Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 717 The real sea of ​​the dead

In the dark basement, the huge stone dragon finally got up.

Its eyes were filled with red light, and a violent and arrogant aura was clearly revealed from its eyes.

At this time, the black rocks all over the stone dragon's body had completely merged into one, and its dark surface had become extremely smooth, even reflecting the surprised faces of Pickem and Trossa.

It opened its mouth and roared loudly toward the sky. The soul-shaking sound rushed out of its mouth, as dull and powerful as stones hitting each other, and it continued to echo in the laboratory.

"Alive! Alive! I succeeded! I have made contact with it.

Wu Ling Stone Dragon!

A brand new unit that only belongs to me, born at level 7! "

Pickem danced excitedly, and under his feet, a looming cloud road quietly emerged.

This cloud road directly penetrates the laboratory and leads to the endless deep space.

"Demigod Yunlu! I found it, I finally found the future of becoming a demigod!

If I just keep going down this path, I'll become the new demigod! "


The Wuling stone dragon flapped its wings and jumped up from the experimental table!

Then it fell straight to the ground and fell all over the place.

There was a loud bang, and the entire laboratory shook!

It flicked its tail in a daze and hit the experimental platform, smashing the extremely expensive experimental platform into pieces.

"It's very good, very powerful, but unfortunately, it's not perfect yet. Because too many fairies have been sacrificed, its soul is too mixed.

Well, it seems that we have to find a way to cultivate a level 5 myth or level 6 miracle fairy that is more powerful than the ghost dragon, and water it with the opponent's blood at once, in order to water it into a perfect stone wizard dragon.

I can clearly sense that as long as I create the perfect witch spirit gargoyle, I can become a demigod.

If I can create a perfect level 1~7 witch spirit stone statue, the Mother Goddess will definitely shed the Tears of Yasha. At that time, I will be the god of the witch spirit force. Starting as a god, there is no limit to how high you can go! "

Pickem is very satisfied with the performance of [Wood Spirit Stone Dragon].

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Congratulations, Your Majesty, for opening the Demigod Cloud Road. I wish you will transform into a god as soon as possible and ignite the divine fire!"

Trossa clapped her hands, with deep hidden envy in her eyes.

He first congratulated him, and then asked strangely:

"Why can't your gargoyle dragon fly? Is it because it uses too much obsidian and volcanic ash ore? Is it too heavy?"

"How can it be."

Pickem sneered: "Every gargoyle is so heavy, not all of them can fly well.

This is because the soul is too confused.

It can only be regarded as a semi-finished product now, and there is no way to perfectly control every part of it. Flying is very complicated, and it requires perfect coordination of the entire body of the soldier to achieve the stunt. "

"Then what is the combat effectiveness of this semi-finished product?"

Trossa said enthusiastically:

"Anyway, the laboratory was damaged by it, and repairs will take time. Why don't we take this opportunity to experiment and see how powerful it is?"

"Okay!" Pickjam rubbed his hands and said excitedly:

"I'll take it to the military arena right now!"

Twenty minutes later, in the spacious military arena, under the leadership of a group of high-level gargoyles, a huge hydra was dragged to the center of the arena.

With an order from Pickem, [Wood Spirit Stone Dragon] vibrated its wings and pounced towards the Hydra.

When [Wulin Stone Dragon] ran on the ground, it was like a hill, causing the entire arena to shake.

The nine heads of the hydra all stared at [Wu Ling Stone Dragon] with vigilance, and made threatening hissing sounds, as if to warn [Wu Ling Stone Dragon] not to get close.

But [Wu Ling Stone Dragon] was not afraid at all. It roared, extended its neck, and bit the Hydra!


When the Hydra's belly was bitten by the [Shaman Spirit Stone Dragon], sparks erupted like metal cutting.

Some of the painful hydras immediately fought back, with nine heads surrounding the whole body of [Wulu Stone Dragon], biting up and down!

However, Hydra's attack has no effect on [Wu Ling Stone Dragon], and even its fang marks cannot be left on [Wu Ling Stone Dragon].

Both sides came and went, and the fight was filled with dust.

The scene was exciting to watch, but both Pickem and Trossa had strange expressions on their faces.

Trossa held it in for a long time, and finally couldn't hold it in anymore and asked Pickem:

"These... both arms are good at defense, and they can't break each other's defenses.

I have to say that the damage of your new unit is too low. "


Pickem was also a little confused:

“After turning into a stone statue, it didn’t even inherit the ghost dragon’s most powerful aging skill. Instead, it possessed the obsidian gargoyle’s signature anti-magic ability and powerful defense.

Although it is a top-level unit, it seems that it can only serve as a human shield on the battlefield to protect the back row. "

Trossa comforted:

"That's okay. You can use it as a human shield to protect the main force and create a safe output environment for the main force."

