Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 708 Collecting Red Wedding Clothes


As soon as Qi Ge stood up, Leng Yu, who was emotionally broken, started clawing frantically behind Qi Ge.

Her sharp nails kept piercing Qi Ge's body, but they always passed through Qi Ge's body, unable to cause any harm to Qi Ge.

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief, his judgment was correct.

As long as he doesn't let Leng Yu find out that he has seen her, Leng Yu can't cause any harm to him.

Then, a very strange picture appeared.

Qi Ge was rummaging around in Leng Yu's room. In front of Qi Ge, Night Demon kept floating and looked at him coldly. Behind Qi Ge, Leng Yu violently penetrated Qi Ge's body with his nails.

The two women and one man each did their own thing without disturbing each other.

Soon, Qi Ge finished searching everything in the room. Unfortunately, except for peaches, he did not find any other gifts of wealth.

But Qi Ge was not without gain. He picked nine sets of good-looking groom's clothes from Leng Yu's wardrobe and packed them into the quilt.

"You've come, you can't leave empty-handed."

Qi Ge nodded with satisfaction and returned to the corridor.

There are nine rooms, each of which may contain surprises or scares.

The seven pigeons walked into the first room in order.

The room was very dark without any light, so Qi Ge lit the candle.

"Huh?! This is?!"

Along with the faint green light, Qi Ge was surprised to find that this small room was filled with various corpse specimens.

There are elk, forest owls, unicorns... even young sacred deer.

These military specimens were placed in every corner of the room in very strange postures, and they looked particularly eye-catching under the green light.

But after Qi Ge observed carefully, he discovered that the corpse specimens in the room all had one thing in common - they were furry and cute.

They have obviously been treated with antiseptic treatment, and they don't have any odor, but they still have some fragrance.

"This...could it be some red wedding dress who regarded these corpse specimens as dolls?"

“Citrus flavor…”

Qige's nose twitched and she immediately found the owner of the room:

"By the way, it should be the smell of Hide!

Ye Yao smells of jasmine, Shi Xin and Leng Yu both smell a bit like gardenia, but Leng Jade's is stronger, Shui Po's smell is osmanthus, my favorite smell is lily, and Mizang's smell is Citrus flavor.

If no one among Xue Ying, Chi Yue and Xue Mei smells the same as Mi Zang, then this must be Mi Zang's room. "

Identifying women by smell is an old skill of Qi Ge.

This trick is very useful when dealing with [the girl covers his eyes from behind and asks him who he is].

“Living for the company of a lot of dolls is actually a sign of insecurity.

The condition for instant death when combined with hide-and-seek is that she is caught while hiding. She should be a child who is very afraid of being alone.

So, among the bloody words on the wall, the one most likely to be hidden is

[No, no, don’t eat me. 】

[Where are you, don’t leave me alone. 】

[It’s so dark, I’m so scared. 】

[What happened, why everyone disappeared, don’t you all want me anymore?]

These four. "

Qi Ge quickly analyzed in his mind while quickly looking for props in the hidden room.

The so-called search actually means touching around... because Qi Ge has no other way to find wealth gifts except touching them with his hands.

When Qi Ge touched the feathers on the forest owl's tail, a ray of light lit up on Qi Ge's hand.

[Record Pen (Blue)

gift of wealth

Effect: After use, golden text can be left, up to 25 words, and disappear after use.

The golden text does not disappear with death.

Warning: The gold text will be seen by the red wedding dress. 】

Qi Ge:......

If he had found this prop before, Qi Ge would probably be ecstatic, but now that he can retain his memory after his death, the value of this record has been greatly reduced.

Qi Ge accepted the record and continued searching.

All the items in the entire room had been touched by Qi Ge, except for this pen.

In the middle of this, Ye Yao clapped his hands twice, which wasted a lot of Qi Ge's time.

After searching the hidden room, Qi Ge immediately ran to the opposite side of the hidden room.

