Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 702 Lots of weirdness

[Holy Thorn (Blue)

gift of wealth

Effect: Immediately replenish physical strength, dispel control effects, and increase movement speed by 200%. Cool down for two minutes after use. 】

"Blue quality props... sophisticated level?

Shi Tingdu was only a white quality prop, but the Holy Thorn turned out to be blue.

This shows that the goddess of wealth believes that the effects of dispelling control effects, replenishing physical strength, and increasing movement speed are more critical than stopping time in this copy.

Of course, it may also be related to the number of uses. Time Stop can only be used once, while Holy Thorn can be used repeatedly. You only need to wait for the two-minute cooling time. "

Qi Ge took the unicorn horn and also verified his guess.

"The last coordinate I left behind was indeed the location of the key props.

The wings of the golden dragon, the arms of the tree man, I have no clue yet.

I can’t miss the one on top of the bookshelf in my bedroom.

Even if Leng Yu is inside, I have to go.

In addition, physical strength...could it be..."

Qi Ge made up his mind, wrapped himself tightly in quilt without hesitation, turned around and returned to the bedroom.

He ran quickly, rushed through the long corridor, and reached the corner.

"Hoo ho ho."

Qi Ge panted slightly, half squatting, pressing his hands on his weak thighs.

“Sure enough, this body actually has physical limitations, and the physical strength is ridiculously poor. I can’t run out of breath without running even two steps.

Fortunately, I have discovered it now. If I only realize it when I am being chased by a ghost, I am not a fool. "

Qige slowed down her pace and walked back to her bedroom while recovering her strength.

In the long corridor, the candlesticks still emitted a faint green light, which seemed quiet and peaceful, but also gave off a sense of weirdness.

Qi Ge walked very cautiously, always on guard against Leng Yu jumping out and startling him.

He is now convinced that as long as he responds to Leng Yu's actions, he will be attacked by her, and the effect will most likely be instant death.

He is not sure whether he can pass the level in this life, but no matter what, he has to live longer than his last self so that he can leave more useful information.

Arriving at the door of the bedroom, Qige was wrapped in a quilt and clung to the door furtively. With the help of the light from the corridor, she looked into the bedroom through the crack in the door.

The bedroom was empty and quiet. Except for the missing candlestick on the cabinet, all the other furniture and furnishings were exactly the same as what he saw when he woke up.

"Well, where is Leng Yu? Disappeared?"

Qi Ge observed for a while, confirmed that there was no problem, and was about to enter the bedroom.

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart and suddenly realized a problem.

"Wait a minute, when I left the bedroom, I not only took the candlestick with me, but also took the quilt with me.

This quilt is wrapped around me, so why is there another quilt on that bed? ! "


Realizing this, Qi Ge instantly felt horrified. He stared at the gorgeous velvet quilt on the bed, as if he saw something indescribable.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and going to the tiger mountains is the behavior of a brave man, but it is definitely not the behavior of a wise man.

But Qi Ge looked at the bookshelf and couldn't bear to give up just like that.

"The last time I chose to leave a message when the number of words was limited, it must be very critical and must be read."

Qi Ge held the Copper of Time Stopping in one hand and the Holy Thorn in the other. He stared closely at the big bed and squeezed into the room carefully.

He stared at the quilt, his back pressed against the wall, and moved towards the bookshelf bit by bit.

Qi Ge was ready to knock at any time, but until he reached the bottom of the bookshelf, there was no movement on the quilt.

But Qi Ge still didn't dare to be careless at all. He observed twice, moved a table under the bookshelf, and climbed up from the table.

Since Qi Ge's attention was always on the quilt, he could only look at the top of the bookshelf with the corner of his eye.

This sight almost frightened Qi Ge out of his body.

On the top of the bookshelf, there was a corpse lying there. The corpse was frozen, with frost on its face.

Qige could never mistake it, that face was his own.

