Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 716 The Wrath of the Undead

After listening to Qi Ge's long list of very correct and well-worded descriptions, Gavin glanced at Qi Ge in surprise.

He smiled and said:

"I've asked many people this question, and you summed it up best."

At this point, Gavin's voice suddenly became louder.

He turned around, looked down at the audience, and said loudly:

“Everyone present here is the elite of our Brakada.

You are the roots of Bracada.

If you guys suck, Bracada will suck.

If you all have the consciousness of Xingfeng, the Lord can rest easy.

Everyone, remember this. "

Having said this, Gavin stared deeply around the field, causing many people to stare down and tremble.

This silent warning made the atmosphere in the room feel a little depressing.

At this time, Gavin suddenly smiled.

He patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and said with a smile:

“Over the years, the permanent and ordinary members of the Grand Council have become a little tired and lazy.

A pond that is not filled with fresh water will quickly become smelly.

It’s also time to introduce some new blood.

I think Xingfeng is very good. He is young, energetic and ideal. He is different from the old men present.

Fafner. "

"Here!" Fafner immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Your Majesty."

Gavin said with a smile:

"Tomorrow at the Great Council, you will make the proposal on my behalf to promote Xingfeng to a permanent member.

When the time comes, you should arrange some higher positions for him in the army, and don't let him be unable to display his abilities. "

Fafner glanced at Qige with surprise and envy, and immediately responded:

"Yes! Your Majesty."

Qige also replied:

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. It's such an honor!"

Not only a permanent term, but also a permanent term with real power!

This is no longer affection, it is simply cultivation.

Others cast envious glances at Qi Ge, but Qi Ge secretly shook his head.

Praise and kill, praise and kill, both praise and kill.

Mu Xiu is bound to be destroyed by Lin Feng, and he is using Gavin as a weapon to attack the Great Council.

Next, if I can't achieve anything, the higher I stand now, the harder I will fall in the future.

Fortunately, my purpose of becoming a permanent official is not to seek an official career in Brakada. It doesn't matter if you give me the position of Al Zeus, I can bear it.

Next, in the name of praising Seven Pigeons, Gavin stabbed the legislators and president present in a gentle but harsh way, making the atmosphere at the scene more serious.

At the end, Gavin patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Okay, you can't let me go even if I'm here.

I took Xingfeng away, you guys can talk.

Xingfeng, come with me. "

Gavin, want to take me away? !

Qi Ge suddenly became nervous.

There are ghosts in my heart, so I am naturally afraid of walking at night.

Regardless of his identity as a member of the Conferred God Organization or as a protector of goblins, Al Zeus cannot see the light of day.

If any identity is discovered, I am afraid that I will be infinitely targeted by Al Zeus, and all the plans in Brakada will be in vain.

God knows if Gavin realized something and wanted to test himself.

But right now, I can't refuse, otherwise everything will turn into trouble.

Qi Ge mustered up his energy and responded seriously:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Whoosh! !

A flash of light flashed, and Qi Ge and Gavin appeared in front of a huge temple.

The gate of this extremely tall temple is hundreds of meters long.

Thunderclouds surrounded the top of the temple, and endless lightning and thunder continued to resound in the thunderclouds!

"We're here." Gavin turned around, looked at Qi Ge with a smile and asked:

"Xingfeng, do you know where this place is?"

"Your Majesty, I have never been here before, so I don't know."

Qige immediately bowed to answer.


Gavin smiled mysteriously and said:

“This is the Thunder Sanctuary, the most important mythical building in the entire Thunder City.

It comes from the hands of your teacher's teacher, Credel. "

Qi Ge:! ! !

“When Credel built the Thunder Sanctuary for the Thunder Titan, he lit the divine fire and became a demigod.

I was there to witness the birth of this great building.

The Thunder Mountain Range is the node where the air elemental world and the world of Yasha merge, and it is shrouded in endless thunderclouds.

These thunderclouds are extremely violent and can destroy everything close to them.

They are like the ice in the far north of the Arctic Ocean that can freeze fire, and the never-ending sea of ​​sand in the Quicksand Sea. They are natural disasters that can destroy the world once they occur.

But under this sanctuary, the mighty power of thunder has become a docile sheep.

Because of the Thunder Sanctuary, the endless thunder clouds from the Thunder Mountains can always be restrained in Thunder City, becoming an inexhaustible source of energy for Thunder City.

The power of the Thunder Sanctuary can restrain the violent force leaking from the air elemental world and turn it into a trickle.

This difficulty is no less difficult than restraining a god and using it as an energy source.

The reason why Thunder City can easily withstand the research consumption of so many mage towers depends on this place. "

"This is actually a mythical building left behind by our ancestor..."

