the [Heavenly Abyss]. You need to use paddles or equip sails to move. You can use wooden planks to expand.

The larger the [Boat of Hope] is, the easier it is to attract the hunters in [The Abyss of Heaven].

Because of the owner, it has entered a state of corruption, and staying on it will continue to increase the corruption value.

Explanation: Go to sleep, sleep, when you wake up, everything will become wonderful...]


Qi Ge took a breath of cold air and seemed to see the word "danger" written on Xiao Tian's head.

In his raft state, Qi Ge didn't even dare to let his raft merge with Xiao Tian's.

He immediately shouted:

"Xiao Tian, ​​don't close your eyes, don't fall asleep, hold back your sleepiness."

Xiao Tian jumped suddenly again and said:

"As I guessed, I kept singing and dancing just for fear of falling asleep.

God, what will happen if I fall asleep? "

"It will die, and then it will drop 20 to 40 levels."

"Fuck! Level 20~40?!" Xiao Tian was shocked, his face was twisted.

“I’m such a fool, I knew there was a trap but still stepped on it.

God save me! "

I haven’t told you the most terrifying result yet…

Qi Ge quickly shouted:

"Stand still. Let me take a look."

After firing three magic eyes, Qi Ge immediately understood Xiao Tian's current state.

【Deep Sea Merlot's Fish Tail

Effect: Replace body and soul

After replacement, you will gain the ability to fish in [The Abyss of Heaven].

Put the fish tail into the [Heaven's Abyss] and you can fish without consuming anything.

Basic attributes: Increase corruption by 30 points.

It can only be replaced after more than 20,000 successful fishing attempts. 】

[Deep Sea Mero's right palm


After replacement, the right palm can touch [The Abyss of Heaven] without increasing the degree of corruption.

You can salvage prey such as planks/big planks/treasure boxes/soul balls from [The Abyss of Heaven]

Basic attributes: Increase corruption by 30 points.

It can only be replaced after salvaging another Deep Sea Mero's body. 】

【Deep Sea Mero's Neck


You can sing to hypnotize prey under the sea surface and reduce their resistance. Weak prey will be unable to resist and move closer to you.

When you sing, you will also attract unspeakable terrifying beings.

Basic attributes: Increase corruption by 30 points.

It can only be replaced if it attracts predators. 】

"Hi~ Suit!! These three together exceed 90 points of corruption."

"Woof woof!" Xiaotian suddenly became excited:

"Yeah, if it wasn't a suit, I wouldn't equip it all the time.

I just wanted to see if there would be suit attributes or anything like that, but there was none. "

Qi Ge immediately understood.

Although he said that he shouldn't understand it, Qige still understood it.

A common problem among professional players.

Seeing equipment with the same prefix and not letting me put it on to see if it has suit attributes would be even more uncomfortable than killing me.

Xiao Tian hurriedly asked: "Great God, what is the degree of corruption?"

"It's the upper limit of health added to you after you replace your limbs. That's fake health, essentially the degree of corruption.

If you weren't a Cerberus player with a lot of blood by nature, you would have died by now. "

"Holy shit! That's it. Then the weird soul ball that I ate before that lowered and increased the upper limit of health points was helping me reduce my corruption level?

No wonder it tastes so bad, but I want to eat it so much.

It turns out that my body saved itself. "

While Qi Ge was talking to Xiao Tian, ​​he was thinking about how to help Xiao Tian escape.

To put it bluntly, although Xiaotian's gameplay is a bit more aggressive, it is not without effect.

Qi Ge saw two different styles of manufacturing platforms on his raft.

According to the effect of Haiyuan Manufacturing Station, each manufacturing station can unlock some props without negative effects.

These two manufacturing stations are extremely precious, and it would be a pity to let Xiao Tian appear early.

"Deep Sea Mero..."

At this moment, Qi Ge came up with an idea.

He immediately took out [Deep Sea Mero's young left hand] from the dead ball box, then put on the squid suit, and used his tentacles to roll up the raft approaching Xiaotian from under the sea.

He shouted loudly: "Xiaotian, try grabbing this with your right hand."

"Woof woof, here we come."

Xiaotian put his palm into the sea and took the [Deep Sea Mero's young left hand] given by Qi Ge.

He immediately raised his head and shouted in surprise:

"Master, it's done! The right palm can be replaced."

"Change quickly!"


Xiao Tian replaced his right palm. Qi Ge took a look and found that his attributes changed to:


Soul value: 80

Corruption degree: 56]

"Woof! I'm not sleepy anymore!"

Xiaotian was agitated and said excitedly:

"Master Qi Ge, you are really awesome!"

As Xiaotian's corrupted state was lifted, his raft was also lifted from its corrupted state.

This made Qi Ge even more firm in his conjecture.

The raft seems to be an ordinary raft, but there is an inexplicable inner connection between it and the players.

The player's status will affect the raft's status.

Then, in turn, the state of the raft may also affect the player's state.

When renovating and expanding the raft, some strange things must not be added indiscriminately.

The raft merged, and Xiao Tian rolled to Qi Ge's side, hugged Qi Ge's thigh with his dog's paws, and shouted movedly:

“Master Qi Ge, it’s too dangerous here.

Master, I will stop messing around. I will do whatever you tell me to do. "

Qige comforted him: "I can't blame you, Chaos is too cunning.

You go to the stern of the boat first, fish with the tail, fish until death, and then remove the tail after fishing for 20,000 times.

Also, don’t sing randomly.

It is possible that your singing may have negative consequences. "

"Okay, I shut up."

Xiaotian covered his mouth with his dog's paw, shook his head towards Chaohua, rolled to the stern of the boat with difficulty, and started fishing.

Chaohua looked at Xiaotian and laughed dumbly.

She said happily:

"Fortunately, I met the boss first, otherwise I might not be as good as Xiao Tian."

Qi Ge took a look at the two manufacturing platforms, a box and a sail that Xiao Tian brought.

【Wooden manufacturing bench

Effect: The most basic manufacturing platform, capable of basic manufacturing.

Can make:

Wooden huts, processed wooden boards, fish guards, wooden boxes, wooden pointed spears, wooden armor, wooden hats, sails...]

【Survival Making Station

Effect: Can produce basic food, water, and therapeutic drugs.

Can make:

Empty cup: can be filled with some water. hard coral

Empty bottle: can hold a lot of water. Hard coral*4+thick wooden board*4

Clay Bowl: A great bowl to use. Clay*2 (you can get 4 bowls after completing this)

Bucket: Great for collecting sea snail milk. Thick plank*3+gem fragment*1+rope*1

Primary Purifier: Can purify a cup of [Tianmin's Abyss] seawater into drinkable fresh water. Use wooden planks as fuel. Large wooden board*6+palm leaves*6+hard coral*4

Simple grill, pot, small earthen basin, sprinkler, scarecrow, healing ointment]

Qi Ge was very surprised by the two manufacturing platforms Xiao Tian brought.

Although compared to the Haiyuan Manufacturing Station, the things these two manufacturing stations can produce are very basic, but the materials are easy to obtain and are of great use.

Especially it can solve the problems of food, drink and treatment for the three of them.

Being hungry, thirsty, or injured for a long time will increase the degree of corruption.

No matter how good the things the Haiyuan Manufacturing Station can make, you can't eat them.

ps: 10,000 words, if the monthly vote list is not in the top 100, 6,000 will be paid.

Current arrears: 2000

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