The moment Qi Ge was distracted, the quilt suddenly moved.

From the quilt, there came the sound of strong breathing one after another.

Qi Ge:! ! !

"Ah! My dear, it smells so good."

Under Qi Ge's horrified gaze, a muffled sound suddenly came from the quilt.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Yu's head poked out from the quilt.

She stroked the quilt on the bed with pity and said to herself intoxicatedly:

"It's so good. I really want to lie on the same quilt with my dear earlier, then bite down from my neck, suck my dear's blood bit by bit, and watch my dear struggling to death under me, but I can't get rid of it. .

Ah, that's great. "

Leng Yu said, burying herself in the quilt again, squirming crazily in the quilt, and making vague moans, as if she was doing something to comfort herself.

As she moved, one piece of clothing was thrown out of the quilt...

Qi Ge:......

grass! It turns out you have a fever here! Scared me.

Qi Ge just breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly realized a problem.

The body of his that he just saw seemed to be wearing very gorgeous attire, just like the dress of the royal family of the Elf Empire.

"Could it be that……"

He quickly looked at the corpse, and slowly found hints on the corpse.

【Scape Doll (Gold)

gift of wealth

Effect: The gift cannot be moved.

It can be activated and will take effect for half an hour after activation.

If you die during the effective period, you will be resurrected from the scapegoat. You will not lose energy and retain your memory, but you will not be able to leave your last words and the wealth gifts will not be refreshed.

Disappears after successful death.

Current status:

Groom's attire: The doll has been dressed in groom's clothing by Leng Yu. If you are resurrected from the doll, you will immediately become Leng Yu's groom (die). 】

Qi Ge:......

Dry! Fortunately it came.

It turns out that there is a key prop [one-time resurrection point] hidden in the initial room!

Being able to be resurrected once with memories will increase your fault tolerance.

"But now there is a problem...the resurrection point is being guarded..."

Qige glanced at Leng Yu, who was moaning and squirming in the quilt, and felt a chill in her heart.

This female ghost who appeared so early actually has the ability to influence the gift of wealth.

"If you discover the scapegoat, but don't discover Leng Yu's ability, and fully believe that you can be resurrected, but then die again just after being resurrected, you will be scared to death."

Now the question comes, how to release the [groom dressed up] state?

"Remove makeup!"

Qi Ge tried it, but it was true that he couldn't remove his body from the cabinet, but taking off his clothes was still no problem.

Qi Ge took off all the clothes on his corpse without hesitation.

Although a man wrapped in a quilt desperately trying to remove the clothes of a male corpse seems a bit perverted, but this is Qi Ge's last resort struggle to survive, so it is understandable.

Since Qi Ge couldn't take his body off the bookshelf, he couldn't take off all of his wedding clothes. He could only unbutton all the front parts along the buttons.

When Qi Ge's body finally returned to its naked form, eighteen centimeters taller than its head, facing the ceiling, the state of [the groom's attire] disappeared.

"Tsk, you have to be so clean...the conditions are really harsh...

Here comes the problem. Leng Yu was still in the room, so I took off the clothes of the corpse. She might come back to put them on, so I had to lure Leng Yu away.

But I can't ignore Leng Yu. I have to hang up every time I talk to Leng Yu. So what should I do? "

Qi Ge's mind was spinning rapidly, and he suddenly noticed a detail.

"By the way, Leng Yu seems to have said many times that if I see other red wedding dresses disheveled, they will be unhappy.

Based on what I know about women, this situation usually means that Leng Yu herself will be unhappy if I see her disheveled.

But if the stand-in doll looks disheveled, Leng Yu will most likely come over to fix it...

The only solution is to look at underwear!


Qi Ge looked into the room and immediately saw the pink crotch that was thrown to the ground by Leng Yu from the quilt...

"You are the one!"

Qi Ge quietly lay down and tiptoed down from the table. He stretched out his hand and scooped Leng Yu's pink crotch into the quilt.

