Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 703: Survival after a near-death, another near-death

"Hidden is coming! I must leave as soon as possible."

Qi Ge jumped down from the tree house and looked around.

If he followed the road, there were two routes he could take.

One leads upward to the side of the bedroom where he woke up, and the other leads forward to a dark place. From a distance, it seems to be a lake or a deep pit.

In addition to walking along the road, there is a dense forest around the road. There is no light in the forest. All the trees have lost their leaves, but they are not the kind of dead trees. It looks quite strange.

Qi Ge would not risk going into the woods. When playing a horror game, hiding in such a place with limited vision is simply courting death.

You never know what is behind the next tree. Even if there is nothing behind the next tree, there will still be the next tree, the treetops, and behind you.

Even Qi Ge was a little suspicious, as the last red wedding dress was in the woods.

According to the records left by my previous self, there were exactly 9 red wedding dresses, and one was missing.

With his own personality, he would never hide in the woods unless he had no other choice. And in those records, no one mentioned anything related to the woods, which fully demonstrated the danger of the woods.

"Bet on it, go straight and there is a lake at the end of the road! If you get stuck, you can bet on it and jump into the lake. Poseidon can protect himself."

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed and he ran towards the direction that might be the lake without hesitation.

Ten seconds later, Qi Ge’s voice sounded:

"Brother, aren't you on the market road? I came to the sacrifice market to find you."

"Sacrifice turns out that the name of that weird market where limbs are exchanged for things...sacrifice...does it have any meaning in it?"

Qi Ge was thinking while running. Suddenly, his legs weakened and he almost fell to the ground.

"Oops, I don't have enough physical strength. I will never be able to get to the next scene in ten seconds. If the Hideout comes in my direction, I will be caught on the road."

Qi Ge pinched the Holy Thorn in his hand and silently chanted in his heart to use it.

His arm suddenly swung involuntarily and stabbed hard into his thigh!


The severe pain made Qi Ge suddenly wake up. Then, he felt his heart beating suddenly and his body became hot instantly.

His speed suddenly increased a lot, and he ran quickly through the dense forest road.

Slowly, the huge black shadow gradually became clear in Qige's eyes.

An annoyed expression appeared on Qige's face and she said harshly: "Damn it, it's not water, it's a deep pit."

In front of Qi Ge was a large pit with a diameter of about 20 meters. Qi Ge stood on the edge of the pit and looked inside. The pit was full of decayed corpses.

"The mass grave... that building in the cemetery? Why is it here?

Isn't this the Chaos Treasure House based on the Elf Empire?

No, no, I was wrong.

Although most of the scenes that appear at the beginning are scenes from the Elf Empire, this does not mean that the [Blood Wedding Room] Treasure House is a blueprint for the Elf Empire.

[Blood Wedding Room] The treasure house is more likely to be a treasure house made from the memory of the ten vampires wearing red wedding dresses.

There is nothing unusual about the appearance of mass graves. "

Seven Pigeons poked their heads over the mass grave, observing carefully.

"Most of the skeletons are in the shape of elves, but a few are in the shape of unicorns...

Could it be said that this pit replicates the scene when the undead natural disaster broke out in the Elf Empire?

So, will there be a golden dragon inside? ! "

The more Qi Ge thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

“Although Jinling is now a vassal of the Golden Dragon clan, there was also a Golden Dragon Dragon Cliff in the Elven Subcontinent.

During the Golden Dragon Empire, most of the Golden Dragon Cliffs were located on the territory of the Golden Elves and were allies of the Golden Elves.

The wings of the golden dragon might be in this pit. "

Qi Ge did not rush into the mass grave, but pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the hidden movements.

"Brother, aren't you at the sacrifice market? I'm in the bathroom corridor!"

"The bathroom corridor...this mass grave cannot be the bathroom of female ghosts. It seems that Hideout must have gone in another direction."

Just as Qi Ge felt relieved, the voice in his head suddenly sounded again.

