Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 731 Prophet Sword

Madam Red's spell-like ability allows a creature's consciousness to escape into fantasy and reveal its inner secrets and fears.

Qi Ge did not recognize the guy who met the wild boar leader Runajak.

However, Qige recognized the place where they met.

Gobi forces, acid rain dunes - a realm of chaos.

Under normal circumstances, no matter what kind of conspiracy it is, it is impossible to go to the realm of chaos to carry out it.

Unless, that man in black robe is a guy from the Chaos side.

Normally, there would not be such an existence with advanced intelligence on the chaotic side, because intelligence is the embodiment of order and is not compatible with chaos.

However, there is one exception, and that is the creatures of order controlled by evil spirits.

There is order on the outside and chaos on the inside.

"It's possible that the elves were replaced by evil spirits and were not killed by the undead, so some of them slipped through the net.

This part of the fish that slipped through the net should have realized that they are evil spirits. They cannot enter the world of Yasha, but they can use some means to control or bribe those Yasha creatures who have entered the realm of chaos.

The question now is, does Runajak realize, or clearly know, that his master is a lackey of Chaos?

From the fall of the Elf Empire to now, how many days and nights have's terrifying to think about it.

If they don't realize it, that's not good, because it shows that these demons' relatives are very skilled.

It would be even worse if they were aware of it.

Even the believers of the Goddess of Wealth were tempted into rebellion. How many people secretly rebelled?

It is very possible that the demigod who injured the thief uncle is also a member of this organization. "

Qi Ge's face was ashen and he was silent for a while.

As a creature of order, when seeing a monster from the chaotic side, you will naturally have a kind of physical disgust. Logically speaking, there is no possibility of cooperation.

But the demon lord's followers can get stuck.

They wear the guise of order and do things of chaos, causing endless troubles.

"No wonder the Goddess of Peace paid such a high price to set up a barrier against evil spirits.

These demonic relatives can cause trouble across the barrier. If they are allowed to come in at will, that's fine. "

Qi Ge immediately took out several conches.

Mirola, the apostle of destiny of the Church of Destiny, Aigela, the demigod monk of the Church of Magic, Pope Hove of the Church of Wealth, Sea Apple, the witch of Poseidon Church...

Four church leaders who had the ability to contact the true God were pulled into a major meeting by the Seven Doves.

Faced with the threat of chaos, the four major churches attached great importance to it, and a series of response measures were quickly formulated and rolled out.

The reason why conspiracies are scary is because if they are hidden in the dark, their power is much reduced when they are discovered.

Only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to guard against thieves.

Based on the clues provided by Qige, several major churches began to conduct internal self-examination, first cleaning up their own internal affairs.

It is not easy to be a believer of the true God. Under the divine power of the true God, those who have come into contact with the relatives of evil spirits cannot escape at all.

This investigation really shocked everyone.

Among the four major churches, except for the Poseidon Church, which did not find anything, the other three churches have more or less found people who are involved with evil spirits.

The one with the highest status is a wild boar priest stationed in the stronghold of the Church of Fortune, a pseudo-legend.

The reason for his betrayal was also very simple, it was for the Legend Order.

Legendary Tokens, Master Tokens, and Heroic Tokens, these props that can help troops and heroes with no way forward, are insignificant to true geniuses, but for most people with mediocre talents, they are priceless treasures.

As for these three props, the easiest way to obtain them is to kill Chaos Monsters and receive rewards from the Mother Goddess.

Those evil demon relatives took advantage of this loophole.

The Mother Goddess is not omnipotent, and she cannot tell whether the slain Chaos monster was killed by a member of the evil devil or a normal creature of order.

As long as the battlefield is launched, a battle occurs, and a Chaos monster dies, the rewards will naturally drop.

Chaos monsters, which are extremely dangerous to creatures of order, are good teammates who risk their own lives and cooperate with them in the hands of evil demons.

They don't even need to take action, the Chaos Monster will commit suicide on its own, which is extremely efficient.

Therefore, they have a large number of hero orders.

Heroes who will go to the Realm of Chaos are generally divided into two categories, one is the army, and the other is the solo adventurer.

