Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 715 Gavin Arrives

More than 20 kilometers away from the center of Thunder City, there is a large mountain range called the Thunder Mountains.

A small part of the Thunder Mountains was developed by Thunder City as some high-risk magic experimental sites, and the mage's guild was also located here.

Most areas of the Thunder Mountain Range are undeveloped barren mountains.

Due to frequent thunderstorms, this barren mountain is barren of grass and has little development value.

Just inside an unknown peak in this barren mountain, there is a cave.

This mountain peak has been completely hollowed out, and numerous magic materials have transformed the interior of the mountain into a super large neutral city.

From common alchemy laboratories to extremely rare magic accelerators, they can all be found in this city.

In the city, tens of thousands of researchers are working diligently.

They are like machines, getting up, going to their respective research stations to conduct research, working until they are exhausted, and then eating and falling asleep.

Eskel was walking on the streets of this city. Sandro, who had completed his treatment and was in much better condition, followed him step by step.

Miraculously, the researchers coming and going didn't seem to want to pay attention to them at all. They always avoided them without even shifting their gaze towards them.

Sandro looked around and said to Eskel with excitement:

"Teacher, is our laboratory so complete now? I even saw the magic accelerator we have always dreamed of.

In this way, our dreams will soon come true. "

"Huh." Eschar smiled slightly and said to Sandro behind him:

"I have told you many times before that all resources, including gold coins, supplies, materials, cherished magic, etc., are accessories of power.

When I have power, these things are at my fingertips.

And power is always linked to strength. If you want to be in power, you must become stronger.

What we couldn't get when we were weak is no longer a dream when we become strong.

You will be wanted by the Lord of the Dragon Lich because you are not strong enough. "

"is teacher."

Sandro lowered his head slightly, his expression very humble.

If anyone familiar with him saw him like this, they would be very surprised.

Escher then asked:

"Sandru, do you remember how long you have been following me?"

Sandro was silent for a moment and replied:

“It’s been so long that I can’t remember it anymore.

Teacher, when you were still a master, I became your student.

Later, teacher, you became a legend, I became a master, you became a demigod, I became a legend, and now, even I am a demigod.

Too long. "

"Yeah, it's been too long."

Escher sighed deeply and said:

“Our world is not fair.

In our world, if you want to have everything, you must have strength, and if you want to have strength, you must be recognized by Yasha.

If a soldier wants to become a hero, he needs Yasha's approval to start the path of heroism.

If a hero wants to become a master, he needs to improve his mastery of the rules.

If a master wants to become a legend, he needs to find his own path in terms of rules.

If Legend wants to become a demigod, he needs to make his rules applicable to the entire Yasha.

If a demigod wants to become a true god, he must practice his own rules and make sufficient contributions to the entire Yasha.

Otherwise, we can only be like those gods on earth, holding on to the Tears of Asa and remaining contented.

When we reach this stage, we have no other desire except to become a god.

But it is not that easy to accumulate enough contributions to become a god.

In the Yasha world for so many years, there are only a few of them.

My painstaking efforts have paved so many roads for us, just to reach the highest level. "

Sandro immediately answered:

"I have always followed my teacher closely, doing my best for our cause without any selfish motives."

"Of course I know.

Ever since you took such a big risk to steal two treasures and betrayed Brakada, I knew that you were the only one of my many disciples who could be made. "

Eschar turned around, smiled and patted Sandro on the shoulder, looking very kind:

“So don’t worry, I will never turn you into the same tool as them.


Eschar stretched out his hand and pointed at a passing mage. Sandro looked at the dull look in his eyes and felt a chill on his back.

He asked cautiously:

"Teacher, what should students do now? I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to go back to Diya.

Ever since I snatched the egg of the Abyssal Sea Serpent, the Lord of the Dragon Lich has become extremely malicious towards me.

The first time, I was blocked by him in the dungeon, and my egg was snatched back.

The second time, I hid in Aveli, but he still found me and sent a blood dragon clone to hunt me down.

The strange thing is that Yaojin Dragon King actually allowed the blood dragon to enter.

If I hadn't been clever, I might have been caught by him again. "

Escher touched his beard with a serious expression, thought for a long time, and then said:

"It seems that our guess is correct. This new race of abyssal sea snakes does have secrets, and the secrets are probably related to Poseidon.

Now that the Poseidon Church is on alert, we should not take action over there.

The Lord of the Dragon Lich was able to discover that you were in Avili because he left a spiritual mark on you. When we met, I helped you remove it.

Next, you go to Orver secretly, follow Sellon, and guide him to create the Doomsday Blade as soon as possible. "

"Doom Blade!!"

Sandro asked in shock:

"Teacher, has the plan progressed to that point?"

"Yes." Escher said with a smile:

“Although I don’t know what’s going on, according to my observations of the Arctic Ocean, the Ice Sword has awakened, and we already have the conditions to launch a plan to destroy the world.

If we could cut off the places eroded by Chaos from the world of Yasha at once, the merit we would gain should be enough for me to become a god. "

"That's true! That's true!"

