Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 707 Why don’t you speak?


Qi Ge jumped up from the bed, looking flustered and frightened.

In his mind, the scene that had just appeared was still lingering in his mind.

Steel wires fell from the sky, piercing his hands and feet, and then he hung in the middle of the room.

Hideout was like a trampoline, riding himself and jumping up and down on himself, and kept laughing wildly until he completely turned into a mummy.

Qi Ge touched his thigh.

[Energy value: 25/100

Collected: Beloved]

"I died again... I just happened to be hidden and blocked the resurrection point.

This time, it can be regarded as a real high-end game. "

Qi Ge let out a gentle breath. He was sure that he had never heard the warning sound of Mizang's approach before.

This shows that the secret is refreshed in the bedroom as soon as it is refreshed. This is indeed a fate.

“Just do it again, no big deal.

As long as the memory is not lost, nothing can be said. "

Qi Ge jumped up from the bed. He didn't go to get the candle, but quickly jumped to the top of the bookshelf in the dim room.

Just as he thought, a new stand-in puppet had been created.

Leng Yu hasn't changed the clothes of the stand-in puppet yet, and the whole body of the stand-in puppet is naked from top to bottom.

"Sure enough, just as I thought..."

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

He pulled the quilt off the bed, wrapped himself tightly, and ran out of the room in large strides.

When they arrived at the main doorway to the bedroom, Qi Ge experimented and found that both door handles could not be removed.

"Tsk, the Copper of Time Stop has been refreshed elsewhere."

Qi Ge didn't hesitate too much, opened the door and ran out.

When he ran to the fountain garden, he happened to bump into Leng Yu who was walking from the market.

"Ah, dear, you're already up. Come back with me and change clothes."

Leng Yu clapped her hands gently, tilted her head and looked at Qi Ge with a smile like a flower.

Qi Ge ignored her and ran straight to the unicorn statue, broke off the [Holy Thorn], and then jumped into the fountain without hesitation.

"Dear? Where are you, dear? Oops, why did my dear suddenly disappear? He was still here just now.

Did he go back to the bedroom to change clothes first? "

Leng Yu anxiously ran towards the bedroom. Seven pigeons emerged from the fountain with a splash and followed quietly from behind.

As he approached the bedroom, he clearly heard Leng Yu talking to himself in the bedroom.

"That's great, my dear, you are waiting for me in the bedroom.

Don't worry, I'll take you down to change clothes right now. "

"Hum hum……"

“Well, if this outfit suits you best, my dear, I picked it out with great difficulty.

It looks better than all the clothes of my sisters. "

"Ah, that's great...I really want to eat my dear quickly.

Such a tall and mighty darling makes me drool just looking at him. "

It's now!

Qi Ge confirmed through the crack in the door that it was correct and immediately strode into the bedroom.

Leng Yu, who was changing clothes for the stand-in puppet, was startled.

Qi Ge couldn't move the stand-in puppet, but Leng Yu could.

The current stand-in puppet has been put on a coat by Leng Yu, who is licking his lips while changing his pants.

Obviously, the reason why Leng Yu drooled was not very serious.

"Ah? Two darlings? What's going on?"

Leng Yu was stunned for a moment, and while she was stunned, Qi Ge rushed forward, picked up his stand-in puppet, and sprinted for 100 meters!

As he ran, he pierced the holy thorns to make himself move as fast as flying.

"Ah! My dear ran away with my dear!

No, what am I talking about?

Uh-huh! Anyway, my dear, please give me your dear quickly, it's mine! "

Leng Yu wavered behind Qi Ge, then picked up the hem of her skirt and quickly caught up.

Qi Ge did not look back, lest he trigger the death condition of [Talk to Leng Yu].

He hurried to the fountain and jumped into it without hesitation!

"Oh my God. Both my darlings are gone, woo woo."

Leng Yu sat paralyzed in front of the fountain, broke down emotionally, and cried loudly:

"Who? Who took away my two darlings?"

