Qi Ge dismantled the two manufacturing platforms, combined them with the Haiyuan manufacturing platform, and inserted a [leaf sail] that could slightly increase the movement speed.

Qige checked Xiaotian's and his own boxes. There were enough resources to make ovens, pots, water purifiers, and water bags that could be used to cook food.

He told Chaohua what he needed to make urgently next, and asked Chaohua to help start production.

And he continued fishing, accumulating more supplies, and trying to catch more helpers like [Abyss Gar Soldier] and [Abyss Lung Shield Fish].

At the same time, under the control of [Abyss Gar Soldier] and [Abyss Lung Shield Fish], the raft began to move towards the next sea surface target they sensed.

"Very good, let's collect everyone as soon as possible."

Just when Qi Ge felt that everything was on track, suddenly, the sky darkened, and a large black rain suddenly fell from the sky.

The rain pounded in the sea, and the strong wind blew, causing the raft to shake. [Abyss Gar Soldier] and [Abyss Lung Shield Fish] were restless in the rain.

"Is it raining? Will it rain again here?"

Chaohua raised his head and looked at the sky strangely.

Qi Ge's pupils suddenly shrank.

In his field of vision, the corruption level of everyone on the ship was slowly rising.

He opened his magic vision and was shocked to find that what fell in the sky was not rain at all, but blue-ringed sea snakes the size of raindrops!

These blue-ringed sea snakes not only erode the people on the boat, but also roar on the surface of the [Heavenly Abyss], seeming to be calling for something.

Qi Ge saw that with the roar of the sea snakes, these sea snakes were gathering towards their raft.

But if he turned off his magic vision, he couldn't see anything abnormal.

Qi Ge came up with an idea and immediately shouted:

"Xiao Tian, ​​sing!"

"Master, what are you singing?"

"Sing whatever you want. Just sing."

"oh oh.

If there are only two of those two words, neither less nor more.

How to say it, say it with your mouth.

If there are no requirements for tomorrow, then there is no reason to do so.

Thousands of doorways with thousands of hinges..."

Qi Ge:......

Although Xiao Tian's lyrics are very wrong, the effect is still obvious.

The sea snakes that were falling in the sky became dizzy, and unconsciously gathered towards Xiaotian, and were constantly killed by the [Abyss Plank] at Xiaotian's feet.

These killed sea snakes slowly turned into transparent and clear water.

Qi Ge tried to identify it with his magic eyes and identified two attributes at the same time.

【Clean water

Effect: It can be drunk and can quench thirst. 】

【Hunter's Patrol Sea Serpent

Effect: When touching creatures of order, their degree of corruption will be increased. When gathered in large numbers, hunters can be summoned. 】

Qi Ge frowned, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

This was not the first time he saw these three words [Hunter] in the Treasure House of [Heavenly Abyss].

Although Qi Ge didn't know what the hunter was, Qi Ge could realize that he definitely didn't want to see it.

"I have Xiaotian here who can deal with the sea snake, but Lin Xi and the others don't.

Don't know what happened to them.

Xiyang, Fat Brother, and Xiaomeng are better. Xiyang and Fat Brother have rich game experience, and Xiao Meng is smart enough.

But Xiaobai and [Commander Quanshui] don’t know if they can withstand it.

It doesn't matter anything else. You can still make up for it if you drop a level, but don't let your account be deleted.

Damn chaos. "

At the same time, in a distant sea area, on a bare island, two thief-like figures were converging.

"Hey hey hey..."


Li Xiaobai and Commander Quan Shui walked towards each other while smiling.

"Brother Quan, I have killed all the trees, sand piles, grass, branches, berries, vines, and bamboos on the island."

"Mr. Bai, I have dug up all the stones, iron ore, gold ore, limpet rocks, terrestrial coral bushes, and all kinds of miscellaneous things that can interact with each other on the island."

“Great harvest!”

"earned a lot!"

"Mr. Bai! It's amazing!"

"Brother Quan! Awesome, awesome!"

"Hahahaha!" The two looked at each other and laughed together, and the atmosphere was indescribably joyful.

Qi Ge never expected that when the Treasure House of the Heavenly Abyss had just started, Li Xiaobai and Commander Quan Shui would appear on the almost adjacent sea area, and soon discovered each other.