Qi Ge stared at Thunder Sanctuary, his eyes flickering, complicated and difficult to understand.

"Let's go, I'll take you in."

Gavin waved his hand, and a phantom composed of thunder was formed in front of the two of them.

The moment Qi Ge saw the phantom, his pupils immediately shrank.

That phantom looks exactly like Gavin.

“Personnel certification is in progress…certification completed.

Dear Gavin, Lord of Brakada.

Taling Sky greets you, what are your orders? "

Gavin turned sideways and said to Thunder Phantom:

"Scan him, enter it into the database, and open temporary permissions to Thunder Sanctuary."

Thunder Phantom looked at Qi Ge, with lightning flashing in his eyes.

After a while, he suddenly started talking.

"Connecting to [Mystery Cube]... Connecting to Tears of Yasha..."

Among reviewers...

Review completed.

Personnel name: Xingfeng

Power affiliation: Brakada

Soul Photos: Already

Current level: Level 33·Master Architect

Important positions: Immortal hero, honorary permanent member

Temporary permissions for Thunder Sanctuary are being opened. The permissions have been opened for 2 hours. "

"Your this?"

Qi Ge was clear in his mind, but he still asked in a low voice.

“This is our Bracada’s core secret, the Taling sky where people can be vetted and located.

He owns the [Mysterious Rubik's Cube], [Thunder Sanctuary] and other buildings, and has the highest authority besides me.

These are the top secrets of our Brakada. Even your teacher Agede dare not tell you, and I will not tell you in too much detail.

When you can help your teacher, Agaide will naturally tell you these secrets.

In short, they are harmless to you.

follow me. "


Gavin nodded with satisfaction and said to Qi Ge:

"Come in with me."

"The door is open."

The sky of the tower spirit flickered, turning into a huge gate to the void, surrounded by layers of lightning.

Gavin stepped in with one step, and Qi Ge followed suit.

"This is……"

Qi Ge looked around in shock.

It was as if he had entered lightning, with dense thunderstorms and electric currents everywhere.

Line-like, ribbon-like, spherical, sheet-like and spherical electric currents rolled violently in the thunderclouds, illuminating the surrounding area.

These currents gathered together and held up a huge Titan statue.

Gavin pointed at the Titan statue and said to Qi Ge:

“This is our supreme, great Lord of Brakada, El Zeus.

Our Bracada was founded by him.

He is the king of the Titans and the king we allegiance to. He is you, me, and the patron saint of the entire Brakada!

Perhaps you have heard the word Lord from other people. There is no doubt that all Lords refer to him. "

"It turns out that this is the Lord."

Qi Ge was so excited that his whole body was shaking.

"So majestic, so glorious!

My great Lord, You are Almighty, Your power is endless, Your wisdom is all-knowing.

Your existence makes us understand that the meaning of life lies in pursuing your will, making our lives full of love and hope. "

Gavin was very satisfied with Qi Pigeon’s performance. He said with a smile:

“Not everyone who becomes a permanent member is qualified to come here to see the statue of the Lord.

Only those with unlimited potential can receive such an honor.

Go, Starwind, and kneel before the Lord, and pray to Him for the reward you deserve. "

Qi Ge:......

The seven doves trembled and stepped on the thunder clouds and lightning, slowly walked to the foot of the statue of Al Zeus, knelt down on one knee, and prayed with great piety:

"Great Lord, please allow me to offer you my humble faith. I, Xingfeng, will definitely use my wisdom and strength for you and your Brakada until death, until the world is destroyed and everything comes to an end.

If you violate this oath, you will be struck by thunder! "


At this moment, a thunderbolt that was thicker than Qi Ge's whole body instantly descended from the hand of the statue and hit Qi Ge hard.

[System prompt: You are undergoing the baptism of thunder. If successful, your race will be forcibly changed to a thunder giant.

Your faith will be forced to change to: El Zeus. 】

[System prompt: Due to your profession as a magic apostle, the baptism failed forcibly. 】

[System prompt: Thunder baptism failed, you are being left with a lightning mark. 】

A symbol of lightning suddenly appeared between Qi Ge's eyebrows, and then, all the lightning flowing on Qi Ge's body followed the symbol.

Immediately afterwards, a snake composed of thunder spit out a snake message and sneaked into Qige's sea of ​​consciousness!

[System prompt: Your professional destiny apostle is removing the lightning mark. 】

At this moment, [Rule·Jing], [Rule·Zhi], and [Rule·Senluo Immortal] in the Seven Doves' Consciousness Sea suddenly seemed to go crazy and pounced on the little snake.

One of them bit the head, one bit the tail, and one bit the middle. With a slurping sound, they swallowed the little lightning snake completely.