"It's done! Last time I went to the bedroom, I found Leng Yu singing water magic.

It must have been because she saw my body when she was changing clothes that she couldn't help it.

Although my puppet is naked, Leng Yu can put clothes on my puppet, which means that she can most likely take my puppet off the shelf.

Resurrecting in a fountain is much safer than resurrecting in a bedroom. "

"Hmph! Those bad sisters must have secretly eaten my dear, and they clearly agreed that everyone should eat together.

I want to settle accounts with them. "

Qi Ge lay in the fountain and watched secretly. Leng Yu collapsed emotionally for a while, then wiped away her tears and ran towards the bride's courtyard in large strides.


Seven pigeons emerged from the fountain. He rushed to the kitchen without stopping and opened the two middle drawers immediately.

This time, the peach was not refreshed in the drawer, but Qi Ge had another unexpected harvest in the drawer.

[Sky Dome Orbit (Purple)

gift of wealth

After use, enter the orbit of the sky and emerge from the orbit five minutes later.

When entering Skydome Orbit, you are invincible but unable to interact with the outside scene.

After that, portals will be generated at the entrance and exit of the Sky Dome Orbit, and you can move quickly between the portals.

Each teleport has a three-minute cooldown.

Disappears after use. 】

"Good thing, just being invincible for five minutes is equivalent to a life."

Qi Ge looked at the glowing round ball in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

He opened the cabinet above, and with a crash, a large number of broken bodies fell out.

Qi Ge spent some time cleaning up the remains.

During the cleaning process, Mizang was refreshed in the bride's boudoir, but Mizang bumped into Leng Yu head-on and went into rest again.

After throwing all the remains into the fountain to wash them clean, Qi Ge jumped into the fountain again and fished out the remains.

He sat in the center of the fountain garden and put the remains of his body together like a jigsaw puzzle, creating three seven-doves.


After carefully observing the corpse that was exactly the same as his own after being pieced together, Qige let out a long sigh of relief.

"I see... I have found the idea for the dismantling of this treasure house."

After confirming that the surroundings were safe, Qi Ge returned to the kitchen again and opened the cabinet under the kitchen.

[The water is so cold and painful. 】

[No, no, don’t eat me. 】

[Why do we have to bear all the suffering, and why do you get all the benefits. 】

[Master's love, prince's love, you have so much love, but we have nothing. 】

【Hate hate hate hate hate】

[I can't move, someone come and save me. 】

The familiar red letters came into Qi Ge's eyes again. This time, Qi Ge was shocked to find that three of these red letters that seemed to be groaning in pain were missing.

[Ah, my throat, give me my throat back, you have everything, and all I have left is singing. 】

[Why, why do you want to take away my singing voice? 】

[Please, give me back your singing voice! 】

“These three should be my favorites.

No, it should be said that it is the real beloved, not the beloved in the treasure house.

If my guess is correct.

The treasure house took away the beloved singing voice and gave birth to a singing red wedding dress.

Therefore singing is a beloved obsession.

Only by awakening the true love with singing can the collection be completed.

Calculated in this way, there are 27 blood characters. If each red wedding dress has 3 red wedding dresses, 9 red wedding dresses will be just enough.

One less...

Who is missing?

This last red wedding dress is too mysterious. I have never encountered so many of them.

Is it in the bloody wedding room?"

Qi Ge touched his chin and had no idea for the time being.

"Anyway, let's get the golden dragon's wings and hammer first."

Qi Ge left the kitchen and ran towards the forest instead of getting the wings of escape first.

Memorizing maps is the basic ability of every professional player. If you have already walked the road once, Qi Ge will not make any mistakes if you walk it again.

He moved through the complex forest area with ease and found the Deadwood Guard.

Put out the candle, take the hammer, and the seven doves do it in one go.

In her mind, Muzou appeared again, this time wandering around the fountain garden.

"Fortunately, it's relatively far away from me."

Qige took the hammer and ran to the mass grave.