"Good ice...hiss, it feels like silk, but it feels like ice cubes.

Are these the underwear of a female ghost? "

Qige pinched her crotch curiously and put it in front of her nose to smell it.

It was difficult for Qi Ge to describe this smell. It was like the fragrance of flowers and the smell of corpses mixed together. It was refreshing and disgusting at the same time.

These two strongly contrasting flavors were like left and right uppercuts, constantly beating Qi Ge's nose.

This time, Qi Ge almost fainted.

"Hey, does the female ghost smell so strange? How did Ning Caicheng attack Xiaoqian in the first place?"

Qi Ge casually stuffed the crotch onto his chest and climbed back to the top of the bookshelf with ease.

He put the crotch around the waistband of his corpse, and then redressed the corpse in the complicated wedding clothes.

Qi Ge checked and was pleased to find that although the clothes were put back on, the [groom's attire] state had not been restored.

"Sure enough! That's right. The groom has to take off his clothes. Only when he is dressed neatly inside and out is he dressed up.

Since the coat has not changed, Leng Yu probably won't take it off to check inside.

In this way, the stand-in puppet is ready. "

Qige activated the stand-in puppet with satisfaction. He was about to leave when he suddenly realized a problem.

"Hiss~ In this case, after my resurrection, won't I be wearing Leng Yu's underwear?!

Then am I not a pervert who even wears ghost underwear? "

Qi Ge then thought about it:

"Forget it, just be a pervert, it doesn't matter, I've even been a little mare, so wearing a sexy pink crotch doesn't matter.

Dignity is not as important as life. "

Qi Ge carefully slipped out of the room, but did not go far. Instead, he hid in the fountain and peeked at the yellow door.

After a while, Qi Ge saw Leng Yu, who was blushing with shame, covering her skirt and wearing it out of the door, and ran towards the distance.

Upon seeing this, Qi Ge immediately returned to the bedroom and checked the status of the stand-in puppet.

"Perfect, Leng Yu really didn't notice that the stand-in puppet was tampered with by me."

Qi Ge let out a breath, exited the room, and carefully closed the door.

He turned around and was about to go out along the corridor when a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Brother, I'm here to find you!"

"Hiss?! Who is talking?!"

Qi Ge was startled and hid under the quilt and turned around, but there was still no change in the corridor. He found nothing.

"Brother, where are you? I'm in the kitchen."


Qige listened carefully to the voice that seemed to appear in his mind out of thin air, and was horrified:

"This is definitely not Leng Yu's voice. Is it the new red wedding dress?"

"Brother, aren't you in the kitchen? I'm looking for you in the fountain garden."

Fountain Garden…

Qi Ge was shocked, and suddenly remembered the prompt under the fountain:

Stay in the same room with Mizang and die.

"The ghost came to see me... Could it be that this figure is a hidden voice?

If you are hiding, you will die just by being in the same room with her.

She's in the Fountain Garden right now, which means I'm blocked by her and she might come over at any moment.

The corridor is a one-way street leading to the bedroom. Once she enters the corridor, I will be blocked in the bedroom and I will die!

Must find a way to leave. "

Qige pulled the quilt tightly around her body and ran quickly.

He ran to the door and looked out through the yellow door.

Obviously the voice in Qi Ge's mind said that she was in the Fountain Garden, but there was silence outside the Fountain Garden, and Qi Ge didn't see anything.

This only made Qige even more panicked: "Invisible ghost... Huzang may be an invisible ghost, that is, an existence without any form.

The only way to know where she is is through her own report in her mind.

This means that I have no way to predict her direction. "

Just when Qi Ge realized this, the voice in his head rang again.

This voice was sweet and playful, like a little girl covered in honey, but it made Qi Ge's scalp numb and made him highly concentrated!

"Brother, aren't you in the fountain garden? I'll come to bed."


When he heard the word lying, Qi Ge pinched the bronze of time stopping without any hesitation!