Pickem's face hurt:

"But the problem is, all my Witch Spirit Gargoyles have high defense, low attack, and low damage... none of them can deal damage at all.

If you just defend without any means of counterattack, you can only pile up the thickest armor and receive the most vicious beatings. "


"This...this is a bit embarrassing. Why don't you think of a way?

That's all. "

Pickem scratched his head.

"The Witch Spirit Death Knight and the Witch Spirit Corpse Witch both have output potential. I will think about how to transform them."

Trotha stared at the [Witch Spirit Stone Dragon] who was fighting with the Hydra, and said with deep eyes:

"No matter what, you have already made history.

As far as I know, no one has ever created a natural level 7 troop before you.

Based on this achievement alone, it is natural for you to start the path of being a demigod.

Your breakthrough proves that level 7 troops are not an insurmountable chasm, and there are ways to break through relying on our strength.

Pickem, thank you for opening the way for me. Your success has given me a lot of confidence. "

Pickem thought of Trossa's selfless help before, and responded movedly:

"Come on, Chief! Although I think my talent is no less than yours, it is extremely difficult to surpass you.

I've found my path and you can too.

I'm waiting for the day when you break through yourself and ignite the divine fire like me.

We agreed before that after I become a demigod, it will be my turn to help you.

Don't worry, I will never break the promise. "


Trossa repeated it in her mind and silently lowered her eyelids.

“Sorry, Pickem.

I have cut off the path to demigods that you have put so much thought and brainpower into.

Demigods are within easy reach for me.

What I want is not that simple.

Your Witch Spirit Gargoyle looks good, but it always has a huge flaw, that is, it is difficult to create units.

No matter what level of wizard gargoyle it is, it must have the undead of the original level as the birth material.

At best, your new race is an enhanced version of the stone statues of the undead.

Without the undead, there would be no witch spirits.

The Magical Titan and the Magical Mechanical Race, which do not require any pre-requisite units and can be directly synthesized from resources, are perfect and completely independent forces, and they are a great cause capable of becoming a god. "

Trossa took a careful look at the [Wood Spirit Stone Dragon] and said to Pickem, who was already so excited that he almost lost his mind:

“Pick Jem, I’m leaving first.

If there is any progress in your research, remember to notify me as soon as possible. "

On the eastern border of Brakada, there is a chaotic area called [The Land of Fall].

Around the Chaos Zone, except for a sea area, there are very dangerous high-level wild monster areas.

These high-level wild monster areas are collectively called [Sleeping Wilderness].

[Sleeping Wilderness] is nominally a territory belonging to Bracada, but it is not actually ruled by Bracada.

Bracada does not have any city in the Sleeping Wilds, not even a sentry.

Even the work of cleaning up wild monsters is left to wandering heroes who like to experience themselves.

On the western border of the Sleeping Wilderness, which is the easternmost part of Brakada's actual control, there is an iron wall hundreds of kilometers long.

This iron wall was built along the long [Wildness River]. Under the iron wall, except for the city gate, there were densely packed high-explosive mines.

There are no soldiers stationed on this iron wall, but every inch of space on top of and inside the iron wall is occupied by gargoyles and iron men.

These mindless puppet creatures usually sleep quietly and make no sound inside the iron wall.

Over time, the surface of the iron wall has long been exposed to rust and is covered with thick dust.

From a distance, this iron wall looks like a silent war beast - silent, lonely and majestic.

Behind the iron wall is Brakada's fortress-type main city responsible for guarding the eastern Chaos Zone - Lighthouse City!

Lighthouse City is garrisoned by a demigod and at least three legends all year round, with countless internal troops.

In Beacon City, there are three portals alone, two of which are backup portals that are not opened all year round but are inspected every year.

There are countless other defensive measures.

There are also a large number of fortress-type acropolis around Lighthouse City, including three cannon cities whose entire cities are used to supply super-giant strategic magic crystal cannons.

In terms of garrison strength and guard strength, Lighthouse City will not even lose to Thunder City.

It is the first fortress facing Chaos and the most important barrier in the event of Chaos invasion.

Even when Brakada and Negan went to war, the troops stationed in Beacon City had not moved.

There have been several wars between Negan and Brakada, but no Negan hero has chosen to attack [Lighthouse Iron Wall] and [Lighthouse City].

But now, in the inaccessible [Sleeping Wilderness] sea area, undead warships are landing one after another.

Like water droplets in the sea, countless skeleton soldiers formed a neat square formation, holding up the rusty swords in their hands, and walked towards the [Sleeping Wilderness].

Carrying countless building materials, they built a camp on the site of the Sleeping Wilderness under the control of a large group of elite necromancers.