He observed that there was no red mist in the mass grave, and no night demon was seen.

This time Qi Ge did not choose to climb down from the mass grave, but directly hit the ground on the mass grave.

Barrier-breaking hammer effect, scene destruction!

There was a loud bang, and half of the mass grave collapsed.

The entire ground was shattered into a slope exactly as Qi Ge imagined, leading to the location of the golden dragon.

Qi Ge did not rush down, but quietly waited for the CD on the slope.

After the hammer CD was ready, Qi Ge walked to the bottom of the mass grave.


When he was about to clean the bones, a clapping sound sounded in Qige's mind.

Qige's movements immediately stopped and he rolled his eyes, but did not see the night demon around.

“This time the Night Demon’s spawn point is not in the mass grave…

There are no red wedding dresses refreshed near the fountain garden, no red wedding dresses near the market, and no red wedding dresses refreshed in the mass graves.

That means that all the red wedding dresses are gathered in the direction of the bride's courtyard and bathroom.

why is that? Is it because I snatched the substitute puppet at the beginning?

Is it really like what Leng Yu said, that she went to settle accounts with those red wedding dresses and delayed them all? "


Two claps sounded, and Qi Ge quickly cleaned up the bones.

This time his luck was much better than last time. There were no sacred deer on the golden dragon's bones, but small unicorn corpses.

Qi Ge easily threw the unicorn corpse away and got the wings of the golden dragon.

Compared to the last time, within half an hour of the game starting this time, Qi Ge had assembled four fixedly refreshed props.

“Very good, one is invincibility, one is acceleration, one is teleportation, one is scene destruction and escape, and one is resurrection.

With five trump cards in hand, I can try it out. "

"Brother, aren't you at the sacrifice market? I'm in the bathroom corridor!"

"Yeah, I didn't find my brother, but I found Sister Shi Xin and Sister Xue Mei.

Sisters, are you also looking for your brother? Then I'm going to rest first. Come on, sisters. "

The hidden voice sounded in Qi Ge's ears, making Qi Ge feel certain.

“The pink mist is a blood charm, and you can seal the blood charm by finding the seal.

The seal should be some kind of prop that refreshes randomly.

Both Xue Mei and Shi Xin are in the direction of the bathroom, hiding in hiding to rest. The blood shadow is restrained by my quilt, and the water soul will only be refreshed in the pool...

Of the female ghosts who might be in the bride's courtyard, the only ones left are Leng Yu and Ye Yao. I know how to deal with both of them.

This was my chance to explore the bridal courtyard. "

The seven doves pierced the holy thorns and ran to the fountain garden without hesitation. They bypassed the market and bathroom from the right path of the fountain garden and ran to the bride's courtyard.

“The bridal boudoir and bridal kitchen are in the lower right of the bridal courtyard, and the magic training room is in the upper left corner.

Last time I went directly through the dense forest. This time I took the main road and would definitely pass by the bridal boudoir and bridal kitchen.

I didn't search these two rooms last time, so I will search them first this time. "

Two minutes passed by in a blink of an eye, and Qi Ge arrived at the bride's courtyard decorated with lights and colorful decorations.

The layout here is very similar to the Fountain Garden, and the bridal kitchen is also opposite the bridal boudoir to the right.

The only difference is that there is no fountain in the center of the bride's courtyard. Instead, there is a flowerbed with petunias.

The numerous life-saving tools in his hand gave Qi Ge enough confidence, and he opened the door to the bride's kitchen.

To Qige's surprise, the layout of the bride's kitchen was exactly the same as the kitchen.

The same magic stove, but there are two more buckets in the corner of the bride’s kitchen.

【Portable Hideout】*2

"Good guy, there isn't one over there, but there are two here."

Qi Ge put away the two bucket toys and opened the two drawers of the bride's kitchen ingredient cabinet.

There were dried peaches in one drawer, and a red key in the other.