Next to their birth point, there was a resource island full of supplies. The two of them each made a basic wooden paddle and rushed up.

While Qi Ge and the others were struggling to survive, Li Xiaobai and Commander Quan Shui had already started a happy life of eating, drinking, chopping and digging.

The raft the two docked on the shore of the island is already 80*80, which is 16 times the size of Lin Xi.

It was filled with densely packed boxes, and each box was filled to the brim.

Because of sufficient resources, Li Xiaobai and Commander Quanshui even went to the extravagance of building solid guardrails and a roof, transforming the raft into a square awning boat.

The small island they discovered was also looted by them, not even a blade of grass was left.

Quan Shui and Li Xiaobai complimented each other for a while and then started talking about business.

Quan Shui asked politely:

"Mr. Bai, you are the top player of Qixi Dream Club.

We have explored this island, what should we do next? What are your plans?

Go out to sea and continue looking for other islands? "


Li Xiaobai laughed and said confidently:

"Of course I have a plan.

As the ancients said, a gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move, so what's the disadvantage? "

"Mr. Bai, I haven't read enough books. What does this mean?"

"It means that it is best for us not to move around now and just wait for the boss to come to us."

Commander Quan Shui was stunned: "Just waiting here? Isn't this... a waste of development time?

Moreover, this vast sea is completely deserted. Can the Seven Pigeons find us? "


Li Xiaobai was even more proud:

"You ask this, it means you don't know my boss at all.

If you know the boss a little bit, you will know that there is nothing the boss can't do, only things he doesn't want to do.

If the boss wants to find us, he will definitely find a way.

You have also seen the situation in this Chaos Treasure House. Our raft is hanging alone on the sea, and all troops, treasures, and auxiliary skills cannot be used.

You and I are equally powerful.

The boss said that all battles are intelligence battles.

Our intelligence on the [Celestial Abyss] treasure house is seriously insufficient, and our strength is not enough to support us in dealing with complex situations. At this time, if we act blindly, we will easily die.

The boss said that many multiplayer Chaos Treasure Houses will increase in difficulty as the number of deaths increases.

In other words, as long as we live, we are making a contribution, and every second we can live is a second. "

Commander Quan Shui showed an expression of admiration:

"I understand! When there is a super strong late-stage player who can dominate the game, staying alive will delay time for late-stage development, right?

No problem, I will definitely obey the arrangement.

So let's find a place to eat some roasted corn first? "

"Very good! Brother Quan understands me."

Li Xiaobai and Commander Quanshui hooked up and were about to have a barbecue together happily, when suddenly. A very penetrating muffled sound came from the distant sky, startling both of them.

"What's going on?"

"My profession allows for farsightedness, let me take a look."

Commander Quan Shui looked far into the distance, frowned and said:

"Mr. Bai, there is a large dark cloud flying towards us in the distant sky.

That dark cloud was accompanied by strong winds and heavy rain, and it looked like it was coming from an evil source. "

Li Xiaobai doesn't know anything else. He has learned Qi Ge's stability and cowardice to a full extent.

He immediately said:

"Heavy rain? This is the Treasure House of [Tianmin's Abyss]. All emergencies may be detrimental to us. Brother Quan, let's quickly find a place to hide."

"That makes sense." Commander Quan Shui agreed. "Mr. Bai, when I was mining before, I discovered a cave.

The terrain there is high and provides shelter from the rain. follow me. "

Commander Quanshui led Li Xiaobai quickly up the mountain and got into a cave halfway up the mountain.

As soon as they entered the cave, dark clouds drifted over in the distance.

Heavy rain fell from the sky. The huge raindrops in the sky were like a group of crazy bulls, with the momentum to kill everything in an instant, and they crashed down. The sea surface of [Tianmen's Abyss] was crackling, as if it was about to be smashed by the rain. Break open.

The empty ground was also pounded by raindrops, and there were small pits everywhere.

After a while, the mountain road full of mud became muddy. Under the intertwining of these strange rains, the yellow soil turned into black, making the mountain road look like the mud in a smelly ditch.

"Whoosh", the strong wind carried the raindrops, like countless sharp whips, desperately throwing them against the rocks, and the gravels were beaten by the rain.