Bone dragons, ghost dragons and blood dragons all over the sky were flying in the air, spreading the terrifying undead energy of death.

Countless ghosts shuttled through the land, using massive amounts of undead energy to transform the sleeping wilderness into a dark underworld.

In less than two hours, without Brakada noticing, a huge undead fortress was built in the [Sleeping Wilderness].

In the [Fortress of the Undead], the eyes of a tall Dracolich stone statue flashed, and then, hundreds of zombie giants more than 200 meters high walked out of the cold sea water.

Level 5 Miracle Unit——Rotten Corpse King

This is a terrifying undead that alone can destroy a small acropolis, but now, hundreds of them are gathered just to serve as troop carriers.

A large number of skeleton soldiers, zombies, and vampires that turned into bats all over the sky all got into the body of the zombie giant. The undead death energy exuded from their bodies merged together, causing the carrion on the zombie giant's body to gradually harden, turning them into a zombie giant. Huge armor all wrapped up.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After being armed, the Rotten Corpse Kings all moved together!

Accompanied by the sound of earth-shaking footsteps, the sea of ​​undead rushed towards the [Lighthouse Iron Wall] which had never collapsed before.

And in the sea of ​​undead, figures countless times more powerful than the Rotting Corpse King are constantly emerging.

"Toot! Toot! Toot!"

"Enemy attack warning! Enemy attack warning!

Everyone immediately returned to their respective posts in accordance with the requirements for level one combat readiness!

This is not a drill!

I repeat, this is not a drill! "

In the lighthouse city, a huge above-ground lighthouse kept flashing dazzling red light and emitted an orderly buzzing sound.

All magic turrets were opened and aimed in the direction of the iron wall.

Countless mages and djinn gods were rushing to their posts as fast as they could, and all the sleeping weapons were awakened.

The mythical diamond behemoth breaks out of the city wall, the Miracle Naga Corps guards the command post, and the magic bombardment troops are ready...

For a time, countless clairvoyant earths and clairvoyant atmospheres unfolded in countless rooms in the lighthouse city, and everyone's images were aimed at the vast ocean of the undead.

"The 6th level myth [True Red Lord·Blood Dragon], the 5th level myth [Ghost Will-o'-the-Wisp. Ghost Dragon], the 7th level myth [Earth-Shaking Zombie], the 7th level myth [First Blood Ancestor]...

They are all high-level arms that would not be used in conventional warfare.

This troop configuration requires at least one demigod to lead the team.

Damn it, what does Diya want to do? Do they want to start an all-out war? "

In the command room, the legendary hero [Jobol] knocked on the table angrily and asked the other two legendary heroes:

"What's going on with you? Why do so many undead appear out of thin air, but you don't notice anything!"

[Jobol] now looks like a golden-skinned human female mage, but this is just her disguise, her true body is a real Thunder Titan.

The people she questioned were the two deputy city lords of Lighthouse City, the djinn couple Thain and Lorna.

Thain and Rona, the djinn couple, looked at each other and said apologetically:

"Your Excellency, our magic and various mechanical surveillance equipment are keeping an eye on the chaotic area.

But those undead did not come from the Chaos Zone, they landed directly from the wilderness inland sea, as if they appeared out of thin air, and we didn't notice anything. "

"The Wilderness Inland Sea? The Wilderness Inland Sea is entirely surrounded by the Chaos Sea, and there is not even an entrance."

Yobol frowned and said coldly:

"Is this the excuse you are prepared to deal with the Thunder Temple's rebellion review?

I hope you can make up a reason that doesn't sound so perfunctory when you're in the Thunder Temple. "

Yobol stood up and ordered loudly:

“In the name of the military supervision of Beacon City, I ordered to personally take over the command of all the troops in Beacon City.

The messenger mage immediately issued a full-scale war warning to Thunder City.

The magic bombardment troops immediately deployed the Hercules Aegis to intercept them.

All the magic crystal cannons were aimed in the air, targeting the ghost dragon and blood dragon.

Order the iron wall to unfold, all gargoyles to intercept the enemy air force, and the stone-man and iron-man troops to form a ground interception defense line.

The Titan Mage joint force immediately set off to take over the iron wall defense and prepare for a long-range strike. "

After issuing a long list of orders, Yobol thought about it in his mind and made sure that nothing was missing.

She frowned and asked Thain, who had been seized of power:

"Where is the Dragon Slayer? Why hasn't she come here yet? You haven't informed her yet, right?"


At this moment, a mage monitoring the battlefield interjected tremblingly:

"Monitoring, the Lord Dragon Slayer is above the undead army. It seems that he is heading this way with the blood dragon...

No, the possibility of your lord's rebellion cannot be ruled out. "

"What?!" (End of Chapter)

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