The army fights in the Realm of Chaos for military glory.

When adventurers come to the Realm of Chaos, nine times out of ten they will have no way forward, just for the corresponding Hero Order.

At this time, they met the demon relatives who were disguised as heroes of the order side, so they were naturally easily deceived. In order to obtain the hero order, they helped the demon relatives complete a series of seemingly ordinary tasks, but in fact they were extremely harmful to the world of Yasha.

Most people who don't know the real situation just make deals and run away after they're done.

But there are still some people who were seduced by the huge number of hero orders in the hands of the evil demons, and they willingly fell and became the subordinates of the evil demons.

They call the devil's relatives masters and call themselves masters and disciples.

The man in black robes shown in the mirror of the wild boar leader is a master and disciple.

In other words, the wild boar leader is a downline of the Demon Familiar, but judging from the name he calls the other party, there is a high probability that he knows what the Overlord and the Master Map are.

After all, any creature in the world of Yasha will be very sensitive to the four words [Lord of Chaos], which are compared to the true god.

Only half a day passed from the time Qige reported the discovery to the completion of the self-examination by the four major churches.

In other novels, such a conspiracy covering the entire world would take half a book to write.

But in the world of Yasha, it’s only half a day.

In a world with gods, many things become quite easy.

Especially with the help of Destiny Church.

Believers of the goddess of destiny may not be accurate in predicting the "future", but looking at the "past", nothing can be hidden.

However, this is just the beginning, not the end.

Even the three religions of wealth, destiny, and magic have been infiltrated, which shows that the conspiracy of the devil's relatives must be spread throughout Asa.

This matter needs to be investigated.

As for these quilboars...

Qige looked at the group of unconscious guys with gloomy eyes.

“Except for the leader, the other wild boars don’t know the whole story of what they did, but that doesn’t mean I can let them go.

No matter what, they were helping Chaos.

As a person of order, helping Chaos is a heinous crime!

It just so happens that my territory still lacks some coolies, so let them come to my territory to atone for their sins for a hundred or two hundred years.

As for this wild boar leader..."

Qi Ge patted his red pig head and said in a solemn voice:

"You can become a master, how can you be a fool? You can obviously guess that the other party is a minion of Chaos, but you still choose to help, which is an unforgivable sin!

Thunderous tactics reveal a compassionate heart. I can't bear to torture you either.

It just so happened that Trossa still lacked some experimental materials for transforming mechanical heroes.

Your body shape is just right. Bajie, you have to change your ways.

Good, good, good. "

The outskirts of Weining City.

There is a mystery hidden in a silent forest.

All of Lloyd's troops are hiding in this forest, using the protection of the forest to avoid detection magic such as through the atmosphere and through the earth.

An elf parted the dense canopy of trees and looked at the sky.

Groups of griffins are soaring in the sky, their heads and eyes turning from time to time, searching around, alert and alert.

"Here we go again. With such a search frequency, we can't act at all."

The elf had a headache and released an owl. The owl shuttled through the woods and flew to a very secluded tree house, making three cooing calls.

Lloyd, who looked haggard, raised his head, glanced at the owl, and stroked the owl's feathers several times with a serious expression.

The owl officially spread its wings again and flew out of the tree house.

The sun shines through the gaps in the dense forest and shines into the tree house in spots.

Lloyd sighed and continued to study the map in his hand, looking for a safe route that most likely did not exist.


The elf standing next to Lloyd couldn't bear it anymore and said softly:

"Chief, why don't you use the Tears of Asa yourself? As long as you use them, you can become a demigod.

At that time, given your strength, as long as you are willing to surrender, Your Majesty Jenny and Her Royal Highness the Princess will not dare to embarrass you. "

"No." Lloyd shook his head very stubbornly and said:

"The Tears of Asa are our only hope to become a new force.

The reason why it is in my hands is because Farouk took most of the pressure on me, giving me the opportunity to complete the Obelisk mission.

These are the tears of Asa! The greatest and most precious treasure in the entire Yasha world.

Farouk and I completed the Obelisk Trial at the same time, and he is also eligible to compete for the Tears of Ashar.