Half of this room was actually partitioned off and turned into a large bathroom. There was a beautiful bathtub in the bathroom, which was filled with blood.

"This smell is from Shui Po's room..."

"Is this considered a pool?"

Qi Ge did not risk jumping into the bloody water, but tried it with a quilt first. When Qi Ge pulled the quilt out of the bloody water, the familiar drying effect appeared again.

"Tsk, tsk, this thing is considered a pool. Poseidon is so strong."

Qi Ge was about to enter the blood water to take a look. Suddenly, he felt that the temperature in the room seemed to have dropped a bit. This made Qi Ge immediately stop and observe the water surface carefully.

Sure enough, the shadows of seven pigeons appeared on the bloody water.

The water soul is coming...

For a moment, three female ghosts gathered in the small room.

Qi Ge:......

"Hello, Miss Shui Po, sorry to bother you. Goodbye."

Qi Ge turned around and left, groping around in other corners of the room. Unfortunately, this time, he found nothing.

Seeing that the reflection in the pool had not disappeared, Qi Ge sighed and turned to go to other rooms.

Half an hour later, Qi Ge searched all ten rooms and found two more props.

During this period, Mizang almost headed towards the bride's courtyard twice, but was stopped by Shi Xin and Xue Mei.

[Death Scissors (gold)

gift of wealth

Effect: After use, you can cut off the lock of a red wedding dress on yourself.

Let cool for 3 minutes. 】

[Sealed Bottle (Blue)

gift of wealth

Effect: When used near the blood charm, the blood charm can be sealed for thirty minutes. 】

After returning from the ten rooms, the seven pigeons returned to the blood pool, and the water soul had left.

He jumped into the pool of blood without hesitation.

The blood in the blood pool was actually very fresh, and even had the warmth of blood.

Qi Ge searched around the bottom of the blood pool and found no purple text.

“This is good news, it means that [I] did not die near the bride’s courtyard.

This is obviously the base camp of Red Wedding Dress... What does this mean? The most dangerous place is the safest place?

Wait, why have the surrounding colors changed... Hiss, could it be that..."

Just when Qi Ge was about to leave the bride's boudoir and go to the magic training room to search, he suddenly discovered that the surrounding white walls were stained with a touch of pink.

He stood in the corridor and looked towards the bridal courtyard. The entire bridal courtyard was surrounded by pink mist.

"The blood charm is here."

Just as Qi Ge was about to take out the sealed bottle, he suddenly found that the back of his hand was dyed pink bit by bit in the pink mist.

The pink color expanded very quickly. In Qi Ge's blink of an eye, there was only a small pink mark on the back of his hand, but it expanded to Qi Ge's entire hand and began to spread rapidly towards Qi Ge's arm.

"I understand, when I stay in the pink mist for too long and my whole body is stained with pink mist, I will die."

Qi Ge immediately took out the sealed bottle and opened the bottle mouth.

A huge suction force came out of the sealed bottle, sucking in the surrounding blood mist.

Soon, the blood mist in the courtyard was swept away.

The blood mist dissipated, and the blood charm of the red wedding dress in the blood mist was also exposed.

She is very beautiful, her skin is as pink as a peach.

But her face, as well as her whole body, have fine needlework mesh, which makes her look like a person that has been spliced ​​together, making her look slightly scary.

From the needle holes on her body, a steady stream of pink mist is spurting out, and is constantly being sucked in by the sealing bottle.

Qi Ge noticed that the body of the sealed bottle had begun to show slight cracks, and it seemed that the half-hour countdown had begun.

The blood charm staggered towards the sealed bottle in Qi Ge's hand, and then kept looking up at the bottle with an expressionless face and dull eyes.

Qi Ge tried to communicate with her, but like other red wedding dresses, Xue Mei did not respond to Qi Ge.

Qi Ge sighed regretfully and placed the sealed bottle on the ground.

Xue Mei also followed Qi Ge's movements and squatted down.