Sandro trembled in excitement.

"That would be great."


Eschar turned his head and smiled slightly at Sandro:

"You don't have to force yourself to act like you were when you were young. Whether as an undead or as a grown-up Sandro, you shouldn't have so many mood swings.

Teacher, although I am ruthless, I am sensible enough.

You are of enough value to me that I will not give up on you. "

"is teacher."

Sandro's expression changed in an instant, his face was as cold as a dead person.

"This way, it's much more normal."

Eschar waved his hand and disappeared with Sandru.

The next day, Thunder City, Agede Mansion.

A grand banquet is being held.

There are ten floors in the magic tower, and the ninth floor is used as a banquet hall. However, the only people who are qualified to see Aged and Xingfeng and congratulate them in person are the VIPs who have invitations and can enter the ninth floor.

Qi Ge held Serena's hand and shuttled back and forth among the many high-ranking Bracada dignitaries, talking and laughing freely.

Serena was not good at words and could only stand beside Qi Ge and smile politely.

She often secretly looks at Qi Ge with admiring eyes while walking. She has a weird and nerdy personality, and there is no way she can cope with all kinds of people like Qi Ge.

Even those ridiculing jokes aimed at her and Qi Ge were handled smoothly and humorously by Qi Ge.

After three drinks, the guests were almost here.

Agaide stood on the high platform and clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

He said with a smile:

“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come here and attend the celebration ceremony for my apprentice’s promotion to master architect.

Not long ago, our great Yasha gods defeated Chaos in the God War, reversing the unfavorable situation of passive defense in our Yasha world.

Now, my apprentice has been promoted to master.

This is definitely a double blessing for us in Bracada.

My old Agade is here, on behalf of me and my apprentice, I invite you all to raise a toast to celebrate! "

Agaide raised his glass, and everyone smiled and raised their glasses to drink in the same way.


After the opening ceremony, it was naturally time for dinner.

Escher held up his crutch, patted Qi Ge on the shoulder, and walked up with Qi Ge.

He looked around with a smile and said to Aqed:

“Agaide, I made a bet with you before, saying that if Xingfeng can be promoted to master within a year, I will propose to the Great Council that Xingfeng take your previous position and be promoted to a permanent position.

As a result, Xingfeng did it in less than half a year.

Now I wonder if you set a trap for me.

Tell me the truth, when you bet me, Xingfeng will be a master soon.

Good boy, after all these years, you are still so imbecile. "

"Ha ha ha ha."

Agaide raised his head and smiled, and everyone in the audience also laughed in a friendly manner.

It’s just that many ordinary members of Congress who want to run for permanent office today have very forced smiles on their faces.

"That's not possible."

Qi Ge followed Escher's words and said with shyness on his face:

“I just really got lucky.

Speaker, that is just a joke between you and the teacher, it cannot be taken seriously.

I even deserve to be an honorary permanent member, so how can I be qualified to be a permanent member? "

Ha, ha ha...

After hearing Qige's words, the members of the audience laughed so hard that their faces twitched.

You are a hydra, why are you pretending to be a three-headed dog of hell with me?

The dog-like Xingfeng is determined to compete for position.

"Hahaha. That won't work. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am always willing to admit defeat.

If you speak out, the water you throw out cannot be taken back. "

Eschar turned around with a smile and said to Agede:

“There will be a regular meeting the day after tomorrow, and then I will recommend Xingfeng to join the permanent campaign.

I remember that it takes a few permanent members to elect a permanent member.

Oh, it seems like three.

Aged, you have one, and I have one. Why is there still one missing? "

As soon as Escher finished speaking, three voices suddenly sounded on the field at the same time.

"And me."*4

Those congressmen who wanted to compete with Qige suddenly had myocardial infarction when they saw it.

Trossa, Dairis, Fafner!

The chiefs of the three factions of industry, logistics, and war, plus Eschar, the chief of the magic faction of the Grand Speaker on the stage, formed the four major factions.

Okay, you don’t even need to hold a meeting.

If all four chiefs agree, what kind of big council vote will be initiated? Who dares to go against his own chief and vote against it?

Unless someone is extremely capable and finds a demigod to come forward and oppose it.

One demigod is not enough, you have to find at least two to have any hope.

"Oh~~~" Agaide said with a long sound and moved:

"Everyone, thanks for your love, this boy Xingfeng is very lucky to have your help."

"It seems that His Highness Xingfeng is the one everyone expects."

"That is, if it weren't for his lack of strength before, His Highness Xingfeng would be qualified to be a permanent member just based on his achievements in regaining the Demon King's Territory."

"His Royal Highness Xingfeng cannot choose a permanent position, so I will be the first to refuse."

Seeing that there was little hope of a comeback, everyone stood in line to express their support and added fuel to the already burning pile of firewood.

They all scrambled to speak louder than the other, lest they fail to sound familiar.

"Haha." At this time, Escher laughed and became angry:

“You don’t need so many, three is enough.

Trossa, Fafner, and Dairis, which of the three of you wants to join us in recommending Starwind?