But he could safely let me go while he stayed to attract the enemy's attention. This was his trust in my character.

He is so noble as a human being, how can I, an elf, let him down?

Don’t mention this again. I will not use the Tears of Asa until my last moment. "

The elf sighed, shook his head, and stopped talking.

At this moment, the door of the wooden house was opened by another elf carrying a bow and arrow. He said anxiously:

"Leader Lloyd, what's bad, our troops were discovered by a group of jackals."


Lloyd stood up hurriedly:

"Speak slowly, what's going on?"

"Leader, that group of jackals didn't follow martial ethics. They burned the trees with torches and forced out the deadwood guards disguised as the forest.

We had no choice but to fight back against the group of jackals, but they actually abandoned their own people and fled in all directions.

We tried our best to only leave part of it, but many gnolls still ran out.

It may not be long before we are surrounded and must move as soon as possible. "

Lloyd asked with a livid face:

"Zi Zhong, have your people found a suitable path?"

The elf who came to report the news darkened his face:

"It's not a cub, it's [Loading]! Forget it, now is not the time to dwell on this.

Chief, we can't find a safe way to break through, there are people everywhere around here.

We can only choose to fight out now.

There is a combined force of Jenny and Edric in the southeast, which we cannot defeat.

We can only choose to go east, then south, or south and east again, and go around to Weining City. "

"Which way is safer?"

"Both roads are unsafe."

At this moment, a strong voice suddenly came from outside the tree house.

Lloyd and the people in the room immediately looked outside and saw a very muscular and burly elf walking quickly over with a man wrapped in a cloak.

[Loading] I was so happy that I immediately waved and shouted:

"Old Elf President!"

The sturdy elf is the president of the [Light of Life] guild, [the fat old elf].

He is also a very well-known high-level player and is known for his love for the elves.

As long as he can choose an elf game, he will choose an elf game. If he can't choose an elf game, he will try his best to dress like an elf.

The strategy of "Players attracting monsters - NPC explosion" in the Harmondale area was formulated by him.

Lloyd watched the old elf walking like a tiger with a smile on his face. It was completely opposite to the worry he had been in the past few days, and he suddenly felt happy.

His eyes lit up and he asked:

"Old elf, if you come here now, have you discovered anything?"

"I didn't find anything, but I brought someone here who could save us from the fire."

The old elf stepped aside and solemnly introduced:

"Your Majesty Royd, this is the strongest and most powerful Yasha God's Chosen chosen by our Yasha God, the first person among all Yasha God's Chosen.

The God of Seven Pigeons! "

Qi Ge took off his hood, smiled at Lloyd, and said:

"Your Majesty Roy, I have admired your name for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you.

I am Qi Ge, and I will do my best to help you return to Weining City. "


Lloyd glanced at the old elf doubtfully, feeling very nervous.

Why did you bring outsiders in?

So what if he is the first person chosen by God Yasha? No matter how strong he is, can he still be stronger than me? If I can't solve the problem, why can he solve it?

Besides, the Tears of Asa are on me. This kind of treasure is so precious. How dare I trust a person I have never met.

But before Lloyd could say anything, a group of players around him rushed over in excitement.

"Wow! Master Qi Ge! Master, I am your fan!"

"Thieves and seven pigeons, update quickly! How long has it been since you updated Yasha Biology?

What about the special episode about the fox girl clan that we promised? "

"Capture the great god alive, hey hey, when the great god comes, there will be blue sky. Wait for the great god to take you away."


Lloyd was a little stunned.

He could clearly see that Qi Ge was unimaginably popular among the Yasha Gods who had been with him day and night.

They seemed to have no doubts about Qi Ge and regarded each other as partners the moment they met Qi Ge.

"How is this going?"

For a moment, Lloyd was unable to speak out his questioning words.

"Okay, okay, the fan meeting will be held later. Business is important. Don't cause trouble to Master Qi Ge."

The fat old elf clapped his hands and used his burly body to separate the players.

Qi Ge nodded to the fat old elf to express his gratitude. He smiled and said to Lloyd:

"Your Majesty Royd, I know you can't trust me.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you know that I have a way to get you back to Weining City.