"Yeah, I didn't find my brother, but I found Sister Shi Xin.

Sister Shi Xin, are you also looking for your brother? Then I'm going to rest first, Sister Shi Xin, come on. "

Qi Ge:! ! !

Heart of stone! That statue of a female ghost!

Qige's heart tightened, followed by a burst of fear.

"Damn it, if I had just gone the other way, I would have been flanked by Stoneheart and Hideout.

The stone heart is in front, and Hide blocks the way back. If not, you may die once.

Mizang went to rest after meeting Shi Xin... Could it be said that as long as Mizang finds other female ghosts, she will disappear temporarily? "

Realizing that he had narrowly escaped death again, Qi Ge couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

"Hurry up and find the props! We've run out of the Copper of Stopping Time. The Holy Stab has penetrated the CD. We have nothing on hand. We can only wait to die when we encounter a new female ghost.

No matter what, I will go down into this pit even if it is a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire. "

The seven pigeons clung to the gray wall and carefully climbed down the wall along the mass grave.

The walls of this mass grave are made of very fragile limestone. If Qi Ge is not careful, he will break into pieces and fall from the wall.

Qi Ge was not sure whether he was injured by the collision in this dungeon. It would be funny if he fell to death instead of being killed by the female ghost.

Therefore, Qi Ge temporarily forgot about the female ghost, and concentrated on and carefully tested to make sure that the protruding part on the wall could be moved down a little.

Seven pigeons climbed a wall of more than ten meters for more than three minutes.

Thanks to the half-elf's good sense of balance and light weight, Qi Ge finally made it down to the last 3 meters or so without any danger.

He jumped and jumped backwards from the wall into the mass grave.

"Perfect landing!"

Qige clapped her hands and stood up happily.

But the moment he turned around, his body suddenly became extremely stiff.

In front of him, stood a girl in red with black hair and black eyes!

Her hair was tied into a high single ponytail, she was wearing a gorgeous dress, and she had a pair of bright white pearls on her ears. She looked like an inviolable flower of the high mountains.

But the cold aura emanating from her body, which was exactly the same as Leng Yu's, made Qi Ge feel despair.

"Fuck! Why is there a female ghost at the bottom of the pit? I just confirmed that there are only bones at the bottom of the pit.

Wan Duzi, now there is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, what should I do..."

Now Qi Ge seemed to be locked up in the Colosseum and had to face the lion's slave. He was frightened, but he had no way to control the upcoming fate.

Qi Ge saw that the girl across from her had been expressionless, staring at him, and seemed to have no intention of launching an attack.

With the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he carefully stretched out a hand from the quilt and said hello to the female ghost:

"Hi, beauty. The moonlight is so beautiful tonight.

This is the first time I have seen such a red moon. Beauty, you are so good-looking and must have a kind heart. Do you want to watch the moon together?

Look, the scenery here is so beautiful..."

Qi Ge said, looking around at the skeletons and rotting corpses all over the ground.

"It's so damn spooky. It goes perfectly with the blood-red moon, doesn't it?"

The black-haired girl didn't answer Qi Ge, nor did she come forward, she still stared at him silently.

Qi Ge was annoyed, silently retracted his hand into the quilt, and said awkwardly:

"Ha, haha. It seems that you are not interested in admiring the moon.

The decoration here is so unique. Could it be your residence? good taste! I also like this dark death style decoration.

What's that? I didn't mean to intrude. If I offend you, please forgive me.

If you have nothing else to do, I will leave first? "

Qi Ge tested it, but the black-haired girl still didn't respond.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as if you agree!"

Qi Ge said, leaning back slightly and taking two steps back.

She still didn't move.

"Which female ghost is this? Is it Shi Xin?

‘Stone Heart is a statue, keep an eye on her! Looking for peaches can restore essence. ’

This is the second message under the fountain.

But is this a statue? It's so lifelike, just like a living person.

No, since I specifically said that Shi Xin is a statue before, Shi Xin must have the characteristics of a statue, and it absolutely cannot be like this.