How about you decide for yourself first? "

"That must be me, it can't be Trossa, right?"

Fafner glanced at Trossa and said:

"Whether it's the relationship with Agede or the relationship with Starwind, Trossa can't compare to me."

"Hmph. That's not necessarily the case. Do you want to ask Xingfeng yourself who he chooses?"

Trossa and Fafner immediately set up a stage for each other with clear factionalism, and the smell of gunpowder suddenly surged.

The relationship between these two people is like this, they are incompatible with each other.

But at this moment, Dairis covered her mouth and laughed:

"You two, why bother? Anyway, it's enough to have three permanent recommendations. It doesn't matter who recommends them.

Don't argue with me, a little girl. "

Seeing the three people staring at each other, a gentle laughter suddenly sounded at the door.

"Ha ha ha ha ha.

Otherwise, stop arguing, it will hurt your harmony.

Let me recommend it. "

Everyone turned to look outside the door, and for a while, the sound of inhaling was heard frequently.

"Your Majesty Gavin!"

"Sir Gavin is back!"

"Sir Gavin actually came in person!!"

Qi Ge looked at the gentle-looking white-robed mage, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Gavin, the avatar of Al Zeus, was an old fox who tortured Tanan to death when he was young.

Beside Qi Ge, Eschar and Agede, who were still at ease just now, ran toward the audience with their robes in hand. The three chiefs who were arguing also quickly stepped back and made way for them.

Seeing this, Qige hurriedly followed.

"Your Majesty, long-awaited greetings. I am Aqed, and I say hello to you."

Agaide bowed respectfully to Gavin.

"Your Majesty, this is the first time we meet. I am Xingfeng, Agede's apprentice."

Qi Ge also bowed to Gavin very obediently and said hello.

Gavin nodded with a smile, turned around and said to Eschar:

“I haven’t been back for a long time, I didn’t expect you to become the Chancellor.

The last time we met was when you became the dark horse and successfully ran for the chief position of the Mage Guild.

Escher, Somra told me that you are very powerful, but I never expected that you are so powerful.

Amazing. "

"Thanks to you, it's just a fluke."

Escher touched his beard in distress:

“This position is really a heavy responsibility for me.

I haven't had a good night's sleep since the day I took office, and I've lost a lot of my beard. "

"Haha. I think you did a good job.

I heard from Thunder Temple that its revenue has tripled since you took office.

With the size of the Thunder Temple, it is not easy to do this.

This is Bracada, after all, it is still everyone’s Bracada.

There are some complaints from the public, but you still need to deal with them properly.

Now is a major change that is rare in ten thousand years, and the Lord is doing many great things.

We in Bracada cannot be chaotic. "

Escher understood the dissatisfaction and complaints in Gavin's mouth, and immediately said seriously:

"That is, your Majesty, you can rest assured that a series of economic stimulus plans and support plans are already being implemented. I believe the situation will improve soon."

"That's good."

Gavin looked at Qi Ge with a smile and asked:

"Although this is the first time we have met, I have heard your name many times.

Xingfeng, let me ask you, you are a permanent member of the Great Council. Do you know what it means to be a permanent member of the Great Council? "

What does it mean? Meaning unregulated power? Does it mean immunity from trial? Means endless wealth?

Of course Qi Ge couldn't answer like this.

He immediately said:

“Permanent members of the Grand Council have the power to make and amend laws. They can propose bills, which, after consideration by the Grand Council, are signed into law by the President.

The Grand Council has the permanent power to supervise the behavior of the city lords of each main city. They can require the city lord to attend hearings, announce the policies and behaviors of the main city to the public, and investigate the behavior and management of organizations at all levels to ensure that main cities at all levels comply with Thunder Temple. and the laws and discharge of the duties of the Grand Council.

At the same time, the permanent authority has the authority to approve budgets at all levels of Bracada. They can decide the expenditure and income of Bracada and ensure the reasonable allocation and use of Bracada funds.

Permanent members serve as representatives of members at all levels, and members are representatives of many voters.

Standing councilors have a responsibility to listen to and reflect the views and needs of councilors and constituents.

They must maintain contact with their many parliamentary constituents and report regularly to their constituents.

The permanent members have the responsibility to vote in Congress to decide on major issues. They must make decisions based on their conscience and the interests of their constituents.

It is the duty of the Standing Councilors to maintain the sanctity of the Thunder Temple. They must ensure that the laws of Brakada serve the interests of the Thunder Temple and take action to prevent violations of the laws.

Standing members must be loyal to their constituents, loyal to Thunder Temple, and serve their interests. We must not betray the trust of our constituents and Titans, or exploit our authority for personal gain. "

“To sum up, members of the Grand Council are members who seek development, construction and stability for Brakada.

Permanent members are members who will work hard for a long time and without complaint to seek development, construction and stability for Brakada. "




"His Highness is so insightful at such a young age. He is truly worthy of being the disciple of His Majesty Algaed."

As soon as Qige said this, many dignitaries present nodded their heads in agreement with bright eyes.

They all felt that every word of Qi Ge's words was right to the point. (End of chapter)

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