【Peach of Energy (Gold)】

"Ha, Taozi!" Qige was delighted and quickly chose Taozi to use.

After five energy points, Qi Ge's energy value returned to 30 points.

"The stand-in puppet is still there, and the energy value has been restored to 30 points. Rounding it off, it means that he has not died just now.

Being used as a trampoline by [Hide] and being used as a harp by [Beloved] can be treated as if it never happened. "

Qi Ge comforted himself and picked up the red key.

【Masterpiece Key (White)

gift of wealth

Effect: All locks can be opened after use, and can only be used once. 】

"Well... there is a locked place in this treasure house, I have never encountered it."

Qi Ge scratched his head, put away the key, and opened the red cabinet above a crack.

The familiar broken body appeared in front of Qi Ge again, with some blackened and viscous blood flowing out from the gap.

"Good, it's my body again."

Qi Ge sighed, closed the cabinet first, and then opened the cabinet below.

The same broken body as above appeared in front of Qi Ge again.

"Good guy, it's me all over...the bride's kitchen and the groom's kitchen, they all put me in the ingredient cabinet.

Do you think I am the food? ! "

Qi Ge complained.

"Let me do the math and see if the number is the same as over there.

Three above, three below, three here, exactly nine...

Oh, it’s all ready! "

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief. He would not be so naive as to think this was a coincidence.

Qi Ge tried to move the entire ingredient, but unfortunately, it was too heavy and could not be moved.

Helpless, Qi Ge could only turn around and go to the bride's boudoir first.

As soon as he opened the kitchen door, he saw the night demon floating out of the bride's boudoir.

The two sides met each other, and the night demon teleported to Qi Ge. Just like last time, it seemed to be attached to Qi Ge's retina, floating in the air in front of Qi Ge, maintaining a fixed distance from Qi Ge. .

"Hey. Hello, Night Demon. I'm glad to see you again."

Qi Ge smiled and said hello to Ye Yao, but unfortunately Ye Yao was cold and did not respond.

Qi Ge took out the golden dragon wings and said:

"If I guess correctly, if I want to get rid of you, I have to teleport away, otherwise you will follow me wherever I go.

But, I don't have to. "

Qi Ge put away his escape wings and smiled gently at Night Demon:

"I'm sorry, I'm late. If I could find you earlier, maybe you wouldn't suffer the pain of being swallowed by Chaos.

But it doesn't matter, I will find a way to get you out.

If I'm still guessing correctly, Ye Yao, you should be the eldest sister of all the Red Wedding Dressers, well, second only to Mrs. Hong.

You see, you are so majestic, if you clap your hands, all the sisters will listen to you.

Then you just keep following me and watch carefully how I rescue your sisters one by one. "

Qi Ge walked towards the bride's boudoir without wavering.

Night Demon stood in front of Qi Ge, retreating all the way, always keeping the same distance.

When she encounters an obstacle, she will enter the obstacle, just like entering a mirror, and still maintain the same distance from Qi Ge.

Qi Ge walked to the door of the bride's boudoir, which was almost the same as his own bedroom. He pulled the door handle and pulled down the left door handle at once.

【The Copper that Stops Time】

"Oh? It's brushed here."

Life-saving props +1.

Qi Ge opened the door of the bride's boudoir and saw a long corridor. There were rooms on the left and right sides of the corridor, exactly five pairs, ten rooms in total.

Only one of the rooms was open, with blood-red lights on inside, and faint sobbing could be heard.

"Ten? How come there are ten?

Could this be the last red wedding dress? I guessed wrong, the last red wedding dress is not in the bloody wedding room? "

Qi Ge frowned, clenched Shi Zhan and Wudi in his hands, and slowly approached the open room.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu He was obviously eaten by them, but they still don’t admit it!

They all bullied me and didn’t even leave me any space, woo woo woo.

I already knew that they all didn't like me and thought I was a fool.

woo woo woo woo……"

Qi Ge:......

The bright red candle glowed red on the wall of the room. Leng Yu lay on the bed, feeling miserable about herself.