If I didn't help you, your current situation would be difficult to escape. It's not an exaggeration at all.

Even if all of you can fly, there is still no way to break through Edric's gryphon defense. "

Qige walked to the map unceremoniously, pointed at the map and said to Lloyd:

"The two correct roads you think are right to the east and south are actually dangerous.

Due east, a large number of mercenaries and adventurers from other races have gathered, and they have formed a coalition.

Once you appear in the east and are discovered by them, a large number of them will risk their lives and flee, telling Edric and Jenny the news.

With the flying speed of Edric's griffon army, there is absolutely no way you can escape their pursuit.

If you go due south, you will fall into the trap of Edric and Jenny. They have gathered a large number of Pegasus cavalry in the south, waiting for you to fall into their trap.

The only way to survive is to go north, use the one-way portal and underground passage to go directly to the south of Weining City, and then go north and directly enter Weining City.

Lloyd looked at the seven pigeons in disbelief:

"I have lived in the Harmondale area for so long, and I have never heard of any underground passages or one-way portals."

Seven Pigeons smiled mysteriously:

"That's because I didn't come. When I came, the portal was created.

You don’t need to ask any more questions, just come with me. "

How could Lloyd just trust Qi Ge? He refused on the spot:

"I will not agree to such a nonsense plan..."

As he was talking, he saw Qi Ge move aside and reveal the door of the tree house.

At this moment, the tree house suddenly trembled.




The earth trembled continuously, and the trees in the forest swayed.

Lloyd could clearly feel that the dead wood guards all over the forest were constantly waking up and full of fear.

"What's happening here?"

Lloyd looked at Qi Ge and asked in panic:

"You did this? What do you want to do?"

Qi Ge smiled freely: "In your current situation, if I come here to help you alone, what big use can I make?

Now that I'm here, I must bring some troops. "


"Drink! Ha!"

At this moment, two commands sounded outside the tree house, and then all the vibrations subsided instantly.

Lloyd looked outside and saw that his deadwood guard army had woken up one after another and was quickly gathering together.

Through the dense forest, he could clearly see countless well-equipped dwarf troops, neatly arranged into huge square formations.

The number is more than 100,000.

Qi Ge took one step forward and shouted loudly:

"Deep Fire Clan, all [Rune Priests] and [Rune Clan Chiefs] release protection and acceleration magic for the friendly forces to counter reconnaissance, start immediately!"


Several white-bearded dwarves in the phalanx raised their scepters at the same time. The huge rune stone cracked in the air, and light rained down from the sky. The tired elves and tree people in the forest instantly became refreshed!

"The Cold Iron Clan, [Fortitude Shield Guards], [Javelin Guerrilla] and [Frenzy Dwarf] legions surrounded the forest and repel all invading enemies."


Qi Ge gave an order, and several dwarf phalanxes were dispatched at the same time. A large group of dwarf shield guards raised their shields and stepped on each other, forming shield walls to guard the surroundings.

"Dongfeng clan, quickly enter the forest, tame the wild beasts, and serve as our sentinels."

"Drink! For the sake of the sacred mountain! For the sake of the lord, charge!"

Many dwarf phalanxes riding war bears immediately fell into pieces and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

"The Furnace Guard clan is in charge of the entire army. Lord Fire Talisman came to my place to gather and prepare to deliver orders."

"Bang bang bang!"

Flames rose up one after another, and a dozen dwarves with bright red hair like bonfires teleported to the vicinity of Qi Ge. They stood neatly together, heads held high and chests held high.

Qi Ge turned around and said to the stunned players and Lloyd:

"This is part of the troops that belong to me, and there is another part of the reinforcement troops that does not belong to me, and they are busy at our destination.

Let's go, Your Majesty Royd, I will take you to Weining City. "

"Strange, miracle!!"

Lloyd wiped his eyes, then wiped his eyes again, and then he was really sure.

"Among the nearly 100,000 dwarves, there are at least 30,000 miraculous soldiers.