For a moment, everything around him stopped, even the leaves blown by the wind stopped in the air.

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

The bronze of time-stopping in Qi Ge's hand disappeared instantly, and the sound of a continuously rotating clock rang in his ears, reminding him that time was running out.

He rushed out of the corridor without hesitation, ran into the fountain garden, and ran towards the passage to the left of the fountain!

The seven pigeons did not enter the fountain.

Because the fountain garden in the bedroom corridor is a one-way street, you will definitely have to come back after hiding to find the bedroom.

Poseidon reminded that the fountain was not invincible, and Hong Wedding Dress had the means to break through the fountain.

If the rule of hiding is that you will die if you stay in the same room with her, the fountain may not be able to save itself.

Qi Ge was not sure whether the fountain had the ability to block Mi Hide, but he knew he couldn't afford to gamble.

He must use this precious moment to find the next safe point for himself.

The passage to the right of the fountain is the direction Leng Yu left just now.

Leng Yu said she would take me to meet her sisters. There was probably another red wedding dress in the direction she left. In the past, she had fallen into a trap.

The passage in front of the fountain leads to another separate room. According to Qige's understanding of the nobles of the Elf Empire, that is most likely the hidden kitchen.

The kitchen is also a dangerous area with no other exits, and there is also the risk of being blocked.

But she has already found the hidden place in the kitchen once. There is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Maybe she will not go back to the kitchen again.

But if she returned to the kitchen, she would die, and Qi Ge couldn't afford to gamble.

There is only the passage to the left of the fountain, which leads to an open area with more route options and will not collide with Leng Yu's route.

The ticking clock was still ringing in Qi Ge's ears. He suddenly turned the corner and saw a long row of tree houses at the end of the road.

Red maple leaf strips are hung at the door of these tree houses, and the large area is as red as blood.

This is... the business district of the Elf Empire!

The Elf Empire also had trade, but their trade had always remained at the primitive barter level. Even after the Goddess of Wealth became a god, they still retained part of the barter tradition.

In the early Elf Empire, when a family had supplies that needed to be traded, they would hang a maple leaf strip at the door.

Later, this tradition was also retained in the commercial districts of the Elf Empire.

Qi Ge quickly recalled in his mind that none of the red wedding dresses seemed to have anything to do with business, so this area was most likely a temporary safe zone.

Thirty seconds is neither short nor long.

The ticking stopped abruptly before the seven pigeons had even finished their run.

"I'm looking for you in the hallway!"

"Hoo~" Hearing the voice in his mind, Qi Ge breathed a long sigh of relief.

He made the right bet.

"Connecting the voices in my head before and after Shi Zhan, it's 'Brother, aren't you in the fountain garden? I'm looking for you in the bedroom corridor!'.

Mizang spoke very fast. If I didn't stop, there would be no way to leave the corridor room before she finished speaking. "

The Elf Commercial District was right in front of him, but Qi Ge was not in a hurry to go in. He found a place to sit down and counted silently in his mind while recovering his strength.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

"Brother, you are not in the bedroom corridor. I came to the bedroom to find you."

Ten seconds...

"One, two, three, four, five..."

"Brother, you are not in the bedroom. I came to the bedroom corridor to find you."

Another ten seconds!

"One, two, three, four, five..."

"Brother, you are not in the bedroom corridor. I came to the fountain garden to find you."

Still ten seconds.

"Okay, Hide moves every ten seconds.

This is an invisible ghost that cannot be seen or touched, moves regardless of distance, and is fixed for ten seconds in each room.

This means that I have to keep an eye on Hide's movements while moving.

"Brother, you are not in the fountain garden. I went to the kitchen to find you!"

"Hiss~~" When a new voice sounded, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Fortunately, I didn't follow the principle of 'the most dangerous place is the safest place' and hid in the kitchen where I had searched. Otherwise, I would be dead now.