This should be another female ghost...

Since she won't attack me, I'll run away! "

Qige took a deep breath and turned around suddenly!


He screamed in fright.

He had obviously turned around, but the black-haired girl appeared in front of him again.

"What about the back?"

Qi Ge turned around suddenly, and there was still a black-haired girl behind him.

"Are there two?"

But Qige soon discovered that he was wrong.

There was only one black-haired girl, but she moved at an alarming speed.

As long as he looks away slightly and cannot see her at all, the other party will immediately appear in front of him, as if she is attached to his eyeballs...

Moreover, the black-haired girl has always maintained a fixed distance from Qi Ge. If Qi Ge gets closer, she will retreat a little as if she teleports.

If Qi Ge moves farther away, she will follow immediately.

"This... what on earth is she doing? She blocked me, but she didn't kill me or talk to me. She just tortured me by my side."

Just when Qi Ge had a headache, another sound appeared in his ear.

"Brother, brother, I'm Mizang. I've had enough rest, and I'm here to find you again!"

Qi Ge:! ! !

"One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen. Before I can figure out the female ghost in front of me, Hide and Seek is coming again. This is not the end of the world.

No, I can't stay here any longer. If Mi Zang comes looking for me, I will die. "

Qi Ge retreated to the wall of the pit little by little and pressed his body tightly against the wall of the pit.

"Can't you always appear in front of me? Now I'm leaning against the wall, let's see what you do!"

Qi Ge quickly turned around, facing the wall, and then took a deep breath.

The originally rough black wall turned into a smooth mirror, and in the mirror was still the black-haired girl.

She just stood there quietly, unable to get rid of Qi Ge even though she tried her best.

"It's so... outrageous."

Qi Ge was heartbroken.

"Then I'll cover myself with a quilt and close my eyes!"

Qige covered her head with the quilt and closed her eyes.

This time, the black-haired female ghost finally disappeared.

But before Qi Ge could breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, the image of the black-haired female ghost appeared in front of his eyes again.

She stood in the darkness, as if she had penetrated Qi Ge's quilt and eyelids, and ran into Qi Ge's pupils.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Qige is really convinced.

He simply ignored it and climbed up the wall with both hands, preparing to climb up with the black-haired girl following him.

"Brother, brother."

The hidden voice sounded in Qi Ge's mind again.

At this moment, the black-haired girl suddenly moved. She stretched out her hand and patted it gently:

"I come to the fountain"


There was a sound of clapping, and the sound of hiding suddenly stopped!

Qi Ge was so frightened that he didn't dare to move for a moment, and his half-raised feet froze in the air.

He suddenly thought of a very crucial tip!

‘You must follow the Night Demon’s instructions, stop once and walk twice. ’

Hiss...I understand, she is a night demon!

Stop once...go twice...

Must comply! Another thing I would write is this, stating that if you don’t obey, you will die.

But what's going on with the hidden voice?

Could it be said that not only me, but also the female ghost must obey the instructions of the night demon?

She clapped her hands and Mizang had to stop mid-sentence?

This... this is too fierce.

Qi Ge forcefully maintained the posture of raising his feet, not daring to move at all.

A full eight minutes passed and Qi Ge's feet began to feel numb before the black-haired girl finally started to move.


Two rounds of applause sounded, and at the same time, Mi Zang's voice also sounded.

"The square is looking for you!"

Putting the words "Muzhi" together, it means 'Brother, brother, I'm looking for you in the fountain garden! ’.

But her words were cut into two pieces by Ye Yao's applause.

"I'm sure, it's really a night demon."

Qi Ge could no longer hold on and put his feet down. The black-haired female ghost did not attack Qi Ge.

"Grandma, this female ghost is too powerful, isn't she? She clapped her hands and it was like stopping. It's just that this time I was the one who was stopped. No, I should have been forced to stop."

Qi Ge remembered a game he played when he was a child, called "One Two Three, Wooden Man".