She hugged her knees and stared at the sealed bottle quietly, like a thirty-five-year-old social worker who had just been resigned and squatted on the roadside not knowing whether to go home.

She looks a little cute...

Qige avoided the blood charm and ran to the magic training room.

He searched carefully in the magic training room for a while, and quickly found a map and a new prop.

[Pot of Modesty (Gold)

gift of wealth

Effect: Consume any two wealth gifts and replace them with two energy flat peaches (+5 energy) that can be used unlimitedly. 】

nice one!

Qi Ge immediately replaced the [Map] and a [Portable Hideout] in his hand with the Energy Peach.

Energy value: 45/100

But when Qi Ge ate the peach, he was shocked to find that the Pot of Humility had not disappeared!

"Wait a minute... that's right, it doesn't say it will disappear after use. This is a prop that is deliberately used repeatedly without a CD!"

Qi Ge was shocked.

"What kind of artifact is this? It turns out that this is the most precious gift of wealth in this treasure house."

Qi Ge checked the props on his body. He was about to replace them all to increase his energy level, but he stopped what he was doing.

"No, it's not the time yet.

The energy value can only revive me, but it cannot help me pass the level perfectly. If I want to pass the level perfectly, most of the gifts from the Goddess of Wealth have an irreplaceable role. "

Qi Ge took a deep breath, ran to the bride's kitchen, wrapped his six broken bodies in the quilt returned from Leng Yu's room, and then dragged the blood-stained quilt back to the fountain garden.

He cleaned all the remaining parts of his body and pieced them together.

During this period, Mizang almost hit him once, but was thrown away by him using the acceleration of the Holy Thorn.

Twenty-three minutes later, the blood charm resumed action.

At this time, Qi Ge had completed all preparations.

"Next, it's time to conquer."

Qi Ge took a deep breath and ran towards the bathroom.

“The first one is Shui Po.

There is a bath in Shui Po's room, and the blood in the bath is very warm.

When the water soul appears, the surrounding temperature will drop a bit.

In the prompt with bloody text.

[The water is so cold and painful. 】

【Who can warm me? 】

[Help, I'm freezing to death. 】

These three items should have been left by Shui Po.

The condition for collecting a beloved is to give your beloved a singing voice, and the singing voice is your beloved’s obsession.

The obsession of Shui Po should be warm water.

If you want to collect water souls, you must turn all cold pools into warm pools. "

Qi Ge ran to the bathroom and immediately saw Shi Xin guarding the door of the bathroom.

"Sorry, it's not your turn yet. Please wait for me for a while."

Qi Ge ran over without hesitation, and quickly played with two fingers, activating the button on Shi Xin's body, causing Shi Xin to disappear instantly.

Then he opened the bathroom door, raised the barrier-breaking hammer, and slammed the hammer on the dividing wall between the warm pool and the cold pool!

The water in the two pools immediately blended together, turning into warm water that was very inconsistent with thermodynamics.

"As expected..."

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

"It stands to reason that when warm water and cold water are mixed, the temperature will drop, but this principle is not followed in this copy.

This means I'm on the right track. "

Qi Ge took out the bucket, poured out the cold water in the bucket, and filled a bucket with warm water.

He returned to the fountain and poured warm water into the fountain.

Suddenly, the cold fountain became warm.

The warm white mist surrounds the fountain as it surges, making the fountain look even more beautiful.

Qi Ge stared at the fountain, and soon, a reflection appeared in the warm fountain.

This time, the reflection was no longer himself, but the water soul that had once passed away.

Shui Po looked at him gratefully and opened her hands towards him, as if inviting him to come to the fountain, where she wanted to express her gratitude to him in person.

"I'd be happy to, but unfortunately, I still have another mission.

But it doesn't matter, let the other me accompany you. "

Qi Ge moved a body that he had put together behind him.

At this time, [Qi Ge] has been changed into an aqua blue wedding dress by Qi Ge.