Among the dozen Fire Talisman Lords of different sizes and equipment around you, there are even several mythical units.

With your troops...are you sure you are here to help me, not to attack Aveli? "

"Hahaha, just kidding."

Qi Ge waved his hand.

"If I want to fight Aveli, how can I bring only this small amount of troops?

It has to be doubled at least ten times. "

The fat old elf's eyes shone when he saw this extremely elite ancient dwarf army. He approached Qi Ge and asked excitedly:

"Great God, are these the ancient dwarves? Are they the ancient dwarves that the bards sang about, deep underground, using their bodies to build boats?

This style, this prohibition, is too handsome, right?

Master, is there a way to recruit these ancient dwarves? Please give me a guide, Lord. "

Qi Ge said with a smile: "You will have a chance in the future. Sooner or later, the ancient dwarves will return to the ground and fight against Chaos with us.

Wait patiently, this day will not be far away. "

Lloyd no longer had any doubts.

With such a powerful force, if the opponent has an idea about his Tears of Asa, he can grab them openly without going to such trouble.

He gave the order, and the deadwood guards, elves, dwarves, centaurs, and a small number of Pegasus cavalry and unicorns in the forest immediately took action and followed the ancient dwarf troops of Seven Doves to the north.

Originally, Lloyd's strategy had always been to hide, but now with so many dwarf legions following him, he couldn't hide, and there was no need to hide.

He simply blew the horn and started marching in an upright manner.

The mighty torrent of steel rushed out of the forest, startling the adventurers who wanted to take advantage.

These ancient dwarves fully obeyed the orders of Seven Doves and would only issue three warnings to any other race that dared to approach the troops.

Anyone who lingers after three warnings will be mercilessly attacked by the ancient dwarf troops.

Suddenly, countless javelins fell like raindrops, shooting those adventurers who were confused about the situation into running away.

The march of such a large force was also known to Edric and Jenny.

With an army of gryphons and an army of Pegasus, they are the only joint force in the entire Harmondale area that can threaten Seven Doves.

After getting the information, Jenny slapped the table angrily: "A large number of well-equipped, weird-looking dwarves are escorting Lloyd's troops heading north?

I knew it! I knew that the independence of the Harmondale area was due to the intervention of a third party.

Now the third party forces are indeed here. "

Edric said with a straight face:

"Hmph! It seems that we in Erathia have been dormant for so long that others have forgotten the majesty of our gryphon army.

Your Majesty Jenny, we Aveili and Erathia are inseparable allies. If there is any conflict between us, it is a matter between our two forces. Now there is a third party that wants to get involved. How can we tolerate it?

We can put any conflicts aside and work together to kill the third party first. "

"Very good! Let us, our historic allies, join hands again, just like we did against Sandro last time."

Jenny gave Edric a moved look.

But just as they were preparing to send troops to intercept, Edric suddenly received a withdrawal conch from Queen Catherine.

"My Lady Jeanne, I'm sorry, Her Majesty the Queen says we are giving up our right to rule and claim occupation of the Harmondale area.

We have no control over this matter. Goodbye. "


Edric's griffin army has set off, but in the opposite direction...

Jenny looked at Edric in confusion as he left immediately, and fell into confusion for a moment.

"No? What's going on? I didn't want to come, but you insisted on coming.

Now I am here with you, and third-party forces have also appeared. Are you leaving?

What about the promised allies? What about working together as promised?

What happened to Catherine that she didn’t even want Harmondale?

Could it be that there is something wrong with those weird dwarves? "

"Your Majesty Jenny, shall we set off?"

Isis rode a Pegasus and landed next to Jenny, which also felt very strange.

Jenny shook her head cautiously and said:

“Don’t worry, notify Malodia immediately and ask her to contact Catherine.

We must find out why Edric retreated. "

The gryphon army and the Pegasus army retreated and stopped one after another, and the entire Harmondale area no longer had the power to stop Seven Pigeons.

Qi Ge successfully led Lloyd's troops to a one-way portal located underground.

"Demi god?!"

Lloyd looked at the white-bearded dwarf standing near the portal and was in a daze for a moment:

“The first person chosen by God Yasha actually has a demigod under his command?!