The strong wind roared, hitting the sea surface violently, rolling up the sea water and throwing it into the air. In the blink of an eye, the waves were overwhelming and the remaining clouds were shattered.

"Damn it, this wind and rain are too strong. Fortunately, we escaped quickly."

Li Xiaobai said with lingering fear.

"Yes, just as you expected, Mr. Bai, this Yuguo is definitely not normal."

Commander Quan Shui just echoed this sentence and shouted in surprise:

"Mr. Bai, look at our ship!"

Li Xiaobai looked over immediately.

In the violent wind and waves, their awning boat emitted a faint white light, firmly attached to the waves, and undulated with the ups and downs of the sea water.

"Such a big storm didn't capsize the boat? This boat of hope is extraordinary."

Just as Li Xiaobai sighed, a huge black bird head suddenly appeared in the sky!

It has a crow-like head and an extremely huge beak. On the top of its head, there are four long horns like dragon horns, two long and two short, all as black as ink.

As soon as the black strange bird appeared, it opened its huge mouth and tried to swallow the awning boat into its mouth.

Its mouth seemed to have infinite suction power, sucking up the awning boat and the sea water under the awning boat!

However, the area of ​​the awning boat was too large. Instead of swallowing the awning boat, the black strange bird was hit hard on the head by the awning boat.

This time, the black strange bird seemed to be angered.

It swooped down from the sky, kept hitting the awning boat with its huge wings and sharp blades, and even stood on the awning boat and exerted downward force, as if it wanted to push the awning boat into the sea.

The strong wind swept over it, and the rain and strong wind poured into the interior of the awning boat.

After watching this, both Li Xiaobai and Commander Quanshui took a deep breath.

"This guy has a grudge against our raft. Fortunately, we are not on the raft, otherwise it would have been much worse."

"Hiss, our raft won't be damaged by it, right? Mr. Bai, should we stop it?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Commander Quanshui in shock:

"Stop it? Can you beat it?"

"What's wrong with me? I'll be back in the spring soon.

Aren't you here, Mr. Bai? Qixi Dream Studio is trustworthy. "

Li Xiaobai twitched the corners of his mouth twice and said sadly:

"Brother, you also know that it is Qixi Youmeng Studio. Are there any white characters in it?

I just have a slightly higher level of luck due to the boss and the others, so I can't cope with this situation.

According to me, we can't stop each other from dismantling our ship anyway, so the best way to hide in a cave is to avoid being discovered. "

"That makes sense."

The commander of the spring water follows the good deeds.

Li Xiaobai remembered Qi Ge's teachings so deeply that he didn't even join in the fun and walked straight into the depths of the cave with Commander Quan Shui.

While walking, Li Xiaobai suddenly stopped.

"Brother Quan, are you sure you have searched all the caves?"

"Sure, I've moved everything I can."

"Then what's under my feet?"

Li Xiaobai lit a torch, pointed at the ground and said:

"Look, the ground in front of us is higher than the ground beneath our feet."

"Hey, it's true. Why didn't I notice it before?"

"This should be some kind of transparent liquid that produces refraction."

Li Xiaobai squatted down, observed carefully for a while, and said:

"Let's go and take a look. Maybe there will be some unexpected results."


Li Xiaobai took [Commander of Spring Water] and kept moving forward in the direction of the mucus. Soon they discovered that the slime had finally disappeared at the end of one of the cave walls.

Li Xiaobai and Commander Quan Shui looked at each other, nodded in unison, then closed their eyes and hit the wall without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, they successfully passed through the illusory wall and arrived at a mysterious place.

They stood on a cliff and looked down.

A clear stream flows slowly in the middle of the mountain stream. A dozen snails as big as cows sometimes get into the stream to play in the water, and sometimes climb to the shore and moo, showing quite lively behavior.

The shells of these snails are thin and transparent, like extremely clear glass, and the blood vessels and internal organs in their bodies can be clearly seen.

Their bodies are covered with black and white stripes, and these stripes are clearly intertwined in a spiral shape, making them look very irritating.

【Sea snail


Very rare.

A docile and well-behaved scavenger, it can produce a thick milky white slurry after eating, and drinking it can restore the damaged maximum health. 】

Li Xiaobai:! ! !

Commander of Fountain:! ! !

The two looked at each other and saw uncontrollable joy on each other's faces.

"It seems we found something good."