Qi Ge threw his other body into the pool. The water in the pool immediately hugged Qi Ge's body, wrapped his thighs around Qi Ge's waist in the water, and then turned into liquid and merged into Qi Ge's body. inside.

A blue light emerged from the fountain and suddenly penetrated into Qi Ge's lap.

[Energy value: 45/100

Collected: Beloved True Spirit, Water Soul True Spirit

The true spirit of Shui Po

Collection conditions:

The flowing legs were not sacrificed, the cold liver was not sacrificed.

Turn all pools into warm water, and then be alone with the water spirit.

Collection effect:

The Red Wedding Dress Water Soul will no longer appear in the Blood Wedding Room in the Treasure House.

Death no longer loses memory.

Can move quickly in the pool]

"As expected, get one."

Qi Ge looked behind him.

"So many darlings, three in the morning, three at noon, and three in the evening, I can be full from morning to night. Guhehe, I am the happiest bride."

Leng Yu was lying happily among the eight [Seven Pigeons], touching her left and right, smiling like a flower.

"Next, it's you."

The seven pigeons picked up their bodies and threw them into the fountain one by one.

As the number of seven pigeons decreased, Leng Yu suddenly became anxious:

"Ah, my dear. My dear, where did you hide my dear? Give me my dear quickly."

Qi Ge ignored Leng Yu, but left his body as the last one, then stabbed him with a holy thorn, picked up the last one and ran away.

"Honey, where are you going?!"

Leng Yu followed Qi Ge anxiously, all the way to the bedroom.

When they arrived at the bedroom, Qige used the Copper of Time Stopping without hesitation.

Time stops!

Tick ​​tock...tick tock...

Qi Ge put the other body on the bed and lay down, then stuffed the written paper into his arms, then walked around Leng Yu and ran behind Leng Yu.

Tick ​​tock…

When the pause ended, Leng Yu strode into the room and immediately saw Qi Ge's body lying on the bed.

"Ah, dear, your clothes are all messed up. Let me help you sort them out."

Leng Yu ran over anxiously, and then saw the paper in [Qi Ge]'s arms.

She curiously opened the paper and saw a line of golden text written on it:

[Leng Yu, I have been watching you. You are my best and only bride. I love you. 】

"Ah!! My dear!! If you can see me, I know you can see me. Come on, stay with me forever!"

Leng Yu was completely crazy. She tore Qi Ge's clothes to pieces, then tore her own clothes while opening her mouth and biting Qi Ge's neck fiercely.

Then, Leng Yu and [Qi Ge] began to melt gradually, and finally turned into a black light and entered Qi Ge's thigh.

"[The master's love, the prince's love, you have so much love, but we have nothing.]

[Why, why don’t you see me in your eyes? 】

[I love you so much, why don’t you want to look at me? 】

These three items should be the words left by Leng Yu.

Leng Yu's obsession is exclusivity, and she should always be jealous of Mrs. Hong who can be married by Malodi Guan.

This is the darkness inside her.

Therefore, once I pay attention to Leng Yu, she will be unable to restrain her inner desire for monopoly and kill me.

So if you satisfy her desire for exclusivity, you can collect her. "

[Collected: Xin Ai, Shui Po, Leng Yu

Leng Yu’s true spirit

Collection conditions:

The teeth of malice were not sacrificed, the nails of madness were not sacrificed.

Let Leng Yu be your only one

Collection effect:

The red wedding dress and cold jade will no longer appear in the bloody wedding room in the treasure house.

Death no longer loses memory.

When there is only one Red Wedding Dress around, the physical value will not be reduced. 】

"This effect..."

Qige was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Night Demon, smiled, and said:

“Originally, I wanted to help you next, but now it seems that you have to follow me for a while longer.

You wouldn't mind, right? "

[Brother, you are not at the sacrifice market. I came to the cemetery road to find you! 】

Hearing Mizang's voice, Qi Ge smiled slightly.

"finally come."

He is now buried in a mass grave.