Leng Yu can deceive people, and Mi Zang will of course look for the same place again.

The red wedding dress in this treasure house does not follow the routine at all.

It's too dangerous. This treasure house is too dangerous. It's just killing people every step of the way. No wonder except for the last message, the other messages are so short.

You can really die if you're not careful.

There is no time to waste, I must find more life-saving props as soon as possible. In the last hour, the difficulty will increase greatly. "

Qi Ge stood up, wrapped himself in a quilt, and walked into the trading area.

He carefully walked close to the wall of the tree house and observed the surrounding tree houses.

Under the illumination of the red moon, these houses revealed a strange blood color.

Qi Ge looked into the tree houses from the window. There was no one in these tree houses, but after walking around, he found that there were wooden signs hanging on the doors of the tree houses.

During this process, Qi Ge continued to remember the various place names hidden in his mind.

While Hidden seemed to be far away from the fountain garden, Qi Ge quickly climbed up the giant tree and approached the wooden signs in front of the tree house one by one to observe. He found that these wooden signs all had words written on them:

【Exchange disguised groom clothes with bright red hearts. 】

[With eyes that cannot shed tears, exchange Hide and stop action for an hour. 】

【Exchange maps with slender thighs. 】

[Exchange your proud head for an immortal seal. 】

"Hey...what are these?"

Standing in front of the door of the last tree house, Qi Ge had a headache.

"My thighs are for maps. I can't run without my legs. If I encounter a ghost who needs to escape, wouldn't I just have to wait for death?

There is also a head replacement. If the head is replaced, won’t I die? "

Qi Ge pushed the door and turned the door handle, but failed to push the door open.

Just when he wanted to try to see if he could climb in through the window.

"Well, wait a minute..."

Qi Ge suddenly realized a problem.

"Use your fingers, use your head... You didn't say you have to exchange it with mine. Can you exchange it with the one in the red wedding dress?"

There are a total of twenty-six exchange items, and one Leng Yu can be exchanged for almost twenty.

Damn it, I don’t have the means to kill Hong Wedding Dress right now.

No, no, there may not be any way to kill Hong Wedding Dress, otherwise my last self would definitely remind me.

Um? I didn't remind me about the last one...

I had survived until the last hour of the previous one, so there was no way I hadn’t explored this place.

He didn't mention any information about this place... Why is that?

Not mentioned, not mentioned... there is no sound but also sound, not mentioned, it is a reminder in itself!

Maybe I shouldn't be making any exchanges here at all. "

In just ten seconds, Qi Ge's mind quickly passed through several thoughts.

He glanced around and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"The gifts given to me by the Goddess of Wealth are all free of charge. My wealth cannot allow me to exchange my body for gifts.

This is not a gift from the goddess of wealth, but rather like a trap set by Chaos.

If this is a trap set by Chaos, what does Chaos want me to do?

Want me to use my thighs and head as props? Am I that stupid?

Could it be that Chaos just wants to guide me and let me exchange the body parts of the red wedding dresses?

Eyeballs that don't shed tears... The heart of stone is a statue, and a statue doesn't shed tears.


After Qi Ge thought carefully, he discovered another detail:

"I remember Leng Lan said before that Night Demon prepared a heart with blood, Xueying prepared a head that could not be eaten, and Shi Xin found eyes that could not be closed...

It all sounds similar to the weird needs here. Could it be that the food they are preparing to give me is themselves?

Or maybe I had already changed things before, so the things appeared in their hands?

But if I had exchanged things before, why didn’t I leave any information about this market? "

The more Qi Ge thought about it, the weirder it became. He took a deep look at the wooden house here.

At this time, the red maple leaves hanging on the wooden house seemed to have turned into bloody organs, which made him shudder.

At this moment, Qi Ge's ears moved and he heard the hidden sound.

"Brother, you are not in the Fountain Garden. I came to the market road to find you."

Hide is here!

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