It turns out to be you...

Leng Yu cried so sadly that she didn't even notice Qi Ge, who was hiding at the door and observing secretly, and Ye Yao, who was already floating in the room.

Perhaps because he was annoyed by Leng Yu's crying, Ye Yao stretched out his hand and patted her quickly.


Qi Ge instantly stopped, and Leng Yu's crying stopped immediately.

Qi Ge finally saw what the red wedding dress looked like after Ye Yao clapped her hands.

At this time, Leng Yu was like a doll that had lost its soul. Her eyes were dull and distracted, and she lay motionless on the bed.

"This... after the night demon clapped his hands, did the red wedding dress stop like this?

It's like the shutdown button has been pressed.

I thought they were like me and had to forcibly restrain themselves. "

While his body was unable to move, Qi Ge rolled his eyes around and observed Leng Yu's room.

Like his bedroom, Leng Yu's room is also very simple.

In addition to a large bed, her room only had an open wardrobe, which was filled with beautiful dresses and some men's formalwear.

Most of those dresses were pink and looked very girly.

"Wait a minute, what is that?!"

Qige looked at Leng Yu's bedside, her eyes almost popping out of her head.

A dry and rotten peach caught Qi Ge's eyes.

“Damn it, Peach of Energy!

Why is it refreshed at this location...

Leng Yu's bed is a big bed three meters wide and five meters long. If I want to get the peach, I have to crawl over Leng Yu's bed.

Then it is almost inevitable that he will meet Leng Yu.

This...does it have to stop for an hour? What a waste. "

Qige looked at Leng Yu's bed, and the scene of being suppressed by her beloved suddenly flashed through her mind.

"Hey, climbing into the female ghost's bed shouldn't be considered a condition for immediate death..."


Ye Yao suddenly clapped his hands twice, and Leng Yu's crying immediately resumed, and the expression on his originally puppet-like face became vivid again.

Qi Ge hesitated at Leng Yu's door, unable to bear the temptation of Tao Zi.

He strode into Leng Yu's room, took off his shoes and jumped onto her big bed.

"Huh?! My dear! Sister Night Demon!"

This movement finally woke up Leng Yu.

She looked at Qi Ge and the night demon who appeared with Qi Ge in surprise, and shouted with joy:

“Honey, you haven’t been eaten yet! That’s great! Are you coming to get married with me?

Why didn't you put on your groom's clothes? Really, you're about to get married and you're still so indifferent. Come and change your clothes with me. "

Leng Yu sat up from the bed all of a sudden, her expression quickly changed from sadness to joy, and she opened her hands to hug Qi Ge.

Qige passed through Leng Yu's body expressionlessly and picked up the Peach of Energy from behind Leng Yu.

[Current energy value: 35/100]

Behind Qi Ge, Leng Yu, who was ignored by Qi Ge again, seemed to be in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible grinding sound came from behind Qi Ge.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch!"

"Dear, why are you ignoring me! Why are you ignoring me!

I asked you to change your clothes, why didn’t you change?

You were with me, why did you find Sister Ye Yao!

Do you look down on me like them and treat me as a fool?

Are you like them?

Look down on me, look down on me, look down on me...

My dear, why don't you speak, why don't you answer me, why why why..."

Leng Yu muttered in a low voice and hastily, her tone getting colder and colder, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

Qige passed through Leng Yu's body again, sat on Leng Yu's bed, and quickly put on her shoes.

He felt a chill coming from his back that almost penetrated into his body, making his hair stand on end.

But he had to stay calm and not react at all because of Leng Yu's state.

This is the condition of immediate death that he has figured out.

“Kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you.

I am going to kill you. "

Leng Yu lowered his head and stood up unsteadily from the bed.

Her nails grew longer and became extremely sharp.

The moment Qi Ge put on his shoes and stood up, Leng Yu suddenly raised his head and grabbed the back of Qi Ge's head with both hands!

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