One person should be the one giving the order, standing far away from the others, with his back to them.

The orderer shouted: "123, wooden man", and the speed of speech can be adjusted. For example, 123 shouts very slowly, while the wooden man shouts very fast.

The commander looks back at the others. If someone is still moving, the moving person is considered a loser and exits the game.

If no one moves, the caller continues to shout: "123, wooden man", and this cycle continues until the caller is touched or all the callers are eliminated.

Qi Ge feels that Ye Yao is the one giving the order now, and he and Mizang are the ones being ordered.

"You can't climb the wall anymore."

Qi Ge looked desperately at the wall of the pit, which was more than ten meters high.

"What a bastard! I'm so mean, I have to come down.

If I climb the wall and the night demon claps my hands halfway, how can I hold on?

That's it, Night Demon and Hide have formed a combo.

The night demon sealed me under a mass grave and hid outside to look for me.

If Mizang comes to find me, I will die. "

We are now in a desperate situation, but giving up like this is not Qi Ge’s style!

"The wings of the golden dragon! The wings of the golden dragon!

The last one might have been in my same situation, and if he could get out of trouble, I could too! "

Qi Ge ignored the black-haired girl beside him and started rummaging through the mass grave like crazy.

He moved the skeletons and corpses away, searching for them as quickly as he was looking for a needle in a haystack.

The rotten flesh and liquid of the corpse were stained with Qi Ge's quilt and palms. It was very disgusting, but Qi Ge could no longer care about it.

He kept stuck on the CD of Holy Thorn. Once the CD was good, he would replenish his energy and clear out the corpse.

Elks, moon bud bears, elves... corpses of various sizes were moved away one by one by seven pigeons.

Six minutes and thirty seconds later, Qi Ge keenly discovered that these corpses were buried according to certain rules.

"The levels are from low to high, and the more advanced units are buried at the back!"

There is no doubt that the Golden Dragon must be one of the highest-level arms in the Elf Empire.

Qi Ge looked towards the end of the tunnel. It was as if I saw the hope of life!

He ran over without hesitation and violently moved the unicorn corpses buried on the upper floor away.

One, two, three...

When Qi Ge moved away the rotting corpse of the sixth unicorn, the huge golden sternum was finally exposed in front of Qi Ge.

"Found it! I found it! The golden dragon!"

Qi Ge was ecstatic, as if he had seen hope of living.

"There really is a golden dragon's body under this mass grave. If the sternum is here, the wings must be behind the sternum."

Qi Ge took action without hesitation and began to carry the body of the sacred deer.

The Sacred Deer, like the Unicorn, is also a sixth-level soldier. Already extinct in the world of Yasha.

Its level 1 form is a giant soldier, so its body is extremely large and difficult to move.

Fortunately, this was a dead sacred deer, and Qi Ge could use force to dismantle the body and move it away part by part.


Just as Qi Ge threw away one of Sacred Deer's thighs, Night Demon clapped his hands again.

Stop it!

"A total of thirteen minutes and twenty seconds have passed since the last clap...if I count correctly."

Qi Ge remained motionless, feeling bleak in his heart.

"Such an irregular number probably means that the night demon's clapping is random.

That would be even more troublesome. "


This time, Ye Yao's pause was extremely short. In just 57 seconds, she clapped again.

The moment Qi Ge heard the two applauses, he immediately sped up his movements. He tore open the tail vertebrae of the sacred deer, threw it away, and let the foul-smelling blood spurt onto him.

"Hurry up, hurry up... I just finished hiding in the kitchen and returned to the fountain garden.


Before Qi Ge finished thinking about what he was thinking, Muzhi's voice sounded in his mind.

"Brother, you are not in the Fountain Garden. I came to the market road to find you!"

"Hiss, it's really here!"

The map in Qi Ge's mind immediately made Qi Ge realize that Mizang was approaching in his direction.

She changes positions every ten seconds.

Market Road – Sacrifice Market – Road before Mass Grave – Mass Grave.