The little snake let out a scream and disappeared, but left many looming and disappearing lightning words in Qi Ge's mind.

[System prompt: Unblocking failed, the lightning mark has disappeared. 】

"Thought Stamp!"

Qi Ge understood instantly.

If it were not for the protection of those three rules, or the blessing of the goddess of fate, these thought stamps would enter one's mind and subtly change one's thoughts and habits.

Qi Ge froze on the spot and chanted loudly in despair:

"Ah! Great El Zeus, great Lord of thunder and lightning!

You are the Creator of endless void, the Giver of life, my Heavenly Father.

Your presence transcends all, your wisdom is immeasurable, and your love is all-encompassing.

I will serve you wholeheartedly, putting your orders first in everything, and will never betray you, even if it costs me my life. "

"Well, failed?"

Gavin walked to Qi Ge and looked at Qi Ge with a frown, a bit of disappointment in his tone.

Qi Ge woke up from a dream and asked doubtfully:

"Your Majesty, what was that just now?"

"That is the Lord's reward. Even this Thunder Sanctuary requires hundreds of years of accumulation to activate its ability. This reward can transform any unit into a Thunder Titan."

"Any unit... even a hero?!"

Qi Ge was shocked.

"Of course, I know it's hard for you to understand.

This is an ability that a mythical building can only activate once every hundred years. No matter how magical it is, it is normal.

Only talented people who are valued by the Lord can be lucky enough to get this opportunity.

Originally this opportunity was meant for Serena, but you showed up.

Although you haven't reached Legend yet, both I and the Lord agree that your potential and character are far better than Serena's, so I decided to give you this opportunity.

It's a pity that it's still a little bit worse. "

"Oh my God! What did I miss?"

The seven pigeons felt as if they were struck by lightning, their faces were as plain as silk, and they regretted it too much.

“What an honor it is to be able to become a Thunder Titan and become a dependent of the Lord!

I failed at such a good opportunity. I am such a waste. "

Gavin patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and said regretfully:

"Hey, Xingfeng, don't blame yourself too much.

As long as you work wholeheartedly for the Lord, this opportunity will still be yours in a hundred years!

If you can become a legend within a hundred years, I will make the decision to let you meet the Lord in person.

When the time comes, I ask the Lord to personally take action and baptize you in the Kingdom of God. I guarantee that you will succeed! "

Qi Ge:......


Then I still want to thank you, huh? You bastard, you want to give me a stamp of approval.

Under Gavin's regretful eyes, Qi Ge staggered and left the Thunder Sanctuary in despair.

Gavin looked at Qi Ge's back, sighed, and said to himself:

"It's a pity that a child with such potential is easy to get, but it's hard to find a general.

But at least the lightning mark is stamped on it, so there's no fear of him running away. "

At this moment, Gavin's shadow suddenly shook, and another voice came from inside:

“It’s just a hundred years, just wait.

Architect of the Titans...

Architects are too important, and only by allowing them to be our own can we rest assured. "

"you're right."

Gavin asked softly:

"Magnus, how is things going on the main body?"

"We haven't succeeded yet. The rules of the fragments of the Abyss Kingdom are stronger than we imagined.

It is indeed a world on the same level as Yasha. Even though it is so broken, it still has a true god-level rule defense.

As long as we can get a little bit of it, we can benefit a lot. "

"Hmph... I just hope not to do useless work. I hope the final results will be helpful to our ultimate plan.

No matter the abyss, no matter the true god, after all, they cannot leave this cage.

Only by controlling the entire Yasha world and becoming the world itself can we transcend this place and become an existence as powerful as the Mother Goddess, or even more powerful than the Mother Goddess. "

"You're right, Magnus, you always know the body better than I do."


A bolt of thunder and lightning rolled in the thundercloud, and the sudden light suddenly illuminated Gavin, making his shadow stretch very long, even covering the entire Thunder Sanctuary.

The shadow seems to expand infinitely, covering Thunder City, covering the entire Thunder Mountain Range, until it covers the entire Brakada!

Three days later.




In a huge goblin factory, a large number of goblins are working without stopping.

They are efficient, orderly, mechanized, standardized, and meticulous, but without any vitality.

These goblins are parts of this huge factory, no different from those conveyor belts, steel bearings, and rumbling magic engines.

When the entire Bracada was in total depression, the only ones that could still have such a scale of production were factories that could adapt to the times and make a steady profit - this was the product produced by this factory.

Gargoyle - Brakada's second-level combat unit. It is cheap, has high output, is fast, and is also a flying unit. It has always firmly occupied Brakada's unit sequence.

And deep underground in this factory, something big enough to change the world of Yasha is brewing.