"Hey, if we catch these sea snails, we will have a stable food source. From raft survival to sea farm, we will achieve a great transformation from a hunting tribe to a pastoral tribe!"

"You can notice details like slime on the ground. That's great, Mr. Bai!"

"I found a sea snail in a random cave. Great, Brother Quan!"

The two complimented each other, looked at each other again, and laughed.

Smiling, Li Xiaobai looked behind him sadly and said softly:

"Hey, we are developing quite smoothly on the island, but we don't know if our raft can survive. That strange bird looks a bit difficult to deal with."

Boom! !

There were muffled sounds one after another in the distant sky, and thick clouds were rolling and stirring in the sky.

That huge strange bird was still attacking Li Xiaobai and their awning boat relentlessly, and it was threatening to die without mercy.

On the far side of the thick clouds and heavy rain, Le Meng took off a strange eyeball with eight pupils from his face, rested for a while, and then put it back.

“Hunter, Storm Sea Breeze Eagle.

The most powerful sea creatures I have encountered so far, level 4 and level 6 mythical arms, can also exert even more powerful combat effectiveness in [The Abyss of Heaven].

It is attacking a awning boat. Judging from its shape, there is more than an 80% chance that this awning boat belongs to our player.

Must be saved. The question is, how to save it.

Judging from its attributes, I have no hope of defeating [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle].

But combat is not about attributes.

If there was a suitable terrain..."

Lemeng looked towards the island, constantly calculating the possibility of victory in his mind.

At this moment, his ears suddenly moved.


There was a sound of cannon, and on the distant sea, an arrow exuding a gloomy and deathly aura shot straight into the sky.

The death air arrow shattered the wind circle and clouds in the sky, changed its direction slightly, and just hit the [Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle]'s eyes!


A sharp and ear-piercing cry rang out, and a large hole opened in the [Storm Sea Breeze Eagle]'s eye, revealing its pitch-black bones.

A large number of white maggots are attached to its bones, and along with the undead aura, they continue to eat its dark blood and twisted eye flesh.

[Heavy Rain and Sea Breeze Eagle] Pain is rolling in the air, and the black clouds, heavy rain, and strong winds have become more chaotic!

"Is this Brother Xiyang?" Le Meng was delighted: "No, there should be Brother Fu, the two of them have reunited!"

Oh! !

At this moment, Lemeng saw a faint hook on the eyes of [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle] that turned from virtual to real. This hook used those maggots as connecting points and sunk deeply into [Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle]'s eyes. head on.

A long steel chain composed of undead death energy spread from the hook to the surrounding fog.


A burst of wails and wailing sounds that sounded like crying, laughing, sad and sighing sounded in the fog, and then, a strange and unpredictable ghost ship emitted a faint green light, dispersing the surrounding fog.

On the ghost ship, countless zombies and skeletons were struggling to pull on the chains of death, trying to pull the [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle] from the air.

Lemeng glanced at it with his special eyeballs and was immediately overjoyed:

"Brother Xi, Brother Fat, and the newcomers from that stronghold are all on the boat, and the three of them have reunited!

Um? Why did the newcomer at that stronghold turn into a ghost? And wearing a captain's hat? "


At this moment, the [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] in the sky suddenly burst into flames, flying irregularly in the air, rolling one after another, wrapping a large number of undead chains around itself, and then continued to struggle.

The undead chain, which had already reached its limit in length, seemed to be unable to hold up under its fierce struggle, making a creaking sound.

The ghost ship that was trying to retreat was actually pulled up by the [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle], and the hull tilted to a 15-degree angle.

"Damn, this monster."

Lemeng's eyes narrowed, and he already knew what he should do.

"O magic book that hides the power of faith, show your true power in front of me!

Now, I order you in the name of your master, the magic mage Huanmeng - to lift the seal. "

Swish swish swish~

Huanmeng's magic book flew high into the sky, turning pages in the air. Mysterious magics lit up one after another in the magic book.

But these magics are all wrapped with strange chains.

Chest binding, crab binding, tortoise shell binding, horse binding, rear hand binding, straight body binding...

The chains use various strange methods to bind these magics tightly.

Le Meng pointed at one of the magic spells and whispered:

"Mysterious magic, with my thoughts, breaks your seal.