Worst case scenario, it will come after hiding for thirty seconds.

Qi Ge hurriedly speeded up the movements of his hands.

Ten seconds later.

"Brother, you are not on the market road. I came to the sacrifice market to find you!"

Most of the body of the sacred deer was finally removed by Qi Ge, but to Qi Ge's despair, there was actually a complete body of the sacred deer under the sacred deer.

"Fuck! I forgot that a male and a female are always together when the sacred deer reaches adulthood.

This pair of fateful mandarin ducks and deer just happened to suppress the wings of the golden dragon.

Now I can only pray that Muzong will not come to me. "

"Brother, you are not at the sacrifice market. I came to the cemetery road to find you!"

Cemetery road!

Qige's eyesight went dark.

There are only two ways out of the Sacrificial Bazaar.

There is a corridor called the bathroom corridor, which Mizuzang has just visited. Then this one on my side can only be a cemetery road.

Qi Ge glanced ahead in despair. Night Demon was still standing there, staring at him coldly without saying a word.

"Now I can only hope that Muzang will trigger the rest mechanism when encountering the night demon, and he will go to rest without seeing me...

Well, not much hope.

That was a female ghost, not a stupid ghost. How could she not see such a big groom like me?

Damn it, dead. "

Qi Ge closed his eyes in desperation and waited quietly for death.

Ten, nine, eight... bang!

Suddenly, a round of applause sounded in front of Qi Ge!

The night demon clapped his hands!

Um! !

Boom, boom, boom!

Qi Ge's heart, which had almost stopped beating, suddenly started beating violently.

Clap your hands at this time...

Wait a minute, could it be that...

Qi Ge has tried it before, and small actions such as blinking, breathing, and raising the flag will not trigger the Night Demon's attack.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at the night demon firmly.

At this moment, Ye Yao's cold eyes, instead of making Qi Ge shudder, actually made him excited.

"Ah, strong and domineering! If you tell everyone to stop, you must stop, and if you tell everyone to move, you must move!

How could there be such a beautiful and domineering female ghost type S!

Night demon sister! Hold on! Hold on! You don’t need to hold on for too long, help me stop for one more minute, no, just another forty-five seconds is enough! "

Qi Ge prayed silently in his heart.

Ye Yao clapped his hands, and Mi Zang not only stopped talking, but also stopped changing rooms, as if he had been stopped by time.

The Hideout cannot move, nor can the Seven Pigeons move, but there is one thing that can move!

Thirty seconds, forty seconds, fifty seconds!

At the fifty second mark, under Qi Ge's ecstatic eyes, Ye Yao stretched out his hands.


Two moves, just right!

No matter how much Night Demon's ability resembles Time Stop, it's not really Time Stop.

The Hideout cannot move, nor can the Seven Pigeons move, but there is one thing that can move!

The name of that thing is, Skill CD!

"Hiss! It's coming!"

Qi Ge picked up the Holy Thorn and gave himself a hard blow. In an instant, his body was filled with physical strength.


Full of physical strength, Qi Ge bent down and lifted up all the remaining parts of the sacred deer with all his strength!


"Get out of my way! You're in the way!"

Qi Ge gritted his teeth, veins popped out, and he violently pushed the body of the sacred deer over!


boom! !

The huge corpse of the sacred deer smashed into the pile of skeletons, smashing the pile of skeletons into pieces. The clicking sound of broken bones, accompanied by the rising smoke, seemed to be cheering for the victory of the Seven Pigeons!


After pushing away the body of the sacred deer, the huge golden wing bones of the golden dragon were finally exposed.


"Is it this one?"

Qi Ge was extremely worried and had no time to think. He immediately squatted down and reached out to grab the golden dragon's wing bone.


[Wings of Escape (Blue)

gift of wealth


Qi Ge didn't have time to see the effect, so he chose to use it without hesitation!


"Brother, you are not on the cemetery road. I came to the Wasted Death Cemetery to find you!"

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