On a huge mechanical platform, Pickem was carefully inlaying a piece of gray stone into the eye of a giant stone dragon.

In an instant, the entire stone dragon trembled, and its gray eyes instantly moved!

Pickem comically ran away from the dragon and ran to Trotha.

"Did you make it?"

Trossa asked nervously.

"Not sure yet, it's not fully awake yet."

Pickem was even more nervous than Trossa.

"This is our last bone dragon. If we fail again this time, we don't know how long we will have to wait for the next batch of bone dragons."

"I hope it will succeed." Trossa took a deep breath.

“If we fail again this time, my resources will be tight.

Today is different from the past. After Lord Gavin opened his mouth, supervision in all aspects became much stricter. "

"It will definitely succeed."

Pickem pushed down his funny goblin hat.

"I have put in so much effort and I will never give up halfway!

If it still doesn't work this time, I will continue my research even if I sell my factory. "

Trossa took a deep look at Pickem:

"I think you're starting to go crazy."

"If you are not crazy, how can you become a demigod? How many opportunities will we have in this life?"

Pickem said without hesitation. His eyes were a little distracted, but they were shining with a kind of madness unique to a seeker.


At this moment, a large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the stone that had been lying on the experimental table, like glass about to break.

Seeing that he was about to fail, Pickem's eyes almost popped out.

His sharp voice immediately rang out in the experimental platform:

"Quick! Sacrifice, sacrifice to me!!"


The ceiling of the laboratory suddenly opened, and a large group of unconscious goblins were chained and hung from the ceiling.

Swish, swish, swish!

A large number of bayonets suddenly appeared from behind the goblins. These bayonets pierced into the goblins' bodies, causing a large amount of blood to spurt out from the goblins.

The blood washed over the stone dragon like a waterfall, staining it dripping with blood.

The stone dragon, which was about to crack, began to slowly heal as the cracks on its body were filled with the goblin's blood.

Seeing this scene, Pickjam stuck out his tongue in excitement:

"Hahaha! Success! Success!

The ghost dragon itself is the ultimate in negative emotions, so the ghost dragon can continuously emit negative emotions and affect the surroundings.

The goblin itself is the ultimate in positive emotions, so the goblin has the ability to absorb negative emotions and turn them into food.

A level 1 military unit and a level 7 unit are actually completely opposite poles!

If it weren't for me, no one in the entire Yasha world would be able to discover this secret.

And these two poles can create supreme miracles under special circumstances - no positive, no negative, extremely pure, blank soul like a machine! "

Trossa's eyes flashed:

"How on earth did you do that?

This is the truth, but the power gap between goblins and ghost dragons is too big.

It would take tens of thousands of goblins to neutralize the negative emotions of a ghost dragon.

It's absolutely impossible to achieve such an effect with just so many goblins. "

"That's why we need the Dreaming Technique."

Pickem explained enthusiastically:

"I kept those fairies in the most beautiful place for a month.

Rivers of honey, soil made of mashed potatoes... I help them realize all kinds of things they dream of.

Because of this, they will always live in happiness.

Joy is an extremely powerful positive emotion. Such positive emotions filled their bodies, making them a huge package of positive emotions.

Yes, just like a domestic pig being fed fat.

Then, I used the Sweet Dream Technique to let them fall silent in infinite beauty. In this way, the blood of the fairies under the Sweet Dream Technique will have a hundred times the ability to condense positive emotions than ordinary fairies. "

"That's it, a genius idea."

Trotha glanced at Pickem in surprise.

"I can't believe that you, who is usually so lazy, can come up with such an ingenious idea."

"Ha! Trossa! Don't forget, I am a legend just like you, relying on my brain."

Pickem gave a triumphant cry and shouted:

"Another batch!"

The goblins whose blood had been drained were thrown out of the experimental table like garbage, and another group of goblins were tied up in chains and dragged up.

The bayonet fell and blood flowed.

Pickjam's eyes became more and more crazy as the stone dragon continued to stare!

"Another batch!"

"Another batch!"

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

Ten batches in a row, a total of 1,600 goblins became shriveled corpses. Without knowing it, they used their lives to become the fuel for Pick Jem to realize his desires, and were swallowed up by the huge and gloomy stone dragon.

Finally, the stone dragon's eyes suddenly lit up with a heavy blood color. It twitched its wings and tried to stand up unsteadily.

At this moment, in the distant depths of Diya, the Lord of the Dracolich Dogothos, who was studying the mist of chaos in the Kingdom of God, suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart!

He turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of Brakada with an extremely serious look. The angry undead death energy transformed into countless wailing undead soldiers behind it!

"Who is it! Who is stealing the rules of the undead!" (End of this chapter)

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