You will be freed from the shackles, say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and manifest before me. "

Following Le Meng's words, a magic icon flew up out of thin air and made a copy in the air.

The brand new magic icon was freed from the chains and hovered at Lemeng's fingertips. "

Lemeng pushed up his glasses coldly and shouted in a deep voice:

“If his soldiers are weak, he will be afraid of fighting; if his strength is exhausted, he will have no spirit.

Advanced weakness. "

A ripple condensed into dark brown light from Le Meng's hand. With Le Meng's finger, the light instantly penetrated into the body of [Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle].

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet~~

A sound that sounded like the chirping of birds sounded. The originally fierce Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle suddenly became sluggish, and even its screams became much quieter.

Lemeng lowered his head and looked at his right hand. There was originally a mark of one month and three stars on his right hand, but now one star has disappeared.

Magic mages can use the power of emotion and belief to simulate magical effects. They are between monks and mages. They are also a very special route among all spell casters.

As a magic mage, Lemeng naturally has many unconventional methods at his disposal.

He can even consume the spiritual talismans he has accumulated to cast powerful variants of magic without the need for a magic book.

[Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle] was restrained by its weakness, and its power of resistance suddenly decreased.

Lin Xi and his ghost ship finally got what they wanted and began to continuously pull down the [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle].

The [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle], which was weakened by the attack, was inevitably approaching the ghost ship even if it struggled desperately.

"Haha, try my power, weird bird!"

[Come and bite me] Constantly use the manufacturing station on the ghost ship to produce gunpowder barrels, and deliver the gunpowder barrels to Zhang Fu's skeleton soldiers.

"One, two, three, let go!"

Lin Xi gave an order, and with the belief that they would die, these skeleton soldiers got into the cannon on the ghost ship, and then were fired out by the cannon, hitting the [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle].


The moment the two sides collided, the skeleton soldiers were instantly killed, but the gunpowder barrels in their hands also exploded, causing the feathers of the [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] to fly around and roar continuously.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

The six artillery fires were at full fire, and more and more skeleton soldiers bombarded the [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle], causing [Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle] to be seriously injured, and even almost lost its balance and fell.

The screams of [Storm Sea Breeze Eagle] are getting more and more pitiful, and the feathers on its body are also decreasing, revealing the scaly body like snake skin hidden under the feathers.

The situation looked great, but Lemeng, who was wearing special eyeballs, knew that the [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle] had not suffered any fatal damage at all.

Its health keeps fluctuating up and down, regenerating as it decreases, and always remains around 50%.

In [Celestial Abyss], the health of [Storm Sea Breeze Eagle] will increase its recovery effect as its own health decreases. The less blood it has, the more blood it will recover.

"If this continues, when the ghost ship enters the attack range of the [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle], it is likely to explode suddenly and rush towards the ghost ship along the chain.

Then Brother Xi and the others will be in danger. "

Le Meng raised his right hand with a firm gaze:

“Then let’s draw another trump card.

The magic that hides the power of faith, please abandon your old image, change it again, and become an indestructible blade in my hand!

[Light of Destruction·Change]! "

The star in Lemeng's hand dimmed once again, and a huge beam of light instantly hit the [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] from his hand.

This beam of light caused no damage, but the threat to the [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle] was a hundred times more serious than the continuous series of explosions!

Under the illumination of the beam, the scales on the chest and abdomen of [Stormy Sea Breeze Eagle] split open, exposing its chest and abdomen.


All four players present took a deep breath.

There were no internal organs in the abdomen and chest of [The Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle], only a large group of sea snakes entwined together and screaming continuously.

Lin Xi was shocked for less than a second, and quickly reacted. He quickly adjusted the muzzle of the gun and hit the skeleton soldiers into the group of sea snakes.


Six explosions sounded, and the blood volume of [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] suddenly dropped a lot, and blazing flames began to burn inside [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle]'s body.

Le Meng's magic was immediately effective, and Lin Xi certainly wouldn't let this opportunity go.

Ship cannons, skeletal archers, his own giant bow...

All the long-range attacks that could be mobilized were mobilized by Lin Xi.


[Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] was in pain, turned around in the air, flew upside down, blocked Lin Xi's continuous attacks with its back, and tried to escape with this weird posture.

"Want to leave? Do you think I don't exist?