At this time, the mass grave was completely changed by Qi Ge's costume.

A large number of clean, furry soldier corpses were assembled by Seven Pigeons and made into specimens. A pile of human-headed morning glory was spread around by Seven Pigeons, covering the other bones, like a garden.

Qi Ge put his other self in place, and then activated the [Sky Orbit] before Mi Hide arrived, entering an invincible state.

[Brother, you are not on the cemetery road. I came to the Wasted Death Cemetery to find you. 】

[Ah, why did the Wasted Death Cemetery become like this? ! 】

[Brother, is this the amusement park you built for me? 】

Qi Ge, who was in an invincible state, saw that silk threads all over the sky suddenly appeared from the sky, penetrated Qi Ge's body, and lifted Qi Ge up.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

Muzang slowly emerged from the void. She ran happily among the corpse dolls and laughed happily while stepping on the skull morning flowers.

"Brother, I'm coming!"

Then Mizang jumped on the back of [Qi Ge] with all his strength and hugged Qi Ge tightly.

[Great, we are always together, always together, always, always, always, always play here! 】

Gradually, Muzang and [Qi Ge] disappeared at the same time, and a ray of light penetrated Qi Ge's invincibility and sank into Qi Ge's thigh.

【The hidden true spirit

Collection conditions:

The young buttocks were not sacrificed, and the slender thighs were not sacrificed.

Play with Hizang

Collection effect:

The hidden red wedding dress will no longer appear in the Bloody Wedding Room of the Treasure House.

Death no longer loses memory.

When there are no other red wedding dresses around, you can quickly move between rooms every ten seconds. 】

“As expected, the Sacrifice Market is a big trap.

In addition to the route I am taking now, there should be another strategy route, and that is the Sacrifice Market route.

There should be a way to harm the female ghost in this treasure house, and the female ghost's body can be used as a sacrifice.

However, if you take this route, even if you successfully conquer the treasure house, it will not be a perfect strategy. "

Qige went back to the kitchen and checked the red letter in the kitchen.

[It’s so dark here, where are you? 】

[I can’t see, I can’t see anything. 】

[Did you dig out my eyes? Give me my eyes back. 】

He confirmed his conjecture in his mind, and using Muzou's ability to move quickly, he began to collect green candles in all rooms.

The bedroom, the kitchen, the three buildings in the bridal courtyard, the walls of the prop houses in the sacrificial bazaar...

Seven Doves collected a total of more than 300 light sources. He hung these candles one by one on the dead trees in the dead wood forest at specific positions, lighting up the entire dead wood forest with almost no dead spots.

"The formation of a shadow requires light. But when enough light appears from different locations, the shadow will become lighter and lighter, or even invisible. This is the principle of the shadowless lamp in surgery.

Let me illuminate your heart. "

After finishing all the preparations, Qi Ge opened his own sheet and threw it aside.

The blood shadow tried to form under Qi Ge's feet, but was suppressed by the surrounding light and could only keep shaking under Qi Ge's feet.

Qige knelt down gently, touched her shadow, and said:

"Don't be afraid, it's so bright, it won't be dark anymore."

Qi Ge stood up, hugged the other [self] and pressed hard against the shadow on the bottom of his feet!

[Qi Ge] merged into the black shadow for an instant, and then, two faint shadows appeared at Qi Ge's feet.

Xueying hugged [Seven Pigeons] and shook rapidly. During the tremors, she gradually merged with [Seven Pigeons].

[Collected: Blood Shadow’s True Spirit]

【The True Spirit of Blood Shadow

Collection conditions:

The invisible feet are not sacrificed, the dark spine is not sacrificed.

Illuminate the blood shadow

Collection effect:

The blood shadow of the red wedding dress will not appear in the red wedding room of the treasure house.

Death no longer loses memory.

Can blend into shadows. 】

Seeing that his suspicion was verified again, Qi Ge took a deep breath.

He knew that the final mystery of this treasure house was being revealed by himself.

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