Oh my god, a demigod would actually be the chosen subordinate of God Yasha? !

Am I crazy, or is the world crazy? "

"Your Majesty O'Falati, thank you for your hard work.

I asked you to send troops to support me and knock on the portal, which caused you a lot of trouble. "

Qige stood beside the dwarf king, with a mixture of gratitude and guilt on his face.

The dwarf king waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

"Hey! Don't say that. You have helped me so much and are a friend of our ancient dwarves.

If you have any questions, I will definitely try my best to help. "

After some pleasantries, the dwarf army and Lloyd's troops began to line up to enter the portal under the command of the Stone Fist clan.

After Lloyd passed through the portal, he immediately saw the towering vine walls of Weining City in the south.

The exit of this one-way portal is actually near Weining City.

"No, it's impossible. This is obviously the [Manxin Wilderness] south of Weining City.

I have passed by here countless times and have never seen this one-way portal.

Could it be said that Yasha's chosen one named Qi Ge has the ability to create portals?

This...this is too scary.

Doesn't that mean that his troops can come to any corner of the Asha world at any time, even including the top of the Golden Dragon?

Fortunately I didn't offend him just now. "

Under the escort of the Seven Doves and the dwarf troops, Lloyd returned to Weining City smoothly.

Qi Ge also finally met another hero of the independence of the Harmondale region - the human knight Faruk.

Farouk is very handsome in appearance. He has long golden hair, a tall body, a leopard head with eyes, and a sword with a very gorgeous scabbard on his waist.

Lloyd also encountered a blockade in his previous life, but only King Roland's human troops blocked Lloyd.

In order to help Lloyd get out of trouble, Farooq led the army to attack the blockade troops and died on the battlefield of an unexplained assassination.

Now that Qi Ge thought about it carefully, there was absolutely no way that Roland's group of drunkards could assassinate Faruk, a true legend.

The person who did it must be Diya's conspirators, or maybe even Sandro himself.

After Farooq saw Lloyd return successfully, he hugged Royd deeply.

"My brother! Finally, you are back here."

Lloyd also patted Farooq hard on the back:

"My brother! I successfully retrieved the Tears of Yasha. From now on, we, the people of the Harmondale area, can finally decide our own destiny."

After Lloyd and Farouk separated, they quickly went to the castle in Weining City to prepare for the placement of Yasha's Tears.

Farouk stayed to entertain the seven pigeons.

After listening to the whole process of Lloyd's return, he decisively knelt down on one knee to express his gratitude to Qi Ge:

"The respected God Asa chooses seven doves.

I don't know how difficult it is to build a one-way portal, but if it were easy, the entire Asha world would be full of portals.

Although I don't know how much you paid for us, I can assure you that we are definitely not the kind of ungrateful people.

From now on, both me and Lloyd, and even the entire Harmondale area, will regard you as the most distinguished friend.

We are a group of fighters fighting for freedom, equality, and democracy.

The undead broke out decades ago. For the first time in the history of this land of competition, humans and elves fought side by side and defeated the foreign invaders.

However, after celebrating the victory, old hatreds were quickly rekindled and our country was once again plunged into war.

I hated the war, so I returned to Erathia, but in His Majesty Roland's territory, what I saw was exploitation and oppression that was even more terrifying than the war.

Those bloodthirsty priests slaughtered the people as if they were cattle and sheep.

I realized that Erathia was not my ideal holy land either.

So, I came back here.

If there is no holy place, then we will create a holy place!

This time, I decided to change everything here together with my like-minded Royd.

We want to create a land free from strife and oppression.

After Harmondale becomes independent, we will let Erathia and Aveili see the changes in the Harmondale region.

Both humans and elves will benefit from us.

You may think our efforts are in vain and a joke, but someone has to do it.

I tell you this not to express anything, but to let you know that your help to us will never be in vain, and you will definitely not regret it in the future.

This is my thank you for bringing Lloyd back, please accept it. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the mission: helping Lloyd return to Weining City. 】

[System prompt: You have received a reward: the level 5 treasure Prophet Sword. 】

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