[Come and bite me] After making the last powder keg, he took out a musket and fired a shot into the air.

"Be fearless in the face of the enemy, brave men are fearless, indomitable and unyielding, forge classics, have outstanding military industry, cannon fire and powerful power!"

Bump, bump, bump, bump...

After one shot, a large number of shells rained down like raindrops. It rained down from the sky in an extremely dense manner, covering the whole body of [Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle], and just hit the belly of [Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle].

The smart [Heavy Storm Sea Breeze Eagle] is like a big pot, eating up the ultimate move of [Bite Me].

However, despite the super high recovery, it is still not dead, it is still almost alive!

"Do you think I can't hit you if you turn around?"

Lin Xi's eyes were focused, and with a thought in his mind, he quickly adjusted the muzzles of all the artillery.

"In this strike, know everything! Launch!"


Six cannons fired together, shooting the skeleton soldiers into the sky!

These skeleton soldiers passed by the [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] dangerously and dangerously, and rushed straight into the rain clouds.

When the height reached the limit, the skeleton soldier's figure swayed slightly in the air, and then fell straight down!


[Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle] realized something was wrong and wanted to turn around again, but it was too late!

Six skeleton soldiers fell into the body of [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] at the same time and exploded. Six high amounts of damage were settled at the same time, wiping out all the remaining health of [Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] in an instant.


[Rainstorm Sea Breeze Eagle] let out a mournful cry, and its body continued to turn into sea snakes and melt in the air.

At the same time, the rain clouds all over the sky dissipated simultaneously with the [Heavy Rain Sea Breeze Eagle].

On the corpse of [Stormy Sea Breeze Eagle], a giant egg full of stripes, a glittering token, and a head with blood and tears were slowly landing.

"Ha, the BOSS exploded something."

Zhang Fu laughed loudly, raised Lin Xi's and others' hands high, and declared loudly:

"We won!!"


"Brother Xi! Brother Fu!"

In the distance, Lemeng kept getting closer to the cheers of the three people.

"F*ck! Awesome, brothers, you are so awesome!"

On the island, Li Xiaobai and [Quanshui Commander] were also attracted by the sound of fighting and ran over.

A group of 10 people, 6 people gathered!

After a burst of cheers, everyone started celebrating.

Li Xiaobai and the others were very excited about the large amount of supplies and the sea snails that could produce milk.

Lin Xi's sponge army, Zhang Fu and "Bite Me"'s ghost ship also amazed them.

Lemeng brought a lot of research on [the upper limit of health].

If Qi Ge was here, he would be surprised to find that Lemeng, without the magic eye to cheat, only relied on the [Comparative Experiment Method] to combine [Corruption Degree] and [Soul Value], as well as the combination of the two. The relationship between them was inferred.

Finally, there are the three rewards released by the BOSS.

【Storm Bird Egg

Effect: You can use the Abyss Fruit to hatch, and get the Storm Bird after hatching]

【Unblock token

Effect: Increase the upper limit of health by 100 points, unlock all the heroes' [treasures/magic/auxiliary skills] (choose one of three)]

【The head of Deep Sea Mero

Effect: Replace body.

Gain the ability to transform, you can temporarily transform into Deep Sea Mero, and gain a temporary upper limit of 100 health points.

Obtain [Dive into the Sea], [Can move in the [Abyss of Heaven]], [Enemies cannot counterattack when attacking], and [Spellcaster] special skills.

After replacement, the maximum health value is +80. 】

After sorting out the harvest, everyone decided:

Put away [Deep Sea Mero's Head] and never use it.

And leave the [Unblocking Token] to Qi Ge, and never use it unless absolutely necessary.

While talking and laughing, no one considered the possibility of Qi Ge dying.

"It's a joke. I'm such a good guy and I'm not dead. How could the boss die?"

"The four kings of Sunset Arrow, Li Xiaobai, Huanmeng, and Fuguo Anbang are all so powerful. The strongest Seven Pigeons are so good, how could they fail?"

However, they could not have imagined in their dreams that Qi Ge was already on the verge of life and death.

ps: I didn’t make it into the top 100 in the monthly ticket list, so I’ll pay off the debt I owe, and I’ll add an additional 2,000 words to thank all book friends for their support.

There is no double monthly pass this month, so you don’t have to save it and wait for the end of the month.

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